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How do I improve my motor skills? Anonymous 268205

I'm very slow, clumsy, horribly coordinated and it takes me way longer to learn movement that my peers find to be intuitive… I'm in my mid twenties and I can't even braid my hair. Is there anything I can do about it or are some people just born better?

Anonymous 268206

are you dyspraxic?

Anonymous 268208

I was never diagnosed with anything, I don't know if it's severe enough to be a "condition" but it's bad enough that I'm noticeably awkward even in every day tasks and it affects many aspects of my life including work. I don't think it's a disability but I'm very behind and at the bottom of the barrel of what counts as a healthy individual if that makes sense.

Anonymous 268212

Hi nona. Try exercise tasks that require motor skill focus. Throwing and catching the ball, balancing on one foot, dancing, drawing, etc. Stuff like that. You need to build up your physical awareness. There are some things that are set in stone, but motoric ability definitely isn't (excluding physical disabilities). It might be harder for you than others to get the ball rolling at first, but there's nothing stopping you from improvement.

Anonymous 268797

You just aren't.
There is being, and there is not being, and you…. just aren't!

You are unfit for survival, and you will die and fail to reproduce offspring so that your terrible traits don't pollute the gene pool in the community that you inhabit.

There's nothing you can do to help yourself.

Anonymous 268814

I don't know if this will apply in your case since it sounds pretty severe, but learning proper knife skills is what helped me along with using my hands for meticulous projects. I also second this anon's
>>268212 advice, but I'd highly recommend making it fun and incorporating it into a pastime or hobby so you don't get discouraged! Best of luck.
Least melodramatic male

Anonymous 268825


Anonymous 268827

As >>268206 said, it sounds like you have developmental coordination disorder. You should see if you can get ADHD meds, I found those have the nice side effect of fixing my coordination.

Anonymous 268830

Look up therapy practices for motor skills.

Here's some stuff that helped me: painting my nails on both hands (start with clear polish), doing finger stretches (not sure what it's called but you clasp you hands together and then "twiddle" pairs of fingers while trying not to move the other ones).

Anonymous 268850


Nona after practising her knife skills

Anonymous 268940

Just practice. Do exercises for hand eye co-ordination. Throw a ball up and catch it or something. Fiddle with some tismo toy, idk

Anonymous 268945

i have adhd too and i’m bad at all sports except badminton. you should try playing, it’s easy to get the hang of. just play with a friend and don’t worry about the rules. i really hate most sports but finding one you like can improve it

Anonymous 268969

maybe it could help you to braid strings / lanyard? you can tape 3 strings to a table to help hold it for you and then practice crossing the far right into the middle of the two left strings and then crossing the far left into the middle of the two right strings and so on
i would also really recommend just throwing a ball up in the air and catching it, it really helped me, doesn't need to be high + can just be something small, just try your best
crocheting is also great for this imo because it's a simple repetitive movement and you get to make something in the process! very relaxing once you get the hang of it

Anonymous 268977

Stop smoking the ganja, also any kind of meds. Just stop, drink some clean water.

Anonymous 269164


This, also try hour+ long yoga sessions. Hope you can ground yourself soon nona.

Anonymous 269166

maybe juggling can help you develop those skills, it's pretty fun too and you see progress kinda quickly.

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