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Anonymous 274212

Why do women love women so much?

Anonymous 274213>>274214

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Cuz they r great :3

Anonymous 274214>>274217

most girls I know don’t like me even doe I’m a girl

Anonymous 274217

Sorry to hear that nona. I know it isn't always easy, I really do, but generally I've found that most girls/women are super kind when it comes to other women. In some situations in my life I almost expected bitterness but I've found genuine kindness instead and some of the things women said to me or did for me held so much value (esp. when it was strangers who didn't gain anything out of being nice). And that's just the women who openly showed their kindness. In my friend circle we often talk positively about other girls, without them noticing or ever finding out. I sometimes like giving compliments too, and the feeling when the other person gets genuinely happy about it is just so incredible. A positive interaction like that totally makes my day. I don't want to be too cheesy and ofc I know that it doesn't always work that way, but I really really hope you can find more girls who do like you and nurture the feminine connections in your life.

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