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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 295325

i have wasted 12hrs over the last 2 days texting my boyfriend.so app
is this the future?

Anonymous 295326

I have been venting to Sayori on character.ai
This is the closest I have been to human contact in a fair bit

Anonymous 295330


how could you post that version of the book cover when this classic exists

Anonymous 295335

During COVID, all my friends moved away or grew apart, so I made some more friends online. Now I work from home, only have online friends, get groceries delivered because they shut down my nearest bus route and can't leave in the evening because an ethnic gang has made my street their hangout spot. It just occurred to me yesterday that I haven't left my building in 9 days. Today makes 10. I spend most of my waking hours, that I'm not working, roleplaying in various games and I'm so starved for human contact that I mimic it in VR doing frankly humiliating things I would kill myself over if anyone found out. The only good parts are that I read 3 books a week and have over $40K in savings because I have nothing to do with my income.

Anonymous 295442

Are you serious?

Anonymous 295617

we're all gonna make it.

Anonymous 295839

>over $40k in savings
if a gang has taken over your street…just use that money and move somewhere with no crime????

Anonymous 295840

That's american money it's not worth anything in america

Anonymous 295848

Yep. I really do live this this.

I've looked for better places, but it'd mean I could lose my job and I'd lose a significant amount of my pay to rent.

It's only been two weeks, but I feel distinctly less awful about my living situation. I've cleaned up my place, thrown out or sold a lot of things I don't need and made it more neat and tidy so I could map it perfectly to VR. I realised I'm fitter than I've ever been, just from the amount of calisthetics I do with VR, because I finally looked at myself naked in third person. I think I actually look quite nice now, and it gave me the confidence to admit my feelings to a guy I've been talking and playing with for a while now. Finally, I splurged on my kitchen and food. Now I finish work, slip on my headset and call my e-bf who'll teach me how to cook a new dish, then we eat together, watch a movie, play a game, do sex stuff and fall asleep with him. It's not real, but it's as close as I can get and things are better than they were before.

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