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Taco Bell or Del Taco Anonymous 268522

Which is better?

Anonymous 268524

Del taco
Sadly, they seem to be going out of business

Anonymous 268529

mexican food is disgusting slop carbs that make you fat

Anonymous 268530

you clearly haven't had good mexican food

Anonymous 268589


My pozole is legendary and not slop carbs at all

Anonymous 268594


Anonymous 268602


*tex mex food is slop carbs that make you fat.

Anonymous 268607

Mexican food is the food americunts resort to when they run out of fast food

Anonymous 268613

It all tastes the same and I live on the border. Only people who like it are fat retards who grew up with moms who don't cook

Anonymous 268614

It's fucking pork soup and corn

Anonymous 268753


I love pozole too but it is a carb slop soup

Anonymous 268792

Del Taco is definitely better than Taco Bell -which is disgusting slop comparable to the other disgusting fast food chains (like McFatonalds and BurgerFat) prominent in this ghastly world.

Anonymous 268796

You can make tacos at home with real meat

Anonymous 268862

Del Taco, full stop. Taco Bell quality is so awful. I would rather pay a little more for restaurant quality Mexican than fast food Mexican just because with prices rocketing up, it's a better deal to just upgrade the quality and quantity.

Also, yeah, making Mexican yourself is healthier and not too difficult, cheaper than restaurants.

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