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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 273342

What do you consider settling? Is there anything worse than settling for a guy that you aren't attracted to?

Anonymous 273343

I consider anything that isn't true love settling. That amongst other things that prevent true love from developing.

Anonymous 273366

>Is there anything worse
Being attracted to demonic abusers who'll use you up and destroy you for fun.

Anonymous 273921

Is this image a joke and she's insinuating that the employee loves her, or is she saying he drives his car to the petrol station to pump gas? Either way it's a little disgusting, no? The former is making a mockery of the humiliating services some people are forced to provide, the latter is saying that her current bf wastes fuel just to pump her fuel. The latter is far more egregious, but the former still leaves me irritated.

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