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Anonymous 300646

Anybody else pathologically can't read/write smut or even just esex? Sex is cringe enough, spelling it out in words makes it even worse for me. I only read manga smut skipping over any of dialogue that may have words "cock/pussy/fuck" in it. I feel like an incomplete woman because of that because all women I know prefer to read about sex and have been esexing with dudes since they were like 14.

Anonymous 300685

I played an ero rpg and just kinda skipped those scenes because i was more interested in the story

Anonymous 300686


Does anyone read these types of books anymore, or is it just Gen X women?

Anonymous 300696

You really need to find better hobbies and stop lurking chansites so you can get better friends

Anonymous 300888

>sex is cringe
>esexting with dudes
you're a lesbian, asexual, or traumatized
those scenes are part of the stories. they're interactions between the characters that can reveal stuff about their personality and relationships
those books suck

Anonymous 300902

They should make books like this but they're about sexy elf twink mages being bullied by warrior women

Anonymous 300910

no i can't do it at all lmao sex is cringe as hell just let me do what i need to do

Anonymous 300912

I used to read these a lot, they aren’t good at all lmao but they serve as fun wish fulfillment I guess

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