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Anonymous 273245

Why is young love and first loves so special compared to dating in your 30s and on?

Anonymous 273246

>young love: you're actually building your life with another person and sharing your growth together
>30+ love: "Hey I don't wanna die alone either! Wanna just sort of be together I guess?"

Anonymous 273247

>why does something you've never done before not hit the same after doing it a dozen more times
Idk nona, real headscratcher.

Anonymous 273250

is it? I mean, sure, the first time I fell in love at 19 was special to me and it's still part of me, but being in love at 33 feels far more impactful and intense. I remember feeling that being willing to do anything for someone felt really heavy and "THIS is what real love is all about", but now I don't just want to tie myself to someone else, but intertwine our lives into one, for the rest of our lives. I want to create a home for us that'll last a lifetime, then fill it with a family we'll make and grow together over generations. I want to carve out a little piece of the world and put down roots there to anchor the unknown future in. We're together because our shapes match and we've ground down our rough edges on each other to fit perfectly. That feels far more special than a relationship between children with partially-formed brains, built on basic compatibility, infatuation and orgasms.

Anonymous 273251

>> you're actually building your life with another person
Idk about that. Not trying to sound like a judgmental bitch, but all my 30+ year old coworkers who married at the age I am now (24) are all bitterly divorced. One girl was like “I can’t wait until my son is at the age where I can just communicate with him and not have contact with [other parent ]anymore.” MULTIPLE women. I don’t really want to end up with someone who isn’t stable and most 20 year olds these days aren’t. I tried dating but men in their 20s are such fucking jokes. Most dudes I met don’t even have a job or idea of what they want in life and want to hook up RIGHT away… which nope… I am not “waiting for marriage” exactly but I need some kind of commitment, and I’m definitely not going to be used as some deadbeat loser’s sex toy. I am hoping to find a serious person when I turn 30 to build a life with.

Anonymous 273268

It’s because you could find a pure virgin guy instead of a used goods slut.

Anonymous 273464


Because having someone who calls you beautifull means a lot more as a hormonally inbalanced, incecure adolecend than as a well adjusted adult.

Anonymous 273485

Because you haven't been hurt and aren't looking for red flags, and you don't realize that the honeymoon phase will end.
Also young men hurt you unintentionally whereas older men will play and manipulate you for specific purposes.

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