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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 298837

Board got raided again with child exploitation materials

Anonymous 298850

who is behind it, angry incels, trannies or the feds?

Anonymous 298853

if there's a link to something it's pretty much always to a shady site with the alleged cp behind a paywall something a lot of people don't realise is that cp is (usually) not given away for free; there is money to be made, just like with illegal drugs

Anonymous 298874

probably all the above

I thought CSAM was usually traded between pedos rather than paid for. Money can be tracked, paywell thing sounds like a scam or fed honey pot.

Anonymous 298880

it is; the paid thing is an exception rather than the rule, just not in this particular context (cp spam on boards)

Anonymous 298949

this one schizo cel dude was recently banned so it could be him or one of his allies possibly. It is probably some deranged dude from r9k. Not sure why feds would have any interest in this board.

Anonymous 298950

What’s with the poop posting recently?

Anonymous 298973

Even then, most of the places offering sales are fed honeypots

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