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Anonymous 299478

Why are fat girls are way meaner to skinny girls than vice versa? I have always been skinny, and while growing up I can confidently, loud and clearly, tell you that fat girls were the meanest people to me in school

>I hope you die skinny bitch

>Skinny girls have no curves
>Skinny girls shouldn't wear bras, you don't even have boobs
>Stop starving yourself and eat a burger
>Do you even eat??? You probably starve yourself lmao
>It's feminine to be thicc and curvy
>You look like a boy
>No man will ever love a woman who doesn't have curves, big tits, wide asses
>Skinny slut (even tho I've never had a BF?????)

It seems like it's socially acceptable to tell a skinny girl all of this, but if you told a fat girl to eat a salad all hell would break loose

Anonymous 299480

Coming from a fat girl (though I've lost a lot of weight this year, still trying) I promise you, it's jealousy. It is a thousand percent jealousy.

We'll lie about it, and dance around the topic, but it is jealousy. Thin people look better, they get cuter clothing, they take cuter selfies, they don't tend to feel as self conscious existing and being fat.. it fucking sucks. Even the "I love my body" fat girls don't really love all that comes with having a fat body. You're sweaty, you smell more, you smell faster. Your bones hurt, existing hurts sometimes. Walking can hurt. Getting out of bed can hurt. At certain weights, people look and stare. People passively treat you worse, like you're stupider, because you're fat.

Hating on thin women is an easy scapegoat instead of looking at yourself and the reasons why you're so bitter. It's easier to say "it's the fault of thin bitches" than it is to say "I feel like shit because of my weight, and it's my own fault I'm this weight, and I should do something about it".

Anonymous 299487


Fattie here that has reached their goal weight and have decided to continue the weight loss. Its cope/seethe, I've never called anyone anything like that because I'm not the jealous sort, I know being fat is my own personal flaw.

Anonymous 299753

They remember that before puberty, it was thin girls calling them all kinds of degrading shit.
It's payback, and thin people shouldn't play innocent. They're notorious for being judgmental to fat people. Harass, bully, assault, molest, ….
Also all insults, but the die skinny bitch, are not really insults.

Anonymous 299776

> molest
Thin girl classmate probs legit just thought you were cute and didn't quite understand your physical boundaries or the depth of your bodyshame. She's probably mortified about it in hindsight and this label on a couple of boundary crossings is too extreme, thin women are not men and do not deserve that judgment.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 299783

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