Bipolar Anonymous 297994
Damn, I think I have it.
Anyone here has it and can leave a message or two? I think I’m losing it, it’s ruining everything, my life, others, and I’m so fed up dealing with just another shit on my plate. I’m genuinely angry succumbing to thoughts and moods I don’t seem to reign in in advance. I don’t have a diagnose yet but it very much looks like it.
Can anyone share meds, treatments, experiences?
Anonymous 297999
>I think I have it
See a professional about it if you can. If you don't get a proper diagnosis you can't really start to find ways to treat it
Anonymous 298005
>>297999I will make an appointment. I strongly suspected it, but I was terrified of the medication (and still am) and another feature to take care of. Im trying to get a new job asap, but clearly not with this mess as a vehicle. Why even be surprised, this bs gets annoying and exhausting. Fml fr
Anonymous 301229

I was diagnosed with it very early and shipped off to a padded room rape dungeon from 7 - 12 years old. Addressing the trauma from being mouthfucked by nightschool RNs and drugged to nearly death, and using mushrooms sparingly to commit to goals that require me to be less chaotic helped. I really would not recommend medication. Not a single thing in my life went well at all until I stopped taking psych pills. Sincerely, maybe bipolar, 15 years and three continents away from that experience, doing an elite job.
Anonymous 301232
I recommend looking into and considering DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) once you see a professional about it and have a proper diagnosis. I'm Bipolar I. I've tried all kinds of therapies.
Here's a brief on each!:
IPSRT (Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy): Focuses on helping people with bipolar disorder regulate their daily routines.
Targets: Eating patterns, sleep-wake cycles, social interactions, work, and hobbies.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
FFT (Family Focused Therapy): Help improve understanding in relationships and improve relationships
Targets: Teach family to recognize signs of an episode, educate family on how to support you the best way, improve conflict management, improve communication, create a plan for preventing relapse.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): [most common type of therapy for bipolar disorder] aims to help people recognize and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior that contribute to their symptoms.
Targets: learning to identify triggers for mood episodes, developing coping strategies, and strengthening emotional regulation skills.
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy): aims to help individuals with bipolar disorder learn new skills for regulating emotions, improving relationships, and reducing impulsive behaviors.
Targets: as above, >skills for regulating emotions, improving relationships, and reducing impulsive behaviors.
Pshycoeducation: learning about your condition.
Targets: identify your triggers, feel less isolated, identify signs of a depressive or manic episode, find healthy, effective coping mechanisms, learn about treatment and self-care strategies.
I've personally recommend IPSRT and DBT, these have seemed to help me the most.
I hope some of this information on these therapies helps you choose what best suits your needs!
As far as medications, do NOT take lithium, it will absolutely 100% zombify you. I don't recommend any medications, I've only taken a few types of mood stabilizers as well as anti-psychotics. I do not recommend any!