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Anonymous 274051

What kind of rain is your favorite? Mine is when the wind is blowing so hard that the droplets disperse into misty little particles.

Anonymous 274059


All violent weather accept hurricanes and tornado collisions id like to keep my house.

I still love tornadoes though and im obsessed with watching them on youtube.

Anonymous 274060

Thunderstorms, maybe category #1 hurricanes. I'm not too fond of normal rain showers.

Anonymous 274071


Comfy rain sounds at night with warm blankets indoors

Anonymous 275152

Hehe I remember being interested in tornadoes as a child. What with all my esoteric interests, my scientific/natural interests got lost somewhere. Thanks for reminding me. Just watched a couple of nice shorts on YouTube. Here's one: https://youtube.com/shorts/UpmN12wWpS4?si=3P2PsGArwV-YwaLM

Anonymous 275196

I like the weather right before it storms, the sky is covered in grey clouds with a few beams on sunlight peaking through, the sky is rumbling and you can smell the rain coming, the clouds gather around the mountain next to my apartment and it looks really pretty and the weather even feels nice on your skin.

Anonymous 275236

i hate rain

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