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What do you see in the image? Anonymous 275464

Proceed to psychoanalyze each other

Anonymous 275465

A clowns face. Nose in the middle, eyes above, and wacky ass hair to the sides.

Anonymous 275466

A rising bird! Or a descending angel.

Anonymous 275467

Two witches riding broomsticks

Anonymous 275468


Anonymous 275471

halloween christmas tree

Anonymous 275496


Anonymous 275502


Red: face
Pink: hands
Blue: jellyfish
Green: women dancing

Anonymous 275503


Anonymous 275507

A man's face in the middle, with a satanic goat head looking outwards.

Anonymous 275517

So it has a giant schlong???

Anonymous 275523


A tree, lobster and squid?

Anonymous 275527

A pelvis

Anonymous 275535

A pair of eyes and an outline of the devil

Anonymous 275678

1721946681751 (1).…

Anonymous 275680

Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street.

I've been watching too much TV with my kid.

Anonymous 275681


I can only see this guy from Meet the Robinsons.

Anonymous 275749

two bats flying at each other with their claws out

Anonymous 275999

looks like a mirrored image of a skeleton playing guitar with a knee up like during a solo or something

Anonymous 276016

Tbh I see a demon version of Albert Einstein

Anonymous 276034

Same, that was the first thing I saw. I imagined some Touhou with Yoshitaka Amano artstyle type thing.

Aw, I love the cat.

Anonymous 276074

I see two girls holding a weird guitar or a broom, kind of. Or maybe a distressed/nervous face in the middle…

Anonymous 276195


Alright, nonas. What about this one?
I see two baby angels with wings on their heads and a fountain (or a big bell) in the middle.

Anonymous 276196


Like this.

Anonymous 276207


Anonymous 276220

I also so eevee

Anonymous 276241

why do i see my parents fighting in all of them?

Anonymous 276251

Anonymous 276297


I saw Destroyah's frills and face

Anonymous 276599


Anonymous 276681


Anonymous 276688


Occult in Utero

Anonymous 276714

black metal

Anonymous 276723

That's clearly a raccoon in your gif

Anonymous 277142

scissors, some sorta plant is using them

Anonymous 277169

a panda/fox furrowing its brow and biting something.

Anonymous 277238

Rocket raccoon or evil grey guy from kung fu panda

Anonymous 277326


>What do you see in the image?

Anonymous 277720

Two parallel shinigamis using metal detectors

Anonymous 277722

i am using your image because i am to lazy to make my own

pink: woman bending Forward and praxing for mercy
blue: cuckroaches
red: face
gray: some devilish thing, that with the horns in the foreground and a man with a hood like a magican

Anonymous 277879

bulldog's face with it's tongue out

Anonymous 277886

Two witches flying near thick branches

Anonymous 277892

I see Bill's Cipher long lost deformed goth brother

Anonymous 277946

Two girls with electric guitars and bat wings and two bugs at the bottom

Anonymous 277987

I see three wolves

Anonymous 278676

i see a womb

Anonymous 278744

Anonymous 285804


I saw Vikavolt and I can’t unsee it

Anonymous 287127

Decapitated angels and two church men praying with their hands up…

Anonymous 287132

Angry face in the middle, with two screeching witches on the side.

Anonymous 287676

Anonymous 287680

A spiky uterus

Anonymous 287684

two scarecrows playing the electric guitar at a metal concert

the marionette from SAW

Anonymous 287689

I see a guy with a moustache looking down on me with disdain.

Anonymous 287757


Anonymous 287885

A moustache guy and a uterus combined

Anonymous 288246

I see no psychoanalyses so I’ll start!

Your parents were very demanding and put a lot of undue pressure on you.

You are very confrontational and struggle very often with negative thinking.

You had a very religious upbringing and have a complicated relationship with faith.

You hate your mother.

You have an eating disorder.

You’re a lesbian.

I have a psychology degree so do not try to argue with me.

Anonymous 288248

Demonic Nigel Thornberry

Anonymous 292283

I see two witches on broomsticks flying up and two foxes gossiping in the center

Anonymous 292292


A witch with her little helper
A face or mask
An angel

Anonymous 292305

Two Pichu drinking from a bell shaped cup

Anonymous 292306

this is what schizophrenia looks like

Anonymous 292326


badass witch with a smaller burning tree witch and an isopod just there

Anonymous 292801

kuromi on a broomstick (mirrored)

Anonymous 296758

The first thing I saw was a uterus kek… and then two imps kissing

Anonymous 296811

pelvis and two witches on broomsticks

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