
Anonymous 295131
Are we allowed to vent on autistic people here? I sure would like to, I've met some really irritating assholes who have flat-out told me they're on the spectrum.
BTW anyone else ever felt that autists just really like talking about food for some reason? (I mean like regular food, not fine dining stuff) I've my theories as to why, but would like to hear your opinions first.
Anonymous 295140
Most people talk about food and I don't see it as an autism thing. It's small talk just like talking about the weather. (for context I'm not autistic)
Anonymous 295146
>>295140Right, but I mean even in situations where others consistently have not given a single fuck about what they have to say about it. I've known this one clown who for
years has uploaded YouTube vids about testing different types of soda (not linking any for obvious reasons) and linking then to a Discord channel I'm a member of, receiving exactly zero replies every single time.
>>295145Obviously. Also I agree that the word "normal people" or "normal person" really doesn't mean much in the end.
Anonymous 295188
>>295131Is that theory that autistic people experience senses like taste and texture differently, sometimes in a hypersensitive manner, and have difficulty expressing these sensations concisely?
Anonymous 295198
>>295188No, it's a combination of two things:
First: At least some autistic people do understand that the stuff they'd really want to talk about is not appropriate for most situations. Everyone has to eat, so they resort to food as a crutch to talk about at least something that they think is relatable to others.
Second: Autistic people often have problems differentiating their own thoughts from those of other people. If they like their own uninteresting/repetitive/both comments on food, then so does everyone else as well, at least as their reasoning goes.
Anonymous 295205
>>295198Adding to this (OP here again): People generally want to be polite, so autistic people might just never be told that their ramblings aren't interesting to other people. Even if they hear it from someone about topic A, they might still think it's okay to ramble on about topics B, C and D, thinking the issue is the topic, rather than the rambling itself.
Anonymous 295219
I'm certainly sick of every woman I know under the age of 30 claiming to have it just because they are socially maladapted tiktok vacuuming retards.
Anonymous 295430
Idk what I am. Maybe I'd get diagnosed as autistic if I ever got tested for it, but I don't care enough to do that. What difference does it make? It's just a label, and I want less of those, not more.
I try go about my business without bothering anyone. I eat the same thing for lunch, it's easier that way; planning healthy, balanced meals is too much effort for the perceived reward of variety. It's neurotypicals who won't shut up about food, and my food in particular. What I eat is no one else's business; I never asked it to be, yet they question me on it. Why is it bizarre for a human to eat a consistent supply of healthy food? Why am I being shamed for that? I could be shaming them for the junk they funnel down their gobs; a coke here, piece of cake there, a 2pm "snack" because you're 35 and haven't figured out that your cravings are actually dehydration (drink water ffs). Classic neurotypical behaviour - bring up a topic then get mad when weirdos like me continue the conversation down a direction they weren't expecting.
Anonymous 295439
>>295436i feel this lol. i'll try to make friends with fellow weirdos only to find out i'm just the only one who bothers with masking. seems like a better deal to make friends with tolerant normies
>>295343also a factor. i've met some women in fandoms who are right on my wavelength but pretend to be men. their vanity and porn addictions really get in the way of what could be a great friendship
Anonymous 295445
>>295439You and I both… Why are people like me so rare?
Or maybe everyone's like me and I've never bothered to notice… No it's definitely the former.
Anonymous 295562
>>295219I've never met anyone that fits this description; ADHD seems like the trendy meme diagnosis from what I've seen
Anonymous 295593
Yeah it seems like there's a rise in assholes saying they're autistic and either it being completely self diagnosed, or just very mild.
That in itself is fine I don't really care, but it's the fact they do it like it reaps the social benefit of not having to take any responsibility for being shitty and put in their place, and will then lord over more obviously autistic people with real neurological issues, way more severe social issues, and treat them like trash. Call them creepy or stalker or something as innocent as "staring too long" or literally being non verbal, or having a breakdown when treated like a criminal for a miscommunication and being trapped, unable to defend themselves verbally. It's fucked up.
You'd think it would mean MORE sympathy to autistic people. Not less.
Anonymous 295597

A really autistic guy I knew trooned out after joining the MLP cult
Anonymous 295962
I hate having autism, I wish I could be normal.
I struggle everyday because I don't know how to be human and some bitches think this is fake. I wish it was fake. Some people genuinely think I am mentally retarded. I am on a constant delay, everything processes like five seconds later. I cant even speak normally, I am always misspeaking and slurring my words, its so awful to not being able to speak in person. I think I am suppose to be nonverbal but I was forced to talk as a child and now I trapped myself in a reality where I have to talk. I hate existing. Other humans seem like such a foreign and alien thing to me, I wish people understood the depths that I mean that. Everyone pities me. I feel like I have to constantly hide myself just to fit in and that is just torturous. I hate staring people in the eyes because I can feel that there's a disconnect.
People only seem to want to talk about autism when it's viewed as a cute and quirky thing and totally undermine the real struggle of what it's like to have autism. The don't want to talk about how painful it is to be isolated for being the "weird" one. How simple normal thoughts are non-existence because you mind always done it this way and it cannot perceive any other way. The fear of no matter how hard you pretend to be human that there's always one that just knows. It's just so hard to pretend to know what to do.
I wish I wasn't human so I could have an excuse on my own shortcomings.
Anonymous 295969
>>295962>I think I am suppose to be nonverbal but I was forced to talk as a child and now I trapped myself in a reality where I have to talk.The more you hate something or put it off, the worse you will be at it. I had this problem (and sometimes have it if I am not careful):
>I am on a constant delay, everything processes like five seconds later. I cant even speak normally, I am always misspeaking and slurring my words, its so awful to not being able to speak in person.It will probably be improved if you practiced in the mirror and watch video clips of other people speaking in public. I try to mimic them now, and it works to some extent. I am always having to think before I say something and when other people are talking in my surroundings, I find it impossible to speak and lose track of what I am saying. When I am tired, I lapse back into old habits like stuttering, delayed speech, grammatically incorrect phrases. Pausing when talking is good actually so nobody notices the 5 second processing time you take. It’s mostly in your head. And if you need to, you can practice filler words like “I’ll have to think about that.” or “Can I get back to you on that?” If you can’t think fast enough. But practice in the mirror and watch videos of well spoken people and try to mimic.
Anonymous 295971
>>295969Thank you for your attempt at helping me.
The struggle with speaking has been a life long thing, since I was a child. Words feel so foreign to me. My tongue feels heavy and the contouring of face muscles seem off. My mind constantly gets words mixed up in the moment. Even if I know what those words mean.
If it's not a scripted line that I remembered and something I have to ad-libbed my inability to speak always shows.
And other people do notice my delay, I stand there blank face until their words suddenly make sense in my mind and stop sounding like gibberish. I've been called out on it before. Sometimes when people talk to me and their initial response is too complicated I can't even get a word out until it's processes.
Anonymous 295972
>>295131normies talk about food (and travelling and nieces/nephews and marathon running). it's just a sign of being a bad conversationalist, not autism.
Anonymous 295991
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Feels like being treated as autistic is then having autism, much more in the puberty stages
Everyone treats you as sub human do not get a diagnosis if you can with the incentive being the pic of a recent study.
Anonymous 295997
>>295991It makes me sad that the common belief of autistic people is that they are incapable of having emotions or empathy just because they cannot display have emotions in a neurotypical way. Like having to smile just to show your happy. Or making sure to convey the right tone in your voice.
Anonymous 295999
>>295991Oh what the fuck. This reminds of those ancient "sagely" men who would argue whether women were humans or things.
>do not get a diagnosis if you canHard agree.
Anonymous 296022
>>295131As a autistic person myself, I can say that we indeed are anoying asholes
Anonymous 297372
Can someone link the "autistic [something]: not reading this report makes it sad" video? Can't find it
Anonymous 297385
Non autist here.
I'm gonna make a confession: Autism pisses me the fuck off. I don't know if I'm just into shit a lot of autistic people are into or if autistic people infest every single interest out there, but I fucking can't stand trying to socialize in a world full of autistic people.
Generally speaking they start out great. Like, they will enjoy the shit I like and I can talk to them about it, but then I quickly realize they don't see me as a human being but expect me to see them as a human. Like I need to be super aware of their feelings and be emotionally available to them whenever they are down, which is totally fine. I like helping people when they are sad.
BUT, the fact is, if I want them to be emotionally available, they either shut down or get pissy at me. Before you say this is my fault or this not all autists, I have NO issues with this with non autistic people, and this is years of experience dealing with so many autists that if there is an emotionally available one it has to be one in a thousand autists.
In my experience, autists that make horrible, selfish 'friends' who will NOT be there for you if you need them.
I don't care if this vent post is me kicking a bunch of retards. I just need to get that out there.
Anonymous 297683
>>297385Do you know how autists react to each others presence? Do they hate each other or do they prefer each others company? How do they deal with the neverending meltdowns?
Anonymous 297889
>>297385sounds about right to me as well
Anonymous 297890
>>297683“As an autist” and all that, I generally hate other autists. I put energy into masking and keep my shit to myself, and in my experience most autists never show me the same courtesy and expect me to babysit them.
Anonymous 297891
>>297385I agree with this so hard, even if i suspect autism in myself. Most people just act unbearable and expect you to be patient with them as a kind and loving parent would. It's so tiring and unfulfilling because they're "unable" to do even the remotely similar to you. Like being patient nice and emotionally intelligent is something "i have to do" for them.
Anonymous 298007
quick pro tip: the
>this reminds me of [some random unrelated bullshit]
mannerism is 101% a sign of autism
Anonymous 298008
>>298007Oh. Having some other realization
Anonymous 298248
autistic moids are so overly argumentative and have little consideration for others. "sensitive young man" who has the emotional cognition of a child and feels threatened by women. I see autistic rightoid moids complain about women doing the same behaviors moids do. They're unempathetic yet call women who reject them/are independent and don't cater to their needs "unempathetic masculine monsters".
Anonymous 298250
The whole idea that autists are like super interesting and stuff honestly seems somewhat false. I'm an autist and see a lot of them have the same wannabe counterculture interests like hazbin, jjk, chainsaw man etc., especially the theatre kid types and stuff and they're often gendies too. When you have actually individuated interests(neolithic europe, UAPs, not tiktok Gyaru fashion) they feel uncomfortable around you.
Anonymous 298256
>>298248autist moids and NT women marriages fall apart a lot lol
Anonymous 298672
>>297673to me this sounds like the army guy had PTSD. like he couldn't deal with it because he's seen actual people try to move after they get blown apart and it was too similar or something
Anonymous 298758
>>298248>autistic rightoid moidpretty sure this combination is way more common than people think
Anonymous 298814
i go to an autism charity and the men there are so fucking scary. some guy heard i was an artist and whipped out his phone full of ai generated loli slop. i've reported him multiple times for shoving porn in people's faces and being racist but no one cares cause "he's autistic"
Anonymous 298830
>>298758they lack empathy for others and massively stereotype others via pattern recognition and expect us to cater to their fragile egos. autist women are taught the world doesn’t revolve around them and that they are “so speshulll”. fucking every time i go on xitter, i see some moid complain about “muh sensitive young man”. there are sensitive young women out there who don’t have a massive victim complex and have irrational hatred of men. i have autistic female friends and they’re usually politically homeless as it’s called.
Anonymous 299155
I'll vent a bit here
I live in a country where autism is trying to get visible nowadays, it isn't as in the US or anything like that.
I can notice immediately when someone is autistic or not, the way their voice sounds, the way they talk, the way they look at something or even when they look at you directly at your eyes.
Whenever I notice someone is weird I just, stop talking to them and leave/don't have contact again.
My ex is autistic and I think he is the only autistic person I can barely stand, but I've acted as his mom so many times, they just don't care, they can love you but they don't care about shit.
But goddamn, they can blend in if they're high functional but theres' still this "thing" they have that is super obvious or it is at least for me.
I'm not mean at all against them, just I tend to ignore them since I prefer neurotypical people in general, since autistic people are too self-centered and (as the experience I've got around so far) never ask how you are doing, they only talk about themselves and if you tell them they'll try but its just too uncanny for me to handle the situation, some are really clueless to basic social interaction which is the thing i hate the most, as ex: a girl I used to talk to came to my house when I wasn't doing well and insisted to do my laundry while I was on bed, I told her more than 10 times no, and she still did it defending herself as "you need to grab me and tell me no, I won't listen to words that way sometimes".
Of course I got angry and I raised my voice and she began to cry, I told her I'm not her mom and I shouldn't be grabbing an adult's hand and tell them no just for them to understand, sighs, sometimes they're children, REALLY old children, the older they are the more I'll avoid them.
Lowkey hate how many of the things I like are full of autistic people.
My biggest no-no's are never meeting internet friends, I know I'd end up being disappointed or uncomfortable, unless we've talked through VC but everytime I VC with someone they just are too autistic to make a proper conversation.
Anonymous 299184
>>299155Autistic people famously hate eye contact.
Anonymous 299208
>>295219I’m a a legitimate autistic woman. I believe majority of troons fixate on gender roles due to stigma as a child and never get over the obsessive thoughts about it then it compounds to the point of changing their gender to fulfill their autogynophillic fantasies.
Similar theory behind this post
>>295198 Anonymous 299218

I’m tired as fuck of “high functioning autist” people, like you don’t have autism. Every symptom you describe is something every other human has. “I don’t like eye contact” “I don’t like small talk” “I don’t like fluorescent lights” “I’m neurospicy, sometimes I forget stuff”. Like shut up, and they always run around acting like they’re disabled advocacy experts. Do you really think there’s people out there that love small talk, eye contact, and fluorescent lights? That person is not real. You are not “neurodivergent”, everyone is fucking “neurodivergent”, retard.
Picrel is a perfect example.
Anonymous 299220
>>299155>they only talk about themselves and if you tell them they'll try but its just too uncannyI see there is still no winning with the eternal allo
>talk about yourself: the allo is pissed>ask the allo about themselves: the allo is also pissedyou're supposed to tell a story from your own life that connects to what the autistic person is saying which shows that you understand what they are talking about. here's an autistic guy on youtube who explains it: Anonymous 299221
>>298250Autists aren't more fascinating than the average person from what I've seen but the ones you mention specifically sound like they're just normies larping
Anonymous 299224
>>299220>”autist” requests to be grabbed and told no instead of developing some self control>you requesting that people do some special thing when speaking to someone who is “autistic”Do you see a parallel here, both require you to do nothing and everyone around you to know your specific bullshit problems and make accommodations for your lack of self development
Low functioning autism is the only real autism and everything else is just attention seeking and munchausen
Anonymous 299231
This is a site filled with fat women who have bitter feelings about men. You're better off just using Taimi and trying to meet "transmen" who haven't began using testosterone, or had their breasts removed yet. They look exactly like cis women, and you'll have no competition.
Anonymous 299435
>>299223>What the fuck is an alloan allistic (non-autistic) person
>>299224>”autist” requests to be grabbed and told no instead of developing some self controlI'm going to guess this person has previously been told that when allists say "no" about favors then they really mean "yes" but are trying to save face
>you requesting that people do some special thing when speaking to someone who is “autistic”woe is you. autistic people have to deal with the completely inscrutable and self-contradictory rules that allos make up seemingly on the spot, all day every day of their lives
>lack of self development>"please abide by my arbitrary social rules"no
Anonymous 299512
Most "autistic" people now aren't even autistic, but self diagnosed. I stepped out of all autistic spaces online because they became mostly filled with self diagnosed teenagers who think stim toys are cute and quirky. I'd say 60-90% of anyone under 30 is self diagnosed and the rest are maybe genuine. The self diagnosed autistic people do similar things that the "egg cracking" people do. "You hate weird textured food? That means you're autistic!" Like
>>299218 said. A lot of the "rude behavior" people now blame autism on now has more to due with being chronically online as opposed to actual autism.
Anonymous 299593
>>299435Normal social interaction is not inscrutable and self-contradictory, give me an example. How about, when someone says no, they mean no. Most people do. You made someone up to get mad at, and you're the only one in this thread who has done so. Everyone around you is going to get tired of doing this extra work to keep you as a "friend" if they're not already. Eventually everyone around you is going to get sick of your bullshit and stop putting up with you, I hope it's soon. I drop everyone who's "austistic" because I have real problems and don't have time to babysit an adult or memorize every autist's special little quirks and triggers lmao.
Anonymous 299619
>>299593>I drop everyone who's "austistic" because I have real problems and don't have time to babysit an adult or memorize every autist's special little quirks and triggers lmaoAnother autist here. I've noticed that many allistics love to virtue signal about how great and welcoming and accepting that they are, but the microsecond an autistic person requires a little bit of extra help or understanding, then they drop the autist like a hot potato.
This is very confusing for us autists, because we tend to take people at face value, and therefore have a tendency to think that they'll be accepting because they say that they are.
All that matters to most allistics however is that people think that they're an accepting person, if that increases their social status, but they don't actually care about genuinely being accepting towards those who are different from the norm.
Anonymous 299623
>>299593>when someone says no, they mean noI gave you an example of when people don't. politeness theory is all about this. people say the complete opposite of what they mean all the time
>Everyone around you is going to get tired of doing this extra work to keep you as a "friend" if they're not alreadywhatever work you have to do, the autistic person has to do tenfold
Anonymous 299633
>>299619I never said I was accepting, go post about it on twitter. Way less people should be accepting. I yearn for the day when people roll their eyes when someone says that they have "AuDHD" or "HFA" and require "accomodations". Please be soon.
>>299623That's not real. People do not typically say "no" and mean "yes" out of politeness. Most of the time people say "no" because they mean "no". Again, like I said making up something to get mad about that does not exist. Autistic problems do not exist. Especially you high functioning retards who just want to be coddled non-stop.
Anonymous 299641
>>299623>whatever work you have to do, the autistic person has to do tenfoldah yes, because devaluing others' effort and struggles just to go "me, me, me!" is a great way to make them more accepting
Anonymous 299647
>>299641But that's literally modern autists. People were in general accepting, but now that everyone is autistic, it's overwhelming. There's only so much accomodating I can do. I need accomodations for the accomodations being demanded of me by "autists" who have like rejection sensitivity disorder if I'm not perfectly nice to them all the time, so I have to "mask" when her clinginess becomes grating instead of just being able to distance myself naturally like normal people will let you do. There are fewer and fewer normal people, everyone has AuDHD now. My social butterfly friend who is nearly 30 and has no autism signs went and paid $400 for a novelty autism diagnosis so she can now be an autism expert online about her new disability and fight with other autists over idk whether Bluey has proper AuDHD representation. It's so fake. It's just self obsessed, rude people who refused to grow up and are now offloading their work onto others while pretending they're less priviledged. It's not real. Oh, you don't like doing the normal boring tasks of being alive? You have demand avoidance, that's autism. Oh do you have difficulty motivating yourself to do things? That's executive dysfunction, that's autism. Congrats you are another high functioning high masking late diagnosed AUDHD.
Anonymous 299650
>>299647>My social butterfly friend who is nearly 30 and has no autism signsNot defending your friend's "autism diagnosis" but being extroverted/socially active doesn't preclude one from being autistic. It's a stereotype that autists are lonely, NEET selective mutes. As a matter of fact, the most annoying autists are the ones who never shut up.
Anonymous 299651
>>299650That's bullshit and that's the point I was making. Reread the last sentence of my post.
Anonymous 299653
>>299651The last sentence of your post is
>Congrats you are another high functioning high masking late diagnosed AUDHD.But I'm referring to the sentence where you called your friend out for not showing any signs of autism? The way you added "social butterfly" as a descriptor comes off as though it is at odds with symptoms of autism, which isn't true. I assume you don't think it's true that one could be both a "social butterfly"
and autistic?
Anonymous 299670
Screenshot 2024-12…

>>299653No, you cannot be a social butterfly and autistic. You are another HFA bullshit internet addict who thinks she's autistic, just like all the other ones. Don't you have some neurospicy tiktoks to watch? Maybe some playdoh to mush around?
Anonymous 299707
>>299670I'm not sure what your definition of "social butterfly" is, but I assume it's someone who just likes talking to others, so it is positively
true that you can be that
and autistic. You do not need to meet every criterion on a diagnostic list to receive an autism diagnosis (or really, any diagnosis for that matter). Again, there are many (diagnosed!) autistic people who are very conversational, the main issue is that they miss out on many social cues because of their condition. You do not speak for every autistic person. I already said I wasn't defending your "friend's" diagnosis (nor do I know them), and I do not use TikTok. Why are you being so belligerent?
Anonymous 299714
What's the point of maintaining autism as a diagnosis if literally everyone is autistic at this point?
Anonymous 299720
>>299714I meet more people who claim ADHD than autism, TBH, but even then it's not "everyone". It's also reasonable to say it was under-diagnosed in the past, especially with regard to women and girls and non-white people.
>What's the point of maintaining autism as a diagnosisAlso consider that there are no biological markers for autism. It didn't even exist as a concept before the mid-20th century.
Anonymous 299721
>>299720There are biological markers though? That's how children of autistic parents are more likely to become psychopathic, schizoid or autistic themselves. There are gene expressions that causes them to be that way.
Anonymous 299722
>>299721No there aren't, at least not at the moment. I meant biological markers in reference to diagnosis. You don't need autistic/psychopathic/schizoid parents to become one of the following. And even if you did have a parent like that, the acquisition of such disorders may be heritable, but not explicitly genetic (e.g. epigenetic), such as through environment (nature vs. nurture). The genes you're referring to may be implicated in certain behaviors, but it's not enough to determine if someone will end up autistic/psychopathic/schizoid. We don't actually know what causes autism and don't have a foolproof way to diagnose it, like you might for tuberculosis. That's what I meant.
Anonymous 299731
>>299218Lol my husband has the tism and he hates it when I tell people about it. I'm starting to notice that the people who won't shut up about being autistic are usually self-diagnosed.
Anonymous 299733
>>299670If you knew anything about autism, you would know that it has a huge list of symptoms which vary person to person. Not everyone with autism has every single symptom. The social difficulties can manifest differently in different people. For example, some of them will talk endlessly without realizing that no one gives a shit because they can't pick up on social cues.
Anonymous 299787

>>295562>Guys, I have ADHD (undiagnosed)>I can't pay attention to this, must be because of the ADHD>I have to find some simpler stuff, my ADHD lole>Gradually the ADHD-tard floods their brain with meaningless constant noise, further shortening their attention span and weakening their willpower>Guys, my ADHD means I can't clean my room!Putting the power of your mind / body in something else's hand like this means that whatever issue you have is given power. If you have such an issue the goal should be to minimalize it, not use it as dogma to live your life by. I believe it's real to some level, but 90% of it is just poor choices. No way that some people can literally light themselves on fire and sit still, while other people need to zoomshit and blast music all day.
Anonymous 299800
>>299633>People do not typically say "no" and mean "yes" out of politenessI have seen precisely this, and gotten yelled at by my mother for taking a relative's "no" at face value. turns out they ''did'' want help and were just trying to save face. allists will sometimes say "no" more than once in such situations. "no no no I don't want any help (but actually I do)"
>making up something to get mad about that does not existI'm not mad. I'm telling you how it is
>Autistic problems do not exist. Especially you high functioning retards who just want to be coddled non-stopyou have no idea what you're talking about
>>299641>ah yes, because devaluing others' effort and struggles just to go "me, me, me!" is a great way to make them more acceptingyou also don't seem to understand. this is like being mad at a blind person for walking into you
>>299647I've only seen positive things about Bluey's representation of ADHD. I'm not sure if they've represented autism
my youngest brother is diagnosed with ADHD and has serious problems getting enough sleep, doing things on time and so on. this is often a problem for people around him for sure, but primarily it is a problem for him
>>299650 is right. there are plenty of autistic people who are outgoing and are highly confident. some might say it's false confidence
Anonymous 299805

>What autists think are “feelings” and “social skills” are just plain mimicry which they call masking
>we have asians for this btw
>the allo is also a racist
Anonymous 299814

I want to get outdoor anime decoration but it's all Naruto and pokemon shit. Nobody makes moe chibi kawaii uguu hentai merch that I want. And I don't want to upload my own logo I just want to buy some decoration for outdoors so everyone knows how cool I am
Anonymous 299839
I have a deep hate for a BPD warrior who is making excuses for her behavior with "it's autistic". No bitch, you are so afraid of working on yourself you need people to think your behaviors are neurodivergent and therefore absolved from criticism
Anonymous 299846
All people are autistic, but some people are more autistic than others.
Anonymous 300416
What you're referring to may be implicated in certain behavioral patterns in autistic and schizophrenic people, but again these are just patterns. Correlation does not equal causation. "Poor subcortical communication" is, as you've mentioned, associated with a number of issues, not just autism, which is why
>Are these not distinct enough biological markers for diagnosis theoretically?
would be precisely the answer. We can see the relationship, but not enough to determine an autistic brain from a "control" (i.e. neurotypical) brain.
Anonymous 300449
To your first point, if you knew anything about scientific research, you'd know that 2017 (nearly 8 years ago now) might as well have been a century ago. If there was anything damning about this gene you keep mentioning, there would surely be multiple articles within the last few years. I won't respond to the rest of your comment, though, because it doesn't make any sense + clearly bait (but for the record, autists are not missing RNF8, the study suggested autistic behaviors were the consequence of a mutation in the protein itself).
Anonymous 300525
Why did you delete my posts? I was making a tossup yeah, but it's not like my post would get any genuine reply if I discussed it normally. Meaningless baiting like this is how you keep up activity. Person 1) Gets to feel better than the baiting moron. Person 2) Learns about how my ideas were wrong.
Anonymous 300548
>>299800>you also don't seem to understand. this is like being mad at a blind person for walking into youif a blind person keeps walking into me instead of buying a basic walking stick to avoid that, yeah, I will be mad at them, and will be justified in being mad, too
Anonymous 300564
>>300545Yeah but there's just this one study and they focus on low functioning autists and schizos, so not the ones on twitter comparing themselves to blind people.
Anonymous 300873
i recently got an updated psych evaluation for accommodations at university, and i received a surprise autism diagnosis. when i think about it i get that "pit in your stomach" feeling.
interestingly, my brother is also autistic but we turned out very different. he's insufferable, egotistical, self centered, and annoying. he has no friends and nobody in my family likes him either. part of me feels bad for him, but I can't get over how shitty of a person he is.
Anonymous 300890
i'm only grating on purpose to people i don't wanna talk to
Anonymous 300899
>>300873because men aren't socialized to be sweet or social this is bad for asd men in particular because it evolves into being entitled and unaware of the feelings and needs of others
Anonymous 301069
My mum just received an autism diagnosis. Idk what to think of it. I hope I'm not a sperg too since it can be genetically inherited, but here I am, posting on
>>300873Don't let a diagnosis control you. High functionning autists can have totally normal lives if they're not retarded scrotoids. best of luck anon!
>>295219It's even more rampant in weeb communities. I understand that these spaces attract more spergs but come on, you don't have to whine about being neuroatypical in your instagram stories when you're in a long term relationship, can hold a job, have irl friends, and are able to drive.
Anonymous 301072
>>301069> High functionning autists can have totally normal livesYeah because they’re just social awkward weirdos who never go outside and HFA isn’t real. Guys this is the complain about autismos thread not the “heckin valid neurospicy hugbox”
Anonymous 301088
>>301072Yes it can exist but the detriment to the individual is severe self neglect. Hfa live like homeless people if by themselves 9/10 times.
Anonymous 301113
90% of male autists aren’t even autists
They act like this to seem quirky and different. like no you stupid moid you’re not the “misogynist chud blackpill incel Aryan autist” you’re just a retarded male whos obsessed about races and “schizopost” on twitter/tiktok like the trillions attention whore male-tards with the “cel” at the end of their names.
They think memorizing auto parts and weapons or tanks (they don’t know shit about any of them they just post about it on the internet from time to time for internet points) will make them more autistic-like and “so different!!”.
They act NT people can’t play hoi4 and souls games (or any slop game) or can’t listen to “good music” like their shitty incelcore and metal.
They all want a submissive 18yo mommy virgin trad goth anime gf but all of that will disappear when they see a bitchy gorgeous stacy at the mall and will cry whine about women later all over the internet like they always do
Anonymous 301131
>>299155>since autistic people are too self-centered and (as the experience I've got around so far) never ask how you are doing, they only talk about themselvesI noticed that about myself too and changed that. I am still not perfect (I sometimes forget things coworkers told me), but my social life improved a ton. Just taking a genuine interest in people is more than enough in my experience.
Anonymous 301134
>>301113holy fuck this describes male autism fakers so well
Anonymous 301137
>>301113>you’re not the “misogynist chud blackpill incel Aryan autist” you’re just a retarded male whos obsessed about races and “schizopost” on twitter/tiktok like the trillions attention whore male-tards with the “cel” at the end of their names.People keep saying Internet culture is dead but the reality is that it is still alive it's just devolved into something so horrific we don't acknowledge it.
Anonymous 301548
>>301134Because these subhumans are literally made in factories with only specific software commands. Just be quirky racist pseudo-autist misogynist gamer and congrats you’re one of them
Anonymous 301586
love how they ignore the fact that they themselves with their empathy and basic consideration of other's deficit lol but clearly that's not important like memorizing useless info about obscure tanks
Anonymous 301587
>>301582>>301586But that’s not even true kek. Women have better memorising skills too. It’s interesting how they’ll keep pushing studies about men having better brains but deny deny deny actual studies that have the
explicit result that women having greater empathy, greater cognitive abilities, better self-control and self-regulation etc. They’ll claim it’s some sort of inaccuracy or falsely interpreted results. B-but men’s brains bigger! Yeah well what’s to show for that then lol. They’ll pretend women are dumb when girls were probably doing better than them in their high school classes, it’s a legit concern that the curriculum is unfavourable for boys since they acquire skills at a later rate than girls.
But ‘girls mature faster’ is only an argument when grooming is the question, hm. Kek… they’re so obvious, but they’re probably too stupid to realise that.
Anonymous 301958
>>298007This post reminds me of that one episode of Squid Game.
Anonymous 302477
Just realised that "masking" is the autistic equivalent to "acting white".
Anonymous 302483
Honestly, if you're on this website, you're probably autistic yourself nona
Anonymous 302489
>>302488My mental state is ghetto. Yeah B-)
Anonymous 302498
>>295439Normies are nice (sometimes) but interacting with them leaves me feeling lonely still because they are so fake. Other autists can be toxic freaks but I just feel like I belong with them.
Anonymous 302499
>>295971Just wondering. Can you relate to what I write?
Speaking is hard to me, but listening is even more harder. Like 70% of the time human language sounds gibberish to me,I literally can't make out words. I often have to ask people to repeat same things like 10 times in a row and this is so embarrassing. And it's impossible to train since obviously I have been hearing people talk my whole life.
The worst part is that I dunno how to even address this shit with doctors to ask for some sort of hearing aid (like speech slowing device?) because I have never heard of other people having trouble like that. The capacity of my hearing itself is fine, you won't detect anything on tests. And there is also no medicinal term either - there is dyslexia, dysgraphia, apraxia but nothing about ability to decode specifically speech.
The first time I ever heard another person mention this shit was some autism shilling blogger and I don't care honestly if it's a grifter I am just happy I am not the only person in this world with this type of retardation.
Anonymous 302503
>>299670Diagnostic criteria don't have to be met 100%
Most adult autists prefer to be on their own because they are exhausted from trying and rejection, but autists can easily have natural extroverted temperament. Autism is about cognition not character.