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Where do you see yourself in 50 years? Anonymous 274795

Anonymous 274815


Anonymous 274841

Dead, suicide

Anonymous 274857


Anonymous 274862

I see nothing

Anonymous 274863

rich hopefully

Anonymous 274866

Weird old art lady who keeps active in the community and acts as a surrogate mother figure to other weird autistic women.

Anonymous 274868

Anonymous 274913

also dead

always wanted to grow very old but it's not realistic

Anonymous 274964

I hope I'll be living on a mountain in the middle of nowhere knitting on the front porch all day. I'll never off myself because I look forward to getting old so much. Everyone in my family gets stupidly old (90+) with decent health so I hope I do too. I'll be part of a book club and listen to everyone complain about their husbands while sipping tea all day, wish I could just time travel that amount of time.

Anonymous 275015

probably on spinster.xyz posting my latest knitting fits

Anonymous 275018


Growing veggies and putting them in jars. Maybe growing grapes and making wine too.

Anonymous 275625

In 50 years I'll be a billionaire that has established a women's only state and made strides in women's liberation.

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