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I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.

Anonymous 296913

only if it's a boy really. women having daughters is always nice to hear, but especially knowing if the daughters get to grow up with good childhoods. i otherwise constantly feel depressed knowing how many girls out there are going through unstable families, i being one of them.

Anonymous 296914

you sound extremely bitter

Anonymous 296919

You sound like a moid.

Anonymous 296920

I have a special hatred for women who don't abort their sons.

Anonymous 296923

a larping man posted this

Anonymous 296924

I don't really hate my neice's they're fun. But i could not live with a child. I mean hell there are enough children in the world. They talk about population decline but everyone i know has had a kid. I don't buy it. I don't hate my sisters no lol.

Anonymous 296932

Don't bring down smart and ambitious women just because you don't like working. If I were in your place, I would be feeling trapped, intellectually understimulated, and generally deficient.
Btw, somebody still has to pay for your ass.

Anonymous 296933


Just putting a child into the world and reproducing like a rat doesn't mean you're going to have a fucking "legacy", it will probably be just another poor average joe/jane who got laid and ended up bringing another poor thing into this world, especially moids, who want have children for the same reason that a child wants a dog, and never does anything useful, like looking out for a child's well-being.

>Women weren't intended to work all day

Poor women have always worked, and will always work, and it's not going to be a bunch of nonsense that conservatards parrot on the internet that will change that fact. Poor poor idiots who think they are going to stay at home "knitting and baking bread" are going to be begging money for their husband, even to buy a sanitary pad and being cheated on with younger women.

> That's a man's world.

This must be why this world sucks

Anonymous 296934

That poster reads like a larping male because it's mostly men who associate motherhood with Kodak moments. Daughters are encouraged to help their mothers and know that housework is boring, thankless, soulless drudgery that leaves you a shell of a person.

Anonymous 296935

No matter how much you call yourself a feminist, tearing down other women and hating them because they have children doesn't make you pro-woman in the slightest.

Anonymous 296936

>implying stay at home moms are not smart or ambitious
You're the one who's bringing people down.

Anonymous 296937

Maybe that used to be the case, but in the 21st century I've never met a SAHM that was smart. A woman who has ambition, even if she has kids, doesn't stay at home cooking soup.

Anonymous 296938

You were the one who said 90% of life is "a man's world" and "women weren't intended to work".

Anonymous 296939

Yeah I never said that. I said it's a man's duty to put up with other men's shit, not women's. Women working in this 40+ hour week hellscape is a modern development, one that only brought women and families into misery. But then again, I'm arguing with a woman that hates other women. Joke's on me.

Anonymous 296941

Nice bait.

Anonymous 296942

Seeing autistic sons hit their moms in public and the weird ass 'boy mom' dynamic… Yeah, never having a son

Anonymous 296943

So you hate your mom and your grandma too?

Anonymous 296947

Again, nice bait.

Anonymous 296950

calling other peoples posts bait is so ironic lmfao. coming to this website and doing the stereotypical le femcel "ew i hate kids and any woman who has kids is a tardwife" thing. im genuinely hoping that you and other retards in this thread are either larping or underaged because if not that's pathetic

Anonymous 296951

When did you realize you are mentally ill?

Anonymous 296952

>women weren't intended to be pandering to another man who will always be above you
You literally married a moid, carried his spawn and are dependent on him, this is peak men-pandering

Anonymous 296956

Nothing is more pathetic than a tard wife.

Anonymous 297143

I don't hate kids, but I do have a certain distaste for parents in general though. Have they pondered enough if they should put another human being into existence? If the world is already a mess with climate change now, imagine 20 years from now. How could I subject someone to that?

Anonymous 297153

>I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way.

Funnily enough, I don't feel this way when women want children but I definitely feel this way towards women who want to marry men and are religious in any way.

Anonymous 297154

>want children
>but can't do the first choice to be able to have them by acquiring a moid
i hope you dont say anything about artificial wombs because that would just show your retarded

Anonymous 297155

when people say they hate kids they really mean they hate practice children. aka when you treat someone who is not actually your child as if they are, like how young children will play with dolls. people imposing strange familial relations onto strangers is an absurd phenomena in first world countries.

Anonymous 297156

i mean, some of it is chill and actually good for society. like recognizing that one is older or younger than you, so theres certain expectations of understanding and behavior. some of it is downright abusive and indicative of poor actual familial relations.

Anonymous 297163

I like to think a nona could raise a boy right but who knows, it really is a tossup.
I hate to say it, but when my friend said she was having a boy my heart sank. Her husband is really nice though so maybe there's a chance the baby will turn out okay????

Anonymous 297164

No they just hate the idea of being parents. It is literally death. It is a fate worse then death actually. It is the worst possible thing that could happen to you. And what if you had a son? It would be actual torture.

Anonymous 297165

Nothing about having my own child would make it something i enjoy I would just hate my life even more because there would be no possible escape from that hell.

Anonymous 297166

What are your thoughts on people who adopt?

Anonymous 297167

That is their choice. Who cares? For me it would just be hell. People who say they want nothing to do with raising children only see it as a death sentence. It doesn't matter where they come from.

Anonymous 297170

I'm not related to that thread anonas, stop being schizo.

I was thinking sperm donor or adoption.

Personally I want to adopt because I know what it's like to be unwanted and I want to save at least one person from that and give them all the love I've never got.

Anonymous 297172

nona that's so sweet…. I hope you can give some lucky kid the love they deserve. I know people shit on adoption and think it messes kids up, but I've known a lot of people who were adopted. Some were adopted by monsters and predictably ended up a mess, but I also know people who had loving adoptive parents and turned out to be amazing people who even helped make my life better. I think at the end of the day it's not really much different than birthing a kid except it wont fuck your body up.

Anonymous 297178

>I like to think a nona could raise a boy right but who knows
It's certainly possible to raise them better, but at the end of the day there's a limit. She's still spending enormous time and energy just so there can be one more moid in the world.

Anonymous 297179

In my mind i think raising a kid would be cute and filled with happiness. I have to read reddit r/regretfulparents daily to remind myself my imagination is not reality

Anonymous 297207

I just hate shitty parents who make their misbehaved kids the problem of everyone around them. I choose not to have kids because nothing about the idea is appealing to me. I live in a small studio apartment. My nextdoor neighbor has two kids, a young one and a baby she crapped out like a year ago. The kid she just lets do whatever and is so much loud stomping and banging coming from over there constantly. The baby she lets scream and cry for hours and hours everyday, seemingly without any attending to it. I've lost so much sleep because of this woman's poor parenting. I feel like you shouldn't have young kids unless you have a house. Sadly I see plenty of similar parents with unruly kids just about anywhere I go these days not just at home.

Anonymous 297335

Don't waste your time hating women who had kids, they'll regret it sooner or later but what can you do is not beat them up for it even further. Focus on living your life kid-free and moid-free and recruit as many women as possible to agree with you. In fact we should reach out to little girls more and teach them life is not just raising and taking care of babies and your useless moid inseminator.

Anonymous 297348

What causes someone to share such materialistic, utterly vapid thoughts

Anonymous 297457

I like being able to sleep and travel when I want. I like having disposable income and not having to fear the day my husband tosses me aside for a younger woman because I have no money of my own or marketable skills to make ends meet on my own.

Anonymous 297460

what if your mother didn't feel like having kids?

Anonymous 297461

NTAYRT, but then she wouldn't existed and therefore wouldn't be able to have any opinion.
Why do people use this retarded "but what if your mother didn't want you/aborted you?" I wouldn't feel shit in this case

Anonymous 297488



Anonymous 297493

The concept of non-existence, ironically, doesn't exist to them

Anonymous 297536

I want to have kids, but i'm going to be one of those no internet moms so they don't get tainted by internet filth. I hate kids if they're loud and don't listen.

Anonymous 297641

who do you think you're fooling saying you live the tardwife homemaker life in this economy kek

Anonymous 298185


I don't hate mothers and their children in general, but some women who have children tend to be very self-indulgent and think the world owes them and their children something, boymoms are usually like that. But I think the ability to give birth is an asset for women, as much as moids like to parrot about artificial uteruses, it just proves how stupid they are and how they don't understand the particularities and complexity of the female body. If I don't get married, I'll have IVF children and raise them according to my values ​​and my rules, and I really think women should do the same if they're single, that would be as powerful as joining 4D or anything like that.

Anonymous 298200

agreed. it makes me angry to see pregnant people in public they don’t deserve “support” especially pregnant teens, people who “support pregnant teens” need serious psychiatric evaluation

Anonymous 298243

a maleposter said that (his original post has since been deleted) and then this other anon you're replying to replied to him with his own copypasted message to make fun of him. but in any case when you see a post like this you should report and ignore. getting mad just eggs them on.

Anonymous 298244

As he probably got banned anyway, I thought it would be funny to answer, at least he will have a nice screenshot for him
Show his friends in line weekly penis inspection

Anonymous 298409

Two of my friends are pregnant and I'm just waiting for it to end our friendship. Especially if they will give birth to boys they will eventually turn into boymoms.

Anonymous 298456

If you aren’t a tranny then this is severely based

Anonymous 298676

>pregnant people
Do you mean pregnant women?

Anonymous 300802

Kind of but for me it’s just because I’m anti-natalist. I do think having kids carries a lot of existential baggage that no one really considers but I do think that it’s more to do with ignorance than flat out malice most of the time

Anonymous 300835

>Intellectually unstimulated
This is what happens at work, what jobs are actually intellectually stimulating? Maybe 1 to 5 percent of them. 90% of what you can learn at a job is learned in the first year, and after that it's a slow trickle of learning less and less, meanwhile if you just had free time and were anywhere else you could be learning things.

Most people realize this and do it for the money. If jobs were actually intellectually stimulating and the thing that gave life value they wouldn't even have to pay you for the worst ones, it wouldn't be called work, people would be lining up to do it. This is true for something like pilots, where they personally get their plane and hire trainers and do thousands of flight hours just for a chance to become a pilot. This isn't the case for the average job, or even above-average job.

Anonymous 300854

If you follow this idea to its end in a philosophical manner, the only moral thing to do would be to kill yourself.

Anonymous 300855

I visited my parents for Christmas; my sister has a two year old girl and they also came. So my parents turned their whole living room into a daycare and spent all of Christmas baby talking to the child. It felt absurd.

It also reminded me how they never took me serious and just treated me like an elaborate pet. "Oh don't worry they don't really understand anything until six." Well okay now I better understand why you treated me like shit. Still do.

So many people who have kids should never be allowed to.

Anonymous 300862

how so

Anonymous 300864

Baby talking is bad for kids, at least that's what my parents always said. Children can understand a lot more than people think.

Anonymous 300879

You really need to internalize the thought that abortion is not a personal issue for most people. And people are, well, assholes, so they thend to not care about something that doesn't personally affect them.
Imagine if a gun rights acticist got angry with you because you don't want to own a mortar.

Anonymous 300880

I don't hate moms, I pity them and their poor choices. You always see frazzled women lugging around their screaming kids in public and know they probably haven't had a moment of peace for themselves since the thing was born. Nobody values their labor or gives them any grace, it seems like a such a shit position to be in.
I've been called selfish for being childfree but tbh I think having kids is even more selfish. It's always about "creating someone who loves me and looks like me", "carrying on my legacy", "someone to take care of me when I'm old" with no consideration for what the future may look like (and at the current trajectory it will not be getting better). Sometimes I get baby fever when I'm ovulating but that's just the instinctual monkey part of my brain trying to get me to procreate because there is no logical reason to do so

Anonymous 300884

I love mothers and I love children.

Anonymous 300886

I love kids, Charlie

Anonymous 300887

Most mothers can't even raise their children properly anymore and its gets even worse with boys. They scream, kick, punch, disrespecting everyone and everything. And they act like that well into teenagehood.

Anonymous 300959

Same, even if the mom it's a decent person all I can think of it's how everyone around him it's going to coddle him to the max and excuse all the shit he do. It's depressing really

Anonymous 301041

I dont mind women with daughters, assuming theyre not raising them to hate themselves and be pickmes. Women who are wives and/or boymoms are annoying and never STFU about it, even when the topic of conversation isnt related to either of those roles. One mention is bad enough, but it never ends there. Sometimes its tempting to count the number of times a woman will say "my son" or "my husband" in my head while shes talking lol. A lot of times, a woman who is a proud wife and boymom start saying how her son or husband doesnt like something, so she will compromise and do xyz instead, or similar.

Anonymous 301046

>Women who are wives and/or boymoms are annoying and never STFU about it, even when the topic of conversation isnt related to either of those roles. One mention is bad enough, but it never ends there.

When you have kids, they become your whole life

Anonymous 301051

i love children but i’m so happy abortion and modern feminism exists so that women who don’t like children don’t get forced into having them. all that does is lead to fucked up adults from being raised by people who don’t like them. and i’m not saying this to bash you, i’m genuinely so happy you know this about yourself and know you never want to have kids. its an important thing to know instead of just doing it because youre “supposed to”

Anonymous 301064

A lot of the times kids also ruin your life, so you have to cling to that one cope that sacrificing everything for them will make life better

Anonymous 301206

One of the reasons the US is collapsing now is that Americans think that decay will be stopped by becoming Fascists and Communists. Americans think the US will be improved by expanding wars, increasing the debt, and adding more tyranny when the reason the USA is crashing is because the US has wars, is in debt, and has a police state.

Americans say that they love freedom, but then they turn around and say they need the government to give them free Obamacare, build a wall, protect the US from Yemen, wiretap their phones, arrest people for feeding the homeless, stop farmers from plowing fields, force people to get rid of dogs, ban vaping, and torture suspects.

Every country has the government it deserves.

Anonymous 301335

Exercising my right to abort also means to have the right to not abort, you know? Othewise we should have made abortions mandatory

Anonymous 301336

There isnt a logical reason to do anything really
Eating food is just your monkey brain telling you that you'll die otherwise, same for breathing
Living at all boils down to your genes forcing you to go through this hellish experience we call life for an poportunity to pass on your genes.
If there is no need or reason to pass on your genetic material, might as well kill yourself, because there is no rhyme or reason to life

Anonymous 301372

Sorry but youre on the same level as moids who hate women for not having kids

Anonymous 301378


The point of life is bliss. This is obvious to anyone who's not retarded. There. Now you know what's logical and what's not dumbass

Anonymous 302355


>everyone is a larping moid
this constant witch hunt spam is annoying. we can't talk about anything without devolving into calling eachother moids constantly

Anonymous 302416

Just passing by but aside from the fact that you are a mimicking scrote (which I know very well due to retarded 'your boss doesn't love you' and 'much legacy' rhetoric that only men can come up with); you are still serving a man, a wicked creature at heart. I don't care about your knitting or gardening, or even children, all I care is that you are feeding a patriarchy and male ego by acting subservient to it. There is absolutely no qualms with crafty women with many children if they are independent from men. Again only a scrote would think of himself as above work. Real women know that their mothers and grandmothers all worked relentlessly from sunrise till dawn and this has always been the case.

Anonymous 302421

But you'd be unforgivably stupid… Like held underwater as a baby brain damage level stupid, if you still thought it was a sane idea now. Anyone who willingly has kids now has brainrot. After a while its just kind of self evident you musn't actually CARE about said kids, if you have that little interest in their prospects 30 years from now. If you cant wrap your head around why a lot of people see you as stupid you're just a lost cause genetically anyways

In the 90s 2000s? okay it would make sense, but it only looks like something done by dumbshits for peer approval nowadays. Or really really brainwashed LDS baby machines.

Don't act all shocked we think you're retarded and would probably be a horrible parent anyway. I will call you a dumbshit or a moid because obviously someone needs to.

Anonymous 302423

Also I don't hate mothers. But i think these clueless faggot teens and 20 year olds gorilla glued to tiktok, would be clueless if a civil war took place in their own backyard. It would be apocolyptic if most of these retards were let anywhere near kids. How would they even function normally??

Illiteracy is so bad these days kids are graduating with honors and scholarships and then going and actually SUEING the school system because they get to college and realize they were comepletely fucking illiterate.

I swear to god if an ATOM BOMB dropped 30 miles away these retards homes they would still be in a vegetative state in front of their phones. How can you trust people like that to raise children? It would be such a disgrace.

Anonymous 302425

There's definitely a reason, enjoying your life. Kids have nothing to do with enjoying your life. Unless you're genuinely in a place to enjoy raising kids. It takes the perfect setting for a woman to want to do this. Rightoid Moids only pipe on about it because they make life hell for thesmelves and other people obsessing over their stupid genes. Screaming at every woman they encounter not to enjoy their life. This is basically all moids have done since the beginning of time. Make womens lives hell for the sake of breeding.

Its basically world history. Thats what moids are now thats what they've always been like. (And then they contribute nothing domestically)

Maybe learn to enjoy life scrote. Drop your pretenses. Stop lying to yourself that you enjoy being this way lol…

Anonymous 302427

>only men can come up with
are we really leveling down a woman's abilities rn?
jfc get ahold of yourself
children need a mother and a father, lest they turn out a shriveled up husk of hatred as yourself

Anonymous 302428

I have no idea wtf are you adressing here, I was talking about rhetorical methodics. It is male argument made from a male gaze. Women dont spur nonsence like that because they actually experience those things and know it is all fake claims.

Anonymous 302432

get therapy hating kids makes you look like an unhappy retarded loser

Anonymous 302447

Babies should be kept inside until they stop being annoying to the general public

Anonymous 302475


why do you want babies to become autistic anon?

Anonymous 302476

I don't hate kids, but I feel like we have enough baby moids on the earth and every country needs to come together, legalize abortion, and make having kids illegal.

Anonymous 302485

How does keeping infants inside make them autistic rtard

Anonymous 302508

nta but quite directly? humans need to interact with society to during their formative years to develop psychosocially

Anonymous 302540

no i love children and hate the people who hate them, you are demonic

Anonymous 302609

Boy am I glad you lot aren't having children

Anonymous 302773

Who here loves their mother but hates kids?

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