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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 299587

>people dont have the attention span to make it from their bed to the front door without opening their phone
>if you don't reply instantly, they say you're ghosting them
>walk by schools and all kids are constantly looking at their phones
>walk by cafes and restaurants and dates are constantly looking at their phones
>walk in the gym and everyone is constantly looking at their phones
>go shopping and everyone is constantly looking at their phones
>dudes staring at phone all day and looking at porn and instagram girls
>everything is instantly forgettable now
>everyone just move on to the next thing. they have low attention spans
>grab their phones and start scrolling through social media then can't remember what happened

Is this just where we're at now?

Anonymous 299728

I like to think we hit a ceiling for how bad it will get and its only a matter of time before we see a steady reversion. No idea how much longer before the decline begins though.

Anonymous 299767

Recently I've been getting sick of my phone. I don't want to be hunched over looking into a small screen anymore. I need to look at wide open scenes. I deleted a bunch of apps and put it in a drawer now.

Anonymous 300518

In the past few years some have started using 'dumbphones'. I don't know if it will ever become mainstream, but there has definitely been some pushback. A lot of zoomers are now aware that their phones are a root cause of their issues, but I feel like it's not enough for people to detach from the screen.

Anonymous 300762

Some countries are starting to take legal measures like Australia banning social media for children, I think we will see more of that

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