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Anonymous 272908

What's are some hobbies women can't enjoy because of men?

Anonymous 272909

Building a large elaborate contraption like a massive laser to destroy a town or city only to be stopped by some hero

Anonymous 272911

obviously hiking like in the picture. I suppose it could be fine if you take a male friend or a big dog with you to scare off creeps.

Anonymous 272927

video games that use voice chat, most mmo/online games in general

Anonymous 273479

Anonymous 274094

ever heard of a gun?

Anonymous 274095

that would make things worse you'd have to kill them as soon as you take it out then you'd get sued

Anonymous 274097

Be the change you want to see in the world

Anonymous 274116

Sometimes browsing on the internet, because it's usually male-dominated

Anonymous 274117

Lmao what?

Anonymous 274118

Ever heard of countries where you aren't allowed to own one?

Anonymous 274120

ntayrt but males destroy almost every corner of the internet that is remotely nerdy. for example bronies or animefags.

Anonymous 274121

Not the same as "male-dominated internet"

Anonymous 274122

anon said sometimes.

Anonymous 274124

should i go solo hiking nonas? i'm uggo so i'm probably not the ideal victim

Anonymous 274218

Buy pepperspray, preferably the "Walther peppergel". I tested that one on myself in the shower, and trust me, if you hit some moid in the face with that he's not going to bother you anymore.

Anonymous 274226

no bring someone with you or a weapon

Anonymous 274241


Or just do this

Anonymous 274307


I love fishing but it's a pain in the ass with how many scrotes use it, in a similar way to golf, to "get away from women" and proceed to (not even subtly) make horrible misogynistic comments about me. Most women who "fish" are actually just the wives of conservitive shitholes who only do so because they're obsessed with bowing down to their husbands. They don't actually care about fishing itself.

I guess it's seen as a man thing because of historical y'know, women doing inside hobbies, men doing outside hobbies. Maybe it's also a strength and endurance thing. But in the end most of them use electric reels for the big stuff anyway. Bluefin, marlin, mako. All it consists of is tying a piece of meat to a string and waiting for a creature to eat it. I really don't get why it fundamentally has to be a man thing.

Anonymous 274404

imagine gatekeeping fucking fishing

Anonymous 274698

Auto repair/auto service. Male dominated and they think you'll do a shit job bc ur a woman

Anonymous 274715

yup I hate going to the parts store everyone either looks down on you or condescendingly praises you like you’re a child learning.

I’ve tried to get into card and board games (like Pokémon) but everytime I go to an event or game cafe all the men just kinda stare at me like I’m a different species. It’s never been hostile but I feel very alienated

Anonymous 274736

As a kid I literally couldn't have hobbies because I lived in a Muslim country. Since moving to a secular country, I've never really felt there's a hobby I can't enjoy because of men. There are certain hobbies I can't enjoy the full experience of, but that's usually because the full experience is competitive and it draws out the worst in men, as well as just the worst men. I feel safe while hiking and taking nature walks, which is statistically far safer than walking through the city. Wargaming, board games, card games etc. have an awkwardness hurdle, since like >>274715 said I got a lot of stares at first, but that usually just lasts the first few times going there.

Anonymous 274746

>hiking is safe actually
t. moid who wants to lure cc users into the woods

Anonymous 275104

Sometimes martial arts, especially if you have one of those coaches who's super obsessed with making men and women spar together and acting like there's 0 difference. I've been boxing for a while and my coach told me to spar with a massive moid because we were both beginners, this scrote was like 3x my weight and like a foot taller, like an actual orc, we started sparring he was going easy to his credit, but he slipped a bit and accidentally got me with a jab and knocked me out, I had a concussion and everything, shit sucks.

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