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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 296497

Any tips on how to get free stuff and steal things?

Anonymous 296543

I did this once by accident because I didn't know you can get multiple shipments for an order and I only received part of my order. Then I got the other half twice because of my complaint. I still owe someone money for that …

Anonymous 296550

check if the place has cameras, that's a good start

Anonymous 296556

One time i ordered something on Amazon then called the manufacturer about an issue with it. They sent me a replacement, and all I had to do was return the old one through Amazon and I got my money back. I essentially got the thing for free. Thought about continuously buying their products then getting a replacement , returning them, then selling them online to make money. Pretty sure I would get busted for fraud though.

Anonymous 296560

something similar happened to me. I ordered a cheapo stick vacuum on amazon, and complained about the battery life. they sent me a whole new one. i found out it was turning off because there was too much trash inside and it wasnt spinning.

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