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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker #32 Anonymous 291176

Same rules, don’t reply to bait.

Anonymous 291178

Whats wrong with the chick you saying she ugly??

Anonymous 291179

And they were all drawn by Ikuko Hatoyama

Anonymous 291180

huh? wouldn’t “defending ugly dudes” be pretending that the guy you posted looks good?

Anonymous 291182

I really hope we don't have to stay here forever, I am just back from a permaban that happened for no reason

Anonymous 291183

please no not another moid infight

Anonymous 291188

how does IVF/donors work??/ my cousin and her wife did this for their baby and i dont really understand some stuff.

so, the donor probably has been used by other people before, meaning their baby has genetic siblings it won't know, but also is the donated sperm from this era? or is it like frozen from some donor who gave it 20+ years ago?? and if thats the case does that mean there are genetic siblings who are adults now? and just how much info is given to parents who choose ivf?
i really makes no sense to me

Anonymous 291189


Dang it was my turn to get a random ban today, thought for a minute it was a janny having a bad day and getting triggered by my earlier post kek >>290848
I hope nonas that are having a good day keeps having a good one, and that it gets better for those having a bad one! Consider it a win if it even turns out ok, and promise me everything will turn out ok for you even if it sucks right now!
My roomie surprised me with my favorite energy drink and I just put freshly washed sheets on my bed. Gonna test another one of my new teas and play some vidya for the rest of the evening. Love you nonas!

Anonymous 291190

He is young, pretty and stylish. If you don't know shit about fashion is another matter. But dudes should start to dress and style themselves better, is gross going outside and being exposed to ugly unstylish males.

Anonymous 291192

something bout you

>has genetic siblings they don’t know
That doesn’t really matter, so long as you get your own child.
>also is it donated or frozen sperm
I’d assume you’d just use some of your husbands sperm? Unless he has none which is a very rare case

Anonymous 291193


I was browsing those annoying ass weeb Facebook groups after logging in for the first time in ages and this name caught my eye as as being uniquely deserving of rope so I figured the rules would be equally as cringy and trannies are using the word moid now apparently? It's in rule 3. Also kek at the harry potter thing.

Anonymous 291194

She's talking about in the case of lesbians anon.

Anonymous 291195

why don’t you ask them it’s more likely that they’ll have an answer for you

Anonymous 291196


Old status has been put back up

Anonymous 291198


it's so joever

Anonymous 291199

quit trying to play that card, you have genuine retarded taste

Anonymous 291202

kek it’s a reborn doll. The owner named her Britton Rose and roleplays her in weird, cringe scenarios. Picrel is the same doll attempting murder. Anyways, I had a burrito for lunch and it was really good.

Anonymous 291204

Yesterday my bestie told me that i don't enjoy anything because i do the same everyday which involves a lot of time alone inside my house. Today I did, i'm doing and will do the same: studying, browsing, maybe sew and then bed rot.

Anonymous 291207

Dropped picture

Anonymous 291208

This completely disregards children who are raised by foster or adoptive parents, you're a fucking asshole

Anonymous 291210

How the hell does a child benefit from having a father? Moids are useless parents.

Anonymous 291212

Aren’t fathers exponentially more likely to sexually abuse their children than lesbian parents?

Anonymous 291216

cc sucks, I forgot how many troons are on this site. Hopefully, lc will be up before I accidentally see the daily cp posting here

Anonymous 291217


This entire "argument" feels like picrel.

Anonymous 291218


Gdi I fucked it up again

Anonymous 291219

i miss the goofyness of the early bunker threads from this lolcow shutdown, sigh…come back lolcow

Anonymous 291221

10213239_fc126 (1)…

Wow this thread is falling apart fast lmfao. Are there any s getting stoned on this lovely Saturday?

Anonymous 291222

Lesbians should be allowed to have children, gay men should not. In all my life I have only heard of one case that involved a lesbian couple harming their adopted children, where as with gay men there's too much to list. The rate of abuse for lesbian parents is probably lower than straight parents.

Anonymous 291224

you can make a new last name when you get married? really? how ? sorry if im dumb I never heard of this before.

Anonymous 291225


dear Estelle anon, theres some new merch out

Anonymous 291228

Anonymous 291229

Yes. Statistically men do this to people they know, not as often to people they don't. It's much higher because you can gain the trust of people around you. Most pedos don't announce themselves, so you wouldn't even know if the person you are with is a pedo. On top of that, a lot of couples try to have some trust, so they aren't going through their PCs just because they are moids and learning about this. The smart pedos also never google or save anything that can be found and instead just browse sfw. That's why there's so many gross children tabs on pintrest. SFW barefoot photos and gymnastics poses do enough for them, but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if they are also looking at grown women and saving their nude photos.

Anonymous 291230

You just apply for a name change with the government, it's pretty easy actually. Anyone can do it, you don't have to be getting married.

Anonymous 291231


If this thread was a party what snacks would you bring?

Anonymous 291234


I’m trying to decide what to do with my newly freed up weekend. Do I…
>knit socks
>draw or paint cringe fanart for my current trash of choice
>work on some alterations and repairs to some clothes (requires cleaning of my craft room)

Anonymous 291235


i'm such a disappointment to my mother. i really have got to kill myself because i don't think i can live with it any longer. she's done so much for me and i've squandered it. 5 years til picrel

Anonymous 291236

Cold extra fizzy Dr pepper

Anonymous 291237

Is it normal that I get irritated after an hour or two of hanging out with people? It doesn't matter who I'm with or if I'm enjoying myself, I just feel exhausted quickly and just want to go home to my bed.

Anonymous 291238

yeah but that's one incident compare to the amount of moids that rape, abuse or kill their entire families

Anonymous 291239

Ntayrt but why are you guys getting married to dudes who you think will molest your kids? Get involved with a man who’s attracted to grown women (i.e. YOU).

Anonymous 291240

sweet potato fries

Anonymous 291241

One of lifes pleasures is eating a bag of sugar free candy just to feel the gassy shits. I don't do it often but I enjoy it when I do. It's like a treat

Anonymous 291242

tradthots gtfo

Anonymous 291243


Anonymous 291244

People fail in life, some more than others, because life isn't easy or fair and you've got a lot of things stacked against you. You're only in your twenties, you've got plenty of time to turn things around.

Anonymous 291245

ANON yes i love her so, so, so much. God, i knew there had to be another Hatoyama anon out there
It's jarring and i don't know how they can believe it's not obvious. Feels like being talked to by a homeless insane man on the bus

Anonymous 291246

you're just introverted and your social battery runs out quick, I'm similar

Anonymous 291247

get a snack and make cringe fanart obviously

Anonymous 291248

That's a drop in the hat considering how many men murder their families. the random off incident isn't proof of it being an issue. I had the parents and they told me by 5 where babies come from. Some parents are just open and don't coddle children. Knowing about sex isn't some grooming thing, for me it helped identify male intentions.

Welcome to your social energy burnout. Yes. Just recharge for the rest of the day and maybe you'll feel cool with hanging with people again.

I'm not? why are you assuming anons are married to these people? Some of us have taken college classes about this criminal shit. No one goes into a relationship thinking their spouse is going to abuse kids or their own kids. Get a grip. Same way no one gets married thinking 'maybe this guy could kill me, oh well'.

Anonymous 291249

Weed doesn't agree with me but I was thinking of getting a little kety and listening to space music

Anonymous 291251

healthy chopped veggies

Anonymous 291252


I'd make em all at home, cupcakes, cookies and a big, big container of cold brew coffee to keep anons awake all night
Clean your craft room up and work on some alterations! I picked this one specifically because I also have to clean up my craft room before I can start my project as well

Anonymous 291253

ok nta but
> i’m taking a college course on this!!!!1
KEK nona come on do you want her to laugh at you?

Anonymous 291255

when you're 30, you'll look back at yourself now and say "I was so young and had so much time left to succeed, and now look at me," and then you'll be saying the same thing about your 30 year old self at 35 and 40. do something that makes you feel accomplished this weekend, even if it's just a deep clean and a workout.
paint the fanart but put some time into cleaning that craft room at least.

Anonymous 291256

>No one goes into a relationship thinking their spouse is going to abuse kids or their own kids. Get a grip.
Maybe you should take some better classes because that happens all the fucking time

Anonymous 291257

Sugar free candy

Anonymous 291258

>but also is the donated sperm from this era? or is it like frozen from some donor who gave it 20+ years ago
This is what trips me up about IVF. Are these clinics just allowed to keep decades old sperm frozen and keep using it repeatedly?? And what if genetic siblings some how meet as adults and don't even know it

Anonymous 291261

It's crazy because you can kind of tell that all the baiters were foaming at the mouth waiting for this weekend to infight on LC, but since it didn't come back they all settled for the CC bunker threads instead. This happened on the second day too, but once they all got permbanned they gave up and just decided to wait for LC. It's kind of pathetic and really bizarre as well.

Anonymous 291264


God bless

Anonymous 291265

whats your trash of choice?

Anonymous 291268

Infighting ≠ having a coherent conversation. Do you feel like you’re fighting, right now?

Anonymous 291269

Some people just have shitty opinions, it's ignorant to pretend everything you dislike is bait

Anonymous 291270

Reminder that the vast majority of moids watch women get abused on tape.

Anonymous 291272

Don't reply to bait, anons. You need to remember this site is crawling with a ridiculous amount of trannies. More so than lc.

Anonymous 291273

xddd youre so crazzzzzzzy

Anonymous 291274


Im gonna dye my hair and eyebrows soon today eeeek!! I'll also be braiding it tomorrow. I'm so excited.

Anonymous 291275

This thread is already a mess. Anyway, I'm so bored right now I'm not sure what to do to keep myself busy. I'd like to play on my Switch but there's thunder right now so I won't use my TV, and my Switch's screen doesn't work very well so I need to get it repaired someday. I'm so booooored…

Anonymous 291277

I'm watching Hard Candy to feel some justice


ntayrt but all men do. you will not find one who doesn't.

Anonymous 291278

Guys we only have 500 posts a thread, can you not shit up the thread with such a stupid argument? No one is going to change their mind on a subject like this in here.

Anonymous 291279

What kinda socks? Seems like it's a good time to start fall prepping when it comes to knitting, but I agree with the other anons that cleaning up a bit in your craft room can only help too.

Anonymous 291280

Gross. Men (and mentally ill women) will pornify anything, including the Bible! The least sexual text of all time! You should be ashamed.

Anonymous 291281

Tee hee hee! You know me!

Anonymous 291282

show me ur taste then queen

Anonymous 291283

I used to love taking ket and watching Marie Antoinette (or other historical dramas, but mainly Marie Antoinette) so much. Closest we're ever going to get to time travel.

Anonymous 291284

The urge to slap his cheeks like bongos is so fucking strong that it's unbearable

Anonymous 291285

I don't understand, isn't this what it said yesterday?

Anonymous 291286

I really can't find any reason to not kill myself that doesn't just feel like some empty platitude

Anonymous 291287

Second AYRT, my husband hasn’t watched porn over the decade we’ve been together because he has a normal sexual appetite. I know that “coomerism” has become an issue over the years online but; If all the men around you are constantly consuming porn then there’s a mental problem or even potential neurological disability with them.

Anonymous 291288

A couple hours ago, they had removed that message.

Anonymous 291289

Already lolcow bunker thread 32? I swear last time we were at 24 kek

Anonymous 291290

kek, you seriously believe a moid when he tells you he doesn't watch porn…

Anonymous 291291


The Bible has plenty of sexy male suffering

Anonymous 291292

>my husband
no one asked

Anonymous 291293

You're delusional. You don't have to watch it to consume it. timelines with softcore porn thots are enough for a lot of people. Victoria Secret and Sports Illustrated magazines aren't videos.

Anonymous 291294

kek you're so gullible

Anonymous 291295

if the romans did this instead of being pedophiles we would be so much closer to a true utopia

Anonymous 291297

Don't remember who or where I saw the Kinnu recommendation but I've been having a good time going through and learning about various subjects in bite sized chunks. Works for staving off boredom for at least a moment.

Anonymous 291298

At least I spoiled it like a good anon
You remind me of my mother
He's completely helpless up there nona
I really don't understand why you're replying to posts like that anon, you're really wasting your energy

Anonymous 291299


you could play a bl game such as lkyt, no thank you, or even room no. 9

Anonymous 291300


Is it just me or has every thresd since the one where an anon posted a pic of a dude with grey hair had infighting specifically about men? I'm not trying to tinfoil, but I think someone keeps bringing up stuff related to males to make anons fight.
I vote to knit! Im gonna be crocheting myself.

Anonymous 291301

Congrats, anon! Hope it comes out nicely

Anonymous 291302

I'm in. Method?

Anonymous 291303

Yeah it is, but a few hours ago the site was active for around 90 seconds before going offline again.
You can kill yourself, but you'll only come back again in the same karmic cycle you're in already and you'll continue to suffer. Death isn't an escape more so it's a change of scenery. It's easier to just to stay alive and kill only the parts of yourself that you don't like. Since everyone is capable of direct substantial real change at any moment, you must only choose a moment to change and try to change. Sometimes it's difficult and the road is long, but in the end you'll achieve it. The only constant is, paradoxically, change itself. Tomorrow you can wake up and choose to change the parts of yourself that you don't like, the parts of yourself that hold you back, the parts of yourself that bring you pain, if only you accepted that you are capable of change. I had parts of myself I killed off and I feel all the better for it.

Anonymous 291304

I wonder if LC is gone for good. It's been down for like a week

Anonymous 291306

I posted in the previous thread about telling my father trying for a new job and being afraid of his reaction and he took it surprisingly well and was extremely chill about it! I can barely believe it. Thank to the nonas that sent me positive vibes!!

Anonymous 291308

This was also the thread that deleted the blurb about the resident baiter/infighter that samefags for hours just to provoke negative reactions and attention.

Anonymous 291310

what am i to do if lc doesn't come back? i don't want to make a kf account but i can't just simply retire from farm life

Anonymous 291311

Le sserafim makes me unironically miss kpop critical, they were made to be shat on

Anonymous 291312


Thanks n0nnies, I’ll draw a bit and take a break to clean my craft room up so I can at least work on some stuff tomorrow.
I just finished the acotar series so have been thinking about that mainly. It isn’t good but I am enthralled none the less.
I’m knitting picrel. They’re not for me but a friend. Nothing too crazy construction wise, folded cuff, stranded colorwork, heel flap and gusset construction with your standard toe shaping.

Anonymous 291313

Gotta get revenge on Cerebmin first

Anonymous 291314

>I feel sad that some of you have never had a man love you enough to respect you
no wonder miners ban us

Anonymous 291315

maybe stay on cc? that's my plan at least

Anonymous 291316

images (3).jpeg

>defending your nigel on anonymous imageboards

Anonymous 291317

This is just the usual state of /ot/ on lc unfortunately
Fuckin beautiful n0nnie
Oh god your friend is so lucky, those are adorable

Anonymous 291320

It's just so unfair. His treatment of me was absolutely vile and I am left dealing with the aftermath, my heart is broken und in shambles and I cannot get him out of my head. I bet he doesn't even think about me. And now lc has been down for a while and the only thing that kind of makes my brain switch off is gone. I feel like I am going slowly insane. How tf do I kill my feelings for a person who doesn't even deserve to be spat on? I feel like I am still in love with the person I though he was even though the real thing was a huge pile of burning smelly cow shit. Bitch was even losing his hair at 26 and still acted like an entitled pos wtf I shouldn't be thinking about him at all. I should have listed all of his flaws and throw all of his nasty shit into his face and criticize him and put him down like a dog like he did with me but nooo I was too weak and now I deeply regret it

Anonymous 291322

natural fruit smoothies with no added sugars

Anonymous 291323

She's right btw it's genuinely sad that some of you seem to have never had any decent men in your lives and assume someone pitying you for that is a pickme making fun of you

Anonymous 291324

Have you thought of cutting a deal with someone who could kill him for you, nona?

Anonymous 291325

Imagine if men would go out their way to defend women like this kek

Anonymous 291326


saddam if you're alive please bring back lolcow i can't deal with this anymore

Anonymous 291327

nta but cc isn't a man hate site, and miners have already said as much. As far as I can tell they're really put off by how aggressive lolcow users are.
I never believe these posts anymore. I really don't think this is real kek.

Anonymous 291329

I'm married, my husband, blah blah no one cares shut the fuck up and get a hobby that doesn't revolve around inserting your nigel into everything

Anonymous 291330

No one cares that you're obsessed with validation from moids

Anonymous 291331

Nonie, it is really unfortunate to think that some of you have only spent your lives being disrespected and hated. Thats not something I wish upon anyone, no matter how much we disagree. It hurts my heart for you and others.

Anonymous 291332

It's not man hating it's understanding that this is a woman's space and caping for men is cringe

Anonymous 291335

Anons, this is tranny bait. Stop answering to tranny bait.

Anonymous 291336

Complaining about the conversation at hand doesn’t magically make it go away, anons. I recommend maybe trying to start a new conversation instead of childishly complaining about users speaking cordially in the thread.

Anonymous 291337

Weird posts

Anonymous 291338

All of you need to shut the fuck up, God. None of you are better than the other, you're all just a bunch of annoying bitches.

Anonymous 291339

Interesting. I'm usually to zonked to focus on that kind of stuff when I'm hitting the stables though.

Anonymous 291340

Anonymous 291341

Nta but you’re right this is a women’s space, and the rule is that male posters are not welcome here. There is no rule saying that we’re not allowed to discuss men.
Isn’t tranny bait usually pro-tranny…? Or pro-sexual derangement? This topic is miles away from that.

Anonymous 291342


Anonymous 291343


Anonymous 291344

I'm afraid it's common sense that nigelposting is unwanted

Anonymous 291347

How is it sad? It's possible to be complete and happy without a moid in your bed.

Anonymous 291348

Hey– anyone remember Pringles?

Anonymous 291349

Threadpic is kinda funny when this thread is barely started and there's already infighting lel

Anonymous 291350

A concept that scrote obsessed tradtards won't ever understand

Anonymous 291351


KEK this is the worst thread I've ever been in oh my god

Anonymous 291352

Take your own advice, ugly.

Anonymous 291353

a lot of people get offended at the notion that a woman can be happy without a male. weird to see lolcow anons act like that tho

Anonymous 291354


ntayrt but I welcome any change in topic at this point.

Anonymous 291355

>in your bed
I was talking about having a decent relationship with even just friends or male relatives like your father, very weird of you to jump straight to that

Anonymous 291356


my sims 4 crack is downloading so slowly… i can't wait
also do you nonas perhaps know of any good tomboy/butch or goth (trad or romantic, not e-girl) maxis match cc? i've been looking all over for some but it feels like finding a needle in a haystack, they're all either alpha or oversexualized

Anonymous 291357


watching to catch a predator and doing my own summaries of pedos i've found online

Anonymous 291358

>sad that some of you assume someone pitying you is a pickme making fun of you
Okay, then "no one cares your dad never loved you"
It's a good thing you clarified that this was well-intentioned and warm-hearted 'pity' and not just making fun of people or being mean, kek.

Anonymous 291359

You don't need that either to be happy, fun fact.

Anonymous 291361


Anonymous 291363

Youtube keep recommending me male fashion influencers and I'm so glad that I'm a woman. Men's outfits are so boring and their bodies are so ugly. Most of them are skinny fat and shapeless. Butch women are so beautiful wearing clothes made for men. They are so much more creative. Men really are embarrassingly lazy, even when they claim that they care. They should feel embarrassed.

Anonymous 291364

I fear Pearl has found us

Anonymous 291365


This is really stupid but I'm a super beginner knitter, I dropped a stitch and I can't figure out how to fix it. If I drop a pic is there anyone here who could tell me how to fix it?

Anonymous 291366


Did something happen to them!?

Anonymous 291368

Already thought about that but I don't want to get in trouble then he would win. Maybe someone could slowly drive him insane that would be good

Anonymous 291369


I miss the ugly art thread

Anonymous 291371

Because you're caping for your Nigel dummy. Dads brothers and friends are irrelevant

Anonymous 291372

Obviously not but defending moids in the Lolcow bunker is retarded.

Anonymous 291373


Which Cheetah Girl is your favorite? What's your favorite Cheetah Girls song?

Anonymous 291374

jesus fucking christ

Anonymous 291375


I gotchu n0nny post away.

Anonymous 291377

I was eating and now I'm full

Anonymous 291378

Obviously it's gonna be Raven & Cinderella.

Anonymous 291379

>men have proven themselves untrustworthy and dangerous time and time again, including the ones closest to you who you "know" are safe
>FATHERLESS!!! YOUR DAD LEFT KEK!!! also gay people are groomers
1000% a moid, if somehow not then she has stage V nigel-induced brain cancer

Anonymous 291381

I didn't say that, no reason to be this pissy. It's not only possible but common. But it leaves you with issues that people who aren't in your boat don't have, issues some of you obviously haven't resolved. Happy people don't seethe on imageboards all day.

Anonymous 291382


You make me feel like I’m living a teenage dream

Anonymous 291383

Screenshot 2024-09…

i wish flash games were still a thing. i'd learn to make one and recreate spongebob flip or flop. elsie as spongebob, 2Xchan as squidward, and cece as patrick

Anonymous 291384

I just saw the worst thing ever. Im literally fucking scarred. It was a video from Facebook of a man talking about how he was going to expose some lady by showing what she "faithfully sucks on" and then he panned the camera down and showed his dick. Anons it literally looked like it was literally covered in fucking barnacles. It couldn't have just been herpes but idk what else could cause that appearance, it was fucking terrible. I just had to tell you guys because if I had to see it then you had to hear about it. I think the story is that the woman was cheating on him, so he exposed his diseased dick to scare off the side dude.

Anonymous 291385


Anonymous 291386

I don't have a nigel, crazy. There are more than 4 anons itt.

Anonymous 291387

>you have issues because you don't want to hear about my husband

Anonymous 291388

Anonymous 291389

ewww, nona. Why did you watch that? Did you stumble upon it and couldn't look away? Sounds horrifying, I hope they both die

Anonymous 291390

Wdym they are still a thing

Anonymous 291391

The occasional mentions of someone being in a heterosexual relationship have always been on LC. Anyone saying otherwise is a newfag that wasn't there.


>A tradthot is basically being a religious housewife.
But then why do anons accuse other anons of being tradthots?

Anonymous 291392

Your devices don't count

Anonymous 291393


Anonymous 291394

I already read NTY too recently to want to read it again and I already turned off my laptop for the rest of the night because of the weather. I want to try Lykt someday though.

Anonymous 291395

blackpillfags need to get the fuck out if they're going to chimp everytime someone makes a mundane post mentioning their nigel

Anonymous 291396

I know you tried to make this gross but I have a superpower that lets me tune out out everything besides "I love pussy" and "dykelust drool" and some weird proposition about rubbing boobs on the small of someone's back, so I enjoyed this actually. oh /g/ I miss you so…

Anonymous 291397


Are you guys done infighting yet?

Anonymous 291398

decoy taking alcoh…

they got so much free alcohol on to catch a predator

Anonymous 291399

Has anyone gone through a phase where you look around and it feels like you wake up to how hideous the majority of men are or how disgusting they become with age and then you become completely commitment phobic because of it? I feel like the only woman that I know of who is literally repulsed and terrified by the thought of settling down and getting trapped with a balding toad

Anonymous 291400

nigelfags need to get the fuck out if they're going to chimp everytime someone makes a mundane post mentioning moid hate

Anonymous 291401

i wonder why they can’t start their own BP thread? is that not welcome on this site

Anonymous 291403

I want to catch up on the bunker threads I missed but it feels like too much homework

Anonymous 291404


This is the worst thread of all time!!

Anonymous 291405


Anonymous 291406

>nigelfags and non-nigels peacefully discuss nigels
>nigelfags are the problem
This is mental illness

Anonymous 291407

That’s not what just happened in this interaction though? Someone randomly posted that they think gays/lesbians shouldn’t be allowed to adopt kids.

Anonymous 291408

Did the meaning of the word peacefully change in the past 24 hours?

Anonymous 291409

I'm in the same position as you nona. I would love to date someone but I don't want to date a doughy bald loser, but it's hard when it's the 90% of the available men out there. I rather stay single for life than be forced to settle.

Anonymous 291410

Screenshot 2024-09…

captain, you say that every thread…

Anonymous 291411

This show was wild but good on that guy who caught all those predators. I wonder what happened to him

Anonymous 291413

Kpop s?

Anonymous 291414


Anonymous 291415

whenever I feel strong feelings of disgust or something similar, my rule is: clean apartment, work out, take a shower, and purge the feeling. It's easy to think you're surrounded by creepy horrible uggos when you're online and harder when you're at the gym or grocery store.

Anonymous 291416

>conveniently leaving out the homophobic statements and calling other women fatherless

Anonymous 291417


did you like it? who was your favorite? which sex scene did you like best? did you understand the complex themes about how a child's upbringing molds every aspect of them as a person as they grow into adults? owo

Anonymous 291418

If Nigelfags are going to talk about how being assaulted is the fault of the woman for not picking the "right moid" and how lesbians shouldn't be allowed to adopt then they're going to get called a tradthot, rightfully so. I can't stand the Nigelfags and I'm married myself. Nobody cares about your moid

Anonymous 291419

Ntayrt but it’s not homophobic to think that a child should be raised by their actual parents. Also I’m lurking right now, I don’t see any posts calling anons fatherless.

Anonymous 291420

He's ugly and his style is shit, give it a rest.

Anonymous 291422


Anonymous 291423

THANK YOU I feel like I’m going crazy with how quickly men age and how many balding fatties are married to absolutely beautiful women. Facebook is so blackpilling with all the family/couple photos that show you the typical heterosexual couple as well as formerly hot couples where the scrote aged like dog shit on a summer day. I refuse to let that be my fate. I also can’t help but feel like the accelerated aging and exponential hideousness of these moids is probably the pornsick, psychopathic traits physically rotting them from within.

Anonymous 291424

probably easier to look for male cc and have them wear that

Anonymous 291425

The conversation isn’t about your personal husband though, it’s about the fact that children should be raised by the people who they’re genetically related to.

Anonymous 291426

I'm here for you

Anonymous 291427

Anonymous 291428

nta but troons can’t even reproduce…?

Anonymous 291429

I love this song.

Anonymous 291430


Are there any s into weaving with a hand loom? I'm trying to find some good resources for learning but I've only been able to find one channel on YouTube that works with these kinds of looms that's actually worth watching.

Anonymous 291431

If your nigel is bald, has fridge waist, no abs i dont want to hear about it

Anonymous 291432

I saw someone describing it as a video of "coconut shrimp with barnacles" (because his dick was incredibly small) and went looking for it. I thought it was just gonna be an actual shrimp with barnacles, like any other video of someone finding something gross in their food
>hope they both die
Unfair, he's probably lying about the woman having sex with him anyway. I theorize that she refuses to fuck him and that's why she was cheating, of what I heard was true.

Anonymous 291433

any moid in a net negative in your life, sorry

Anonymous 291434

i like walking around

Anonymous 291435

The actual parents don’t want the kid. The other relatives don’t want the kid either. That’s why adoption exists in the first place. What’s not clicking?

Anonymous 291436

You have the short-term memory span of a goldfish

Anonymous 291437

Ah yes classic blame the woman for abusive moids actions.

Anonymous 291438

>any moid in a net
I don’t really understand what you’re saying at this point

Anonymous 291439

what tranny janny keeps banning me for no reason and not the baiters? i'm not even breaking any rules wtf

Anonymous 291440

Anonymous 291441

based and ouriipilled

Anonymous 291442

They very often should not

Anonymous 291443


I managed to get the stitch back on but I think I did something wrong because it doesn't look right? I know the picture isn't the best, I hope you can see it.

Anonymous 291444

he's still catching predators, nona. Look him up

Anonymous 291445

Jaden Jeong kino

Anonymous 291446

I love this one too wtf

Anonymous 291448

If you didn’t want a child wouldn’t you just not have sex in the first place? Oh I know why adoption places exist, I was stating my personal opinion that if you wanna put your child up for adoption legally it should sent to live with other family members. I’m posting my opinion.
Well yeah actually I am going to blame you for dating a guy for a decade and magically not knowing that he was a pervert or sexual deviant? Wtf

Anonymous 291449

there is a kpop imageboard but i forgot the name of it

Anonymous 291450

I liked Hiroyuki's route a lot but didn't like the rest of the game. I don't know if it's because I did them all in just a few days so it was getting repetitive. I kept skipping the sex scenes after Hiroyuki's route too.

Anonymous 291452

dude. get a grip. people have different opinions from you.

Anonymous 291453

I think this type of loom is usually associated with tapestry weaving? There's a decent amount of stuff online if you look that up or "frame loom".

Anonymous 291454


can we post cute fanart to cancel this out

Anonymous 291455

I wish this was true. it’s not, but I wish it was.

Anonymous 291456


I need Elsie so bad. I can't keep going on 4chan forever.

Anonymous 291457

Women should only have sex with hot fit moids (no roidpigs) with luscious hair and small waists aged 18-24 and raise the offspring with other women. Men get sterilized at 25.

Anonymous 291458

what do you mean ? like they’re allowed to adopt? because there’s no possible way troons can reproduce after going on all those hormones and chopping up their body parts

Anonymous 291459

bad answer, goodbye.

Anonymous 291460

i miss when bunker threads had a drawing board

Anonymous 291462

NO i had a scary ass ocd-fueled panic attack the last time i got high so i took it as a sign to quit for a few months until i develope some healthy coping mechanisms. smoke one for me i miss the mary jane but i just can't keep smoking rn

Anonymous 291463

every time I tried dating men, they were insanely out of my league because we connected through my athletic hobbies. if you're straight and into fit hot men, the move is absolutely to get into a physical hobby (unisex soccer league, boxing, marathons) where you'll spend time having fun with men who look fucking good. the worst man I ever dated was just kind of conceited and annoying but the other two were really sweet, so I think it's a genuine lifehack to meet good men through sports. this might work better if you're in a city where people are really into outdoor activities.

Anonymous 291464

this, thank you. I don't listen to kpop but the kpop nonushkas can check it out maybe

Anonymous 291465

There is a drawing board, it's right here

Anonymous 291466

I would draw but my art style is shit and i dont want to be recognized
same weed makes me so anxious

Anonymous 291467

Agree, I feel annoyed when I see hot women with ugly men…which is probably why I’m always in such a bad mood kek lmao

Anonymous 291469

tbh women have been having healthy regular babies until their like late 30s throughout history i feel like people kind of forget this. aging moid sperm is a problem

Anonymous 291470

if the moid is abusive to his children do you just look away and keep telling yourself it's better for them to continue being raised by their bio parents? Do you even understand what your saying?

Anonymous 291471

Nonas… I have to rant. My sister encountered a racist in the park, who swerved his van at her and yelled a slur before driving off. She didn't want to report it to the police because she felt it would not be worth her time to bring charges. My dad then became angry, and told her that if our predecessors had never stood up to bigotry, then we would never have the legal protections that we have today. He then called her a 'pussy'.

I waited for the conversation to end. Then, I said: 'I don't mean to distract from your point, but 'pussy' is just as much of a misogynistic slur as the racist slur [my sister] faced. Could you please not use it again?'. This man lost it! Apparently I have an 'inflated sense of self-importance', 'the absolute nerve' and 'some fucking audacity' to offer what he called my 'opinion'.

> I am your father, how fucking dare you think what you have to say matters when I'm speaking to your sister!

> Do you think I don't already know that what 'that word' (interesting self-censorship) means? Are you daring to correct me on my use of language? Do you think I'm stupid?
> Etc. etc!

This isn't racebait, since I also have to experience racism, but: can you believe the hypocrisy! "Bigotry bad when it affects me, but how dare you correct me when you politely point out my own shortfalls!" Men. Men!

Anonymous 291473

It’s better to not have a child in your late 30’s though kek just because you are still fertile doesn’t mean the child turned out at its highest potential. Since the 90’s I’ve noticed that after this big influx of people choosing to become parents later (30+) has resulted in a lot of autistic/ADD kids.

Anonymous 291474

>including the Bible! The least sexual text of all time!
Yet another '''''Christian''''''''''''''''' who's never read their holy text, I see.

Anonymous 291475

List of some CC creators in a pastebin because it triggers the autoban for some reason

Anonymous 291478

men only get mad when youre right

Anonymous 291479

Most of them are shit and women do everything

Anonymous 291480

Anonymous 291481

do you know what sarcasm is

Anonymous 291482


Yeah you dropped the last stitch on the stitch circled. The bar underneath the stitch on your needle is what makes up the stitch you dropped.
Assuming you’re holding your work as pictured, flip it around so the left needle is now in your right hand and the right needle is now in your left. The dropped stitch is currently the closest to the tip on the needle in your right hand.
Pass that stitch back to the left needle. The loose bar should still be free. Then, with your right needle, pick up the bar and drape it over the left hand needle. It should look like ^ with the right hand leg on the front of the needle. (If you’re familiar with yarn overs it should look like that.)
You should now have the dropped stitch and the bar on the left hand needle. Taking the right needle, pick up the right leg of the dropped stitch and pass it over the bar and left hand needle tip. Drop it. The dropped stitch should no longer be on the needle just the bar, which is now your picked up stitch. Pass the bar/new stitch back to the right hand needle and flip your work around. You should be good to continue.

Picrel is from an article that approaches it the same way, but without having to flip the work in the beginning. Could be helpful.

Anonymous 291483

This is a great suggestion, I really need to look into it.

Anonymous 291484


nta but come on anon, i read the bible daily. if you read the bible and somehow get sexual feelings from it then i dont know how to help you. also samefag from here: >>291476
child abuse has decreased significantly over the last decade! i’m sorry if you had a shitty childhood and that’s influencing your opinion but, i felt like this might be a helpful resource for some of you.



Anonymous 291485

When I wake up tomorrow lolcow WILL be back up.

Anonymous 291486

The local foxes are in heat again. Pick me vixen bitches are keeping me up all night with their blood curdling screams.

Anonymous 291487

I’m sorry your dad didn’t want to take care of you, anon.

Anonymous 291488

NTA but it says I'm autistic. What do I do now?

Anonymous 291489

didn't this conversation start because people were fantasizing about lesbian couples abusing their children? I was replying because my dad isn't related to me and is also a loving, doting father? Who are you?

Anonymous 291492

mua mua mua.jpg

i love you so so much nona thank you

Anonymous 291493

What reality is that I want to go

Anonymous 291495

Copypasta material if it's not already

Anonymous 291496

Uh, no, that’s actually not how this conversation started. Someone posted the opinion that they believe children should be raised by their actual parents, which is true. If your dad didn’t love you and that’s influencing your opinion, then I’m sorry, but that also doesn’t change reality.

Anonymous 291497

why does it make me sign up

Anonymous 291498

We should go back to tribal days where children were raised by the community

Anonymous 291500

An anon said that gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt or have children and then other anons said that lesbian should and it went from there. The rate of child abuse for lesbians being much lower than gay men was brought up as an argument for lesbians being allowed to have children. Absolutely no one has suggested that lesbians abuse children.

Anonymous 291501

agree. I think people have become too disconected in general

Anonymous 291502

With mods SV has crazy replay value and most of us already own it. There's no sense in buying and playing overpriced Stardew Valley-likes just for the sake of a different aesthetic. Most of them launch with fewer features than SV anyway and take years to get to 1.0 if the devs even stick around that long. Tinfoil, but I feel like these cozy farm sims are just baby's first game project with guaranteed sales thanks to everyone being so desperate to chase that 2020 Animal Crossing lockdown/first time playing Stardew high. Games like Coral Island are almost perfect clones of Stardew but with boring characters and an ugly tumblr Disney art direction. Shit's so annoying I actually want old-school Harvest Moon with rival marriages, bad ends and hard deadlines back.

Anonymous 291503

I don't know, I guess you're just special

Anonymous 291504

>nta but I'm sooooo sorry your dad doesn't love you
bitch we heard you the first 20 times give it a rest

Anonymous 291505

Did you know the majority of moids have microplastics in their balls?

Anonymous 291506


Same n0nners

Anonymous 291507

I hate you

Anonymous 291508

I miss the personal web/neocities thread.
Anyone struggles with writing an about me? in general feels so weird to talk about oneself.
I want to write too but I don't blog about media since ages and kinda lost the hand 4 it

Anonymous 291509

Her sideburns are so cute. I don’t know why women shave them, they’re so fun to pet.

Anonymous 291510

You keep looking at anecdotal evidence instead of the big picture. Women carry the child for 9 months, cut open their stomach or push them out of their vagina and then breastfeed it. They also do most of the chores, and take of their health medicine, school stuff, etc. Your dad is an exception.
Either way, the whole "fatherless, your dad didnt love you" is retarded because statistics and the majority of family cases say otherwise and even if your father is nice to you that doesnt mean he is respectful to other women, doesnt hold misogynistic opinions and doesnt watch porn.

Anonymous 291511

Dude I need the lyrics thread so bad

Anonymous 291512

I feel you n0nnie, I also hate writing about myself in such a way. You can always just use certain keywords, or fun facts that don't even discern many relevant details. Can make it as elusive or as descriptive as you want.

Anonymous 291514

i struggle with it too. the most i can get out is hobbies, the music i like and add in some cool paintings

Anonymous 291515

This, again, is an unpopular opinion but I don’t really give a shit about bad things my mother and father do outside of being my parent. What I’m concerned about is their treatment towards me. So if some dad is an asshole to his cashier, that doesn’t inherently mean that he’s neglectful or abusive of his children. I hope this makes sense.

Anonymous 291516

Ah, OK. That makes sense.

Anonymous 291517

What about the anon who posted a link to a story about two lesbian women driving their adopted children off a cliff or something, I think the post was deleted because I looked for it but couldn't find it.

Anonymous 291518

I wish there were an active thread on lc about HAES fat positivity cows but these cows are mostly talked about on kf, which is awful because many of the threads have like 1500 pages and the highlighted posts don't have milk, they're mostly users' reactions to milk or blogposting.

Anonymous 291519

Yeah it was a wikipedia article and discussion that followed that, I think a few posts in this thread have been deleted

Anonymous 291521

Im starting to become skeptical of these kinds of threads. I get being grossed out and sharing it one time but having multiple threads just to continuously share stuff like this is weird.

Anonymous 291522

I was part of this discussion and said something along the lines of "there's too many cases of gay men abusing children where as I can only think of one case involving lesbians" and an anon replied with that link because it's the only known case of lesbians harming their adopted children and it was the case I was referring to.

Anonymous 291523

Thank you Thank you Thank you! That was so helpful, thanks for taking the time to write all that out! I can't believe I got live knitting advice on cc that's so cool haha

Anonymous 291524

alright i finally decided I'm not staying on cc even if lc comes back because it's a pain in the ass trying to get past the auto ban/auto mod thing and jump through a billion vpns and ips over and over and over and over x100. i still haven't figured out what words got filtered. all my devices are completely banned now without any reason kek. and also because the bunkers aren't fun anymore like since number 27.

Anonymous 291526

same nona, i read through the old one and i really wish it could be revived, there's so much milk but it's spread across other cow threads (most often in the ftm and sometimes the mtf threads)

me too, i've had several vpn proxys get autobanned kek

Anonymous 291527


Which cows do you follow? I recently got into the Corissa and J thread on there, it combines HAES cowdom and gendie shit with J’s upcoming top surgery at 600+ lbs.

Anonymous 291528

Its hard to integrate i got banned twice

Anonymous 291529

I miss reading about fatbombus.

Anonymous 291530

Ugh why do my shitty sketches get more likes than my fully coloured drawings. This sux

Anonymous 291531

top surgery at 600+ pounds? i would normally say that's a new low but seems par for the course

Anonymous 291532

All you need to do is type lowercase

Anonymous 291533


Anonymous 291534

actually, i can turn things around. there's still time. i'll work hard and be a daughter she can be proud of

Anonymous 291535

Then why do so many dads overwhelmingly abandon their children and contribute little to nothing emotionally in a home

Anonymous 291537


Happy to help! Glad everything made sense, it’s tough when you’re first starting out. Your tension looks lovely in your pic btw. I’ll be here until LC comes back up but if you have more questions just post in the knitting/crochet thread in /m/ on LC, I lurk there.

Anonymous 291538

There's this Jordan enby girl whose family name I forgot who's talking about being a model all the time, she reminds me of Tess Holiday. But it's been a while since I've heard about her, and aside from her I'm not following any cow anymore.

Anonymous 291539

sing my angel of music

Anonymous 291540

told my boyfriend I'd nap in the car during his convention he's going to but woke up because its too hot (28°c outside) and now he won't answer my calls but I can't really leave the car because the alarm will go off (but if I have to I will) not my smartest idea s

Anonymous 291541

Go away or else I’ll summon the shotafags to get you again

Anonymous 291542


this is gross but i keep getting tonsil stones and idk how to get them to stop

Anonymous 291543

This uggo wishes he were as cute as a dog, kek. This is just disturbing

Anonymous 291544

I'm not picking up on what you're putting down

Anonymous 291545

come 2 the bar!

Anonymous 291546

i'm scared to click on that. what is this site

Anonymous 291547

gargle with salt water after eating

Anonymous 291548


>to get me

Anonymous 291549


Anonymous 291550

Flossing and mouthwash , but sometimes they're unavoidable. I once had one so big it made my breath smell like rotten meat for months. My GP thought I had silent strep until I hacked up a tonsil stone the size of a marble. It stank worse than death.

Anonymous 291551

what reading this and the previous few threads feels like

Anonymous 291552

Would you recommend ket? I’m worried it’s addictive. I’ll stick to acid if it is

Anonymous 291553

I always end up with that and my astrological big threes + photos of my catto, but now Im even struggling picking up fav films and books.
Also what do you like to put in your sites anons? do you like blogging? or more the visual aspect?

Anonymous 291554

Screen Shot 2024-0…


Anonymous 291555


Does this picture scare you

Anonymous 291556

how do i start packing for a move? it's only my bedroom+bathroom that i have to pack (no furniture) and not an entire apartment but it feels so daunting.

Anonymous 291557

I'd love to learn to weave but I want to make rugs. I was considering learning to tuft, originally. I just hate that tufting is so expensive.

Anonymous 291558

Nayrt I didn't find it addictive at all. I'd avoid doing it in a club the first few times since it can be disorientating. I also measure out little 10mg lines on a plate beforehand so I don't accidentally do too much at once and k-hole

Anonymous 291559

s help. I've been waking up with severe existencial dread for the last few months. As soon as I open my eyes my brain is consumed with thoughts of my own death, the death of my loved ones and the end of existence. I used to cope by telling myself that death is an inevitability and when I experience it I won't have a body that feels pain or a brain to think about it, but that's not working anymore. Life has begun to feel like one big meaningless anxiety trip.

Anonymous 291560

what do art anonas use as background noise when drawing?

Anonymous 291561

i bet that felt good. do you have a picture kek
start small. do you have enough boxes?
i talk about the things i like but im paranoid about being doxed. no big details

Anonymous 291562

>It's easy to think you're surrounded by creepy horrible uggos when you're online and harder when you're at the gym or grocery store.
Nta but it's the other way around for me. I can find pics of decent looking people online even though they're far away or died 200 years ago or whatever but irl ugly men are everywhere kek

Anonymous 291563

let the old hags mate with young males to balance it out. an older mother is more experienced and thus better able to child-rear.

Anonymous 291564

All I want to do is go overseas and eat good food

Anonymous 291565


Anyone here play the sims 2? or used to play it? It’s probably my favorite sims game right now tbh. I hate the sims 4 tbh, something about it is so ugly. The sims 2 is so lively, I’ve been staying up playing it all night lolol.
No exactly I saw this and was about to say “oh this kind of argument happens in the amerifags thread all the time”. Seems like it breached containment kek.

Anonymous 291566

Who is more HAWT? Vampires or werewolves? I used to be obsessed with vampires but I think a switch flipped within me because werewolves are very sexy to me now

Anonymous 291567


no, but this one does

Anonymous 291568

This image arouses me

Anonymous 291569

internet mystery and true crime youtube videos (i have specific channels picked out that i only allow myself to watch if i'm doing art, so it motivates me into drawing kek), songs that fit the vibe of the art or that i'm fixated on, sometimes one of those 5 hour video essays on a random youtuber or celebrity i've never heard about

Anonymous 291570

It's interesting how art can be so horrifically ugly. Like most bad art is just mid but it takes a special kind of talent to make something repugnant. Plus shitting on art uglier than mine makes the petty art bitch in my heart happy

Anonymous 291571


Team Edward babeh

Anonymous 291572

When packing entire rooms I start top to bottom, large to small, least used to most. Start by packing up stuff you can't see yourself using at all up until your move, just so it's out of the way. Bedding, decor, out of season clothes, rugs, etc and go from there. This may be overkill, but I always write a list of specific contents on every box so I know what is where.
I try to pack the most used items for the room in the same box so when I arrive at my new place I can and have a somewhat comfortable space to unpack in asap.
Podcasts usually. Something fun and lighthearted like Stuff You Should Know.

Anonymous 291573

I love TS2 because it's the only one (except The Sims) that doesn't set my computer on fire. I would play a pirated copy a lot earlier this year until it decided to entirely delete my main household and I was so mad.

Anonymous 291574


Here's my fanny fanart. Pls no ban.

Anonymous 291575

oh. now I see why people hate rancefag.

Anonymous 291576

I wonder who Rancefag’s elusive new husbando is

Anonymous 291577

i was just ranting about this the other day. indie game devs are so creatively bankrupt it's disgusting. why put so much effort into making a digital world if you only design it to imitate a bestselling product in hopes you'll get the next golden ticket. they think they'll make bank making a 1 to 1 SV as long as they add suhper revolutionary additions like… hats for your pet… and nonbinary npcs to date?? how can they be so lazy yet dedicate so much of their time

Anonymous 291578

your artstyle is great but i really wish i didn't have to see this

Anonymous 291579

I love this so much, great work. I wonder what would Fanny think of it

Anonymous 291580

images (4).jpeg

It's this ugly creature

Anonymous 291581

Out of all sims games I played TS3 the most but my first one was TS2 (I think I played it like 15 years ago) so I have very fond memories of it. I like how you could go into shops, try on clothes and buy them. Also in my opinion the sims (and their ghosts) looked so much better in sims 2 than in sims 3.

Anonymous 291582

this makes me really happy to have never been into bdsm or submissive stuff

Anonymous 291583

I love you

Anonymous 291584


I want to bake chocolate banana muffins but I don't have the right ingredients

Anonymous 291585

kek is that his dick that was ripped off?

Anonymous 291586

Yes haha I don't draw genitals normally so a chopped off dick would inevitably turn out weird.

Anonymous 291587


she's the shotasperg now. her posts are too recognizable for thw husbando thread so she moved to sperging about shotas and nitro chiral games in the fujo thread.

Anonymous 291588

safiya & tyler streams and unresolved textual tension. that podcast is the only book podcast i can find that isnt constantly sucking off mediocre authors tbh

Anonymous 291589

full of sidewalk c…

Yes nona. I'm going to smoke a little and have an iced coffee and then draw in MS Paint. What is your favorite snack when you are stoned?

Anonymous 291590

Wtf, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto's illustrator is going to jail for tax fraud?

Anonymous 291591

can u draw cartman falling into a volcano love your art

Anonymous 291592

>rancefag became a shotapedo
Why does that suprise me

Anonymous 291593

There's nothing I hate more than personalityfags and those who enable their retardation.

Anonymous 291594

I’ve been scamming moids for like 7 years and now I don’t know how to have a normal life

Anonymous 291595

Unfathomably based, keep up the good work.

Anonymous 291596

teach me your ways……

Anonymous 291597

Anonymous 291598

We should all shift this bunker to habbo hotel.

Anonymous 291600

her husbando list doesn’t even have any shotas though. it’s weird. I feel like she just says whatever she thinks sounds the most edgy

Anonymous 291601

That's why lc ain't coming back. It's had enough.

Anonymous 291603

What do you like to do when you're bored? I think I already watched every (good) movie on Earth. I can watch 10 a day, I always speed them up to 2x

Anonymous 291604

But why

Anonymous 291605

Based, unless it's e-whoring, then it's extremely unbased


Anonymous 291606

meditate for ten minutes

Anonymous 291607

Play with my cats

Anonymous 291608


Anonymous 291609

Cyberstalk people I know in real life to see how much I can find.

Anonymous 291610

Anonymous 291611

holy shit my mom is here

Anonymous 291613

I like to complain about being bored, then look for something interesting to not be bored, still end up bored, and complain about it again.

Anonymous 291614


the leftcow thread maxed out right before this episode dropped and then LC went down. why… It was mostly Tucker talking about being a functional alcoholic but still, I wanted to gossip about it with nonas

Anonymous 291615

So if glycolic acid isn't for acne at all wtf is it even for? If the molecules are too large to penetrate the skin, why are people using glycolic acid in the first place??

Anonymous 291616

Yeah. I just can't see her going from submissive whore lusting after douchebags to pedophile rapist but that's probably giving her too much credit.

Anonymous 291618

it's a chemical exfoliant. it removes dead skin cells from the surface. it's also a humectant which means it attracts water to itself which is good if you live in a humid climate (it will make your skin look plump and moisturized and keep you from losing moisture) and bad if you live in a dry climate (it will pull moisture from your skin and dry you out)

Anonymous 291619

So will I benefit from glycolic acid if I use it on my acne prone chest and back? I am also planning on using the TO's aha/bha peeling mask twice a week as well. I am moisturizing the area with squalane.

Anonymous 291620


doctors cant find the cause of my brain fog, nausea, fatigue or dizziness…blood work came back fine, im too healthy looking and young to get an endo referral…im about to start failing my classes and i can hardly stay awake for an hour or do anything. i used to be able to do everything i needed and wanted. im so tired of living this way for months and being told everything is coming back fine so i must be fine!

Anonymous 291621

Glycolic acid is smaller than other AHAs so it penetrates deeper into the skin. It can be more irritating due to that. It does treat some acne but there are other ingredients less sensitizing and more effective.

Anonymous 291622


i wish the moid advertising itt had his own lolcow thread for being an expat pedophile, better yet in indonesian jail

Anonymous 291623

only if the cause of your acne is excess dead skin cells.

Anonymous 291624

Can't wait to sleep tonight, I'm so fucking tired.

Anonymous 291625

idk if this will work for you but eating more omega 3 and healthy fats helped me

Anonymous 291626

Tell them to go fuck themselves. Have you had a comprehensive blood panel done, not just basic bloodwork? Have they checked your b12 and ferritin levels? What about your thyroid?

Anonymous 291628

Same, this was the year of bedrotting

Anonymous 291629

laughing pepe.png

Jesus christ

Anonymous 291630

Anon are you sure it's not Lyme?

Anonymous 291631

she’s just self inserting as the shotas being raped/abused. she didn’t change at all

Anonymous 291632

I would! But i'm broke as fuck and only have AVB…should I smoke it? It's a little green still so it should work

Anonymous 291633

check your vitamin d and b levels and advocate for yourself. rooting for you

Anonymous 291634

i exercise (havent been able to lately, i can hardly do my assignments or clean) eat healthy (eating less lately, nausea and lower appetite coupled with less movement) and take my vitamins! sleep can be a bit off but i have gotten a sleep test ordered for at home. i just don't know if that is the cause, i can only wait and see next week, but ive always struggled with hormonal issues, too, mainly PMDD, and apparently it isnt enough for an endo to see me.

i did get a full blood panel done but not a blood count or anything. all was normal except my b-12 was 1600.

im just tired of feeling this way and i cant afford to either. i feel brain dead. i just want to be able to do my homework and not feel exhausted or absent minded. s im losing it.

Anonymous 291635

Cyberbully male vtubers

Anonymous 291637

Learning to crochet makes me feel genuinely retarded

Anonymous 291638

Are you being serious? Weissmannfag is rancefag!?

Anonymous 291639

I really really wish that I had traumatized my rapist ex. As a bpdfag I’ve seen a lot about bpdfags being monsters but my ex essentially walked away scot free and unharmed and has had zero issues dating other women. I wish I traumatized him so bad he never was able to date again, like he did to me.

Anonymous 291640

whats the matter? ill help

Anonymous 291641

AYRT I didn't find it addictive per se, but I always chased a bit of a hole tbh as I loved it as a form of escapism.
I've stopped now cos I realise taking ket alone watching films isn't particularly healthy or cool, and I keep seeing reports it's cut with all sorts around here now which scares me.
If you have a trusted source and like a dissociative tactile trip you'd probably enjoy it

Anonymous 291642

aw i'm sorry nona. i know how it feels to have medical concerns go unanswered

Anonymous 291643

okay s my friend helped me go over my blood work and im borderline anemic, high b-12, and i have a much higher white blood cell count than red. but the doctor said im fine. is this nothing? why would borderline anemia even cause such severe symptoms? am i fighting off an infection?

Anonymous 291644

any chance it's something environmental, e.g. gas leak, mold, asbestos, whatever?

Anonymous 291645

yes kek i used to be in the fujo server and she'd talk about him being her husbando

Anonymous 291647

A high white blood cell count would indicate an infection.

Anonymous 291648

god i'm so bored. it's that time of the day when i normally mindlessly browse lc, but now i'm just stuck in bed with nothing to do. damn, i miss the "things you hate", unpopular opinions and all the cursed arts threads. this isn't even about the cows anymore. i need to read something silly while i'm being lazy or eating, and i've had to resort to askreddit for the past while. it's torture.

Anonymous 291649

This makes me so sad lol there are so few female trails fans (who aren't there for the blandest ship in the world) out there to begin with and now I find out one of them is rancefag

Anonymous 291650

I don't really wanna draw them anymore, sorry.

Anonymous 291651

Have you got your actual iron/ferretin number? The "normal" range is so big, that even if you're in the parameters you might be feeling shitty, but they will tell you it's "normal".

Anonymous 291652

i'm so sorry n0nna…

Anonymous 291653

See if you can be referred to a hematologist. A high WBC indicates your body is fighting something off, it could be autoimmune or it could be something else. Your high b12 levels could be from the multivitamin you’re taking. It takes awhile for b12 stores to be depleted. Echoing the other n0na who asked if you have had your ferritin checked as well, not just your hemoglobin.

Anonymous 291654

God i fucking hate moid narrators, they either force a deep voice, try to sound way too pretentious or snarky, it may be the inherent retardation that comes from suffering of XY disease

Anonymous 291656

ferretin is 60 so i guess thats normal? you guys are so sweet. doctors are useless sometimes.

Anonymous 291657


I need to sperg about her on the waifu thread gahhhh

Anonymous 291660

who is she?

Anonymous 291661

ahahahha nona im just like you. ive never ever been into anything degrading or even rape in my life

Anonymous 291662

I literally feel as if I have no friends right now it fucking hurts

Anonymous 291663

Why are you trauma dumping here? Go to the vent thread.

Anonymous 291664

would you date a coworker?

Anonymous 291665

Fuck no. Unless you are mentally stable and sound of mind (the both of you) and end up taking different jobs later it will always end in disaster.

Anonymous 291666

She seems cool

Anonymous 291667

Nope, nope, nope. Terrible and awful idea.

Anonymous 291668

They should definitely remake Hellsing. I'd love to see zoomers try to justify their Nazi waifu/husbando.

Anonymous 291670

I want to date a future millionaire that im talking to just to get his money either when he spends it on me or through alimony, but i have a massive fear of karma.

Anonymous 291671

Please don't. We already have enough zoomers ruining a bunch of old anime and manga series.

Anonymous 291672

I will never understand majorfags. Not because he’s a nazi but because he’s fat.

Anonymous 291673

Asked to be checked for Chron’s and Ulcerative Colitis. And like I said before, get a referral to a hematologist if you can. They can make better sense of causes for a high WBC.

Anonymous 291674

Honestly this site isn't that bad, it's just the UI is kinda ass and it's gonna be horrifically dead again if the farms come back.

Anonymous 291676

Damn, so there was a reason I got bad vibes from that anon.

Anonymous 291677

kek and schizos insist rancefag made the ugly man psyop thread when she loves ugly creatures like that.

Anonymous 291678

*crohn’s not chron’s.
I presented with the same symptoms earlier in the year anon. The high b12 levels ended up being a false flag from a test, but it was really frustrating being told I was fine and not to worry. I already had a relationship with a hematologist who I trusted and she was able to get me back to almost functioning. Don’t let them wave off your concerns, you’re right it isn’t normal to be that exhausted and be unable to live your life.

Anonymous 291679

We should ask some anons since liking ugly men is a thing on lolcow. Anons with ugly and fat husbandos, what is wrong with you?

Anonymous 291680

generally a bad idea and realistically how much of it is a meaningful bond and how much of it is "out of everyone I don't tolerate here I find you the least offensive" if you're honest with yourself? if you're just hooking up whatever, I guess, only god can judge you or whatever (I will still hold you as a dumbass in the council of my heart) but I wouldn't if you don't have a quick out to another job or something if it goes badly. and def don't if it's your boss PLEASE

Anonymous 291681

I don't go on LC anymore, but I still think about the anons who have said they only had an x amount of time to live.

Anonymous 291682

Screen Shot 2024-0…

it has been fun

Anonymous 291683

Alternatively, do any of you care to make friends with your coworkers? Do you care if they don't like you?

Anonymous 291684

Hellsing remake would be the most pointless thing ever, the OVAs look stellar while remaining faithful to the art and story of the manga, any attemps at remaking them would result in a weird sidegrade to the OVAs at best and a total trainwreck at worst.
To his credit, he's one of the few fatsos in anime that manages to be genuinely cool and is played 100% straight. Also you just know he is the way he is because Kouta Hirano is a fatso himself lmao.

Anonymous 291685

she indirectly started it by sperging about the dunmeshi guy in the fandom discourse thread

Anonymous 291687

I'd consider it if he's cute enough

Anonymous 291688

she didnt start it, spergs defending the fatty and cying for mommy mod to defend their shit taste did. If they just ignored it there wouldnt be a need for an entire thread.

Anonymous 291689

That was her? Was she the one calling him fat?

Anonymous 291690

He's uh passionate

Anonymous 291691

Damn, I didn't know there was lore behind that thread. Just thought some anons were mad at ugly men in hollywood.

Anonymous 291692


Anonymous 291694

nta but yes

Anonymous 291695

I’m so confused on why this schizo with an anal and rape fetish thinks she has better taste than anyone else

Anonymous 291696

>i dont like my fictional males to look like they've hit the wall
rancefag your new husbando is almost 40

Anonymous 291701


I know. I was joking. Those OVAs are so fucking good.

Who is rancefag?

Anonymous 291702

Hellsing girls are so cool. Insane to think the mangaka started drawing hentai.

Anonymous 291703

I take a deep breath everytime I bust your door.
I know you’re there, but I can’t see you anymore.
And that’s the reason you’re in the dark
I’ve been a stranger ever since we fell apart.
And I feel so helpless, here
Watch my eyes they’re filled with fear
Tell me, do you feel the same?
Hold me in your arms again

Anonymous 291704

I decided to touch grass today. I'm at some anime fashion show thing and i think its just cosplayers doing runway walks. Fun.

Anonymous 291706

Insane personalityfag that used to husbando a rapist moid from an eroge. Once had a meltdown and posted her nudes on /ot/. Nowadays she mostly spergs about shota and ugly moids.

Anonymous 291707

Why can we discuss rancefag itt but if you make a post about the other fujo personalityfag who is obsessed with her your post will get deleted and you get banned for cow discussion?

Anonymous 291708

She's a mentally ill zoomer who says whatever for attention. She would say she was only 18 when she was actively ranceshitting up the husbando thread but other anons said she lies about her age for extra attention from r9k faggots (she personalityfagged there as well).

Anonymous 291709

I have very similar symptoms and my doctor thinks it's long covid. You may have had covid without knowing, if this started rather suddenly at least.

Anonymous 291710

i wonder if shes playing some insane 3D chess with anons because not only is her new husbando ugly and old, but also she has never shown attraction to any shota character besides being edgy and saying she would rape rance shota. I feel like shes just being edgy and trying to give a bad reputation to women who dont like post wall scrotes by larping as one of them. If you hated ugly husbandos and old men why would your new husbando be in his 40s and look so ugly? it doesnt make sense. I feel like shes either trying to give the husbando psyop anons a bad name or being edgy for attention.

Anonymous 291711

Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing. She's a vampire nazi.

Anonymous 291713

Pink is nicer

Anonymous 291714

Pink, definitely.

Anonymous 291715

She's for sure a massive attention whore but I think she just has shit taste and is completely oblivious to it kek

Anonymous 291717

she has to know, psyop anons would shit on her for having such an old husbando.

Anonymous 291718

ehh, doubt. she did inadvertently cause the creation of the psyop thread after all. the other psyop anons act the same way, wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them have shit taste.

Anonymous 291719

does anyone even still play bandori/bang dream? it seems totally dead

Anonymous 291720

I prefer the pink one since it has flowers

Anonymous 291722

i do! the en server is like dead right now for god knows how long, so i recently switched to JP like many other EN players and it's very alive and well

Anonymous 291723

if it's appropriate for the terf thread then you could post it there

Anonymous 291725

my God. forgive me for even saying anything

Anonymous 291726

I just realized now people can talk shit about husbandos here.
Got too used to the thread rules tbh.

Anonymous 291727

is it worth the switch? i have so much on my EN account and almost a perfect team. I don't wanna lose it!

Anonymous 291728

nah the psyop thread was created because anons were tired of not being able to shit on ugly moids on a board that has 3 boards to shit on fat, ugly women.
>wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them have shit taste.
anons there loathe rancefag and her old, ugly husbandos. We actually discussed how women into old, evil husbandos(rancefag's type) are all mentally ill pickmes with low self steem, and it checks out because rancefag is exactly that.

Anonymous 291729

I just log in, use the autoplayer and then leave after 3 songs.

Anonymous 291730

so what i did was buy an account with a TON of rolls like 200k stars and a lot of 4/5* and it was literally only 5 dollars. starting from the beginning is a little annoying with the lack of band items/character levels but thankfully the acc i bought had a lot of resources, literally in the top 5k for the current event rn at rank 40ish. i think the EN server is kinda up in the air right now, so it might be worth keeping EN installed and downloading JP and playing in the meantime!

Anonymous 291731

It was because of some never ending infight in the fandom threads about the guy from dungeon meshi

Anonymous 291732

Can't even relax in my own living room because whenever my dad sees me, all he can ask is two things
>did you pray
>are you studying
FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I'm not leaving my room anymore. Fuck this haggot

Anonymous 291733

it's cold and gloomy here, what horror movie should i watch

Anonymous 291734

i had no idea i could buy an account.. you are a lifesaver, thank you so much!

Anonymous 291735

that started because anons were pissed off he was called fat, kek.

Anonymous 291736

I like the beige one more. The texture is pretty.

Anonymous 291738

This may sound odd, but it comes from personal experience. Did you check for parasites?

Anonymous 291739

The 5 minute cool down and auto ban mod thingy are the worst things here. Tired of changing VPNs thousands of times over some mystery words I'll never figure out. I mean half the fucking planet is banned

Anonymous 291740

I was determined not to care about the outage but it's been long enough now that I'm bored and I really want my usual threads… I miss the sonic totem.
I have no idea what words are good or bad here and I don't have a vpn so if I get banned before LC comes back I'm done for kek

Anonymous 291741

Yeah. At the risk of being banned again for no discernible reason, I was banned while travelling and there was no explanation, time frame, nor any way to appeal. My home wifi isn't banned so I can post again yay, but idk how to avoid another ban bc I have no idea what even triggered it. These threads have gotten way slower and imo it's because most anons were banned.

Anonymous 291742

What kind of horror movies do you like the most?

Anonymous 291743

a symptom of having no self esteem is being easy to bully into changing yourself. her post-bully image is 'shotapedo on a conquest against walled moids' bc that's what she thinks will get her validation. husbandofags hated her not just for the putrid taste and obnoxiousness but for shitting on their husbandos while having putrid taste >>291692

Anonymous 291745


i like psychological horror, horror thrillers, and slasher movies the most especially stuff with a thoughtful or "bad" ending. maybe i'll watch dead ringers, been on the list for a while.

Anonymous 291747


forgot about cowball

Anonymous 291748

im the person from a few threads ago that said i send my husband lolcow screenshots and im not a mom and havent posted since. stop making up people in your head to get mad at

Anonymous 291749


When will lolcow come back I can't stand this anymore

Anonymous 291750

weird request but tell me more symptoms of low self-esteem. I want to check myself and change if I have any

Anonymous 291751


Reminder her husbando canonly ages and ends up looking like this

Anonymous 291754

NTAYRT But I'm trying to lose a significant amount of weight so I get chocolate covered fruit and freeze it for my munchies/pre portion it so I don't end up overeating by accident.

Anonymous 291761



Anonymous 292581

anytime a woman thinks she’s better than me because she fit the societies standards of beauty more, I can never be moved to care because I know she goes home and gets beat and cheated on by an uggo man.

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