
Anonymous 297766
Do you like Australia?
Anonymous 297777
Australian accents really do it for me tbh.
Anonymous 297809
Australia has less scrotes than america, therefore it's superior.
Anonymous 297825
My boyfriend is Australian and we're visiting it right now before summer. Everyone is calmer, happier and more laid back than most other Western countries. People and even cities are a little crude, but in a charming way (Everyone swears very ugly curses but it's like they're always amused by what's bothering them. People talk like they're lower class or uneducated, but it's not with any anger, so it's not abrasive or gross). Cities, suburbs and all the houses are ugly on the outside, but very comfy inside and everyone has huge front and back yards. There are almost no homeless people or staggering drug addicts, except for one or two beggars at big train stations. Violence is rare and very shortlived (my boyfriend has been in plenty of fights, but someone escalating beyond a few punches and leaving the loser alone is extremely rare and very looked down on). Women are safe enough and feel safe enough to go out late at night alone, and in secluded areas the local governments install huge lights and cameras to scare away attackers. Countryside communities are very nice and much more modern than in other places.
The weather is too hot, too dry and too sunny. I had to buy a giant hat with a face-shield and completely cover myself to stop being burned, and I still get red rings around my eyes from reflected sun. Drinking is very common and day drinking is not looked down on, but seen as "cheeky" (something that's a little bad and shouldn't be done, but is ok in small doses if you feel a little bad about it first). All the tourist sites I wanted to visit (not many of them, because all the best stuff is out in the bush, desert and coasts) were filled with incredibly loud, rude and annoying Asian tourists who think paying a tour guide means they own the site for the length of their stay. The cities and suburbs are all built for cars because everything is so far apart and taking public transport to someone requires walking for 1km, 2 train exchanges and 3 buses. Everything is very expensive and you need a local to show you where to buy things, because all the small businesses almost everywhere are just tourist-traps. HOT.
Anonymous 297841
I love it. There is so many marsupials there. Maybe one day I go there
Anonymous 297844
>>297825> The weather is too hot, too dry and too sunny. I had to buy a giant hat with a face-shield and completely cover myself to stop being burned, and I still get red rings around my eyes from reflected sun.Well, damn. I don’t think I’ll be visiting anytime soon. I’m like a vampire and can’t stand the sun and heat
Anonymous 298331

>>297766I love Australia so much I'm living in Europe for a bit after being there my whole life and I miss it. The heat is awesome, we have so many awesome animals, there are kangaroos literally outside my house. The population is entirely dispersed on the coastlines, so pretty much everyone lives near a beach. Australians talk so funny and nice, we have universalised healthcare and public transport is so cheap (at least in my state).
It costs an arm and a leg to fly anywhere outside of Aus though, and there is a crazy amount of domestic violence and femicide (at least for such a Western seemingly peaceful country) and the moids are ugly and dysgenic as fuck.
Also with the s talking about heat, I don't find it too horrible because our infrastructure and pretty much everything is built for it, so there's AC everywhere (kinda like EU with heating everywhere), but maybe I'm used to it.
>>297841The possums here are so silly and cute picrel, WA even has quokkas but its WA so it's hardly worth going for them kek
Anonymous 298334
>>298331>>298331>The population is entirely dispersed on the coastlines, so pretty much everyone lives near a beach. Australians talk so funny and nice, we have universalised healthcare and public transport is so cheap (at least in my state).What happens in regional cities and the outback?
Anonymous 298337

>>298334I've only visited them so I'm not too sure, but I have some friends who have lived inland/ somewhat outbackish. It's obviously the same with healthcare and stuff, except hospitals can be really far so a lot of old people tend to move as it's pretty risky, even if you move a few hours inland there is pretty much 0 public transport, they only really care about major cities. There are less jobs, but I think a lot of the mining industry is outback/ inland. They're also like walking back 20 or so years in time with the shops and architecture (even in lower class areas surrounding the cities tbh), and more socially regressive.
There are a lot of areas that have the same essence of a regional town/ the outback that are in or around major cities though, they are just very expensive most of the time because you can't have land
and a hospital.
Anonymous 298343
>>298337What happens in Darwin, Mt Isa, Alice Springs, Roma and Dalby?
Anonymous 298344
Do White (European) Australians feel any connection to the land or the state they live in Australia?
Most of people in Australia (all excluding Aboriginal natives) are descendants of immigrants.
Anonymous 298353
>>298344Nah not really. Some people like to represent their region but it's no different from how Canadians and Americans think.
>>297844You pretty much need Uniqlo AIRism and ice packs to survive summers here. Mainly because our houses have no insulation lol
Anonymous 298662
My mom lived there and NZ in the 90s and said she hated it. Then moved to Canada and liked it and stayed. All 3 are pretty similar so I'm not sure why she had such a different reaction.
Anonymous 298753
It's a pretty good place to live. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world.
>Free health-care>(in QLD) public transport fares are 50c>Forced superannuation>Abundance of natural resources>People are generally good-natured >Strong workers' unions>Pretty good anti-smoking laws>No war>Natural disasters do happen, but we help each other out when they happen>No matter what, we'll always find something to complain about.Cons:
>The average Aussie is heavily propagandised by the Murdoch press.>As you move away from the city centres, public transport becomes less viable.>We don't tax mining companies nearly enough for the resources they take.>We don't manufacture anything worthwhile - we dig up dirt and ship it overseas.>People are generally uneducated because there is no strong push to compete with the rest of the world. >Gambling culture>Heat + Humidity in the northern regions is a killer. SPF 50+ sunscreen is the default.>Isolated geographically from the Western world and politically from the Eastern world (our own fault - Rudd's hard work was undone by Abbott in a single term)>No matter what, we'll always find something to complain about.>>298343>What happens in DarwinSweet F.A. aside from drinking, drugs, and monsoons/cyclones over Christmas. Very glad not to live there.
I know very little about the other places, other than Alice Springs having a relatively high concentration of seppos (because of Pine Gap) and Mt. Isa being a bumfuck-nowhere mining town, which like most mining towns has little to offer beyond drinking and gambling.
Anonymous 298771
>>298753Isnt your housing fucked by Chinese immigrants
Why that not a con
Anonymous 298826
>things have been too good for too long, zero ambition and massive societal complacency
So fucking true. Even when someone creates a successful business they move everything overseas straight away.
I never understood how DV got so common here despite us being a first world country. My theory is that it's the fact we're so isolated and there are drugs are so commonplace.
Anonymous 298864
Australia is the most vile, disgusting, and utterly worthless shit stain on the globe. It is a putrid, festering polyp on the anus of mankind; a giant fecal smear on human civilization. Australia has absolutely no culture of any sort (unless you count binge-drinking, wife-beating, meth-smoking, yelling racist abuse on public transportation, and producing violent child pornography as "culture"), it has no history (other than genocide, and they couldn't even do that with any success), and it has contributed absolutely nothing to the world in its entire existence (to date, Australia's greatest contributions to the world have been The Wiggles and vegemite). Thankfully, however, with climate change accelerating at its current rate, this miserable desert island of inbred, singlet-wearing, kangaroo-fucking drunken retards will hopefully be plunged into the ocean within the next century (and, when that happens, absolutely nothing of any value will be lost).
Anonymous 298907
Australian accents are easily the most grating and annoying accents in the world. Listening to Aussies talking is like listening to nails scraping down a chalkboard.
Anonymous 298927
>>298805Toowoomba has the flower festival every September. The flowers are nice
>>298806I forgot about immigration (because I don't live near the city), violence (because I don't watch the news), and cost of living (because I choose to forget how I'm being fucked over each week in rent).
My uni debt was 40k at its highest and I did a masters. The real kicker is that it's only meant to rise with inflation, but Morrison screwed us all over on that one. Actually, this country's attitude towards education is exactly why we have an immigration and DV problem. It's also why the retards in this country vote LNP, despite LNP doing nothing to help the average person.
Points 7,8, and 10 were touched on in my post already.
>propagandised by the media, we don't manufacture anything, the people are uneducatedMost of the points you've listed could be improved if the people here could think critically, but I think mental retardation is a global phenomenon.
>>298864We had the world's first socialist party, which is pretty important, globally.
Anonymous 299053
What's the difference
Anonymous 299140
>whinging about housing prices
Does Australia have any """culture""" besides this? I don't know what I expected from a British outpost
Anonymous 299154
Australia is a complete wasteland intellectually, environmentally, culturally, and economically.
Anonymous 299156
Tbh one thing I've noticed is that it's really hard to make friends here. Like people are friendly but don't know how to take it further. There's also not many opportunities to meet new people because there's not much to do outside of work. I also really hate how we pretty much have no unique culture. The fact we couldn't come up with a better flag than what we have now is proof of that.
Anonymous 299181
>>297809Australian men are muscular and tall and have sexy accents but they're definetly not any less scrotey. Sorry nona
Anonymous 299225

>Australian men are muscular and tall and have sexy accentsWrong. That's just an American mythos from movies and TV shows. Most actual Australians look like pic related.
Anonymous 299226
>>299225This is what 25 year olds look like in Australia.
Anonymous 299285
>>299053TAFE is used for certs and diplomas, lower levels of education. You can study things related to what you might get a bachelors degree in Uni for, or lower entry jobs in similar fields (i.e., animal studies in TAFE, veterinary science in uni). TAFE is also used for trades and makeup artistry and stuff like that which you can't really get at uni. TAFE is way cheaper, a few grand for a diploma or cert compared to (at least) 10s of thousands at uni. TAFE also has pretty well no entry requirements (besides speaking english maybe).
>>299140Nope there is genuinely nothing. We don't have any interesting history, nothing that makes us unique. Not even a historical piece of clothing. (ignoring Indigenous culture because everyone who lives here is white now). We had a gold rush once and we had prisons. We used to celebrate Australia day which would've maybe been modern culture but most people don't celebrate it anymore.
Anonymous 299426

Have Australians ever felt that they are living in a land that does not belong to them?
Anonymous 299449
>>299426I mean we don't really feel out of place, but we don't have traditions or cuisine that a group of people that were always living here would, if that makes sense.
Anonymous 299472

Don't let them fool you with the false image they're trying to present of themselves as wild free tanned cowboys and surfer chicks living with kangaroos in the Outback
>Australia is really southern UK. John Curtain who was prime minister of the country was of the opinion that Australia should be the southern outpost of the British race.>Stolen generation. Attempting to breed Aboriginals out of existence. Take their kids at a young age educate them and show them how to act in British society. Get the women to marry white men who have mixed babies. Within 3 generations you could breed out almost all physical aboriginal traces. >We had a white (anglo only) Australia only immigration policy up until the 70s>If someone tells you that Australia has an identity, they are lyring. We are about as rootless cosmopolitan as you can get>Aussies have no manufacturing base, no tech sector, essentially produce nothing as a country. Everyone laughed at them during COVID. >The old "melting pot" idea was to erase all traces of different cultures and have one bland "American culture." to create a melting pot slave system of compliance lol>Australia is an economic zone based solely on the worship of money and absolutely nothing else. They don't have any real identity or culture. >Australia is the most americanized country in the world after Canada. You're americanized enough to annex tomorrow without much of a difference to anyone. You're actually more americanized than Hawaii which is an actual state>ABC here in Aus did a vox pop segment where they walked around the University of Technology campus which happens to be right next to their studio and asked students about their opinion on Trump, because we're obsessed with being American> Whitlam dismissal. Whitlam annihilated manufacturing forever and Australia is permanently dependent on USA and China>Got rid of most the manufacturing capabilities in the 80's, outsourcing it to elsewhere>Pauline Hanson said Aussie women having kids only do it for the government handouts because she Pauline says was a single mother and raised her kids with no help>Australia is Americanized, too expensive, it’s like living in an airport it’s so rootless, the people are insular, it’s boring etc. >media is controlled by a group with foreign interests >individualism is king>$ is God >heaps of women become tradies that work in construction or road works, even traffic control (white card (construction site safety cert), traffic control certificate, forklift cert) and make $1600 in 7 hours and gross over $5,000 for the week >Road Construction Jobs and Traffic Control are considered better than going to uni>Even if you are on a high income, the government will tax over 50 percent of it, so good luck ever getting ahead in life>almost entirely vaxx'd>totally Americanized but in total denial about it>holden and ford australia are closed for business. we only import cars from asia and europe now>uni consists of massive amounts of debt, and after the degree probably work some Woolies job anyway. Debt increases on their HECS loans due to indexation as well, so every year they don't pay it back it just goes UP AND UP. The current average debt is $26k. Double degrees and undergrad+masters easily gets to 70-100k even under HECS>university culture, 50% international students and you're expected to live with your parents, commute in, spend 2 hours in a lecture hall and then go home>Aussies use American slang (really, even in the workplace) >diversity, equity and inclusion are God to these people >Aussie guys on Cenno and blasting his brain with ice everyday or playing cod on ps4 with children>Australian soil is not well suited for intensive farming, eastern coast and have very sandy soil. Go a bit inland and there is orange clay, go elsewhere there is brown loamy soil>There are a few pockets near the coasts where the soil is good. That's where farming happens but even it is in danger of being gobbled up by suburban sprawl. The best way of renewing soil on a large scale is by showering it with volcanic ash but Australia doesn't have volcanoes in the right place for that to happen. >Every Australian guy has at least had one girlfriend from China/India/Indonesia/Colombia/Brazil/Thailand etc>Sydney and Melbourne are so expensive. All our jobs are here. The other cities are honestly not much more than country towns. Brisbane and Perth are real cities now I suppose, but their cost of living is catching up fast.>Brisbane Fortitude Valley station where people are just sleeping on the sidewalk, pissing and shitting, drinking, shooting up drugs>Brisbane Queen Street where there's always at least one guy sleeping there 24/7 over 10 sleeping bags, surrounded by his piss and shit. >If you can't afford to live in Sydney and Melbourne, there are plenty of regional cities in Australia where you can easily afford a house, but the only jobs are nursing and Coles/Woolworths>Heaps of people can't afford rent and move to a carvan in rural australia>No jobs in mining town as Emerald, Biloela, and mount Isa >Life in the outback is fucked. Meth is called ice, by dealers, locals, and the government. Workers from outback parks line up infront of the ATM on payday so they can get really fucking high on cocaine, MDMA , ketamine, speed and amphetamine>It’s AUD $325 a week and rentals start at 200 a week for one room sharing a bathroom with the other tenants>30% rule. That’s where you spend no more than 30% of your income on rent. So, if you’re earning $1,000 a week, you’d want to spend $300 or less on rent.>Average wage in Australia is $62,000 per year. People on Centrelink live on $10,000 per year ($250 per week, $500 per fortnight, $1000 per month)>Aussies have said in response to getting ASS FUCKED is "she'll be right, mate!">The richest Australians don't even live here and most politicians are investing in land outside of Australia>Violence against women is so high. DV, no one actually cares or even tries to acknowledge it. Many people have the mindset of "I don't want to get involved" instead of helping to save lives>White Australia policy. If you're not of British descent, then you're not white. Anglo-Saxons being at the top with even other Western Europeans like French and Germans being "swarthy" or dark to them.In the early days of Australia a lot of Chinese came here and certainly during the Gold Rush days. For whatever reason? Post Federation? They suddenly got paranoid about that. They wanted to stop the various Asian races and Indian's coming here>Now indians about "we are colonizing UK/Australia/Canada" and openly saying they hate Britain for draining India of its wealth and British took thriving industries – like textiles, shipbuilding, and steel – and destroyed them>'Prime Minister Modi is the boss', says Australian PM Anthony Albanesehttps://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/24/india/india-narendra-modi-australia-visit-intl-hnk/index.htmlAnonymous 301595
>>299426Yes, especially during the summer. Heat waves are getting worse and worse and skin cancer is obviously a huge problem for the white population, I have olive-ish skin and used to tan easily as a kid but now I'm pale as hell from being a hermit and will get burnt even with spf50 lol. I sometimes think about the possibility of one day moving somewhere that won't burn me alive but I do like my family and don't want to be completely alone.
Anonymous 301596

Also has anyone here seen wake in fright? My mum says she saw it in cinemas as a kid for its initial release before it got pulled because of audience backlash. Honestly one of the only worthwhile movies about Australia imo even though it was directed by a Canadian guy. Unflattering portrayal of rural white aussie culture, but mc was kinda qt tho if any nonas are into the tanned blonde thing. Used to be an upload of the full thing on youtube but I think it got taken down, should be easy enough to find though if any of you are interested, though fair warning they did use some footage of actual kangaroo hunts unfortunately.
Anonymous 301598
>>301596Omg yes the plot was such a good idea for a movie. I'm not surprised it was shot by a Canadian; our film industry has always been shockingly bad.
Anonymous 301602
>>301598It was based on a book of the same name, which WAS written by an aussie apparently. I think my friend has a copy, might ask to borrow it from her since I did really enjoy the movie and I want to start reading more. Lol when I saw it for the first time late last year I used to listen to the soundtrack whenever I went out on a really hot day.
Anonymous 301603
>>297766No I fucking hate my shithole country
Anonymous 301604
>>299472Yeah fuck this country aye its such a shithole I swear every day when I step outside my shitty old house I see like 5 junkies overdosing and pushing around shopping trollies filled with shit
Anonymous 301610
I used to not like it until I saw the rest of the world. Now I'm incredibly thankful I was born in a country where we essentially live on easy-mode.
Anonymous 301622
>>301610>where we essentially live on easy-mode.explain
Anonymous 301627
>>301622We have a massive safety net built into our society. Unemployment payments, university payments and fee relief, as well as a very forgiving loan system, medicine and health care is easily available at low prices or even free if you slip through the cracks, the mental health system isn't perfect but it exists to keep unstable people from amassing in the streets, housing is available to the poor and you can get 3 meals daily entirely free. On top of that, even though our taxes and cost of living are so high, if you're prepared to move somewhere less desirable, you can work a minimum wage job and live comfortably. If I'd been born almost anywhere else, and followed the same life trajectory, I'd be homeless and probably dead by 22. Instead, I was born here and now I have an education, well-paid work and my own home.
Anonymous 301630
>>301627>housing is available to the poorDon't y'all have a housing crisis?
Anonymous 301632
>>301630It's mainly high competition to buy single-family homes, in high-density areas, at inflated prices and increasing strain on rental properties due to immigrant workers. It's compounded by the previous governments defunding TAFE, which trains tradesmen like construction workers/carpenters/plumbers, so that construction companies are still facing skills shortages for building new homes to compensate. The government's housing initiatives still lag behind, but the issue is they're intended to be temporary housing while poor families age-out of dependency (the kids leave home and join the workforce) and get their feet under them, but due to increasing numbers of families who continue to have children while they're housed, they're running out. In my area it's largely refugee families who arrive with an average of 3 children, refuse to participate in society (most refuse to use English or become proficient in it) and want to live in Muslim enclaves, that will go on to have an average of 6 children over the next 6 years; so while the average Australian might spend an average of 8 years in government housing, these families are estimated to spend 20+ from time of arrival, which is obviously not sustainable.
Anonymous 301634
>>301632Yeah. It’s only going to get worse. We bring more immigrants in every year from shitholes which is bad enough, and we’re not building nearly enough houses to keep up.
Our political class all lives in white, upper-middle class gated suburbs so it doesn’t bother them.
Anonymous 301636
>>301632>>301634>Our political class all lives in white, upper-middle class gated suburbs so it doesn’t bother them.What are the worst suburbs and areas in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane?
Anonymous 301644
in Perth, it's Balaga or Belmont
Anonymous 301646
>>301644>brisbaneQRD? What is life like here?
Anonymous 301668
>>301646It's pretty ok, like most of Australia. Not too hot, not too cold, not too dry, not too wet, housing is ok, the city's ok. All around a solid 6.5/10, but it's a 6.5 almost everywhere, with no terrible places to drag it down or give a tilted view of actually living there.
Anonymous 302297
In 2017 I lived for over 6 months in Brisbane.
>In the CBD (downtown) of Brisbane literally every 2nd person on the street was indian or asian
>Chinese restaurants everywhere.
>You see so many white men with asian women it's crazy
There were also a lot of Australian women with asians.
>I went to UQ, the chinese were tye biggest group of foreigners by far.
>I once drove through this neighberhood called Sunnybank, it's almost all chinese people, with signs in chinese and everything.
Anonymous 302299
>>302297Did you do anything in Brisbane besides becoming Heinrich Himmler?
Anonymous 302301
10% of Australians are ruining the country with their gambling addiction
Anonymous 302310
>>302307I've never gone, but it's pretty expensive. The one closest to me has pretty outdated student accommodation. They tend to make most of their money from international students.
Anonymous 302311
>>302307Quite good. Even at prestigious universities it's comparatively calm and less intense than those elsewhere. The campuses are usually very nice, located near public transport and have a range of amenities for free or subsidised prices. In my experience the grading system is fair and you're treated like more of an adult.
Anonymous 302312
>>302310>They tend to make most of their money from international students.How?
Anonymous 302313
>>302312Higher fees, better accommodation for rich Chinese/Malaysian/Indonesian students, parking passes, paying to retake units etc. Really they target the whales of kids of millionaire elite.
Anonymous 302314
>>302313>Chinese/Malaysian/Indonesian studentsWhat's wrong with unis in their own countries? Why go all the way to Straya just go to to uni?
Anonymous 302321
>>302314They're usually very high-stress, high-failure rate institutions with no discernible advantage over Australian unis. In my personal experience, universities in most of Asia are more focused on rote learning and memorisation than anything else, just like primary and secondary schooling. Put it this way: China has a population something like 50x that of Australia, yet Australia has produced about double their number of Nobel prize winners.
Anonymous 302528
>>302297Queen Street mall is ghetto and dirty.
Most guys are on MDMA or offer cocaine/crystal meth
There is a place called south bank along the river and they have artificial beaches which are kind of like outdoor freshwater pools with beach sand.
Women don't feel safe walking alone around the city
Family's are living in tents the local river. Facebook community pages are filled with unfortunate people begging for accommodation for themselves and their young children.
The CBD is horrible to drive through and there's nowhere to park.
There's also a strip joint on the mall too, it's so fucking weird to put that right there in such a public place. They charge the dancer a door fee to come to work as a stripper. Dancers don't get paid outside of lapdances ($90 per dance) or tips. The club takes 40% of everything they earn. Sometimes they go home with nothing. High turnover rate. If they don't make enough in one night, they have to pay $70 to be sent home. They literally pay more to be at work than the customer does to come in. They're definitely hustling against other women in the club. If you don’t hustle for lap dances and VIPs, you can walk out in debt to the club. They are not employees, they are independent contractors, so they can set whatever rules they like, so they take advantage because they can. A lot of clubs will have a female manager that will weigh the dancers every night and make sure they're below 60kg.