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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


/int/craft 40 - Modern American Civil War Anonymous 299664

/int/craft is a geopolitical roleplay Minecraft server that has been running since 2015 and is now in preparation for its 40th iteration which will launch on January 4th.

This Iteration is set in the near future after political & economic turmoil in America has boiled over into an all-out civil war. Will you help the Government restore order? Or will you join up with the Trumpists, or maybe a regional power? Maybe it's high time to stake your own claim and make a run for the Capitol.

The iteration will feature Modern Guns, Cars, Nodes territory plugin, Brewery, An all new custom made map with easter eggs, many custom textures, and of course War and Conquest.

If you are curious, you can try out the mechanics on our test server.
IP: intcraft.lol
Version: 1.20.1

For more info, check out our website.

Join our discord to stay up to date with new features and events.
https://[[read the rules]]/cbkxj8xr7e

Resourcepack for guns and such. (WIP)

Dynmap link.

Anonymous 299665

Anonymous 299666

discord embed fail as brainless zombie copies and pastes
https://[[read the rules]]/cbkxj8xr7e

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