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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


This thread passes the Bechdel test Anonymous 288104

You know what it is about, in this thread it's not acceptable to talk about anything that refers to people of a gender or sex different than the female one

Anonymous 288151

I can't believe we're turning this place into lolcor

Anonymous 288180

If you think about it, we are just putting some stricter rules. Not only everyone posting is a female miner, every topic discussed in this thread will all be revolving about what females experience on planet Earth and beyond, and everything about things related to the female gender

Anonymous 288198

it was originally meant to be a less cow focused alternative anyway.

Anonymous 288200

This thread was retarded and unnecessary back then and it still is now. Pretentious ass thread

Anonymous 288279

I'm installing Fedora Linux because I miss gnome and the Linux Mint devs don't ship proper desktop enviroments.

Anonymous 288287

I think a lot of childfree heavily dislike kids cuz of their own childhood neglect and wanting to be cherished like the kids are

Anonymous 288309


no one's forcing you to you post in it

Anonymous 288330

I don't hate kids but I dislike them because they're annoying and many are feral nowadays due to their parents not doing their job properly. I live next door to a family of 3 and downstairs from a family with a newborn. It's free birth control.

Anonymous 288343

I still need to make a backup from my Manjaro install that fucked itself somehow, funny you should say because I'm thinking of installing Fedora instead. I would be using KDE though because I swear by it

Anonymous 288421

Manjaro always fucks itself up, due to how updates work. Honestly, Fedora is plenty updated, to the point where it breaks from time to time (not as much as arch-based distros, of course.) I wanted something slower, like mint, but every DE they ship is ugly as sin. I think if you like KDE, you'd be fine using OpenSUSE, I heard it's nice. I've seen people complain about the KDE spin fedora has. Honestly, I haven't tried either, but I do know fedora makes a really polished Gnome and a "meh" anything else.

Anonymous 288442

Nope, I like tutoring and working with them and love my younger cousins but I have no interest in being apart of a family again.

Anonymous 288450

I think this whole site should pass the bechdel test. That's why they have the pinned thread with containment zones. I'd honestly love if they took it a step further

Anonymous 288572

I had a job interview, and they flat out refused to interview me because they sent me the wrong time. I took time off of work to go to the interview. I'm actually not that upset about it, but I'm definitely not going to interview with them again! Why would I take more time off my first job?? Anyway, I got a bad feeling about the place before that, but…

I guess it was good luck.

Anonymous 288579

Sometimes I've heard about companies doing this on purpose to either see how much you want the job or to find out if you're already employed. Either way it's unprofessional and a giant red flag. I guess at least you have the day off now?>


Why does this threads existence offend you? I genuinely don't get why.

Anonymous 288646

I've been using Debian for a long time after first starting out with Fedora, although recently I switched to VanillaOS (which is based on Debian now, btw)

If what you're looking for is stability, you simply can't go wrong with Debian

Anonymous 288688

I use Arch on my main desktop and it's honestly not that bad.

Anonymous 289001

I'm looking for good Gnome, I don't care about stability. Honestly, I can't get behind debian, I'd rather get something "ready to use". Fedora requires some thinkering, but Debian is just ridiculous to me.

Anonymous 289134

i'm not surprised we didn't have our comeback today

Anonymous 289314

not really,just ot maybe

Anonymous 289448

What's a good Linux distro for someone that's never used it before?
I'm moderately computer literate and mostly use my PC for web browsing, vidya, and occasionally programming

Anonymous 290155

I tried Ubuntu for a while a few years ago. I hope you can manage cuz mine couldn't play videos and the guides they write for Linux users assume you're a computer nerd when I despise computers.

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