
Anonymous 273609
Is hookup culture and casual sex ever worth it?
Anonymous 273617
I will NEVER be able to understand any woman who engages in it. I know women who will compulsively swipe through dating apps all week, agonise of having to look nice for their dates, get anxiety because the guy they've chosen suggested a bar/restaurant/public space that's unsafe in some way, then proceed to GO HOME WITH THEM and have sex that, by their own admission, is not enjoyable 50% of the time and doesn't result in orgasm 75% of the time, then leave and never speak to them again. I'm absolutely convinced it's an exorcise in neurosis, built entirely around their own ego. They are willing to risk assault, death and dismemberment to be used as a sex toy for a few fleeting moments of validation between complimenting her at the bar and asking her to leave as he flushes the condom.
Anonymous 273619
>>273609No. Any moid who engages in casual sex is a slut, so any moid you could hookup with is a moid you shouldn't.
Anonymous 273632
nope. never ever, ever.
Anonymous 273634

I laughed so hard at that. That's so fucking pathetic.
Anonymous 273638
>>273609ESL here, is Tucker a real name?
Anonymous 273679
>>273609I'd say yes if you enjoyed pursuing and seducing moids, but there is no challenge in chasing them. It's like shooting trash fish in a barrel, isn't it?
Anonymous 273680
>>273609no, you should never defile your body with moids
Anonymous 273785
>>273609Never. In college I hooked up with some douchey frat moid because my sorority kept pushing me to do it. Lost my virginity to that fucker. Left me feeling really empty and depressed for months afterwards.
Worst decision of my life.
Anonymous 273803
>>273617without hookups and casual sex they'd be stuck with one of those guys permanently.
Anonymous 273805
>>273609Casual sex is for psychopathic mods and low self esteem womens
Anonymous 273844
No! Any man you meet who is only interested in casual sex Is a pig. If there are any men worth your time you won’t find them on dating apps. The hypothetical “good moid” wants marriage
Anonymous 273845
>>273844Some of us don't ever want to be married and trapped in the hell our mothers were. Stop telling me how to perceive men like its 1825 and we all have to settle down and end our lives with a stupid moid.
Anonymous 273846
>>273805How is marriage not for low self-esteem stupid af women? You actually buy the crap that it will improve your life to live with a conniving, sex starved, unsatiable scrote? They only get meaner the older and uglier they get
Anonymous 273847
>>273845What’s the other option? I’m open to anything other than getting used at this point.
Anonymous 273848
I firmly believe that the idea of hookup culture is a psyop invented by dating apps to sell more premium subs.
>>273617don't flush condoms, it'll destroy your septic system.
Anonymous 273849
>>273846So you’ll just let them fuck you then never talk to you again? I may be biased because my father was the only good man i ever met. This might all be cope tbh but I want to believe I can find love. Just don’t want to die alone.
Anonymous 273850
>>273847Stop talking and having opinions for people who don't live in a backwards country. Thanks.
I know you're a damn moid trying to brainwash this board with third world opinions. You only sound like you crawled out of LDS to anyone who's normal.
Anonymous 273851
>>273849Lmao people die alone anyway, and usually its the woman left because the moid dies first. You're not even trying to sound like a woman.
Anonymous 273852
>>273851Also oh my god dying without that kind of lifetime of burden is the REALEST gift you can ever hope to have in life.
Anonymous 273854
>>273849Or you can just skip being a lifetime tool for abuse and stop lying to yourself. I think you need to get over this idea that anyone can or should save you "from a lifetime of loneliness"
Life is lonely with or without a partner. Expecially my god if you're the type of woman who goes for the stereotype of masculinity and gets angry and breaks up when the man shows emotion or honesty with you.
Which judging from the sound of this thread, is what all of you are. You're the kind of women who would dump a guy for crying because hes not acting "like a man". This kind of thinking is exactly why gender relations are in the gutter honestly. Encouraging men to stick to this traditional malarky that will only end in your abuse and misery.
Anonymous 273874
staying single is a perfectly viable option lmao
Anonymous 273888
>>273609No, only degenerates and dehumanized people are part of it.
Anonymous 273896
>>273803The guys who have casual sex aren't always the guys who don't.
Anonymous 273908
>>273609its very indicative of shitty character and low self esteem. I don't really see any situation in which the woman is winning in that scenario. It just allows shitty men to keep acting like shitty men with no consequence. Its gross.
Anonymous 274139
>>273609Never, Its dirty. I'd rather stay single than let some whore male like THAT use me.
Anonymous 274155
>>273617>I will NEVER be able to understand any woman who engages in itUm women enjoy sex, fun fact. I thought this was a forum for women.
Anonymous 274173
>>274155Ahh yes, there are people who really enjoy eating trash.
Anonymous 274187
i had casual sex once after getting out of a 7 year old relationship. it was exciting and lead to my current relationship with a genuinely good man. i didn't pick a random guy off a dating app to fuck tho. i hooked up with a friend i've known for many years. if my bf and i break up, i probably won't engage in casual sex again.
Anonymous 274202
why would anybody oppose the idea of casual hookups if both of them are consenting adults? who exactly is hurt by that unless you are a "muh marriage material" pathetic dad bod ugly man that can only get pretty women by serving as ATM? you will get used and fucked by ugly men three times a week anyway by staying loyal to your subhuman moid
Anonymous 274204
>>274202>why would anybody oppose the idea of casual hookups if both of them are consenting adults? Because it's gross nigga
Anonymous 274205
It depends on the way each woman sees relationships and sex. But I think most of us want to have a boyfriend, at least most of the time, and I think at some point, women who have casual sex are going to have feelings for the men they date, and well, men are the usual hypocritical bastards. . So, in reality, sex and casual relationships don't work for most women, in my opinion. I never engaged on it, cause I'm anti-social, and people in general don't interest me much.
Anonymous 274208
>>274202I don't mind others doing it but I think it's sad as I personally view it as a very special bonding act and I dislike the thought of many women just giving their body away for men to enjoy when it could be just as special for them. I firmly believe hookup culture benefits no one but moids. I also believe in an energy exchange that's happening when you have sex and that having lots of sex with randoms will make you miserable in the end.
Anonymous 274210
>>274202>both of them are consenting adults>moid: I consent>woman: I consent>woman later: I regret Anonymous 274382
There's always been that stereotype of people in poly relationships smelling bad. I never knew it was true until three of them came into my work, one man and two women. The guy smelled heavily of armpit sweat, he was wearing a grease-stained shirt, and the women were both wearing BDSM harnesses over their clothing.
Life altering experience.
Anonymous 274386
>>274202Super STDs. Google it. We are 30 years away from some bullshit that will be so resistant to medication that will have new AIDS in our hands and this time it will actually be transmittable by toilet seats.
Anonymous 274392
If its with a person you aren't really dating but have some pre established relationship with it can be. Hookups however are trash.
Anonymous 274538
i was saying to my friend the other day, it is a very eye opening and some times necessary experience, it teaches u the true evil nature of moids that u may not expect if you are sheltered and think men in real life are romantic and sweet like in movies… but generally nothing about it is worth it
Anonymous 274840
No, loveless sex isn’t as rewarding as a long term relationship
Anonymous 275044
>>273609>hookup culture, casual sexfine if that's what you are looking for, but have you tried dildos, vibrators and erotica/porn? Always make him wear a condom, cause semen has mind control powers.
>dating appsOnly if you are smart about it. If you know that you are average and you only go after top %10 men then you are just giving them sex in exchange for unearned validation and then some 60%er will come around and he will dump you.
Anonymous 277827
>>274202the orgasm gap has been documented to be way worse in casual sex vs committed relationships
Anonymous 278220
Some people enjoy it, some hate it, and some are ambivalent. Depends on the individual and who they're hooking up with.
Anonymous 278234
Casual sex is for women who don't value themselves and value men way too much. Every bitch I know into this shit will be like
>update, second weekend fucking with no preamble… I wonder how he feels about me :)c
Bitch he thinks you're a free use hole. Holy shit.
It's just for low self-esteem women to get a taste of male validation because they sure as hell don't get it any other way.
Anonymous 278245
>>278234Samefag but unironically it's for low IQ women. I'm not even joking.
Anonymous 278301
Any sex with a scrote: Disappointing and retarded
Saving yourself: Disappointing and retarded
If you're into scrotes then best bet is to be volcel unless you get the possibility and desire to have sex with a 8/10+
Anonymous 278584
>>278234Casual sex with males isn't worth it because most of them don't know how to pleasure a woman. And they're also extremely annoying. I used to engage in casual sex with scrotes because i was bored and horny but then i got a vibrator. 10/10 best decision of my life. Don't understand why a hetrosexual woman would bother with a male she's not interested in marrying anymore when a vibrator or dildo will get the job done way better than 8/10 males and it won't loiter around in your house until you awkwardly ask if it's got somewhere it needs to be
Anonymous 278876
>>278584Missed out on aftersex cuddling
Anonymous 278938
>>278876Cuddling with a smelly, sweaty scrote who didn't make you orgasm. Oh no how could a woman live with herself for missing out on that.
Anonymous 279459
I've never had casual sex and I've only had sex with 1 person (who I'm still with after 9 years) but people who have casual sex kinda scare me. Idk I'd be way too scared of STDs to ever engage in that if I had never met my fiancé
Anonymous 279466
>>279459Most women into having casual sex don't have the backbone to demand the scrote to wear condoms so they
do end up having unsafe sex and they
do get STDs. Like if you know a few mentally unhinged women into hookup culture they will most definitely have had at least a scare if not outright actual STDs. It's something people don't really talk about but it happens incredibly frequently in this crowd.
Anonymous 279569
>>279459>I've never had casual sex and I've only had sex with 1 person (who I'm still with after 9 years) Wow, literally same
Anonymous 279639
>>279459>I've only had sex with 1 personIs it the same for your fiancé?
Anonymous 279890
I've seen hundreds of comments from women saying they experienced random unwanted choking during casual sex. So no it's not worth it because you literally risk brain damage every time. Very disturbing society has reached this point.
Anonymous 280440
The women I know who casually hookup are unironically hideous pick mes who will gladly throw a woman under the bus if it means keeping a moid around for one more week before getting dumped.
Every woman who's been selective about who enters her is a true Stacy.
Only ugly women value moid attention as a form of social currency, and they're stupid at that because that type of currency is weightless with high inflation.
Anonymous 280645
It's not worth it.. I tried it twice and I don't regret it because I felt safe and used protection but it was underwhelming. Don't do it, just wait for the right one or explore yourself sexually. Most of these men don't even know how to please a woman.
Anonymous 280685
Idk, most men are kinda ugly, because they don’t even try. Why would I want to have sex with a person who looks like he doesn’t even try - that means he wants to use me and that’s it. Those who try to look attractive could do, at least they are “giving” something. But yeah, most like even they won’t even think about woman’s pleasure, so why even bother
Anonymous 280701
Not worth it. I used to be extremely self destructive and tried to find my self worth in any man who wanted me. I had lots of indiscriminate sex with men who didn't care about me, and most times it was unprotected. I look back and can't believe that was me. I've forgiven the old me and know my worth. And know men aren't shit.
Anonymous 280704
>>280645>Most of these men don't even know how to please a woman.Explain?
t. virgin
Anonymous 280723
>>280701>tried to find my self worth in any man who wanted meWhat were you seriously trying to achieve with this? You should be seeking emotional connections and true love.
Anonymous 280993
>>280989imagine having such an empty life that opening your holes to random moids is what you consider fun. you should kys.
Anonymous 281470
Bacterial vaginosis though.
Anonymous 281484
How do you find those? I’ve only ever matched with women on tinder who want a long term relationship
Anonymous 281609
Fuck no. Why give sex to a moid who won’t even pretend to commit? Then later on they’ll brag about it to their friends. No thanks.
Anonymous 283928
What is the origin story of OP pic
Anonymous 284082
The question of whether or not it’s “worth it” depends on how you’re doing it. Using an app like Tinder for it is likely not a good idea as you can’t know what the users intentions are or whether or not they’re catfishing. Family Guy was right, Tinder will make you gross and you’ll probably have STDs if you fuck all the people from it
Anonymous 284194
>>280704A lot of men are very self centered and take all the knowledge relating to intimacy and sex from porn. I've had multiple people I was seriously dating at the time straight up ignore me when I'd tell them my preferences and then not even care/notice that I was mentally checked out during sex or just didn't want to fuck them anymore lol
Out of three people that I've dated and had intimacy with there was one person who cared and was interested in what I liked, and the contrast is downright depressing tbh
Anonymous 284203
>>284194Any woman, even a virgin, knows this. Only a scrote or an extremely naive, sheltered girl that knows nothing about the real world would ask such a retarded question tbh.
Anonymous 284241
I dont think casual sex is good for women, not because "you are a slut reee" or that you necessarily need to have feelings for the sex partner, but the risks are too high. I used to have hookups when I was younger, was horny dumbass with a low self esteem. Some were honestly enjoyable but I also got abused by men. Moids are just so much physically stronger than us they can do any sick shit when they got you in that vulnerable position. There is also the added risk of pregnancy that moids dont have to worry about. Offering a relationship doesnt also mean that the moid is safe or respects you. A lot of them see their gfs as easy access to pussy. Get to know the moid before sex and dump his ass immediately if there is any pushing for sex, degenerate desires or unwillingness to please you. Dont be a pick me, they will only see you as weak and be encouraged to treat you like shit.
Anonymous 284355
I find it weird that some people see casual sex as “opening your holes” but sex with your bf doesn’t involve that?
Anonymous 284408
Casual sex also just means fooling around with people you aren't dating.
If you think spontaneity adds a lot then yeah it will be fun, if you don't care about that (for one: wise decision but also) it won't be.
Dating apps as a whole are cancer. I never used one but my friends have and they all simultaneously refuse to stop using them and perpetually whine about how terrible they are.
Anonymous 284410
It's worth it as long as you vet your partners wisely. In my opinion nothing feels as good as piv sex but I also don't really want a guy living in my house so casual works for me
Anonymous 284480
>>273609 When the roles are reversed it is
Anonymous 284481
>>284355Only sex within marriage can be truly dignified (and sometimes not even then)
Anonymous 284642
>>273609Lol, that’s so cringe. Why did she do this?
Anonymous 285236
>>273609yeah its fun as long as you dont make it your main hobby and spend most of your time on other things. my self esteem is already fine and ive gotten around the STI risk because most of the guys ive been with were virgins or hadnt done it in a while
Anonymous 285254
>>285236Virgin guys are for virgin girls. Please don't take their virginities from us.
Anonymous 285261

>>285236Hands off virgin boys STACEY they're for VIRGIN women ONLY
Anonymous 285269
>>285254>>285261dw i don’t think you’d want the kind of retard who’d lose his virginity in a hookup
Anonymous 285287
>>285269Maybe they wouldn't if Stacy hadn't tricked them.
Anonymous 285336
Where the fuck are nonas meeting these random guys who can just dish out orgasms? I tried dating apps and it was truly awful. Literally not worth the cost of data useage on my phone.
Anonymous 285456
I'm skittish around sex because of unfortunate early experiences but my best friend had just started dating people casually again after being in a totally dead 7 year relationship and I'm so proud and happy for her. She was genuinely surprised when a guy she hooked up with would wear a condom for her bc her ex refused to even though she had a horrible reaction to being on the pill. I love her so much but I need her to get higher standards because men who do the bare minimum are astounding her lol. I think casual sex works for some people but it wouldn't work for me unfortunately, I'm too nervous.
Anonymous 285597
It depends. I got broken up with almost 2 years ago and did end up hooking up with other people, it was fun at first and a bit of an ego/confidence boost for a while but there was like maybe 2 guys who I actually enjoyed having sex with but the rest sucked . I did end up finding my current boyfriend like a year ago and wasn't even expecting a relationship to happen between us but we both have a lot in common, he's also really patient with me (i did get a lot of trust issues ngl with hooking up with different people). we met on a dating app, we had a lot in common and he's canonically online like me.
Anonymous 285816
Is it bad if I'm bi but have only fucked 2 men (and 4 women)? Sometimes men on dating apps will ask me to meet up and I'll ghost them. Women are much harder to find for casual sex imo
Anonymous 285893
>>285447Where the frick else am I meant to find an assortment of men to have casual sex with, that'll let me ghost the weirdos without worrying they'll rape/murder me over it? If you're going to suggest bars, then you're insane. Dick isn't worth dying for. Besides that apps are really the only places I can freely elicit HD dickpics from potential partners to weed out ugly/small/giant ones. Even then I only found a single man who could pleasure me in any way and he was an awful person. Hookup culture exclusively benefits men.
>>273617 is right and nonas like
>>273696 and
>>274155 are just rare orgasm-fountains that live like trust-fund kids, entirely delusional about how the rest of us work and perpetuating an aspect of culture entirely harmful to the rest of womankind.
Anonymous 285897
>>273617I genuinely don't get it. For example: A close friend of mine broke up with her long time BF and some time after she was going on tinder dates and telling me about it. I tried to act supportive but I kind of resent her because I always thought she was above hookup culture, like me. Sure I get horny some times but I know I can masturbate and be done with it but she's one of those women that need that male validation like a drug after being on her own for some time. It's kind of depressing to think about
Anonymous 285903
>>278220I think people enjoy it the same way they "enjoy" getting high and eating fast food and zoning out on a weekend. It's another fleeting thing that ends up numbing you the more you do it.
Some people in this very thread are so numb they think it's the only way to live
Anonymous 285922
>>285903This. I've enganged in hook-up culture between relationships, but fully admit it's high risk behaviour and part of my addictive tendencies. I enjoy piv and orgasm from it so I tend to get something out of it, but it can still feel awkward and anti climatic lol. Luckily I've never had any truly bad experiences, but have gotten myself into some feelsbad.jpg situations. I'm in my 30s now and less inclined to take any bs and somehow guys I meet also seem more normal these days, probably due to my age sadly. I met all my bfs through hook-ups where we hit it off, and because sex is a priority for me it's nice to have that part figured out from the get go, but usually there is little chemistry and I just end up getting off mechanically from it. Tldr I wouldn't recommend hook-ups or dating apps to anyone but would probably do it again if I become single (something something chasing the dragon).
Anonymous 285935
I've done hookups in the lowest point of my life and the only things I got to show for it were 1. chlamydia 2. bruises 3. zero orgasms.
Anonymous 286277

Maybe it's just me, but normie logic be like
>you let a stranger you just met into your house, are you insane!?
>oh he was trying to have sex with you? That alright then
Anonymous 286341
How about casual sex with other women? I usually only feel comfortable hooking up once there is an established emotional connection but since im not into dating right now, im considering it. Any lesbian nonas care to share their take with a newbie like me
Anonymous 286393
what's true anon? can you explain? and why does it matter?
Anonymous 286399
If you have casual sex with moids you have no right to talk about hating moids. Even if you vet them. Even if you've known them for a while. You are pandering to the lowest denominator of moid by fucking them and most likely getting no orgasm out of it. You cannot possibly hate men and fuck them willy nilly out of free will. You, objectively, love males.
Anonymous 286428
fucking these r-tards? I go on dates for the free food
Anonymous 286693

>>286399Women who have casual sex are desperate women who have no control over their passions. They don't realize that by drowning in moids' dicks they are only devaluing themselves and giving them more reason to talk badly about us.
I'm a virgin, I only kissed a few retards in my teens, but nothing more than innocent kisses. I solve my sexual problems with erotic books and fics of real quality. I've internalized in myself that the only men who are any good and worth my orgasm are the fictional ones written by women, lol.
Anonymous 286703
>>286693So you want to drink a cup of pee with a tiny scrote in it oooh you're so superior
Anonymous 286712
>>286703I've never said I was superior, but if the shoe fits…not my problem
Anonymous 286717

>>286693>no control over their passionsSo women must always control themselves because having passions is not proper of a lady?
What's next? Masturbation is a sin?
I think hooking up is dangerous and I haven't engaged in that, but it's dumb to say that any woman who hooks up with moids is a whore because she's not "le pure kissless handholdless eyecontactless virgin" It's just what moids say when they get mad when a woman decides she also wants to have sex because she feels like it and not because it's her duty to serve a moid and to reproduce.
Maybe instead of trying to be smug about being virgin, which is a retarded concept and scam made to control women btw, try learning and understanding why hookups are harmful and why they're a waste of time.
Anonymous 286729
>>286717Sex is bad and only benefits males.
Anonymous 286749
>>286729Exactly, but just because a woman has had sex before doesn't mean she's a lesser being, it means she was a victim of society and that we should help her understand that she doesn't need to have sex to get an orgasm or to be happy; instead of telling her that she's a dumbass and a whore unlike the oh so superior virgins.
Anonymous 286770

>>286717It’s so retarded to see women fight over whether or not being a virgin or a slut is better because it’s an inherently scrotal paradigm that literally only holds value for scrotes and the Scrotecentric women who blindly accept it.
My take on hookup culture is that most women and quite frankly a large proportion of men can’t handle it at all but that it’s fine for the ones who actually can handle it to pursue it. Also, a lot of people who hook up casually think they can handle it but can’t. Therefore, it’s very likely that it’s a net negative societally to promote it but I only think it presents as a true moral failing or at the very least a big mistake in those who do it without a sufficient sense of self and aren’t self-reflective enough to realize they shouldn’t be doing it. Unfortunately, a lot of people who engage in hookup culture are doing it thoughtlessly as I described and are shocked when they feel “empty”. I’ve seen both men and women complain about this. It’s a temporary connection, and if after one or two times you are still genuinely looking for some sort of long-term fulfillment from it , then it’s not for you. It’s that easy.
The same logic follows for virginity, tbh, as chastely dreaming of the perfect Prince Charming who will implicitly love you for your purity will also not give you the ability to magically get up and leave when Prince Charming becomes a royal nightmare. In a less extreme sense, it’s not really “admirable” to not have sex. In fact, from the way some of you guys talk about sex, it’s like you want to be congratulated for not randomly shooting up heroin.
As for perma-hookuppers, you are probably a clusterbee. Please try not to leave damaged people in your wake.
I’m sorry if I sound mean, but I’ve tried to be equally as cruel to both sides. I just hate that this conversation exists eternally and will probably always exist until we all become biorobots or whatever. There have been many fascinating women throughout the ages that I deeply admire who have been lifelong virgins and many more who have been quote unquote slutty. There have been many “virgins”, “sluts” and whatever exists in between that I know personally who have been raped, hurt, or otherwise deeply mistreated by men. Let’s not pretend that either the Madonna or the whore will bring us to salvation and stop hurting each other needlessly - there’s already moids doing that
Anonymous 286774
>>286729Tell me you've never had good sex without telling me
Anonymous 286782
>>286770>uses the word paradigm unironicallyThe postmodernists convention is that way.
Anonymous 286783
>>286717Yeah that's pretty fair, the war between virgins and sluts is stupid shit pushed by stupid scrotes. Hook-up culture makes it easier for women to be exposed to shitty men, diseases and pregnancy by those shitty diseased men. Wrapping your self worth up in your virginity exposes yourself to be used and abused by shitty men who will get diseases from sexually irresponsible behavior, and then get you pregnant and trap you to him because "no other man will want you."
Just make wise choices. Hookups usually are not a wise choice.
Anonymous 286786
>>286717>virginity is a retarded made up conceptSo sick of hearing this dubious logic.
Anonymous 286792
>>286749>she was a victim of societyEvery human has free will, and freely decides each decision, and freely chooses each choice. If a woman, or a man, chooses to have sex, it is her choice, and hers is also the blame. I don't mean society isn't at fault, to tell people that virginity is bad, but people are not free from culpability when they err.
Anonymous 286797
for men? yes, absolutely. there will always be a "pretty" woman, e.g. a woman who rigidly conforms to femininity. all a man needs to enjoy sex and cum is thrust. for women? fuck no. why would you ever subject yourself to fucking scrotes who 1000% don't see you as an entire person and are 1000% going to go and brag to their scrote cronies about how they gave you backshots? do you really want to be a hole to some useless scrote scrolling through tinder? have some self respect
Anonymous 286798
it's telling that this thread is the most engaged with besides the bunker thread. why do you guys care about this shit
Anonymous 286801
>>286717>>286749>>286770>>286783Virginity is good because I want a virgin bf/husband.
You cannot disprove this argument.
Anonymous 286805
>>286786This. What's so special about your special other if you never actually did anything special? Bitch you were sixth in line behind Stacy, Becky, two girls he met on Tinder and a gas station attendant called Charlene
Anonymous 286813
>>286798why do you care that anyone cares? go back
Anonymous 286815
>>286797Agree totally. I don't think most women realize that three seconds after he nuts every guy in his contacts will know everything about what happened. And there was a (now deleted) post about someone who only enjoyed sex with an asshole. Great job, you've just reaffirmed all his misogynistic beliefs and all his friends misogynistic beliefs. And he has zero respect for you as a person. And after you he'll be forcing his beliefs on all the other women he sleeps with, and pray not too many women like assholes like you do.
Anonymous 286868

I don't think so. I'm basically like a pigeon in that I only want to pair-bond. If I end up being with someone long-term ideally I would want them to be both my first and my last. I think casual sex is very unattractive and dangerous tbh. Can never understand FWBs and how people can just take romantic attraction out of sex that way, either. The mind-body connection is very strong. Having sex without any just sounds like shitty sex and self-exploitative. Like eating a gas station burrito versus eating at a Michelin. It can never come close to being with someone you love.
Anonymous 286878
>>286786NTA but saying that virginity as most people understand it is a dumb concept isn't the same as supporting promiscuous behavior, which most of us (I hope) agree is a bad thing. I think society makes virginity sound more special than it actually is. And I say this as someone that is only attracted to virgin moids irl kek in fact, I think virginity in scrotes should be valued more and we shouldn't be fighting over virginity in women because we all know scrotes only care about competing with other scrotes and that's why they want women to stay virgins.
Anonymous 286922
>>286868 are you me? even down to the bird love…
Anonymous 286926
>>286878Nona wasn't saying "virginity as most people understand it is a dumb concept", she said virginity itself is a dumb concept, which is a common zoomer logic I've heard many times, "virginity is a myth, a social construct, it doesn't exist", the same sort of logic that also allows for tranny bullshit, like "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman".
>virginity in scrotes should be valued more>society makes virginity sound more special than it actually isWell which one is it lmao
I think the general 21st century American society does not value either male or female virginity. I know of no recent popular American tv show or movie that claims it's good to be a virgin.
>we shouldn't be fighting over virginity in womenI don't particularly care about female virginity itself, but consider that, if promiscuity is common in women, it will also be common in men. If you want more virgin men, then there also needs to be virgin women.
Anonymous 286963
>>286926Sorry, I think what most women actually mean when they say "the concept of virginity is stupid" is that women shouldn't be shamed for not being virgins, or for having a sex life at all. That's probably what anon meant because she specifically shat on moids' idea of virginity in women.
>Well which one is it lmaoThose two ideas aren't mutually exclusive. "More special than it actually is" isn't saying that there's absolutely nothing good about virginity. In this case, I meant it like that anon, that virginity in women is seen as much, much more than just being sexually healthy. On the other hand, society applauds scrotes for fucking as many women as possible, and thus me saying that virginity in men should be considered more important than it currently is.
>I know of no recent popular American tv show or movie that claims it's good to be a virgin.Yeah, media promotes promiscuity but then real people shit on women who follow that example.
>if promiscuity is common in womenAt no point did I encourage promiscuity. Not virgin != promiscuous.
Anonymous 286971
I'm embarrassed to admit that I was promiscuous throughout my teens and 20s. I was hypersexual and I don't even know why, I wondered if I have BPD or something but my libido was insane. Literally couldn't comprehend how other women didn't feel horny or think about sex a lot and it makes me cringe to think about how I overshared and probably made a lot of friends feel uncomfortable. Now that I'm in my 30s I feel like a completely different person and I'm rarely "in the mood" for actual sex IRL and I just look at pics of my husbando instead. It's weird.
Anonymous 286978
>>286926>If you want more virgin men, then there also needs to be virgin women.Not really, moids lose their virginities way before having sex with women. The moment a moid masturbates putting their dicks inside an object/animal, they lose their virginity, just like how a woman technically loses her virginity after masturbating using penetration.
Which really brings a question to my mind, is there even such a thing as a 100% virgin moid? Women can actually be 100% virgins, as in never had anything penetrating the vagina, yet moids put their dicks inside anything they can, from socks, to furniture, food, animals and whatever else.
Moids should just actually control their impulses, or like super virgin anon said "passions" so they don't fuck up their virginity and become pornsick, which is what usually happens to the average moid that masturbates from an early age.
So, women don't really need to technically, interpreting your words
>stop fucking men so there's more virgin menMoid just need to not put their dicks inside anything, then we can have actual virgin moids that are innocent for real and not just waiting for the right moment to jackhammer a woman.
Anonymous 286983
>>286926Sorry for the doublepost.
>common zoomer logic I've heard many times, "virginity is a myth, a social construct, it doesn't exist", the same sort of logic that also allows for tranny bullshit, like "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman".Trannies and their supporters appropriated a kind of criticism that can be made about many things that are actually social constructs. For example, "gender" is a social construct, but in the sense that gender roles and stereotypes, such as women wearing skirts, or pink being exclusively for females, are made up rules and not tied to biology. Troons take this statement and twist it to their liking, thus they claim that "gender is a social construct", meaning that having been born with a penis doesn't mean they can't be women (they consider "woman" to be the set of gender stereotypes that society created to impose onto female people, instead of considering "woman" to mean an adult who is female without the gender role bullshit).
Similarly, troons use the words of feminist writers, such as Simone de Beauvoir's:
>one is not born, but rather becomes a womanwhich to some might mean that she's simply referring to society's concept of "women" as a non-literal descriptor for a social role, different from "women" as in a literal adult female. But trannies intentionally interpret it as support for the idea that males can become literal women through "performing gender" stereotypes and roles.
So with that in mind, maybe there are
some social constructs surrounding the idea of virginity, considering that humans tend to make a lot of stuff up and give meaning to things that inherently have no meaning or value.
tl;dr: just because trannies love to steal and distort the meaning of valid criticism doesn't mean you have to dismiss the original criticism. Also virginity might have some positives but it's important to define what even counts as losing your virginity and what are the actual positives and what's bullshit mixed in.
Anonymous 286987
>>286978>a women technically loses her virginity after masturbating using penetration No one actually really believes this. Virginity ≠ hymen, except metonymically. There's no less than 100% virgin either. You're either a virgin or you're not.
>stop fucking men so there's more virgin menThat's not exactly the point. If women don't value their own virginities, then men won't value theirs either. You want innocent moids, but moids need to be surrounded by virtue, in other men, but also in women, in order to have innocence. Virginity can't be truly promoted in sex while not the other.
Anonymous 286995
>>286987The point is that it's dumb in the end because we all know that it's just not going to happen.
Why should we value our virginities, at all? Truly, like at all.
Us being virgins doesn't make moids want to stay virgin, us not being virgins doesn't make them appreciate us, may as well do whatever the fuck we want tbh.
I still think hooking up is dangerous and a health hazard in many ways, but from a moral standpoint it's retarded to get mad at women hooking up, it should be the lesser of problems unlike the possibility of rape, murder, kidnapping, disabilities and so on.
Anonymous 286996
>>286963>what most women actually meanGoogle "virginity is a concept", and top results are about how it's "made up" and "socially constructed", and you'll see phrases like "there is no such thing as a virgin".
>not virgin != promiscuousI never said it was. I only said promiscuity is the opposite of virginity.
>>286983I never "dismissed the original criticism". I was only referring to the tranny logic, which prevails in the minds of zoomers.
Anonymous 287005
>>286995Certainly us not being virgins will make moids not want to be virgins
Anonymous 287016
No sex with men is ever worth it ever
Anonymous 287017
>>286987If I'm a lesbian who has never had sex with a man does that make me a virgin even if I'm married to a woman and had a child?
Anonymous 287020
>>287017If you had sex with a woman, you are not a virgin.
Anonymous 287022

I don't think the origins of virginity as a concept were that deep. Being a virgin or having a low number of sex partners is desirable in both men and women because it implies self control. It's no different to someone who saves money compared to someone who spends impulsively and gets into debt. Casual sex is a risky behaviour that only leads to short term sexual gratification and has no long term benefits. Temperance and moderation are values that anyone would want in a romantic partner because people with low impulsivity are generally more successful in life.
Do you want a nigel that can have one beer with his friends or do you want a binge drinking moid that has no control around alcohol?
Do you want a nigel that lives modestly and saves his paycheck or do you want a moid that spends it all on payday?
Do you want a nigel that ignores porn ads or do want a moid that instantly needs to coom because he saw a low resolution pair of tits?
There's many examples of why a lack of self control is bad.
Anonymous 287177
>>286801I can. Being a virgin as a woman doesn't make you entitled to virgin males. Being a virgin is good because you want to be a virgin for reasons outside of male acceptance or approval. Being a virgin is good if you're comfortable and happy with your virginity, that is all
Anonymous 287184
>>286987>If women don't value their virginity men won't value theirs either Wow, some of you need to read a book. Men have been discarding their virginity with a vengeance since women weren't allowed to leave the house without a male chaperone. Men would take their sons to go fuck prostitutes and lose their virginity, and then marry those guys off to 17 year olds. Men won't value male virginity because Virgin has been used as an insult to them for a long while. Stop forcing women to hold the bag for degenerate male sexuality. They only value female virginity because of their Madonna/whore complexes, they don't admire female sexual discipline at all. In fact, it enrages them.
Anonymous 287199
>>287177But you didn't address the actual point in the argument. You only spoke alternative reasons why virginity can be good, but never why my reason is insufficient.
>Being a virgin as a woman doesn't make you entitled to virgin malesYou can't demand a virgin if you aren't one yourself.
Anonymous 287240
>>287221Man I wish the polyamorous thread on LC
Anonymous 287250
>>287199>You can't demand a virgin if you aren't one yourself Unfortunately, not a lot of XYs agree, which fucks over virginal or inexperienced women over quite a bit. Personally i think abstaining from sex until you're with someone you truly love and loves you back is a beautiful thing, but nowadays its rapidly becoming a pipe dream and I don't think anyone should abstain for that reason alone. You should abstain for your own health and comfort, not because you think it will get you a higher quality mate. Nowadays 12 year old boys develop ED and porn addictions.
Anonymous 287257
>>274204Sex is better with deep feelings that can only be developed over a long period of time and when you've had time to align to each other sexually and learn the others' idiosyncrasies and preferences in bed.
Anyone trying to defend promiscuity from the angle of "sex good" is some sort of retard in arrested development. Get a long term partner, if not at least a stable fwb that you've known for years. You will have 1000 times better sex that way.
Anonymous 287259
>>287221>He enjoyed itWell, imagine my fucking shock. Also i hate when people use the term "ran a train" that's a specific thing and it usually refers to multiple rapists, one victim.
Anonymous 287265
>>287177The version of understanding virginity is only good if it applies to both sexes. If it's bad for men and good for women, it's the old patriarchal systems of forcing one sided relationships.
Anonymous 287278
>>287250I mean, you can't justly demand a virgin if you aren't one yourself
>You should abstain for your own health and comfort, not because you think it will get you a higher quality mate.Why not both?
Anonymous 287286

>>287184Actually, it seems a good portion of men have had only one lifetime sexual partner. Although the graph only counts married men, and not all men. But it's not as bad as you say.
Anonymous 287293
>>287286Those stats are so obviously fake lol
Anonymous 287296
>>287278Because you're not guaranteed a mate even if you do everything right your entire life. Wouldn't want it to lead to resentment
>>287286Where'd you find this from? 4chins or leddit?
Anonymous 287301
Kek I just wanted to chime in that my boyfriend was a virgin when I met him, he’s probably the ideal for a lot of miners — handsome, intelligent, devoted, and no ex drama. I didn’t even set out looking for a virgin, it just happened.
He chose a nasty filthy slut like me tho. Life’s not fair uwu
Anonymous 287302
>>287301>nasty filth slut like me>uwucommit self deletus
Anonymous 287307
>>287306She got that Crack whore phenotype
Anonymous 287308
>>287301Give him back to the virgins you big meanie
Anonymous 287309
>>287308But now he’s not a virgin anymore
Anonymous 287547
>>286399I knew a girl like this. She made the fact she looks at hentai her personality, loved Super Sonico, posted nudes, always tweeting about sex she was having with random men, and was in an open relationship with some they/them intersex person. I stopped talking to her but checked her Twitter years later and one of the first tweets I saw was her mentioning "I hate men". I think these people do this because they are not actually confident in their sexuality but trying to hide it by being hypersexual and a pickme instead.
Anonymous 287583
I tried having a fwb and ended up with genital herpes from a disgusting rapist (of another woman after me) manwhore. Safe to stay I'm not doing that again. He didn't tell me he had it, but I blame myself. Now I'm left with immense shame over having a permanent std and if I'll ever get to settle down, I know I'm not having children anyway so that's not a risk at least.
Anonymous 287600
>>287583Reminder that you can get genital herpes from oral herpes and it's contagious even when there's no outbreak. Anyone who's ever had a cold sore can give you genital herpes via hands or oral
same happened to me but I only had 1 outbreak and it never came back in years Anonymous 287615
>>287600Yeah that’s what happened to me. He had oral herpes and transferred it to my genitals via oral sex. He had had outbreaks before but apparently thought it was gingivitis (I did not buy that). It’s easy to manage and I hardly ever get outbreaks but it’s definitely a blow to my self esteem
Anonymous 289341
>>286868I used to think the exact same thing when I was younger, but sadly it's very easy to get disillusioned with modern day men.
Sticking by some gross moid's side just because he's your first, he was a good liar in the beginning and you believe in pigeon pair-bonding is just not right and can only be detrimental, more so than just being single and engaging in hookup culture.
Nevertheless, I agree than most times casual sex sucks and it's generally only worth it if you're really attracted to the moid.
You get courted and a free meal or more, decent passionate sex too if you're lucky.
I've experienced being in a relationship, it was good at first but moids drop the romantic passionate courting very fast once they believe they've bagged you.
Anonymous 289388
>>289341Some anon on Lolcow said that she was in a sugar relationship but started getting emotionally attached, and while getting spat in the mouth during sex was humiliating she said the 23K $ for one thing + the other 23K $ she got for entering a threesome with the guy and another girl were enough to pay off all debts she had with college and other stuff
She said it was mentally draining so she has probably stopped doing these skits
It's too bad that money and love are so tied together these days
Anonymous 289389
>>289341>You get courted and a free meal or more, decent passionate sex too if you're lucky.Those free meals and passionate sex only last for as long as he doesn't find you too ugly, too boring, or too old. Which won't be for very long. Let's be real, casual sex isn't sustainable for any woman. That's why most who have it eventually move on to try and settle down anyway.
I know it might be hard, but if you did a find a moid that would stay with you without becoming abusive, avoidant, and uninterested he would clearly be worth more than one that does not even try to hide his body count and that tries to be perpetually 16.
Anonymous 289491
>>287265>the equality memeRelationships with men will always be a power struggle because they dont even see you as human let alone want to be equals. Even the sluttiest whore is not as bad as a moid. A man's version of love is how much a woman can give and do for him while reciprocating as little as possible. The moment women decide they want to stop being sacrificial martyrs and take what benefits them maybe then they will stop suffering.
Anonymous 289497

Damn, have any of you ever been in a healthy relationship ever? Have all of you seriously never met even one moid who was just a normal person? You know one who like never uses the internet unless it's to message his aunt Happy Birthday on Facebook? Seriously never??
Anonymous 289511
>>289388>It's too bad that money and love are so tied together these daysIt is but honestly the chances of finding a man who won't want to do some kind of cringe humiliating domination in bed is low.
I'm willing to bed 99.999% of normie men are porn addicts and will at some point expect some sexual deviant stuff.
Even the most innocent shy virgin moid will change and show his true colors once he gets comfortable with you.
So it's really all about whether you want you want to be a bangmaid who splits bills and gets spit in the mouth by the 'man you love' or a single woman who gets spit in the mouth by some hot random dude or at least gets paid for it.
>>289389>I know it might be hard, but if you did a find a moid that would stay with you without becoming abusive, avoidant, and uninterested Might as well look for a unicorn.
Any and I really mean ANY man will get bored of you with time, will eventually find you unattractive (especially if you give him children) and will cheat or think of cheating constantly.
It's really not worth it to settle down and be a maid to some scrote while also working. Get a job and be financially stable on your own, fuck and exploit scrotes until you can (I know women in their 50's who still do) and just be happy and free.
I don't understand how women still romanticize the domestic servant lifestyle in this day and age.
Anonymous 289521
>>289497There arent many benefits for dating a moid tbh. Like sometimes i see a moid with a normal skull and proportionate features and and i think "oh not bad" but then i compare him to any becky whos considered average for a woman sitting next to me and she already has all those features with good skin and a nice body. Same thing for kindness, empathy, emotional intelligence, etc. Women will fawn over a guy not being disgusted at periods or not being outrightly misogynistic. The average woman does so much that i feel like im cucking myself for considering moids. Just the risk of getting pregnant is already a big disvantage for women, and on top of that moids arent even as beautiful and as good of a person as women.
Anonymous 289522
>>289389>Those free meals and passionate sex only last for as long as he doesn't find you too ugly, too boring, or too old. Which won't be for very longAre you implying this doesn't happen in committed relationships?
Every het marriage I see with my friends is fucking awful. They literally doormat and eat shit from their "nice" scrotes behind closed doors to make it work.
The chances of finding a decent man whether casual or committed are against you–the difference with casual being that you didn't marry/share financially with the fuckers.
Anonymous 289525
>>289521Anon some women are just not attracted to other women and can't be even if they try. It just seems like blackpill femcel delusion. I've been married ten years and I've never even had a pregnancy scare. Like sure, I've found "a unicorn" if that's what anons want to call it, but if I can meet a handsome, intelligent, compassionate man who is completely obsessed and devoted to me totally by chance just out and about why wouldn't any other straight woman be able to find that? We were even both virgins when we met. I'm just saying it's not impossible and I have a hard time believing that any anon that sincerely has a life offline has just not met any normal males in their lives. I think it's the chronically online anons who never go outside beyond going out for errands that push the blackpill the hardest, anons who have likely never even been in an irl relationship. I'll talk to blackpill anons one on one and find out their relationship experience is with a moid they met on 4chan and I'm supposed to be surprised they had a shitty experience.
Anonymous 289532
>>289497>You know one who like never uses the internet unless it's to message his aunt Happy Birthday on Facebook? Seriously never??Anon, every man has a mini-computer in his pocket at any given time. It's called a smartphone and they are all using the internet on them.
Just because he has an inactive Facebook profile does not mean he isn't using/hiding other avenues.
This is how naive women sink decades of their lives into moids only to discover later that they are lying cheaters. They prey on fooling you into thinking they are incapable of doing harm.
Anonymous 289533
>>289525Im also not attracted to women, but personally i just see how much is demanded from women and their efforts are barely reciprocated. And yes, you did find a unicorn.
Anonymous 289535
>>286693bloody hell do you listen to yourself? You're getting used by moids over a free meal? All over mediocre sex that only he enjoys? Please PLEASE I beg you to think about what this means. You got brainwashed into thinking letting men use you is somehow empowering you.
Please just try to learn to be happy on your own and in spaces where no men are involved
Anonymous 289541
>proven that men shit talk and dispose even the most attractive women who follow their moral codes
>"Sounds like we should just have fun and be taken out and fuck them only when we want to."
>Some anon: "Noooooooooo don't do that don't you care about your value to them that's not power ahhhhhhhhhh."
Anonymous 289548
>>289525obsessive and devoted men are the best
Anonymous 289561
>>289549if youre
>>289525the same anon
how old were you when you two met? and how did you specifically meet?
Anonymous 289564
>>289541I wonder if the from lolcow that has multiple bfs that handle shit for her is here. I do what she does but on a smaller scale, just a main with sides but I find it stressful as men are very emotionally needy. At a point Men is basically one of your hobbies and despite my criminally high sex drive I'd rather not be playing musical scrotes all the time there are more interesting things to be doing despite any perks like free handyman services and computer repair
Anonymous 289573
>>289561We were both 20, we met by chance downtown and we got on the same bus, turned out I only lived right down the street from him. He's the first man I ever felt attracted to, he looks like a noble prince. I saw him for the first time reading a book, one of my fav authors too. At the time his hair was nearly to his waist, golden blond curls. Right away he was doing everything he could to impress me, making me breakfast in the mornings, introducing himself to my grandma because I told him she was my greatest friend and asking for her blessing to date me, I would tell him about music and movies and he would actually listen to or watch them same day and message me to talk about them, he'd work until 12 at night and still rush home to get on his brothers computer to play a silly flash game with me. I grew up in a really fucked up home and a few weeks into knowing him my father and brother had a really violent fight that resulted in one of the windows being broken, blood all over the floor and bathroom sink. My dad called me in a panic and then passed out drunk. I was horrified and humiliated and I had to leave a date we were having to go and clean up this fucking mess and he actually came with me and helped me clean up all of this glass and blood and never once made me feel judged, he just wanted to be there for me. Didn't even judge my insane family, told me he loved them because they loved me. We didn't even have sex for the first time until we were 23 because we both wanted to feel like we were ready because we wanted to be sure that we would be together forever, and we will be. He will drop to his knees in tears and tell me how much he loves me, how completely devoted he is to me, and he's proven this to me in his actions again and again and again in the last ten years.
Anonymous 289579
>>289573i know some nonas/women gush about their boyfriends but im usually a bit skeptical because you never know if theyve only dated for 3 months or 9 or whatever but if youve truly married him for 10 then i know its legit. im very happy for you nona <3 same age relationships also seem superior. who approached who?
Anonymous 289602
>>289573Cute story anon, I hope this is real and not a fanfic because it’s similar to what I hope for and I won’t settle for anything else.
Anonymous 289609
All I'm trying to say is that there were and are BILLIONS of women like you who thought they had great relationships until they didn't one day. I hope it never happens to you anon, but please do not use your experience to dismiss the very real deception that other women have unfortunately have and will go through in the future.
Anonymous 289611
>>289579Thank you nona! I approached him first, he was deep into his book. I was listening to my fav album at the time and I paused it to speak to him and when he retells the story (which he does every chance he gets, it's so sweet) he emphasizes how much that means to him because he knows how deeply attached I am to the music I love. When he tells the story he makes me sound like an ethereal goddess kek.
>>289602Kekk it's real! I sincerely hope you find the same happiness one day anon. Never settle! Only top quality men or no men at all kek
Anonymous 289626
>>289609I think there needs to be a healthy medium anon, because I do agree with you. I think it's important to tell women that these things
do and
can happen, but they also don't happen in a vacuum with no red flags. People will say "oh their relationship was so great!" meanwhile they're having weekly fights or are lacking in communication at all. It's also important to remind women that healthy relationships
do exist and they
can have that. Women deserve to have the absolute highest standards for themselves and should never settle for less. Transparency and communication are two things a lot of relationships lack. My husband and I discuss everything, even if it's uncomfortable, because we can't build a strong relationship on fear or mistrust. If I can't tell him or he can't tell me "hey, this thing you said/did hurt me/bothered me" then why are we even trying? It's how we've managed to avoid having fights, because we share our insecurities with each other at the moment they begin to stir up rather than allowing it to build into something else. I watch a lot of true crime shit and drama, so I know the reality you're talking about does exist, I just don't want anons to think it's the
only reality. Is that fair?
Anonymous 289657
>I refused to have any contact with any men until I found one that was the peak of my standards.
im curious about one thing though, given you approached him first at the bus you technically had no way of knowing what his personality was like besides just the type of book he liked (and that you found him physically attractive)
since you hadnt ever been in contact with men before, wasnt it kinda scary being the first to approach? especially since you had no way of knowing his true character
Anonymous 289675
>>289657Well like I mentioned he was the first guy I had ever felt real physical attraction to, up until that point I had only one 2D husbando that I liked and that was basically my only confirmation that I was even attracted to men to begin with. So I see this princely looking man with flowing golden locks reading one of my favorite authors, I couldn't not take my chance. I am a person who really loves to compliment others, it's almost compulsive with other women, so I just started off with a simple compliment of his hair and that's where the conversation picked up. When I say I avoided contact with males, I mean that in the romantic sense, it would be impossible to have total no contact with males in everyday life through school and work. If I had started speaking to him and was put off by his personality or if had started out nice and flipped after he had gained my trust or something, I would have dropped him immediately at any point. I grew up with two older brothers and an absolute shit father so I wasn't going to give any man even an ounce of my energy if he wasn't aligning with my vibes 100%. My husband and I have the kind of relationship where you can guess what the other person is thinking and finish each others sentences and jokes. It's that best friend energy I usually only get with other women. When you really click with someone, you just know it.
Anonymous 289764
>>289626>but they also don't happen in a vacuum with no red flagsThey can and do. Some men are skilled liars and can mask for decades.
Anonymous 289868
>>289764>>289764Nta but decades? Anon. That's not masking, that's someone changing over time. No one can mask for decades, you're giving men way too much credit. It's a little embarrassing. You sound paranoid.
Anonymous 289983
I’m in my mid-20s and getting married terrifies me because of how fat and haggard men get. I genuinely cannot imagine tying myself down to a man knowing what’s to come. I have previously had a lot of fun in a short relationship with a young moid but he was completely serious about dating me. If I have accepted that men offer nothing of value to my life, I don’t want to settle down with one, and I only want to fuck men who are hot, is it smart to pursue hookups? Or because of things like choking and rape, would I be better off trying to find a naive hot young guy who I could let think I want a serious relationship with him so I can use his body? Then repeat this with like two other young guys so I can have a harem? Honestly I really just wanna try fucking a lot of hot men, I don’t want to settle down with just one. I’m also not the type to have terrible sex; I speak my mind and have literally laughed in men’s faces about their skills while I instructed them how to get me off. Most men are not worth this hassle but again I want to fuck someone extremely hot with a great body, something which I have never done before.
Anonymous 289990
>>286693whoa a virgin?? I bet the ancient chinese doctor will pay a lot to fuck you!
Anonymous 290003
>>289983I have only have one sexual partner so I can't answer most of this, but if you do decide one day to commit to one guy don't "settle", find someone who takes care of themselves. Works out, dresses well, eats well. It's literally the bare minimum to find a man that can take care himself. Aging is inevitable and we're all going to look old one day but a man who takes good care of himself will look charming rather than haggard.
Anonymous 290056
>>290003Even then the majority of good looking guys lose their hair and get fatter. I find them repulsive and am always shocked when I see what they used to look like. Look at marriage and family photos to see what the average marriage looks like and you’ll be horrified at how much men let themselves go. Finding a man who will actually keep his hair and maintain a fit body is like finding a needle in a haystack. It seems easier to just fuck the ones who haven’t been wrecked by whatever happens to men in their mid-20s.
Anonymous 290209
>>289497Yeah I'm confused about this as well. Seems far from reality.
You have to assume their interaction with moids is not normal, but things like coomer orbiters online or chasing manwhores or something.
Anonymous 290211
>>290209Alright tell us about all the cool and normal moids you know and how you met them then
Anonymous 290268
>>290211You meet them in normal places like school, work, hobbies, through other friends, in public places like libraries. They are just normal dudes who do normal dude things and spend maybe 3 hours a week max online because they have jobs and hobbies and friends. They go on hikes with big ass backpacks and like play an instrument and go on group vacations KEK I'm just describing the most normal white man I can think of
Anonymous 290467
>>290268you sound like you've never really talked to any of those guys
Anonymous 290505
>>289868Look up the men who drop it after marriage and kids. Me giving men credit would be calling them noble and faithful to their relationships.
I am calling them god damn liars.
Anonymous 290564
>>289522>Are you implying this doesn't happen in committed relationships?No, not at all.
>you didn't marry/share financially with the fuckersI'm just saying this is a quick filter for moids that would never be marriage material, because they don't try to hide their intentions in the first place. Wouldn't you want to know you're wasting your time sooner rather than later?
Anonymous 290571
>>290505I'm very familiar with those cases and there are always ignored red flags nona. It's social conditioning over generations for women to give men the benefit of the doubt, men aren't super geniuses slipping in and out of personas. It's not usually women's fault for not recognizing those red flags, it's just a fact of the matter.
Anonymous 290576
>>290571Its not that hard. You only have to live on this planet 5 years to know full well.
Anonymous 291041
>>289983Same anon but does no one actually relate to my post? I thought there would be at least one other woman who understands considering some of the earlier blackpilled replies here about how moids are incapable of love and make women’s lives worse off. At this point I just want to have experiences with pretty/hot young moids, solely for their looks.
Anonymous 291048
>>291041Then just do that, why do you need validation from autistic women online who have likely never even been with a man physically
Anonymous 291085
>>291048Uh do you even lurk on LC or CC? There’s plenty of women who have relationship and sexual history with moids on here; i’m trying to get an idea if my thinking is warped (since I haven’t dated in years) and/or if there’s anyone who previously tried a similar arrangement and it didn’t work out or wasn’t satisfying. I want to hear perspectives from women who tried sexual relationships with attractive men only with the goal of bedding hot men and nothing else.
Anonymous 291089
>>291085Uh, are
you new because I think the posts over the last few years of lc are all the answer you need. If we were on lc right now you'd have anons calling you a cock sucking whore. I don't know why you're looking
here of all places for advice on how many men you should sleep with. Seriously anon, get a grip. Live your life in the real world.
Anonymous 291111
>>291041The closest I've heard to what you're talking about was a former friend's colleague - she only fucks buff younger men (I think she's in her 50s and looks great, actually) but at the end of the day she desperately pines for one particular dude who strings her along with empty promises and a fantasy of romance. She only started doing this after marrying and divorcing, and having a kid. Her life sounded empty and pathetically unfulfilling from my perspective, and she doesn't have the matching markers to you that I mention below so she's a useless example for you.
The only way you'd be able to accurately predict whether or not you yourself would be happy or not doing what you're proposing is talking to another woman who has the same value structure as you, same expectations, same situation, same previous experiences, and has already churned through the men in question. Which is to say, really fucking unlikely on these boards because it's already a rare situation in the real world.
Anonymous 291113
>>291089Yeah I know the radfem anons would probably mock my post (and I get it tbh) but I’ve been horny lately and don’t see the issue with purely wanting to get some quick enjoyment out of actual hot moids’ short-lasting beauty. Of course hearing them talk and behave like they do is a travesty so I’d have to minimize the time around them to avoid confronting their actual personalities and only sleep with them a few times before they get too comfortable and propose trying new things. That is dangerous however and I realize that they could also just assault me or strangle me the first time we have sex. So I think it’s probably not a feasible idea for a woman with actual self-preservation. If only male robots for female consumption were a thing.
Anonymous 291122
>>291111I see, I’ve heard of divorced women doing this as well and not so much women of my age who just realize they want to bed pretty men. Seems like it takes a shit marriage and maturity to make the majority of women realize the only thing moids are good for (their fleeting beauty) and even then, they still want a relationship with them. I’ve also heard though that men find women who are actively seeking casual sex off-putting and instead like to manipulate the ones who actually want commitment because 1) it’s an ego boost to use pure-hearted women and make them obsessed with you and 2) women seeking casual sex or sex-focused arrangements are seen as lesser because they’ve “been around”. This whole thing probably isn’t worth it (putting myself in harms way I mean) because of the types of moids who will have casual sex and I’m better off just having a number of “relationships” one after the other with men that I actually find attractive. Thanks for your response.
Anonymous 291174
>>290056I only date asian men for this reason
Anonymous 291333
>>291174You might be onto something there kek. Most of my exes are Hispanic with no balding in the family but they manage to get fat quite quickly.
Anonymous 291362
Advice for a virgin? I'm in my mid twenties and never dated. I hate the idea of having to wake up to a man next to me and share my home with him and just have a moid always there that I'm expected to see all the time and make plans with. However lately I feel hornier than I have in the past. I feel like hookups have a high chance of disappointing me but I'd like to maybe get a fwb I like and can see every once in a while. I'm worried about not knowing what to do and sucking at sex though. Most people my age started being sexually active long ago so I feel like I'd have no excuse for being awkward or just bad.
I have no intention of getting into an actual relationship unless by some miracle I meet the perfect match for me.
Anonymous 291370
>>290056>tfw your husbando was exactly thisFeels good man.
Anonymous 291491
>>291333Eres latina nona? Nunca he salido con un latino o guero porque se gordan y ademas son muy machista. Los asiaticos se cuidan, quedan con su cabello, y tienen valores de familia. Ellos les gustan mujeres latina tambien. Pero todo es relativo. Fijate bien
Anonymous 292002
>>291362just buy a dildo/sex toy. Why would you know what to do if you've never had sex? It obviously takes knowing your body to know what you like. Stop being stupid.
Read the thread and decide for yourself if you're part of the golden 1% who will not regret having pointless sex. And if its worth risking your health for it.
Anonymous 292032
>>289541You're the only one here bringing up men when the point of my post is you should be able to live without them but go off. Sounds like the only words you pay attention to must come from a moid's mouth
Anonymous 292281
>>292002I own sex toys. However, there's this thing called "human contact" that I want to experience that silicone just can't replace.
Why are people here so condescending for absolutely no reason
Anonymous 292325
>>291122>I’ve also heard though that men find women who are actively seeking casual sex off-putting and instead like to manipulate the ones who actually want commitment because 1) it’s an ego boost to use pure-hearted women and make them obsessed with you and 2) women seeking casual sex or sex-focused arrangements are seen as lesser because they’ve “been around”.This really seems to be the truth, especially the first point. Men used to pump and dump to get an ego boost, then a large number of women became alright with the one night stand deal and met men where they were at.
Now to get the same satisfaction, they have to string a woman (who could’ve been cool with a casual setup as long as it was up front) along by lovebombing and convincing her that they want something serious and THEN pulling away and becoming avoidant, while continuing to send her mixed signals and breadcrumbs to prolong her confusion and feelings for him. I personally believe this has to be more emotionally damaging than being P-n-D’d.
>>292281As someone who used to dabble in casual sex and now feels fully satisfied with just sex toys, I totally agree that human contact is the only thing that could be missing. I’ve considered finding a “cuddle buddy” arrangement, but I think men would somehow find a way to fuck that up too.
The way I see it, I’ll keep my sanity and stay away from the circus and hysterics that can cloud your mind 24/7 in exchange for feeling touch starved occasionally. But I’ve already done my time and had these experiences and decided it wasn’t for me! I feel like in your specific case, if you don’t try, you’ll always wonder. That’s a different kind of regret. There are absolutely ways to engage in casual sex and stay safe, and you (if everything you said in your post was true) won’t be mentally down and out forever based on trying it once and deciding it wasn’t for you. You already seem to have a rare mindset going into it that would keep you grounded.
Anonymous 292348
>>286693>by drowning in moids' dicks they are only devaluing themselves and giving them more reason to talk badly about us.Who cares what moids think about us? Your giving the opinions of random moids so much power over your actions, if this really is the main reason your a virgin.
Anonymous 292360
>>292281The human contact part is understandable but it's really not worth interacting with a scrote you aren't absolutely in love with. They're selfish and retarded and will absolutely fuck up anything you give them a chance to.
Anonymous 292369
>>291113If you're horny enough go for it, but remember scrotes do everything for their egos to be stroked so you have to get rid of him first. The minute you find yourself liking the retard, its time to completely ghost him. That's usually what they do to women. Don't let them bully you into not wearing condoms, be on top of getting tested every few months, get on birth control, etc.
i personally don't find it worth the effort anymore, i just use sex toys and my imagination. And I've also been able to "substitute" the desire for physical touch with going to the gym a lot and working out. But, if you really want sex and aren't celibate for other reasons like self reflection and healing, religion, not wanting to be bothered, etc.. I don't really see why you shouldn't just proceed with caution. At this point, women being celibate won't change the views scrotes have on us in a positive way. In fact, it makes them even more aggressive. I personally don't think an individual's sex life should be used as a political statement or a stance against "the man", but I'm just one person.
Anonymous 292454
>>289983There are so many factors that are just being overlooked here
Anonymous 295366
>>291174Are Asian guys always uncircumcised?
>t. American who hates circumcised dicks Anonymous 295370
>>295366Majority. The ones who are circumcised as christian. Asians in Asia would naturally be all uncircumcised.
Anonymous 295373
>>286770>Handle hook-upsYou talk like it's a skill or talent. It's a giant psy op by corporations, the adult industry and horny men, who bombard women incessantly with the notion through tv and film that you should regularly be hooking up, especially young women. That hooking up is this glamorous, "grown up" thing you should do.
>thoughtless hookup… As opposed to having a deep, meaningful connection with the guy who just met at the bar?
Anonymous 295374

I don't understand people who hook up
>Going home with strangers and letting them sleep in your bed for the night? Are you nuts?
>Oh he wants to have sex with you, this somehow makes it okay
Anonymous 295391
>>295370I thought koreans were circumcised?
Anonymous 295427
My question is whether hookup culture is even possible in the context of same sex relationships (les/bi women, not gay moids kek). I've been out as bi for years and never found it easy to find women for casual sex. I've never been a unicorn hunter either so it's not that, I've exclusively dated women.
Anonymous 295428
>>295374Just different lifestyles, surely they do some kind of screening, friends of friends or things like that.
Anonymous 295446
>>295374On top of that they call women like me delusional for waiting to meet a man whose not a porn addicted idiot or psycho. This is the only thread in CC that has made me actually mad in years
Anonymous 295450
>>295373>You talk like it's a skill or talent.because not getting attached to the other and keeping it temporary actually is an emotional skill that you either have or don't and is very hard to learn
>… As opposed to … no, not hooking up with someone you don't even know who you don't realise you'll get attached to and who is going to break your fucking heart (which HURTS, by the way). sex isn't and can't be done purely physically
Anonymous 295470
fox without a tail…

>>295446It's just Aesop's fable of the tailless fox. They try to convince others it's good to slut around, so they don't have to regret their own actions.
Anonymous 295477
>>295446most of the posters here are farmers from when their site went down. idk wtf is going on with them
Anonymous 295485
>>295446>>295470can you guys show which posts are calling you delusional for not sleeping around? most of this thread is shitting on hookup culture
Anonymous 295499

>>295485Well, I don’t know about posts here specifically, but many moids on 4chan will day ugly virgin girls cannot be femcels, but that chad will never marry them if thats who theyre waiting for and they “missed out on being a whore” if they’re 30+.
Anonymous 295513
>>295446You're not missing anything, seriously. It's very difficult to find a moid who isn't a mentally ill person addicted to porn or something similar, but it's much better to be single than to hook up with a mediocre male just to report to society that you're not single.
Anonymous 295523
>>295512About what? Not everyone gets thrills from random sex.
Anonymous 295524
>>295499>“missed out on being a whore” if they’re 30+.I have relatives who disprove this.
Anonymous 295526
>>295524>“missed out on being a whore” if they’re 30+.>I have relatives who disprove this.Do you mean
>they're whores while being 30+>they were whores, so they didn't miss out on being one>they never wanted to be whores, so they didn't miss out on being one Anonymous 295530
>>273609>Is being a prostitute without getting paid worth it? Anonymous 295918
>>295530why do you think you see so many regular girls on OF now? It's just the advertising.
Anonymous 295920
>>285893>Where the frick else am I meant to find an assortment of men to have casual sex withDuolicious
>that'll let me ghost the weirdos without worrying they'll rape/murder me over it?nvm. maybe stay on tinder
Anonymous 295921
>>287022>being a virgin […] implies self controlUnless you're a virgin because you're too ugly for anyone to notice you
Anonymous 295922
>>289497>normal person>one who like never uses the internet unless it's to message his aunt Happy Birthday on FacebookYou seem to have normal people confused with the Amish
Anonymous 295925
>>295921Even really ugly moids could pay for a prostitute
Anonymous 295932
>>295931>Not everywhere>Doesn't stop them and some women need the cash Anonymous 295963
>>273609I find it depressing.
You go out, have a fun night, meet a cute guy and bang, then it just ends. There's no more contact, because you both know that there's not much more to say. It's all just filling the hole that he left.
Anonymous 295966
>>295963So dystopian, to think people are doing this to themselves.
Anonymous 295968
>>295966Far more dystopian is that if you realise how nightclubs are essentially marketplaces to sell womens' bodies. The entire business model rests on men using nightclubs as a way to get laid. To that end they are willing to pay exorbitant amounts for drinks and entry fees. Women get in "free" because they are the
product being sold. And to get recurring men, it is extremely in the interest for the nightclub to get as many women as possible into their hands. So they use subsidised/free alcohol and create an atmosphere to lower women's inhibitions as much as possible and get them to make as dangerous choices as possible (similar to casinos). In many places the free flow of drugs is quietly permitted by the club. Because no sane woman would otherwise bring home a man she just met in a shady place. It's no surprise that various studies show most women have been sexually assaulted in nightclubs.
This video explains it well, although in a very whitewashed way
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr1Ddn3INFE Anonymous 295975
>>273609No, the answer is NEVER.
I might hate myself but I'd still rather saw off my toes than engage in hookup culture. There's literally nothing to gain from it, and if you're perma horny like me still 'having sex' isn't even a good argument when you remember moids are selfish self-centered assholes who wouldn't ever care about giving you an orgasm.
Anonymous 296193
>>295968what even makes a woman go to such a place to begin with?
surely, no worthwhile woman would visit such a den of filth, no?
Anonymous 296195
>>296193>what even makes a woman go to such a place to begin with?i want to dance
Anonymous 297424
I was actually deeply suicidal in my late teens/early 20s and engaged in hookup shit. All my female friends had bailed on me after a suicide attempt at 18, at the hospital my parents told me to "do it right next time" because of the hospital bill, so I figured maybe a scrote would take me out.
I'm still alive, still deeply suicidal. I haven't engaged in hookup shit in a long time because it was too gross even for someone as self loathing as myself.
But yeah, I never tell anyone about it because I know I'd be seen as used goods by both men and other women, and I'm smart enough now to not use pills as a way to kill myself. I got a gun and I got rope. It's one of those methods or nothing.
Anyways, if any girl tells me she hooks up I won't judge her, maybe it's because I hooked up but I just find slut shaming gross, like I don't want girls to fuck around with nasty scrotes but shaming a girl who is trying to deal with loneliness in our increasingly apathetic society is even shittier than being a whore.
Anonymous 297425

>>297424>I just find slut shaming grossWhat do you think about slut shaming men?
Anonymous 297427
It's just a meme, nona. The truth is in the spirit.
Anonymous 297428
>>297425Does male slut shaming actually exist? It feels like men are more shamed for being virgins than for having sex.
I also feel like a lot of men sleep around for homosocial reasons, like a man who engages in hookup culture is likely to be praised by other men, whereas a woman who engages in it will be shamed by everyone (then again, what AREN'T women shamed for these days)
Anonymous 297429
Actually the rind of the penis is preserved as long as it doesn't undergo the chemical shock of new partners. The more chemical shock a penis rind endures, the more it damages the penis.
Anonymous 297433
>>297428>Does male slut shaming actually exist?In today's society, men are not generally slut shamed.
However, the question you should be asking is, "Do I, individually, have the power to slut shame men?" And the answer is, "Yes." Whenever you hear a moid on the internet or in real life talk about sleeping around, you have to call him a slut. If a moid brags about his bodycount, you need to say he's a whore. Should you meet a moid who's not a virgin, spit on him. Only then can there be peace upon the earth.
The trick to slut shaming men is the use the words "slut" and "whore", rather than "manslut", "manwhore", or "fuckboy", because those latter words are inherently less insulting. Many will say, "the word 'slut' can't be used on men, it can only refer to women." Bullshit. Nothing in the etymology suggests a strict gender. The only one who can stop you is yourself.
Anonymous 297434

>>297433The issue is men need to be the ones holding men accountable. We can call Trump a disgusting aids ridden prostitute rapist whore all we want, scrotes and pickmes still think he's great enough to run the country whereas you get one story about Harris fucking some dude who had been separated from his wife for a decade and she's a huge slut.
This is a story as old as time too. Scrotes could be disgusting without consequence throughout time and history. Some had to be more covert, but for the most part ye old moids could visit the brothel or, if they were in power, have thousands of concubines. Shit, Henry the 8th changed Englands official religion so he could be a whore (despite fugging countless mistresses) since he was running out of reasons to decapitate his wives. And that's just one guy. A dude being an actual legit chad who was loyal to one woman is always the exception, not the rule.
Moids would only kill whore moids if they were fags.
>>297432pic rel
Anonymous 297443

>>297434>The issue is men need to be the ones holding men accountable.There's a difference between holding presidents and kings and celebrities accountable, and holding a regular ordinary moid. The first requires the general populace, and the multitude of scrotes, but, for the average moid, you can do it yourself.
Anonymous 297449
>>297443I know regular moids who are man whores. I call him out on it and say he is disgusting and needs therapy before he died of aids. But surprise surprise, idiot grug sex addict men, at best, only listen to other shitty men. But most men are stupid apes with no semblance of self awareness, yet somehow expect me to fix them despite the fact that they have had it drilled in their head that listening to a woman is gay.
Anonymous 297452
>>297424>"do it right next time"what, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck?
Anonymous 297494
No, but long-term relationships aren't either
In both cases, you're more likely to encounter a porn addict that doesn't care about your wants and needs, but in a serious relationship you'll be stuck with them and having all your energy drained from you
Anonymous 297495
>>297494I'd even argue the moids who prefer causal sex are at least being honest with their intentions. If a moid seeks a long term relationship there's still nothing stopping him from fucking other women behind your back and lie to you about it
Anonymous 297887
The marriage and virginity nonas in this thread cracked me up. I don't enjoy hookups and I don't think most women actually do. I think they just get off on the validation and feel bad afterwards. Unless it's someone they're super attracted to. Some women around me don't feel the same but I just find it strange to be naked and so close to someone that I don't really know, even if the sex is great the unfamiliarity just makes me uncomfortable. I've had some good sex partners who were people I was attracted to physically and had chemistry with. Though I think we always had crushes on each other anyways. It was more like something that couldn't evolve into a relationship so we kept hanging out and having sex sometimes. Those are the occasions that I've enjoyed sex the most with people that I wasn't in an official relationship with. I don't think I would ever have sex with someone I don't know well in the future unless they're god level attractive.
Anonymous 297892
>>297495it’s true, and anyone who’s worked in healthcare knows how routinely men abandon/cheat on their sick wives, or pregnant wives, or after his wife had a baby. The list of excuses is endless but it all boils down to him & his dick not being the center of attention anymore
Anonymous 297895
>>297443No one really wants a sane virgin man anyway, they jus get shamed into oblivion assuming that there's something deeply wrong with you.
I would rather not engage in these things anymore and make more money for my family.
Anonymous 297898

>>297895>No one really wants a sane virgin man anywayYou take right, I'll take left.
Anonymous 297899
>>29789599.999999999999999999999999% virgin men aren't sane after 20.
Anonymous 297900
>>29789999.999999999999999999999999% of all men aren't sane lmao
Anonymous 297908

>>297898That Image is totally unrealistic. A lot of virgin men are virgins for a reason. It's more likely that they're like this
Anonymous 297909
>>297908>A lot of virgin men are virgins for a reason.Yeah, like they want to save themselves for true love.
Anonymous 297910
>>297909>true loveI truly and really wish this could really happen. But in reality no one wants such men, things are harsh and people punish you for your lack of experience in any area.
It just hurts to be forced to let go of this idea of true love. whatever
Anonymous 297911
>>297910>But in reality no one wants such menI want them.
>It just hurts to be forced to let go of this idea of true love. The course of true love never did run smooth.
>I truly and really wish this could really happen.Wishing won't get you anywhere. You must work for it.
Anonymous 297912
>>297911Thanks for the advice and reading my rant.
Anonymous 297915
>>297908I wish i could meet a guy like the one on the left who was cute. Sadly they're all fucking hideous
Anonymous 297916
>>287583hey its okay nona your life isn't over
my mom got herpes from the first man she ever had sex with but herpes comes and goes, its only contagious when there's open sores
so she still managed to meet my dad, not spread it to him, and give birth to me without me getting it
my dad didnt judge her because he's a good-hearted man, really the best man I've ever known, cant say the same about my mom though haha
you can also always have a c-section instead of a vaginal birth
Anonymous 297920
>>297915You want a Nick Fuentes hentai watcher bf?
Anonymous 297928
nick fuentes use to be cute a couple years ago then he aged like shit. what happened? do all moids age like that?
Anonymous 297929
>>297898I dont understand how being a virgin man has anything to do with a guy acting like the guy on the left. It's just a kind and well adjusted behavior. Haven't you ever seen the porn brain rot virgins? A guy can have past partners and still act like the left guy too. There is no correlation to virginity here.
Anonymous 297935
>>297928alt right brainrot. His inner beauty came out and it will continue to come out. Always be wary of a moids inner beauty. A lot of evil scrotes are very conventionally attractive when they are young, that's how they seduce women into abusive relationships with them.
If you look closer though you can see the ugliness in him even in the past. It's in the eyes. When I was young I could see that shit and avoided it. Every fucking time I'd learn what happened to those guys they would turn out to be horrible people to be around.
Look for that kind of American Psycho vibe, where the guy seems to put a lot of effort into his appearance. Like way more than just eating right, working out and bathing regularly.
But yeah, nice virgin guys DO exist, or at least, they did when I was in high school. I had a crush on one but so did 90% of the girls I went to school with. Usually his relationships didn't last though because he was waiting for marriage.
Imo best guys are ones who are serial monogamists. A guy who is kind but had dated 1-4 girls in the past can be superior than a crazy virgin who will hold you up to a high bar.
Anonymous 297936
>>297495>I'd even argue the moids who prefer causal sex are at least being honest with their intentions. If a moid seeks a long term relationship there's still nothing stopping him from fucking other women behind your back and lie to you about itThis is seriously so true. Just stay single and only hook up with hot guys if and when you're in the mood. No point actually dating because moids fundamentally cannot be trusted long-term.
Anonymous 297941

>>297935Here's your serial monogamist, nona. While you're waiting in line, he's fucking other women.
Anonymous 297943
>>297941Id rather be the last girl he's ever with than the first of many.
Anonymous 297944
>>297943I'd rather be the first and last and only girl he's ever been with.
Anonymous 297945
>>297943>>297944I think everyone in this thread needs therapy, it's not normal to obsess over your partner's previous relationships.
Anonymous 297946
>>297945>it's not normal to obsess over your partner's previous relationshipsWho's obsessed? If he's not a virgin, I won't date him. Simple as that.
Anonymous 297947
>>297944Its wishful thinking to expect a man to be loyal just because he's a virgin. Same goes for scrotes who have this kind of value system.
Don't think just because you take his virginity he won't break up with/divorce you.
Anonymous 297949
>>297947>expect a man to be loyal just because he's a virgin>Don't think just because you take his virginity he won't break up with/divorce you.But I don't think that. It's a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for me.
Anonymous 297950
>>297949For sure. I'm just saying as someone who lost their virginity to a virgin, it doesn't mean shit in the long run. My priorities is having a life long, loyal partner. And if that means I'm not his first so be it.
All I'm saying is that if everything else about the guy seems good except you won't be his first, don't let that be a reason to pass him off. That's what happens with these incel moids who die alone and resentful.
Anonymous 297952

>>297950>if everything else about the guy seems good except you won't be his first, don't let that be a reason to pass him offNo, I don't think so. You're not a virgin yourself, so it's not so important to you, but I'm not settling for some used goods moid who couldn't keep it in his pants.
Anonymous 297953
>>297952Alright nona, wishing you the best.
Anonymous 297954
>>297950>loyal partnerThere's a correlation between the number of sexual partners someone has and the level of loyalty in a relationship.
Past partners or casual sex does tell you something about a person whether they are male or female.
Anonymous 297955
>>297954I think that's a wild oversimplification. There's plenty of stories of people (men and women) who cheat on the partner they lost their virginity to.
It might be easier to trust someone who (at least claims) they are a virgin, but ultimately it depends on other factors.
Again, I lost my virginity to a virgin, and it didn't work out. I ended up marrying someone who was a non virgin and my marriage outlasted a LOT of my friends who went for virgin-on-virgin marriage. I'm not saying it can't work, but to say someone is 'ruined' because they had sex, male or female, is just a perpetuation scrote culture imo.
What matters the most is when you are with a partner to be loyal and loving. If they don't work for whatever reason you aren't 'used goods' because you become single again.
Anonymous 297956
>>297955>What matters the most is when you are with a partner to be loyal and loving.How are you even sure they are being as loyal as you are?
I was in a relationship with a promiscuous person and things got pretty nasty, I'm having a hard time healing from that.
Anonymous 297957
>>297956promiscuous cheater=/=serial monogamy
Also, you can't be sure anyone is loyal to you. That's why you need someone you can trust.
If someone was a cheater, that is because they are a cheater. Remember nona, that person started out as a virgin.
I'm sorry you got hurt in a bad relationship. A lot of us have. But I still stand by what is the most important thing in a partner is someone who is loyal and loving, and virginity doesn't guarantee that.
Anonymous 297958
>>273609nope, never.
casual sex culture is a ploy to present satisfying men's urges as feminism. read louise perry's book the case against the sexual revolution.
Anonymous 297959
>>297936the problem is that hooking up holds no appeal to most women. if you're a woman and you like hooking up, you're very unusual nona.
most women want a romantic bond & feel nothing for no strings attached sex. the problem with the human sociosexuality gap is the fact that, at the population level, male and female sociosexuality to not match. moids want to have a lot of sex with different women, and women want a bf who will commit. most women prioritize romance & most males prioritize sex.
any woman who enables casual sex culture is an idiot.
Anonymous 297965

>>297960>>297961>>297962nona I know you have autism or whatever but at least fucking highlight the important parts. I'm not gonna read your entire book post like how I'm not gonna read the lore room in the neverhood
Anonymous 297966
>>297965yeah ok sorry i have this problem. the tl;dr is that sociosexuality (the trait of desiring sexual variety & casual sex) is, on average, far higher in men than in women. a culture that encourages casual sex overwhelmingly satisfies men & frustrates women, yet third wave feminism duped women into thinking its feminist bc a minority of women are highly sociosexual.
Anonymous 297968
>>297966The hypersexuality/free love shit is a psyop by scrotes in order to hijack feminism in order to
A: Sexually exploit women who are developing class consciousness.
B: Use those exploited women as a way to belittle the feminist movement as a whole.
C:Create division among the oppressed group (women/feminism) to encourage infighting instead of banding together against the larger issue (scrotes exploiting women)
It's been that way since second wave feminism
Anonymous 297969
>>297968pretty much. hypersexual culture has always been a way for moids to exploit women.
Anonymous 297970
>>297969I think, based on my experience as women, the best thing we can do is not shun one another. Every pick-me internalized misogynist has a story of being shunned by other women. Like there is a TERF to pick-me pipeline and we need to make sure the terfs stay feminists.
Anonymous 297971
>>297970i agree. of course that also happens bc some women are only radfems over the troon issue and have no understanding of feminism beyond that, but i agree that shunning other women is unhelpful and just leads people down pick-me paths.
i have my own history of being shunned by other women, i'm an autistic lesbian after all, but sucking up to scrotes isn't the answer, bc all they'll do is treat you like a sexual object and never an equal.
Anonymous 297972
>>297971(same nona) i feel really bad for pickmes personally. being shunned by other women hurts so i feel them.
Anonymous 297973
>>297972like its retarded to be a pickme but i feel bad for them rather than thinking we should shun them
Anonymous 297974
>>297971>sucking up to scrotes isn't the answer.God I've been trying to explain that for so fucking long to these girls. The worst is when they defend these shitheads and talk about how men are soooooooo much nicer and all I can think is like: "the second you so much as mention in passing that women are disadvantaged these guys will be 100000000000x worse to you than the women who shunned you ever could be"
Anonymous 297975
>>297972>being shunned by other women hurtsI feel you on that nona. I think libfems are incredibly guilty of that because of the troons. It's just like the 'free love' shit. Moids psyopping feminism and keeping women from properly waking up to male oppression.
Anonymous 297976
>>297974you don't even have to be a full fledged feminist to get walked all over, even. just refusing to let them treat you as lesser and sexualize you is enough to end up being called a harpy feminazi. or pushing back at rape jokes. etc.
Anonymous 297977
>>297975i personally disagree that the troon issue is truly a dominant force in society (controversial, i know). libfems in general think its horrible to be mean to men or say men are oppressors, said men do not have to be troons to elicit this response from libfems. the troon issue is a tiny symptom of a larger problem which is that normie women shun "mean" feminism.
Anonymous 297978
>>297977normie women also regularly fall for other psyops like "male loneliness" (which is just an incel dogwhistle for demanding sex from women)
Anonymous 297979

>>297955>to say someone is 'ruined' because they had sex, male or female, is just a perpetuation scrote cultureScrotes don't say males are 'ruined' just because they had sex. Only based women do.
>>297957>virginity doesn't guarantee thatNo, but it is correlated with it. picrel
Anonymous 297980
>>297976Yep. imo if a woman is cursed with heterosexuality she needs to be super careful out there.
tbh I think with our current political climate any hetero woman who hasn't found a good male partner who truly believes in their autonomy and isn't threatened by the idea of working alongside them on equal grounds should remain single until this current sexist climate and be pushed into distasteful obscurity.
>>297977I think the troon issue is a problem in liberal intersectional feminism. It's an exploitation of their empathy.
Anonymous 297981
>>297980i believe extreme troon activism and falling for the "male loneliness" psyop are both extensions of manipulating female empathy.
Anonymous 297982
>>297979>Institute for Family StudiesThey are anti lesbian, and anti women having control over their reproductive systems.
>After 5 yearsMarriages are for life, not 5 years.
Calling anyone used goods because they had sex is scrote-tier shit. This isn't to promote promiscuity, but it's also to not put virginity on a pedistal.
Anonymous 297983
>>297957>promiscuous cheater=/=serial monogamyThey're both sluts.
Anonymous 297984
>>297982i agree with u nona. its not pro-promiscuity to say this.
Anonymous 297985
>>297983Nona you are gonna have a lot of trouble finding a partner out there if you see someone who is faithful but the partner he/she lost his/her virginity to didn't work out for whatever reason is the same as someone being a sex addicted slut who just has empty one night stands.
Its all just purity scroteshit
Anonymous 297986
why do people act like there aren't lots of women who are sexist against other women? and yes, for petty reasons. it happens all the time. granted, some groups of women are not as obsessed with same sex domination. same with men.
the whole "lets blame moids" thing is tiring. i mean men do suck sometimes, and they do play a role in causing same sex aggression, but too many women fall for it easily and it's tiring how people pretend otherwise.
ideally one would not be aware of same sex aggression at all. its not a good feeling and you can sense when its happening. also not even something i felt aware of until recently.
you can also always tell when someone had a stable influence from older generations in their life. (healthy) people who live longer realize how dum and counterproductive it is and are quick to nip it in the bud at youth. their progeny tend to be more stable, more explorative of their identity and beliefs, have better morals towards the same sex, seem to live more fulfilling lives, are more prosocial, etc. they're okay with waiting and they don't breed bullies.
shtoap i want my mentally ill tumblrina bf
Anonymous 297987
>>297982>Institute for Family StudiesThey made the graph, but the data comes from the National Survey of Family Growth, which is reputable.
>Marriages are for life, not 5 years.It's a survey, nona. You're supposed to extrapolate.
>Calling anyone used goods because they had sex is scrote-tier shit.Moids, especially slutty ones, don't deserve any respect whatsoever.
>pedistal>>297985They're not the exact same, but they're both sluts. One's just more slutty.
Anonymous 297988
>>297987Nona, you don't rise above scrotedom by trying to reclaim their toxic mindset. It's okay to want a virgin dude, it's okay to ONLY date men who are virgins. But slut shaming is a scrote thing.
50% of marriages fail. Way more religious marriages fail than non religious marriages. Which marriages do you think have more virgins marrying virgins?
Anonymous 297989

>>297988>slut shaming is a scrote thingBut scrotes don't slut shame men, so how can it be a scrote thing?
>Way more religious marriages fail than non religious marriagesDoubt
Anonymous 297990

>>297989>chartFunny I got a chart too
>scrotes don't slut shame men.I agree, because slut shaming is a tool used by scrotes to oppress women. It's inherently a scrotey thing. We are above scrote shit
Anonymous 297991
>It's inherently a scrotey thing.Says who?
Anonymous 297992
>>297991Source is Pew Research Center
Slut shaming is predominantly scrotey because the entire purpose of it is objectification in order to oppress another group of people. As a woman, you can shame men for being promiscuous but it will have little to no effect on them. Like Ive said before, you can strictly date only virgin men and try your luck with them. But slut shaming is ineffective. this is coming from someone who wants to live in a world with less casual empty sex.
It's like this: Yes, drug addiction and alchoholism is ruins lives. I wouldn't date someone who is addicted to drugs or an alchoholic, but if someone got drunk at a party once or twice when they were young but haven't had a drink in decades I wouldn't consider them the same as someone who is a raging alchoholic.
Does that make sense?
Anonymous 297993
>>297992>Pew Research CenterI can't find the data online.
>if someone got drunk at a party once or twice when they were young but haven't had a drink in decades I wouldn't consider them the same as someone who is a raging alchoholic.They're not the exact same, but they are the same in some respects.
>As a woman, you can shame men for being promiscuous but it will have little to no effect on them.Then what's the harm in me doing so?
Anonymous 297998
>>297993I didn't say it's gonna harm you, just like when scrotes shame women for having sex it doesn't harm the scrotes.
Anonymous 298004
>>297998>slut shaming men doesn't harm womenSo what's the problem?
Anonymous 298114
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They deleted this thread I liked. Luckily, I made a screenshot, so I'll post it here.
Anonymous 298126
NO, it is not.
it is sinful and unwise.
all RA°ligion advise against it (whoring)
it is better to stay an old virgin and to meet their partner later, living a wholesome life together
to be young and already having lost their charm and magic/manna, being nothing more than an object of simple lust and craving of the flesh.
sex is sacret and secret as is virginity; i will spare you the deep esoteric and occult metaphysics of these things.
but be advised: youve got your virginity and that is almost all that matters.
if you are a virgin, the chances are you are wise too.
for your own eudamonia, find yourself another virgin and make alchemy, it will be fullfilling and an eminently pleasant experience for both of (you) on multiple levels, i promise
this is what they dont want; they want to conquer and divide, to rile up male vs female, plunge you into sin and ignobleness.
deep inside you probably knew these things already, as your daimonion literally "told you so", but you choose not to listen or, you did infact listen. then be cheerful and lighthearted, good will come to you <3
as i do too wait for the right moment, for the right partner. to be king and queen, god and godess, effect magic, connect our souls and reap the sweet fruits of our love. teach, learn and show them and vice versa.
ty4reading my blogpost
Anonymous 298135

I don't care about religious or moral issues, men are never judged for being sluts, and they live looking for sex as if their shitty lives depended on it. But women don't insist on it (I'm not saying they don't want to) in the same way that men do, but engaging in hookup culture brings a lot of risks for women, it's simply not worth it, because most men aren't even pretty or hot, and from what I read on the internet, most men are not good at sex either. So, there is no reason in this world for a woman to risk her life, and be judged by a pathetic society like ours, and be called a "slut" or "washed up" for something that cannot even be good. For us to find a boyfriend who behaves appropriately and looks good is a real struggle, so for me, hookup culture is a waste of time
Anonymous 298138
>>298135>men are never judged for being slutsBe the change you want to see in the world
Anonymous 298139
I've felt like since puberty my self-worth has been entirely tied to getting sex or some kind of romantic affection from men, of which I've hardly gotten any. I was extremely high strung with many intense crushes throughout all of my years at school, couldn't lose my virginity until after college despite attending a party school where everyone was fucking each other's brains out. Fell in love several times, became infatuated other times, with some men fell in love and infatuated at the same time. Rejected by all. Became addicted to dating apps in my early 20s, never saved up money, never moved out of mom and dad's home. Got into sugar dating despite not being exactly rich just because the guys on those sites would actually reply to messages and show interest in meeting up.
I've gotten occasional dysfunctional relationships, situationships and hookups but very rarely. They were dysfunctional because either I was settling for someone I didn't really want, or someone I really wanted was settling for me. But there was always a feeling of never being good enough for who I wanted, being unable to get sex or relationships. And on the occasion where I did get to date or have sex, I felt like it healed me a bit. The one situation where I actually got to be with my crush healed me immensely (although obviously I still have a long way to go to get back to 100% on my life bar, that refilled a lot more than anything else) and even he treated me horribly and breadcrumbed me to death. I can't imagine what it would be like to date someone I actually liked and have him treat me well. Sounds like an unattainable paradise.
All of my self worth feels like its tied up in approval from men and I for the most part feel like a failure. The reason that has been so engrained in my mind is that I immediately knew as soon as I had my first crush that nothing could ever be as thrilling or satisfying as being in the arms of someone you love or desire. Everything else in life has always felt like some kind of consolation prize. So if you can't get the one thing in life you want the most, a thing that most people around you could get comfortably and frequently, how are you supposed to feel good about yourself as a woman? There's obviously something wrong with the way you come across to the rest of the world. Something that makes you inefficient to satisfy the needs of most men you encounter. You can share the deepest emotional bonds with a man, fall in love with him and he just wants to be friends and this happens over and over in life. I don't fault him for that. I fault me.
Anonymous 298142
>>298139So is that your personality?
Seek help, good luck
Anonymous 298145

>>298138Honestly, I don't care about other people's sex lives, but I wouldn't date a man who's used to sleeping with multiple women. He might have an obsessed ex, or an STD, or a random child lost in the world who he owes child support to.
Anonymous 298212
>>298145its completely normal to feel this way nona
Anonymous 298216

>>298212At least in my country, most women seem to ignore these little details and go out with random men. No matter how feminist you want to be, most women often have no sense of self-preservation.
Anonymous 298224

>>298139holy shit nona we have the exact same romantic history except i didn't even get to lose my virginity yet. pure rejection only. feelsbad
Anonymous 298249
>>298145I personally find the whole idea of it disgusting. I don't know how you can love and respect someone who's fucked a bunch of women before you. I don't know how women can date sluts without feeling bothered by it
Anonymous 298251
>>298139>Got into sugar dating despite not being exactly rich just because the guys on those sites would actually reply to messages and show interest in meeting up.do you mean that men would pay you to "date" them (the normal way of sugar dating) or the other way around?
Anonymous 298485

>>273609If you enjoy it and you're being reasonably safe about it than it's worth it, and if you don't want to do it than it's not worth it
Anonymous 298704
Been seriously considering paying a guy to eat me out for a while now, a one time thing, just a matter of saving up but I think it might just fuck me up mentally after the encounter's over and goddamn this fucking sucks.
Anonymous 298711
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>>298704You can't find one to do that for free? Are you black, or just insanely obese?
Anonymous 298734
>>298711I think I could find one for free but I feel like that's gonna be way too much effort, going through tinder and all that, I don't have the time nor patience for the retarded shit that goes on there
Besides, if I pay for a guy I feel like there's more obligation on him to actually get me off as opposed to some random tinder guy who can just go "lol no" thrust in 2 times inside me, cum, and then leave and forget about me
Anonymous 298786
>>298704>I think it might just fuck me up mentally after the encounter's overIt will
Anonymous 298862
>>298786Just as suspected, then
Damn it, why must sexo be such an emotionally complex thing?
Anonymous 298877
>>298862Biologically, it's because chemicals make
homo sapiens pair bond, much like other monogamous animals.
Psychologically, it's because the mind cannot truly separate love and sex.
Spiritually, it's because fornication defiles the soul.
Anonymous 299161
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>>273846Marriage is for those who cannot do without it. But the greater joy is marriage to the only man who has ever been truly good, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Take the bride of Christ pill. Take the nun pill.
Anonymous 301020
I don’t think it’s that worthwhile when you’re a woman and straight. The orgasm gap speaks quite clearly.
I also think that modern dating is kind of bleak and that most are just in it to use others, even in casual settings there’s a lack of humanity and care.
Anonymous 301211
>>301020do note that the size of the orgasm gap varies by country. i think there are some cultural divergences that matter, like how sexually experienced people (and specially young men) are in average, and women being more or less likely to talk about what they like. ime americans are kinda screwed in both of those departments
Anonymous 301213

All of you take sex way too seriously. If you want to hold out for a virgin, hold out for a virgin, if you want to fuck the hot guy that activated your neurons at the bar go do that.
The fact that you stress this much about not just your own, but other people's sex lives this much merits self reflection. There truly is no right answer to it other than what you feel is right, which would then prompt you to take action and make steps to towards that. If you feel like you can't, then that's probably a symptom of a deeper incongruence that likely plagues you in all aspects of your life, that you should investigate immediately.
Anonymous 301216
>>301213But what about women who are socially pressured to get pumped and dumped, only to later regret it? Shouldn't they be warned?
Anonymous 301217

>>301216Warned to not be retarded? If it worked like that, there wouldn't be any retards.
Anonymous 301222
>>301217 said pretty much. People are also warned not to use drugs, gamble, or use social media and look where we're at. If you're decisions are easily manipulated by peer pressure then I guess figure that out first.
Also if you don't like casual sex and you learn it pretty early on through regret, you'd stop doing it, no? Much like a child who touches a hot stove top and learns that it probably shouldn't do that again, a woman, or man for that matter, who has casual sex and regrets it right after, won't want to do it again either. Unless you have some unresolved issues that you mask and pacify with the short term "feel good" reaction your brain gives you after meaningless shallow sex.
If you like being a whore and it brings you joy that a monogamous relationship won't bring you, then go hop on dicks, if you like you're boyfriend to not even look at other women, then go find a handsome golden retriever church goer.
Something something, everyone is different, everyone has to figure it out for themselves, you get the idea.
Anonymous 301230
>>301217But even intelligent, though naïve and inexperienced, women make mistakes, especially when popular media and culture all pressure her. Geniuses will be able to see through the bullshit, retards deserve to fail, but what about women in between? Should they fail, simply because they don't have the fortune to be given 145+ IQ?
>>301222The problem is, hooking up and casual sex has lifelong permanent consequences that gambling and other things don't.
>People are also warned not to use drugs, gamble, or use social media and look where we're at.And women aren't really "warned" against casual sex, the way a packet of cigarettes says "smoking kills". The media likes to say purity and virginity are still the cultural demand of women, but that is sheer hypocrisy. Contemporary culture pressures women to get pumped and dumped, though nature will have them regret it.
>>301223Thanks for agreeing.
Anonymous 301241
>>301230Cigarettes are just as much a vice as sex is. Sure they're are considered bad and your parents told you not to smoke them, but they're still being sold at every corner store, mall, gas station etc. and every cool character smokes them in movies.
Same thing with casual sex. It's like I said, if you're easily swayed by peer pressure and buzzfeed articles or some shit, then you need to reevaluate some things. No man is going to chimp out at you for having tried it once or twice to figure out what the hype is about, then realizing it's not for you. Even most of my male friends say it gets stale pretty much immediately after the first post nut clarity hits. Virginity is not as valuable as a good judge of character, self control, and authenticity. A lot of girls will make their virginity their personality, even though on the inside they're turbo sluts, but are desperate for a guy, so they fake it. No one wants to date that, especially with the roles reversed.
Anonymous 301242
>>301241>Cigarettes are just as much a vice as sex is.If my husband smokes a cigarette, I wouldn't mind so much. If my husband has sex with someone else, that would be the worst thing ever. Clearly, sex has a larger capacity for vice.
>if you're easily swayed by peer pressure and buzzfeed articles or some shitWhat about detrans women who got duped into growing beards and cutting off their breasts, because they were swayed by peer pressure from the tranny culture? Are you saying we should do nothing to persuade them?
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
>No man is going to chimp out at you for having tried it once or twice to figure out what the hype is aboutLots of good men only want to be with virgins.
>Virginity is not as valuable as a good judge of character, self control, and authenticity.Maybe not
as valuable, but it is still valuable.
>A lot of girls will make their virginity their personality, even though on the inside they're turbo sluts,I'm not talking about those kinds of girls.
Anonymous 301259
>>301242Straight up cheating and casual sex when you're single are two different things though. If anyone decides to troon out there is a cornucopia of people that will relentlessly mock them for it, just as much as people who will support them for social credit, but ultimately it's up to the individual. Neither you nor I get to decide what other people do with their genitals unless it's your kid. Good friends and family will probably dissuade you, but then that's up to the company you keep as opposed to broader societal warnings. Deciding what to consume, who to fuck, what to wear etc. based on what society tells you to sounds like a very pathetic and miserable way to live life, regardless of whether or not that way of life is "healthier" in the grand scheme of things. Obviously no one will ever really be able to rid themselves of cultural influence, but I think imprinting on children as early as possible that they should think and make choices for themselves is far more potent than any contemporary maxim born out of a countermovement of all things. Because if you say "don't listen to those retards, they don't know what they're talking about, here's how you
actually have to live your life" then you're not really any better than the people you criticize, because they'll say the exact same thing. There are very rudimentary inferences that anybody with more than room temperature IQ can make, if someone fails at basic common sense, then no amount of warnings will help them because those same people will probably fuck up a million different ways anyway and aren't long for this world.
Virginity is only valuable because of what it represents, not because of it in itself. A virgin and a girl who had casual sex once to realize it wasn't for her are still on the same wavelength with the only difference being that one has concrete proof that the grass is not in fact greener. I seriously doubt any guy irl will give as much of a shit as you think they will.
Anonymous 301274
>>301259>Straight up cheating and casual sex when you're single are two different things though.They differ in some respects but they're both sex outside of a loving relationship.
>Neither you nor I get to decide what other people doBut that's not the point. The question isn't that one should force others to do this or that, but that one should use words and speech to inform others of good and evil. Even if, ultimately, the decision is only decided by the individual, my words can still influence, for the better.
>Virginity is only valuable because of what it represents, not because of it in itself.It's valuable for both.
>A virgin and a girl who had casual sex once to realize it wasn't for her are still on the same wavelengthNo they aren't. The biological chemicals involved with pairbonding permanently changes the psyche.
>the only difference being that one has concrete proof that the grass is not in fact greener.A fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
>I seriously doubt any guy irl will give as much of a shit as you think they will.There are many guys who do, and many girls also. I myself care a lot about a guy's sexual history, if I'm considering him as a partner.
Anonymous 301275
>>301274Idk what to tell you then. Would you discard an otherwise decent guy you're attracted to because he slept with one or two girls before you and regretted it? What if it was 5, maybe even 10, or 20 girls before he realized that this wasn't for him? Or same with women, at what number of bodies does a woman become officially undeteable and only worth for sex? It's all very arbitrary and dehumanizing in isolation, without knowing the extenuating circumstances. Attractive people are usually revered for and encouraged to sleep around. Does making the mistake of having had bad experiences that they learned from make them less valuable as human beings? How would you even measure that? What about ugly people, who can't get laid even if they tried and wanted to? What about religious types with deeply repressed sexual urges? What if your default virginal somatic ability to pair bond is lower than some random girls' even after she has been with say 10 guys before? Does that make you inferior to her? Virginity by itself, though heavily romanticized, has little bearing on a persons actual character. You might be able to use it as an indicator for their impulse control, or values, but that's about it. Ultimately I don't disagree with you, I think for the majority of people, casual sex does more harm than good and saying that, coupled with studies and past experiences and whatnot is how we learn from each other, but then again, that's already the status quo. Even women who engage in it constantly say how bad it is. If some choose to ignore those warnings then I guess that's on them. Sex after all is as natural as any human experience gets, doing it once or twice outside of a relationship to experience what it's like doesn't make you lesser, nor does not wanting to be with someone who did.
Anonymous 301276
>>301275>Would you discard an otherwise decent guy you're attracted to because he slept with one or two girls before you and regretted it?Yes. I don't want used goods.
>Virginity by itself, though heavily romanticized, has little bearing on a persons actual character.Virginity is a choice, and choice is character and mind.
>Does making the mistake of having had bad experiences that they learned from make them less valuable as human beings?As human beings? Not really. As potential partners? Yes, definitely.
>Attractive people are usually revered for and encouraged to sleep around.Yeah, and that's a problem.
You're not looking at the big picture here. The more I discourage casual sex, the easier it is to get a virgin bf/husband. Do you see?
Anonymous 301277
>>301276>The more I discourage casual sex, the easier it is to get a virgin bf/husband. Do you see?So you're pushing your ideology on people for your own personal benefit? You can shout it from the roof tops, tell all your friends and family, or write a post on a mongolian basket weaving forum about it, but that doesn't make whatever you say absolute fact, or casual sex categorically wrong and immoral. You can't quantify the human experience like that. What if you were in a relationship with a guy, had lots of sex, but realized he wasn't the one, or he broke up with you? Now what? Are you used goods now and unworthy of love? You're not a virgin anymore, so why would any guy date you, right? You might say if it's in the context of a relationship it's not the same, but sex is still sex. You made a decision to be with a guy you thought was worthy of putting his penis inside you, and you made a mistake, intentional or not, you had sex with someone you didn't end up staying with for the rest of your life. You can wait for marriage to fuck and the day after having sex your husband could just break up with you. So what, are you just forever tainted and unable to be loved by anyone even though according to your values you made all the right choices?
Anonymous 301278
>>301277>So you're pushing your ideology on people for your own personal benefit? Just like everyone else.
>that doesn't make whatever you say absolute factThat's not the point. I don't make the truth, I make people believe in it.
>What if you were in a relationship with a guy, had lots of sex, but realized he wasn't the one, or he broke up with you?That's why I wait until marriage.
>your husband could just break up with youStill, it's far less likely a husband will dump me than a bf. And at least I'll get alimony.
>So what, are you just forever tainted and unable to be loved by anyone even though according to your values you made all the right choices?Divorcees are pretty pathetic, ngl. I wouldn't date a divorced moid.
Anonymous 301280
>>301278Sounds pretty miserable considering almost 50% of marriages end in divorce, but you do you I guess. Would an alimony really make up for being considered unlovable tainted meat for the rest of your life? Also not everyone is out there trying to make people drink their particular brand of kool aid.
Anonymous 301281

>>301280The divorce rate is much lower for virgins. picrel
>Would an alimony really make up for being considered unlovable tainted meat for the rest of your life?I never said it would make it up, I only said that it's better than no alimony at all.
Anonymous 301282
>>301281Whatever makes you happy nona. Though you'd be in the minority even without all the modern dating brainrot, since most non christian and incel men will have had 1-3 experiences on average.
Also what happens in the case of rape? You technically wouldn't be a virgin anymore? Are you then still considered used goods?
Anonymous 301284
>>301282>Also what happens in the case of rape? You technically wouldn't be a virgin anymore? No, I'd still be a virgin.
Anonymous 301286
>>301285St .Thomas Aquinas writes
>Pleasure resulting from resolution of semen may arise in two ways. If this be the result of the mind's purpose, it destroys virginity, whether copulation takes place or not. Augustine, however, mentions copulation, because such like resolution is the ordinary and natural result thereof. On another way this may happen beside the purpose of the mind, either during sleep, or through violence and without the mind's consent, although the flesh derives pleasure from it, or again through weakness of nature, as in the case of those who are subject to a flow of semen. On such cases virginity is not forfeit, because such like pollution is not the result of impurity which excludes virginity. Anonymous 301287
>>301286Sounds like cope to me, most men don't want a girl who has been raped. Especially if they have to deal with the baggage and her being all jumpy. I've heard there are women who coomed with the guy that raped them, but not with their boyfriends. Also, what about all the female teachers that have sex with their underage students? That's technically statutory rape, but those guys aren't virgins.
>and without the mind's consentthat means if you're sufficiently drunk or otherwise faded, then having sex won't count as losing your virginity? So if a girl gets a train run on her every day she's still going to be a virgin because her mind was impaired.
That means that party sluts who only have sex while black out drunk every weekend are all still virgins, because techincally they have no recollection of ever giving consent.
I'm not going to tell you what to believe or how to live your life, but if you have to pull out mental gymnastics like saying that having sex doesn't make you lose your virginity, then maybe that ain't it.
Anonymous 301288
>>301287rape ≠ having sex
rape ≠ losing virginity
There's no cope or mental gymanistics. No woman says, "I had sex last night" if last night she were raped.
>statutory rapeNot the same as ordinary rape, despite the similar name.
>what about this bullshit scenarioNo.
Anonymous 301289
>>301288>rape ≠ having sex>rape ≠ losing virginityHave to disagree on this mindset, rapists are charged with sex crimes because the crime had sex involved.
Anonymous 301291
>>301288>no no babe, I didn't have sex with her, you see I didn't even love her, so it doesn't count>we were just mashing genitals together, that's not real sex, there wasn't even any love involved so I'm technically still a virgin>no you don't get it, see, it's called "hooking up" not "having sex". "Having sex" is what couples do hahaimagine a guy saying this to you unironically.
Anonymous 301293
>>301291hooking up = having sex
If a moid hooked up with a chick last night, he says, "I had sex last night."
Anonymous 301295
>>301293>>301292yeah, no shit, I was trying to illustrate how retarded it is to arbitrarily bend definitions so they fit your world view. If you were raped you're not a virgin.
Anonymous 301296
>>301295rape ≠ having sex
This has not been disproved by you.
Anonymous 301297
>>301296Because you pulled out some quote from some catholic priest and present it to me as fact.
If we can just ignore universally agreed upon definitions of words inscribed in dictionaries and make up our own then there's nothing to prove or disprove, we're just throwing meaningless words at each other.
St. Ray Piste writes:
>consent, though often believed to be given out only by conscious mind by heathens, is actually able to be given even in an unconscious state. So rendering a woman unconscious and then using her for pleasure is still very much in the realm of what is to be considered sex Anonymous 301298
>>301297>some quote from some catholic priest and present it to me as factIt was to give quickly an explanation that I couldn't have written down speedily. You can read the full article here:
https://www.newadvent.org/summa/3152.htmI didn't expect you to accept it as a fact but as an argument.
>St. Ray PisteVery clever, ha ha ha.
Anonymous 301299
>>301298Ok, that doesn't change things. I could probably find dozens of writings of contemporary priests saying the exact opposite and calling him whatever epoche appropriate latin slurs they used back then for even suggesting something like that.
I could just claim to be a theologist and say that hooking up doesn't count as having sex and write an article about it. If we can mince words and shuffle their definition around to our liking then I can just make it so every word that would mess up my argument gets redefined.
Anonymous 301300
>>301299>I could probably find dozens of writings of contemporary priests saying the exact oppositeThen do it.
>If we can mince words and shuffle their definition around to our likingBut I'm not even doing that. In your pic
>>301285, it says a virgin is a person who has never
had sex. A rape victim doesn't say she
had sex with the rapist.
Anonymous 301302
>>301300>St. Ray Piste>St. Mole Esther>St. Freek Andyall of them said that your guy was a retard and that women aren't capable of not giving consent, so go ahead disprove that.
>it says a virgin is a person who has never had sex. A rape victim doesn't say she had sex with the rapist.sex is defined in the oxford dictionary (the same place where my pic is from) as
>1. (chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.sexual intercourse is defined as:
>sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a woman's vagina, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen.when you're raped, a man will put his dick inside you and cum, thus having sexual intercourse with you, which in turn means you had sex. Whatever the rape victim says doesn't change what the words mean. A man can go his entire life without ever uttering the words "I had sex with Stacy". Does that make him a virgin?
Anonymous 301304

>>301302>These guys I made up are impossible to disproveC'mon
>sex is definedThe word is not
sex but
have sex, which means something different,
to engage in sexual intercourse, as in picrel. The word
engage signifies consent and agreement, which is absent in rape.
Anonymous 301305

>>301304>impossible to disproveYeah, that's the point. The guy you posted is also impossible to disprove because even in the article he is merely making a suggestion for an esoteric interpretation not a concrete definition.
>The word engage signifies consent and agreementno it doesn't, by definition. As a victim of rape you are directly involved in whatever the guy is doing to you, so you're engaged.
Anonymous 301307
>>301305>The guy you posted is also impossible to disprove because even in the article he is merely making a suggestion for an esoteric interpretation not a concrete definition.Did you even read the article?
>As a victim of rape you are directly involved>you are directly involved>you are involved>are involvedYes, you ARE involved BY the rapist. The RAPIST does the involving and engaging. YOU do not engage in intercourse.
Anonymous 301308
I think it's fair to care about bodycount, but at the same time men who obsess over it, especially virginity, by showing they objectify women strike me as the type of men with broken pairbonding skills that are highly promiscuous and likely to cheat. They'll never be a good father (or stick around) and they carry slut genes, so their lineage will often grow up to be degenerates that turn to crime and prostitution.
Anonymous 301315
>>301307>Yes you ARE involved by the rapist>Engage: to participate or become involved inYou have become involved in sexual contact against your will. I don't know what else to tell you. You can sit here and split hairs all you like, but then we will just keep talking in circles. If the only difference between sex and rape is consent then you can pick apart any part of sex based on abstract interpretaions thereof. Hooking up is not sex because according my home town priest, because real sex requires love to be present between both parties to be truly involved in the act, so actually hooking up doesn't count as sex.
Anonymous 301317
>>301315>You HAVE BECOME involved in sexual contact against your will.That's not the same as TO BECOME involved
>If the only difference between sex and rape is consent then you can pick apart any part of sex based on abstract interpretaions thereof. Huh? What? That doesn't make any sense.
Anonymous 301319
>>301315i dont consider rape the same as sex, regardless of what some linguistic faggot from an institute says, but i dont know where that anon gets the idea that rape doesnt take virginity. losing ones virginity means experiencing penile penetration for the first time whether its consensual or not. most people will agree on that even if it makes them shift in their seats.
Anonymous 301321
>>301319>losing ones virginity means experiencing penile penetration for the first time whether its consensual or not>most people will agree on that even if it makes them shift in their seats.If you ask a stranger, without any priming, to define a virgin, 99 to one, they'll say, "someone who has never had sex". They won't bring about all that technical mumbo jumbo "penile penetration". It's a very simple concept with a very simple definition.
As you said, rape isn't sex, so a virgin can be raped and still be "someone who has never had sex".
Anonymous 301322
>>301321i said i dont consider rape the same as sex, not that i dont define rape as a type sex retard lol
Anonymous 301323
>>301322>sex feels good>rape is a type of sex>therefore, rape feels goodRape is not a type of sex, although they share many characteristics.
Anonymous 301325
>>301323>birds fly>penguins are a type of bird>therefore penguins flydid you know penguins are one of the least likely species to be rapists? can you write me a poem about that? thank you chatgpt
Anonymous 301326
cool, since we get to decide for ourselves what each word means to us, I'm going to go and jump as many guy's bones as I can while preserving my virginity, because fuck what those linguistic faggots say right, I have my own definitions.
Same energy as girls who "replenish" their virginity.
Anonymous 301327
>>301326well linguists are always faggots. you copied my words but i was agreeing with you. you having stroke anon?
Anonymous 301328
>>301325The fox hates the grape
The penguin hates to rape
If you're stabbed you need a surgeon
If you're raped you're still a virgin
Anonymous 301329
>>301328amazing anongpt now write a poem about how dead internet theory is real
Anonymous 301333
>>301325>did you know penguins are one of the least likely species to be rapists? Highly doubt that. Heard about adelies?
Anonymous 301334
>>301329The words I write are fake
Each post is just a mistake
The bots create and reply
Real voices slowly die
Anonymous 301345
most retarded argument i've ever seen itt. are any of you even real
Anonymous 301356
>>301333Fuck don’t remind me of them. On par with dolphins, the rapists of the seas
Penguins live a miserable existence. Imagine a long march in an icy landscape
Imagine starving to protect your eggs and keep them warm for months
Imagine every time you want to hunt for food, there’s a risk that the first penguin who jumps dies and gets eaten by an orca or leopard seal
I’m glad I wasn’t born a penguin