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Anonymous 273873

does anyone here smoke salvia? I have a question.

Anonymous 273880

The high lasts for like 5 mins and it makes your skin itch. Not worth it. You're welcome.

Anonymous 273893

my question was about the body high. Whenever I take it I can feel it in my entire body except for the left half my face and my left shoulder. Why is that? It makes me feel like I have a hole there or as if its just missing completely. I have never heard of anyone else experiencing this.

Anonymous 273905

I used to, when it was sold at the corner stores, haven't found anywhere to get it since. I've never had a particular sensation occur every trip, pretty interesting that you do. Try mushrooms next and see if you lose your left shoulder & face with that too.

Anonymous 273906

I should mention that I've been using 20x extract

Anonymous 274398

Has anyone tried doing salvia with fresh flowers? My brother is growing salvia in the garden and I wanted to try it

Anonymous 274621

It would need to be distilled, extracted 15-20 times. That would take a hell of a lot of flowers.

Anonymous 274638

Why would you smoke salvia when you could smoke weed?

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