
Anonymous 296798
Have any of you joined the military or considered it?
Anonymous 296801

I don't like running. That's 80% of army training.
Anonymous 296820

really doesn't seem like it would be much fun, especially if i get called up to fight in a war or something
Anonymous 296821
Ive considered joining at multiple points but ultimately decided not to. No free time, rape and I am resentful of society. The reason I wanted to join id because i am somewhat suicidal and want to be killed in the future and thought it would be an acceptable way to die.
Anonymous 296823
yeah and i know there's plenty of women who serve, but i figured it's just not worth it. would definitely do it if i was male
Anonymous 296844
I joined the army to get a free degree. I had to go through 3 years of reserves, then training and officer school and 2 years of active with deployment.
>I had an undiagnosed, but treatable, medical condition that would've never come up if I hadn't gone through the regimen of shots, so it won't destroy me in old age
>I finished my 4 year bachelors in 3 years with all sorts of allowances made for reserve duties
>I got to relive my tomboy childhood by running around various rural landscapes playing soldier, but combined with laser tag and LARPing
>a few chronic health conditions just vanished when I became the fittest I'd been in my entire life during training and selection
>after graduation I was given officer housing and steady pay so I built up a big savings account
>financial assistance set me up with the set of accounts I still use now to invest with
>being forced to take control of people rewired my naturally withdrawn personality into simply being reserved
>I learned valuable tech skills and gained enough experience to be hired in the private sector without any other references
>sexual harassment is omnipresent
>discrimination is the default position of all male superiors and subordinates
>the military is a broad cross-section of society, with all the awful people that includes
>rape is not uncommon and lingers like a dark cloud over every private interaction you have with any man, regardless of position
>you will hate most of the other women you meet because the military is very attractive to some very specific kinds of women
>it's either boiling hot or ice cold with no in-between anywhere
>everything is politics and unless you are prepared to kiss ass, suck dick or throw your brothers and sisters under the bus, you will be made miserable as punishment for not playing the game
>even as an officer it takes a serious toll on your body, and is far worse for literally everyone else
Anonymous 296888
No because I don't want to fight for Israhell (merican). Otherwise I probably would.
Anonymous 296990
I am literally considering joining the chair force because it's the only way I believe I can get a real job in my desired field at this point. I actually do have a 2 year degree in cybersecurity. I don't even know if they would take me though, I don't know how much lying about my medical history I could get away with.
>>296844>you will hate most of the other women you meet because the military is very attractive to some very specific kinds of womenpls elaborate, also what job did you do?
Anonymous 296992
>>296990A lot of women join the military because they're over-masculine pickmes who want to prove they aren't like other girls. They see joining the military as proof of just how totally cool and different they are, then find themselves surrounded by extremely fit, Type A men. They will spend the rest of their career being a sex toy for as many "high value" men as possible, living off their validation and desire; totally unaware they're not just using her, but using her up. Eventually being a barracks bunny will limit your career options down to menial deskwork and marrying your E-3 babydaddy. The only escape is cultural liason, but that's just graduating to being a sex toy for special forces.
I signed up for engineering corps because it'd pay for an engineering degree. Technically my job was to oversee technical relief and repair efforts, but outside of restoring some infrastructure in Iraq, all I did was a lot of office work and manage a team considered so dumb they were a liability to the motorpool.
Anonymouse 296994
I consider the army every once in awhile. I want to join for the experience it'll give me. I'm 30; still got time before the cut-off age
Anonymous 297024
>>296992Do you know anything about the quality of life in the air force vs the army? The reason I'm considering the air force is because everyone has always told me it's for more reserved nerdy types. The type of women you mention generally eat me alive. I'm a passive little bitch but i'm used to being yelled at and stuff
Anonymous 297029
>>297024The air force is much slower tempo, more focused on academics and technical fields and generally requires higher IQs, lower physical scores. You'll still have to do some pretty gruelling tests, but most of it will be in considerably more luxury than the army. Rucks are shorter and lighter, courses have fewer obstacles and easier time requirements, even morning PT is lighter and a lot nicer. The kind of women who join the air force and navy will still include barracks bunnies, but they'll be a lot less intense. They might not be any nicer, but less aggressive and you'll find a lot more women like yourself or at least compassionate enough not to haze you for it.
Anonymous 300964
>>296888Based. Screw fighting for moids in moid-led wars caused by moidery. None of these judeoalliedreakmason conflicts benefit women.
Anonymous 301026
I really want to tbh. Idk is it possible. And my mother wouldn't let me.
Anonymous 301105
I have thought about it multiple times because the job search fucking sucks, but I have a college degree so they don't really want me to enlist (not that I ever really tried) and always encourage me to go the officer route instead. Like I said, I have considered it. Ultimately, the military seems like such a hierarchical and authoritarian hellacious nightmare with no escape. If you get a bad commanding officer or peers in your unit, there is nothing you can do about it. You're just stuck in whatever abusive environment the military assigned you to. Yeah, rape is also so common for women in the military that it's pretty much guaranteed to happen. Unless you're ugly, then everyone would just bully you instead. Plus, the officer process is so insanely competitive that I'm not sure it's worth even trying.