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Anonymous 273228

Why do women feel the need to tear other women down?

Anonymous 273229

Because it's true. You're not helping her by denying she's aging.
It prevents the establishment of healthy coping mechanisms just like all the generations that have come before.

Anonymous 273230

maybe making the video was a bit much but she's right

Anonymous 273253

I don't mind people saying they look younger than they are even when they don't to me. However the whole "millennials look younger than zoomers" and millennials posting videos of themselves making other ppl guess their age just seems so silly to me. You're 30. You look exactly what a 30 y/o should look like and that's perfectly fine. Why try so hard to look younger than you are? Looking younger is a construct that is inherently tearing others your age down for saying they look their age and therefore older than you and it's just you looking younger than the average person your age. It's just awkward and painful to watch especially if the person doesn't actually look younger like just don't mention it ?
But then even if I find it to be delusional in some cases, I wouldn't go out of my way to destroy that for them, just like I wouldn't tell a girl who says she's a 10/10 when she's not (according to societal beauty standards) that I disagree. It doesn't hurt me if other women think highly of themselves as long as they don't put others down.

Anonymous 273256

Sounds like NLOGs. Women are told over and over that they become infertile bloated grandmas when they hit 30 so they're hyped when they realize it isn't actually happening.

Another thing is that zoomers have grown up under a lot of stress and have relatively mature tastes in how they like to dress and present themselves so millennials have fallen in a strange gap where it looks like the next generation is aging faster.

Anonymous 273489


Anonymous 273501

I think a lot of it is being driven by the fact that millennials aren't achieving a lot of milestones (marriage, houses, kids) that boomers took for granted, so they want to feel like they have more time to achieve them. It's not really their fault either; it's largely the product of macroeconomic factors.

Anonymous 275009

It's literally just trends. The way that zoomers do makeup/clothing looks dated to millenials because the clothing looks like what we were as preteens and the makeup (and honestly lip filler that everyone seems to have these days) makes them look dated to us. On the other hand, zoomers can easily clock us as being older than them because they've watched the trends millenials stick to (skinny jeans, shirts with sayings on them, flannels [but worn, not tied around the waist]) fade out of popularity, it's easy for them to clock us as older. That's all

Anonymous 275014

im a zoomer who doesnt pay attention trends (i seem to blindly buy my clothes on vinted) & i genuinely cant tell that some women are above 30 - so theres truth in that. its impressive to see how far beauty advancements and health awareness have come in todays world compared to before.

Anonymous 275032

I remember at a wedding an elderly woman complimented me and she said she felt like there being no war anymore made girls prettier. I think about that moment quite often, it somehow makes sense with aging too. Although I gotta say she was a beautiful woman herself.

Anonymous 275033

I'm relatively young and i love older women because they are based and give zero fucks, total ageist death

Anonymous 275043

Stating reality is not "tearing down"
I relate more with men my age than I do with millennial women at school/work. It's a sad state of affairs, but for most zoomers that's reality.

Anonymous 275051

Picrel did not happen.

Anonymous 275097

I think it's extremely stupid to post this interaction online with a video of your face attached. I wouldn't even post such an interaction here on CC; I'd maybe distort some truths to depersonalise anything so it couldn't be traced back to me.

I'm an elder Zoomer, for the record.

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