
Donald Trump was shot today Anonymous 274903
Anonymous 274904
Which won him the burger election lol
Anonymous 274907
Go, shart in mart. American politics are a circus, don't bring them up when you can avoid it
Anonymous 274912
Anonymous 274924
>>274903>>274912No matter what you think of Trump, political violence is never ok
Anonymous 274944
>>274937Trump raped and enslaved a fucking 13 year old girl you degenerate backwards waste of oxygen swine.
Anonymous 274947
>>274936Romanovs looked kawaii as fuck while Soviets looked dysgenic. Bad trade off for russians
Anonymous 274961
>>274924Politics and politicians are inherently violent. Their retarded policies constantly result in the deaths of thousands of people yet when the tables are turned it's always "noooo, you can't just be violent!". Tell that to the people who are dying of starvation, war, drug epidemics caused by these corrupt elites. The true violence is the negligence and corruption committed by these people chosen to lead.
Anonymous 274962
>>274961There's always some decisions that lead to worse outcomes than others. But people shouldn't start acting like it's ok to just kill political leaders (in democracies) over bad decisions they make.
Some literally don't recognize people of the opposite political opinion as human anymore. Like some sort of sick excuse in order to not show any empathy.
I'm against Trump too, but accepting behavior like this will lead to way bigger issues.
I agree with
>>274924 here. At least when it comes to democracies.
Anonymous 274967
can schizo commies go back to reddit
Anonymous 274971
>>274924genuine question, if your government wasn't democratic would you condone it if it were to make the government more democratic?
Anonymous 274972
>>274962>But people shouldn't start acting like it's ok to just kill political leaders (in democracies) over bad decisions they make.Why? If you're responsible over this many lifes and constantly fuck around like the population are just pawns, you deserve to get a shot of your own medicine.
Anonymous 274981
>>274972Personally I don't think it's ever right to kill someone, I don't think it's up to humans to decide when someone's life should be ended and I never think killing someone without their permission is the right thing to do. But I know lots of people disagree with that if the person in question has done unforgivable things and it really does depend on the context for me too like if you're trying to avoid more people getting killed or something like that I might agree with it being the most reasonable approach. But let's not focus on that aspect as it really comes down to individual morals.
Even if I thought it was justified to kill someone (and I see how it would be convenient in this case), I'm against it in this case simply because it blurs the lines of what's ok to do and what not. In a position of political power like the one of the US president there's always some lives you'll make worse/indirectly lose no matter what's your approach. And once the public sees themselves in the right to kill the person in question for that it starts blurring the lines. How many bad decisions is too many? You can't really count the technical deaths directly liked to it, right? Is it ok to kill the people who enable them as well? What about the voters? Does the opposite party think it's alright to kill the murderer now? What will be done about victims who died in the process?
Not to mention that another person literally died because of the attack. I mean it kinda already shows that it might not be the best idea to just try and shoot someone like that. Or are victims just a byproduct we have to accept? It's okay they died because they were Trump supporters? What about their families having to deal with the loss? The end justifies the means?
Also if the majority of people votes for that person to be in charge it means that the majority thinks what they're doing is right (at least to some degree). I don't think it should be possible to bypass those democratic values by killing that party's representant. (Even tho I sometimes really don't think people know what's best for them.) Not to mention that it only divides republicans and democrats even further and it'll get harder and harder to come to solutions that are acceptable or at least bearable for both of them. And while democracy as a system is far from perfect, there isn't really any proper replacement for it yet. Call me paranoid but the situation in the US seems to be getting out of hand with people hating each other purely based on their political views and lots of people seem to form their opinion based on their political affilation, rather than choosing a political affilation based on their opinions. It's like for every new topic that comes up people don't even think twice about it and just go with either the republican or the democrat standpoint for it depending on which party they support. Some people outside are worried about a civil war coming up sooner or later if it goes on like this. But I should also mention that I'm a European and I got literally all of the info I have about the US from either local newspapers or online, so maybe I'm not qualified to make judgements here.
Anonymous 274992
>>274961how many starvations, wars and drug epidemics did Trump cause?
Anonymous 274993

>>274903All I think and care about is misogyny the first thought I had when I saw the photos of trump getting shot was the kind of shit men will be saying about the female body guards
Anonymous 274994
>>274981Young idealist, in practice, it's often kill or be killed. If you back a wild animal into a corner and give it no other options, it's going to put everything on the line. HAMAS are the result of backing Palestine into a corner. Russia was backed into a corner. Iraq was backed into a corner.
This Trump shooter? They were a CIA plant, likely shooting BB pellets. It's a distraction to keep people from discussing actual politics. I haven't seen a single person sit down and compare Trump and Biden policy decisions apart from a couple of people who very astutely said "Trump just signed executive orders, Biden actually passed bills." Most people who hate Trump focus on his misogyny or his racism, and not the simple fact that he was an ineffective leader. Most Biden haters just say "he's old" and if they're smart they'll bring up the Ukraine war being mostly his fault (which is a valid criticism). But no one really discusses their policy differences, I guess because the media circus recognizes that such discussion risks the danger of a politically conscious populace, so they eschew it.
Anonymous 274996

Would there be a civil war if Trump was killed?
Anonymous 274997
>>274907Bong claws typed this. Focus on your sewage system England.
Anonymous 275020
>>274996No. MAGAtards are all talk. Things like jan 6 get blown way out of proportion by establishment bootlickers but in reality most of them just walked around sipping beer and as soon as the police arrived they got kicked right out.
I say none of this to absolve them but instead to point out their anger is limp and weak.
Anonymous 275029
>>275023>>274990Just admit you love child rapists already and get in line to have acid thrown on your face
Anonymous 275036

I'm moving to Canada if Trump wins
Anonymous 275037
>>275036That's what you all said the first time.
Anonymous 275040
>people in this thread unironically believe that trump getting shot will lead to him winning the election.
You're all so silly. You know, there have been quite a few presidents who got shot and never got reelected.
Just think of Kennedy or Lincoln.
Anonymous 275202
>>275039idk how like millions of people see this shit and actually vote for it lmao what
Anonymous 275204

>>275202not to put them on one level but, same difference
Anonymous 275223
>>275020this. Jan 6 was the biggest nothingburger ever and I'm tired of pretending it's not
Anonymous 275234

Trump is turning America into Idiocracy
Anonymous 275235
>>275223I am in no way downplaying project 2025 or a second trump term, but in a way i agree that the average maga american isn't desperate enough to actually do anything revolutionary. It would be another jan 6th all over again if they lost. Americans are too comfortable to be inconvenienced over a civil war.
Anonymous 275269
>>275039Trump has officially disavowed Project 2025 multiple times publicly. People losing sleep over P2025 are like the Q anons of the left, it's a completely schizo theory. It's a hypothetical plan that was cooked up by a completely unrelated conservative think tank.
Trump had fewer deportations than Obama but suddenly he's going to turn into turbo hitler and gas all the browns? People really think Trump is going to force the teaching of Christian religious beliefs in school, end marriage equality and incarcerate immigrants in "camps"? They seriously think he's going to ban ALL MUSLIMS? Come on already. Trump is a retard and I hate him for the same reason I hate every other politician, anyone thinking he's going to do anything besides bloviate as usual is completely out to lunch.
Anonymous 275276
>>275269Qanons on the left? Did this actually come out of your mouth?
Anonymous 275278
>>275269Virtually nothing that lying sack of shit says is true. "Disavowed"??? what the hell does that even mean coming from that conniving orange turd? You say you hate him but you're still mentally feeble enough to take anything he says seriously??
Trump is a stupid pawn, witha bunch of real psychopaths behind him. If the supreme court still means nothing to you at this point your brain is in the toilet and theres probably no getting it back.
Anonymous 275282
>>275269Threads like these clearly attract moids..
Anonymous 275285
>>275282If you don't know how to be furious over the child rapist scumbag it says more disturbing twisted things about you as a woman than if you were not. You want we should all be well behaved and shut up for your silent teaparty garbage? Shove it up your ass. Its a appalling look and frankly more disgusting than a ton of things i can think of. Go back to your backwoods iranian hell with that delusion. If anyone sounds like a moid here its most definitely you.
Anonymous 275313

I'm voting for him because he was hot when he was young. I only vote for people who are attractive and Kamala looks like caca.
Anonymous 275315
>>275313He looks like a total goober in this picture.
Anonymous 275316
>>275313Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix were infinitely hotter and not conniving loan sharks
Anonymous 275323
>>274936Youre a nasty commie if you think the killing of the Romanovs was justified, you deserve the rope, then hell.
Anonymous 275349
>>275276>>275278>>275282I said I don't like trump, I don't disagree that he's an evil rapist. I'm not 'taking his word' when he says that he disavows 2025, I'm looking at his track record as a politician. He lies to get in office and doesn't fulfill his promises, just like every other one. I'll repeat what I said earlier - anyone seriously thinking trump is going to suddenly adopt project 2025 is completely out to lunch.
Anonymous 275383
>>274937The biggest cope either side has ever said was when MAGAtards were all trying so hard to paint that mugshot as "badass".
He looks like a stopmotion figure there. His hair looks like those birstles you can make dolls hair out of. Putting his policies and rhetoric aside, he is by far the most dysgenic man to ever become president and anyone trying to paint him as handsome or manly is even more delusional than the freaks who think he's a hero.
Anonymous 275386
>>274962I'm against violence toward voters or supporters of politicians but the structure of electoralism in America is so detached from the citizen's voices that these people hardly (at best) represent their will. The mayor where I live literally didn't even campaign for reelection because the unions endorsement meant there's nothing his opposition could do. And guess what? He flat out allowed a building permit in our downtown area for a stupid casino that goes against the local zoning rules HE VOTED IN which stopped a nonprofit from doing the same thing.
Shooting a moron like him might not be the answer but voting DEFINITELY doesn't do anything.
Anonymous 275388

>>275386Democracy has been dead since America became an empire. I’m shocked that with all the guns y’all have that this kind of thing doesn’t happen more often. It also makes sense though, considering the death grip the CIA has on mind control and persuasion tactics
Anonymous 275430
>>275349So I guess everything revolving around the supreme court is just imaginary to you?