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Soda thread Anonymous 269829

Anonymous 269978


I like coconut soda

Anonymous 269989


Biggest question is what does this actually taste like?

Anonymous 269994


I wonder if they even still have this flavor

Anonymous 269996


Anonymous 270011

core memories unlocked

Anonymous 270014


Why does McDonald's Sprite taste better than normal Sprite?

Anonymous 270052

It's fruity, mainly artificial banana, which is why some people get a bubblegum-y flavour from it

Fountain pop is the superior way to drink pop imo

Anonymous 270054


I tried this new Dr. Pepper Coconut flavor today. It wasn't bad, but the coconut definitely overpowered the rest of the soda's taste.

Anonymous 270123

70% Diet Coke mixed with 30% regular Pepsi is perfect

Anonymous 270131


Anonymous 270134

Squirt is very underrated.

Anonymous 270136

is a man gay if he doesn't want his gf to squirt? do nonas like tasting squirt?

Anonymous 270139

I have to admit I walked right into that.

Anonymous 270142


Anonymous 270147


Used to work at fast food.
The syrup and soda water are separated until dispensed, which simulates how soda fountains back in the day would serve their beverages.

Whether the superior soda drinking experience is due to a higher concentration of syrup in the drink, or the carbonated soda doesn't have time to fuck up the flavor of the syrup, I'm not sure. But I feel like mixing the syrup and the soda on demand definitely plays a role.

Hope that helps, nona!! ~Kisses!

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