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Anonymous 296369

Does anyone else feel concern over the growing acceptance of the alt-right and neo-nazis?

I felt like there was once a point where they were shunned and ashamed. Now it's all incels inflating their numbers, following male-centric influencers and the pickme hand-maidens.

Anonymous 296370

Is now being a "Nazi" having a different opinion than the current narrative?

Anonymous 296372

>Nazi: A person who wants to use power to control and harm other people especially because of their race, religion, gender, etc.
Nazis only want white men in power, in government, institutes of education/religion and even in the home, to have all the choices made by men.

Why would I, a feminist, want to support the male agenda?

Anonymous 296378


>The moids are hurt and are trying to be offensive. Kek.

Anonymous 296379


Anonymous 296381

I have met exactly 2 faggots irl who could be described as "alt-right" in all my years of being alive on this bitch of an earth. Neither one of them ever amounted to anything and they're both shunned. I do hate that incel grifters have gotten so popular but the only real consequence of this is more obnoxiousness littering the Internet. In reality these people are ignorable and have no power.

Anonymous 296384

>the only real consequence of this is more obnoxiousness littering the Internet.
That is still too much power for them.

Anonymous 296388

They’re super pathetic incels who are too cowardly to do all the crap they larp about on 4chan. With any luck they’ll be left behind and never perpetuate.

Anonymous 296393

so wanting White Men and Women to not die out is more of a concern here… than what is happening here? lmao no thanks. also shunned and ashamed? you mean from about 1945 to 1960 or so.
weird way to say you like what society has turned into. (don't hear you whining about jewish men and women destroying White people 100% i wonder why)
this thread is a bit unusual.

Anonymous 296395

As if white moids are any better than Jewish moids or any other moids
I want all men to die out

Anonymous 296396

If all men died out, then all women would die out too after that. not really a good point there.

Anonymous 296397

At this point there is enough of sperm in sperm banks to continue the survival of humans, so it's not like moids are really needed.

Anonymous 296398

yeah. until this cycle starts all over again from this worldview, after there are boys growing up to be men, just like girls growing up to be women.

Anonymous 296399

You can sex select sperm (this is already being used in breeding dairy cattle) so no boys will be born. Probably by this time technologies that can transform women's stem cells into sperm cells will advance

Anonymous 296400

how will society function without men? just asking. plus that sounds like male hatred for some reason. female hatred isn't allowed for good reason but male hatred is still allowed? odd but ok. why do you really hate men? just asking that's all.

Anonymous 296401

We shouldn’t eliminate men, we should just castrate them and keep them around as laborers.

Anonymous 296402

Do so-called neo-nazis parade down your street waving swastika flags? Do these nazis protest that schools are not inclusive of nazi children, and that this is a natural process that should be taught? Do these Nazis use government funds to demolish a statue of a man who lived 300 hundred years ago because he is "anti-nazi"?

Anonymous 296404


> female hatred isn't allowed for good reason but male hatred is still allowed?

Anonymous 296406

Sperms are male. Men could also far more easily do the same thing anyway.

Anonymous 296407

>growing acceptance
In my country, we had almost no neo-nazi movements (aside from prison bangs and boomers who kept their 70's/80's nazi-punk bands/social groups going in garages, sheds and hole-in-the-wall bars) and certainly not a single one had any social or political power. The government criminalised certain things and started prosecuting more liberally to appeal to the growing youth-left and suddenly these neo-nazi groups swell in numbers; going from 10 balding fat guys drinking in a shed, to youth-focused movements with facebook support groups and sophisticated anonymous recruitment drives. They were a broken, outdated group of nobodies, laughed at by modern racists, already imprisoned and killed through their connections to the drug-trade, who were suddenly persecuted for political points in such a hamfisted way that they managed to successfully spin it into an attack on white people and free speech.

Neo-Nazism is a reactionary ideology that can only grow in a political climate which shifts the onus of progress from institutions to the public; demanding radical, often completely needless, social change rather than systematic reform. In a political climate of slow reform and incremental, commensurate social change, they're choked of reactionary fervor and wither on the vine. Attacking them directly doesn't work unless you're willing to suspend all your beliefs in liberal democracy and hurt a lot of innocent people in the process.

Shifting the definition of neo-nazi was an equally terrible consequence of making the espousing of radical/combative rhetoric a trivial and consequence-free exercise. >>296372 exemplifies this, and uses such a vague defition that it's essentially meaningless; creating a an extremely harmful false dichotomy. They place themselves on one side, and all their enemies under the same banner, then attack them equally, regardless of their strength of the nature of their threat. Those attacked subconsciously align themselves with fellow enemies of their enemy, creating a genuine risk of repeating the formation of the same horrific political climate of 30's Europe and 2010's Middle East. I certainly don't want to be lumped in with genuine neo-nazis, radical islamists and authoritarian monarchists, when all I want is immigration reform and stricter foreign investment laws.

Anonymous 296412

>Does anyone else feel concern over the growing acceptance of the alt-right and neo-nazis?

No, why should I? Nazism is getting popular in my country too, but it doesn't matter. Only the "Nazis" at the top, the influencers, make actual money, but it's at the expense of low IQ moids at the bottom who donate to them and prop them up.

Real power is having your own property and money, nona. It doesn't matter if a bunch of failson moids in the cities and suburbs are so-called "Nazis." They are the same as the retarded scrotes in the ghettos claiming "red" and "blue" colors, who kill each other in gang wars on the street. They don't own the streets that they fight over, but they will sure die for them! Go on any anon form, and you can see most "Nazi" scrotes are failures to launch, living on their parents' dime, are unable to afford their own place of living, etc. They complain about "brown and black people" living in their community, so that means they can't afford to move, which means they are literally no better than the races they complain about. They have the exact same status as those they feel are "racially inferior," and they can't stand it :(

The truth is, that the law supports people with cash and property… Do you think if a Nazi shows up to the house that I own and I call the police, they will say "oh you are a woman and you are the wrong race so I will not help you."? The reality is that real power is owning your own property and making your own money. Those scrotes can dream and fantasize all they want about having power over me because they are the superior sex. They can also feel racially superior to me if it makes them feel better, but all they have is their thoughts to comfort them. The reality is a different thing. At the end of the day, I own my farm and can shoot them dead if they tried to take it from me. Or, the state will do it for me if I give them a call because they support me over them. That is the person with real power.

Anonymous 296420

Did you go into a coma in 2013 OP?

Anonymous 296428

In Florida, yes. Anywhere where there is a large Maga crowd.

Anonymous 296429

Not my fault if you turn a blind eye to it and chooses to stay ignoran.

Anonymous 296432

White replacement theory isn't real.

Anonymous 296433

a little late to the train though huh?

Anonymous 296436

It came back

Anonymous 296457

babe that train is almost as old as my geriatric cat

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