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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 296196

Is posting on Lolcow not working for anyone else? I get a message saying "A system error occurred. Please try again in 30 seconds." when I try.

Anonymous 296197

Yeah it's down

Anonymous 296200

Time to bunker here again, fuck.

Anonymous 296201

hasn’t worked for me for an hour, i went to /shelter/ and no one was there…

Anonymous 296202

imagine the mods just turned off posting because they were tired of the infighting kek. oh my sweet jannie’s

Anonymous 296203

Here we go again

Anonymous 296204

Since lolcor is dead I will post my unpopular opinion here.
Anime/comic conventions are only fun if you go with friends and covered in merch or wearing a cosplay, otherwise, nerds are so bitter that even the vendors treat you like shit if they think you look "too normie" it's honestly idiotic.
Those events were supposed to exist so nerds could make friends and shit, can't they not be bitter for 5 seconds and pretend to be kind to people who aren't into showing their powerlevel like a parade of red flags?
Anime/comic events have been like this at least since the 2000's and it's even worse nowadays, it's like a place for nerds somehow also has cliques, like fucker, you don't have friends at work/school/uni, be friendly to the people that are paying to be in a event about nerd shit, you could then finally make a friend into the same shit you like instead of being a friendless loser or only being able to talk to the same 2 people for the rest of your life.
If anything, the normiefication of nerd shit was a good idea because now nerds can have a reason to be whiny little faggots that should honestly die alone at this point.

Anonymous 296205

guys a stranger talked to me in public!! unprovoked! isn’t that crazy?

Anonymous 296206

What board even was that on? I completely forgot about it

Anonymous 296208


Anonymous 296211

I wanted to go to a con ever since I was a little kid. Now, they just seem kind of sad.

Anonymous 296213

This makes me think of how fun vidcon and comiccon looked back in 2012…

Anonymous 296214

A shame. I was about to post something autistic about Maria SH2 in unpopular opinions

Anonymous 296215

I’m a congoer and cosplayer who likes to carry itabags, and I’ve gone with normie friends and I have never once seen a vendor treat any normie like shit? I’m not disagreeing with your opinion but that’s news to me. Cons are heavily pandered to normies and FOTM shit so I don’t even see how that’s a thing.

Anonymous 296218

im sad....png

I feel super sensitive today, like I've been on the verge of tears all day. Work sucked, trying to get groceries sucked… And I still have a class to do. I guess the pressure really is getting to me. I don't know if I can keep doing this…

Anonymous 296223

why did getting groceries suck?

Anonymous 296224

it’s ok

Anonymous 296225

I thought I had been banned. Here we go again…
This better not effect movie nights

Anonymous 296226

samefag, this post said it’s ok nonie kek i forgot the N word is banned here

Anonymous 296227

I'm a newfag so I'm pulling this out of my ass, but I think there's been such a large influx of new posters that the jannies can't keep up. The internet is expierencing a cultural shift, people are looking for somewhere to go, but most aren't willing to intergrate since the concept of gatekeeping died in the 2010s.

Anonymous 296228

Nta but how did you find lolcow and what made you decide to stick around? I like hearing newfags' stories.

Anonymous 296229

Not a doctor but have you been checked for anxiety? The real kind not the Tiktok kind. I had random bouts of not being able to go outside that escalated into me having a crying fit in a grocery store. It was probably obvious but I went to the doctor twice about it and they said I should drink less caffeine or maybe it's you're period. Third I finally got a referral to a pyschdoc who figured me out. I'm still waiting on a treatment plan but hopefully no more sitting underneath my desks for hours. Doctors are incredible useless and slow here, you'll probably get sorted quicker.

Anonymous 296230


NTA but I learned about lolcow during Covid from a friend. We were at a party during one of the lockdown breaks and she was pretty drunk. She started showing me the site on her phone. I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember and I don't want to tell her. I sometimes wonder if we respond to each others posts…

Anonymous 296232

Honestly IDK why groceries sucked- it was a rather usual event and nothing happened. It honestly might be like >>296229 suggested, and I have an anxiety disorder. To be fair- everyone on my moms side going back to my grandmother were super anxious people, so it wouldn't at all be surprising if this was the case. I wring my hands over nothing.

Thank you. I know it's silly but seeing everyone post here makes me feel a little better.

Anonymous 296233

What thread was it

Anonymous 296234

Anons tell I'm not being schizo but does anyone notice those (supposedly) two anons who vaguepost about each other? One types in lowercase and one types regularly. The sanic thread has been really weird. Also, I think they have spoken to each other in the unsent letter thread in /feels/. Does anyone know wtf I'm talking about?

Anonymous 296235

I really hope unpopular opinions gets dealt with once and for all. How can they keep turning a blind eye to it.

Anonymous 296236

how did you find lolcow?
I found out about dedicated lolcow websites in 2019. I didn't start using lolcow.farm until recently
>what made you decide to stick around?
I grew up in tumblrite culture and I just had enough. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I'm still loyal to it in some respects - I'm not a fullblown TERF, just critical of many leftist movements, I also don't believe in censorship, it's the root of real, non-internet oppression. I feel homeless in this highly divisive world, and places like lolcow are the closest thing I can get to the middle ground. I like the s there. They're intelligent and empathetic, I don't mind coexisting with their beliefs if I get a place where I won't be lynched for saying pedophilia isn't a sexuality and misandry isn't as bad as misogyny.

Anonymous 296237

Why… why did it delete n/onnies?

Anonymous 296238

Just peak on trannies already, you can do it. It's easy.

Anonymous 296240

Got linked there during the Jonathan Yaniv drama in 2019. Good shit.

Anonymous 296241

I was about to post something really weird and autistic in the bad fetish art thread

Anonymous 296242

Can't remember but I know it was weeby at first, then moid hatey, then husbando-y. I never pegged her as either except the middle. I had been known as the weeb girl since college so I can see why she'd show me.

Anonymous 296243

Let me guess you either hate her or you love her.

Anonymous 296244

Posting is back up!

Anonymous 296245


Let's goooo
Thanks for hosting us CC

Anonymous 296246

I think she is arguably a feminist icon and most definitely a deep allegory of how men try to force women to mold to their desires

Anonymous 296251

Idk if you're still here but are they also in the "get it off your chest" threads?

Anonymous 296253

Yes I swear it's them. I think the drama is that anon 1 was raped? And anon 2 is girlfriend of the moid who raped her? I have no idea what's happening but I also don't get why nobody is calling these schizos out.

Anonymous 296254


Samefag, but I think lowercase anon is also that one anon who said she thinks the blackpill cocksucker sperg is someone she knows. I think picrel is who she's talking about. I remember that she said he was mexican? And his name is Edgar??

Anonymous 296257

I use to think it was one schizo and her multiple personalities samefagging with herself because the way they replied to eachother seemed too "involved" or "disjointed" (like another voice in someone's head) but maybe it was two people after all. Those anons always turn up at exactly the same time to aggravate eachother until posts get deleted. Feels bad. I hope they get on meds.

Anonymous 296258

That's a post from a moid who raided this board 2 days ago.

Anonymous 296261

The dijointedness can be explained by the fact that they post in threads where you can't reply to each other (usually). Sometimes they do talk to eachother though.

Anonymous 296279

i think she actually made this thread >>>/feels/117174 because it was like two people talking with each other using lowercase and uppercase but it honestly seemed like a schizo having a conversation with themselves and she talked similar to what you described lol

Anonymous 296496

I'm also getting this error now, and yet I can see other posts being made seconds ago, after I repeatedly tried to post myself.

Anonymous 296498

Replying to myself, but fuuuuuuuuuckk this is so frustrating. I'm still getting the error. I'm not even banned or anything, why can other people still post?

Anonymous 296501

why me.png

Same, I thought the site was down but then I saw that other anons can post just fine.

Anonymous 296502

Same for me. Might as well post some stuff we can't do on lolcow.
Moids aren't all bad

Anonymous 296505

I can't post from my VPN. I'm guessing the mods blocked them. Suppose it's better to stop shitposting but I don't trust the site to not be hacked or vindictive mods to leak my post history. I'm going lurker now.

Anonymous 296506

This whole thing is very bizarre, I could post just fine yesterday so why am I unable to all of a sudden? Has anyone tried emailing the admins? Since we can’t let them know through /meta/.

Anonymous 296510


what the fuck

Anonymous 296511

I don’t think it’s a VPN ban because I don’t have a VPN turned on

Anonymous 296512

You can make posts if you open in a new browser. I opened LC on firefox and it started working and letting me post

Anonymous 296514

doesn't work

Anonymous 296515

samefag tried without a vpn, same result so it's definitely not a vpn issue

Anonymous 296525

Wtf were the deleted posts?

Anonymous 296526


Anonymous 296788

I have never seen a place so openly self-loathing and aggressively cannibalistic. The mods seem to hate their own website. It's like they don't even want to talk about lolcows with their obsession of saging and red texting posts. For example, how are YouTubers NOT considered lolcows? Frankly, all YouTubers are lolcows by virtue of publicly uploading on YouTube.

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