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You survive a nuke and it's radiation Anonymous 269232

What do you do next?

Anonymous 269236

File (hide):

ngl i would probably kill myself before the radiation poisoning makes the end any more painful than it needs to be.

Anonymous 269254

drink myself to death

Anonymous 269281

File (hide):

Time to ghoulmax

Anonymous 269649

File (hide):

put my cigarettes in my lockbox bc those will be valuable bargaining tools if i meet other survivors, and they're going to be the first thing a thief who thinks anything like me will pinch
then i go off to try and find clean water

are telecommunications down entirely, or do we have limited internet and/or radio function?

Anonymous 269653>>269661

Teach you the difference between its and it's

Anonymous 269661

File (hide):

School is for nerds. I'd rather keep my smooth brain intact.

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