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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

This is a hard moment for Argentina Anonymous 274872

The Argentine people are suffering. There is 100% inflation in 6 months, poverty does not stop rising, reaching 45%, taxes are increasingly higher, and although our president is called a neoliberal conservative, the reality is very different, since even with the strong and brutal adjustment that people suffer, the government allocated more than 8 million dollars in estrogen for the feminization of adults, the elderly, and children.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the solidarity of all the anons.

Anonymous 274883

Anonymous 274926

Anonymous 288773

sabella casi se ca…


Anonymous 288884

Wait I’m happy this thread got bumped. I am a burgerchan but have many friends and a few distant family members (Milei nuts) from Argentina. they say that while there is definitely suffering right now, it’ll turn out to be for the best in the long term.

They seem so convinced but I’m still not sure. You have my solidarity forever and always.

Anonymous 288912

sounds like a great time to return to las malvinas

Anonymous 289045

Did argentina ever had a good moment

Anonymous 289052

I hate living here

Anonymous 289340

I'm just shocked that someone who said their deceased pet dog gave them advice on finances was allowed in.
I noticed the right-wing burgers who were cheering him on and insisting Argentina would go great places because the president has blue eyes and is racist have suddenly gone quiet.

Anonymous 289587

Milei is working hard to turn argentina into the first fourth world country

Anonymous 289591

Kim there are people dying

Anonymous 289677

>a neoliberal conservative
He's a what? How does that work?

Anonymous 290226

no lol we were actually talking about this in accounting class today (teacher started going on a history tangent). we've never had a proper ''stable'' economic time really, this has been going on since the 1800's, worsened during the 90's, and is worsening again in this current era

Anonymous 290492

Sorry but India already exists.

Anonymous 290572

Deserved, hate Argentina hate Argentinians

Anonymous 290597

dont care, eating milanesa

Anonymous 290743

Are you guys really so fucking politically illiterate that you don't know what neoliberalism is? Holy shit

Anonymous 290806

how and why did the decline start?

Anonymous 290824

Argentina has always had a very corrupt government. It doesn't matter to what political party they belong, none of them care about anything but their own money.

Anonymous 291181

im so tired of living worse each year…

Anonymous 291705

keep seething we have 3 world cups and thats what matters

Anonymous 291762


And that's all you'll ever have

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