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Purge Anonymous 269187

What would you do during the purge?

I would probably just hide tbh

Anonymous 269188


I'd rip the tag off a mattress

Anonymous 269189


stay home and rewatch all Zero Hour episodes

Anonymous 269190

If the purge were to actually happen it would basically just look like heavily privately secured flea markets full of drugs and NFA firearms opening up in various parking lots. There wouldn't be nearly as many brainless retards running around in masks murdering people and the ones who did try that would all be massacred without a single body to their name by properly trained killers.

To answer your question: just stay home with my gun at my side the whole time.

Anonymous 269192

feel safe doing drugs

Anonymous 269197

Find out if anyone near me is on the sex offenders list kek
But in all honesty as much as I'd like a new cool phone or something, in a purge situation I'd expect it to be like black Friday on steroids with the right to kill. It'd only be worth targeting explicit targets like a house you know has money and a lack of defence or a pedo you'd want dead.
Also now I want a purge movie that's a woman making her way through the purge with all the danger that is and the end reveal is that she was going to her old teachers home and shoots him revealing he did something to her and she'd been waiting until the purge to take revenge

Anonymous 269203

immediately go to my crush's place

Anonymous 269205

I would take a baseball bat and hit my stupid professor really really hard.

Anonymous 269212

probably just steal shit

Anonymous 269215

To share a legal joint with them, I hope?

Anonymous 269216


Anonymous 269222

If this makes you feel better glowies go after anyone that browses these links 100%, they are honeypots.

Anonymous 269225

to hug them ofc

also you dont have legal weed in your state? sucks to suck :P

Anonymous 269274

I'm from the UK

Anonymous 269283


Hole up and commit some white collar crime. If that’s one of the things that’s not allowed I’d probably just steal from every chain store without a security system and probably get myself killed in the process.

Anonymous 269294

Not today feds.

Anonymous 269313

i would stay home im agoraphobic

Anonymous 269317


You're scared of angora rabbit?

Anonymous 269334

Raid the richs homes and apartments in a big city like Los Angeles or NYC. Great pickings.

Anonymous 269386

Say mean things to people on the internet.

Anonymous 269388

same I would probably just sleep

Anonymous 269441

google says it’s march 21st so I’d just lie on taxes

Anonymous 269455

I would probably just stay in my room and put secures on the door so if someone didn’t have an axe they wouldn’t be able to get in

Anonymous 269599

Steal stuff is honestly the only illegal activity I would care about doing, but I assume mega corporations would hire extra security which can now murder you for stealing. That or I would get purged by some random psychopath.

Anonymous 269608

break into super tall buildings and explore them on my way to the roof. i love urban exploration (╹◡╹)

Anonymous 269621


Anonymous 269734

Now that I'm not a teen I don't have a group of friends to explore abandoned and cool places anymore and I miss how fun it was. I wish I knew a girl in my town who wanted to join me in checking places out (and has a car kek)

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