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lolcow.farm hate thread #12 Anonymous 300787

Locked for continued derailing, will reopen after a temporary break

Last thread >>>/b/300060

Anonymous 300788

Isn't this too early?

Anonymous 300789

The old thread is already locked

Anonymous 300790

I think mods locked it, rather than the post limit was reached, so mods are gonna lock this one too

Anonymous 300792

>months long hiatus from lc
>come back today
>my ip is banned not even using vpn
>too scared to email because anxiety and let’s be real I’m a retard and probably for the best that I don’t post
I’m so upset

Anonymous 300793

This OP tells me all I need to know about who is using these threads. It's so blatant that it borders on parody.
Good. CC moderators put up with too much bullshit already, they shouldn't have to deal with retards that sperg about how LC is worse than Nazi Germany too.

Anonymous 300794

can you retards not shit this one up too and start seething about weegee

Anonymous 300795

Why are you afraid to send an email?

Anonymous 300796

Why even enter threads you know you won't like? Are you retarded?

Anonymous 300797

Because they have no life other than infighting. Just don't even engage with that moron.

Anonymous 300799

>Why even enter threads you don't like!1!1!
Because this is the thread that gets bumped every minute by aggro farmers to complain about some Italian guy and the women that write fiction about him. They come on my site to complain and ree about shit that nobody on here cares about. They don't even sage. They never use any other board or thread. Then, when moderators lock this thread because it's so annoying, they make new threads to go around the moderators' backs. I'll be so happy when you all go back to LC and shit up that site instead of mine.
>inb4 hide the thread reeeee
How am I gonna hide a thread on the catalog? How am I gonna hide the front page?

Anonymous 300801

So? They locked the thread before that one early, too. If they don’t communicate why they locked the thread another one is just going to be made. They can lock it or delete it again if they want but we aren’t expected to be mind-readers.

Anonymous 300803

just go to the shelter thread on JC if these threads keep getting locked

Anonymous 300804

what is the difference between lc and cc

Anonymous 300805

Some brave nona made a thread for criticism of radfems.


How long until the radfem lolcows swarm it?

Anonymous 300808

Soooo are they lifting the VPN ban for 2025 or did the /meta/ concern trolls really convince the mods? Kek

Anonymous 300810

Well one of the few posts admits it’s a scrote that hates women and lesbians so it’s clearly bait

Anonymous 300814


Which one of you fucker's made this?

Anonymous 300815

You did and it's not funny and a man would never say that you fucking lesbian

Anonymous 300816

>man would never say that
men always say shit like that wdym

Anonymous 300821

this site is so depressing. I wanna go back

Anonymous 300828

>They don't even sage.
No1 sages on cc… do you even go here?

Anonymous 300844

Sage is also hidden on CC

Anonymous 300845


I'm worried about my sister and all these moids are trying to get me banned. LCF is toxic and full of pickmes that don't understand the dangers of the real world. Typical stoners kek

Anonymous 300846

I don't think you should be permab& but I've seen you post this multiple times on several threads. Your posts aren't supposed to be recognizable

Anonymous 300847

I wanna post in this thread but at the same time i don't because it's in 2x and it's gonna be a shitstorm i hate blackpillers as much as i hate certain radfems.
I used to consider myself a radfem but now i just call myself a feminist, i don't like that as a woman radfems politicize every little action we do, i don't wanna feel like a walking political statement, i see no problem with taking a deeper look on what certain actions we do say about us and how its rooted in misoginy etc but i just wanna live normally like men do, i envy them for this, no one expects anything from them.
Theres multiple ways to help free women from the patriarchy, we do it everyday, we don't need to obsess over every single little action we do and how it affects the world and our rights, because it doesn't 90% of the time. Also a lot of them are just parroting tradthot talking points online nowadays, being against being gender non conforming and etc due to trannies even though trannies are clearly mentally ill, and in need of being reformed and taking therapy. I feel bad for tifs more than anything.
Am i insane or does anyone understand where im coming from? Happy new year by the way.

Anonymous 300848

I still consider myself radfem because of trannies and I don't support prostitution due to its inherently exploitative nature. But yeah I agree that there's some that take it too far in terms of policing other women. I always figured feminism was about empowering other women and teaching them not to gamble their lives on being completely dependent on males. That doesn't mean I'm against straight women and marriage as long as these women don't depend 100 percent on their husband's for income. There needs to be a failsafe (aka good education and good independent source of income) regardless of whether you are single or otherwise.

I also believe in female supremacy due to women naturally being less dangerous lol.

Anonymous 300852

You don’t free yourself from patriarchy with sleeping with males and dating them, you’re not free from the patriarchy because most women don’t own a good percentage of wealth in their home countries - men do. There’s blaring structural differences that haven’t been addressed by anyone including fucktarded “radfems” who only like to keep harping on about trannies in dressing rooms besides the elephant in the room where women are no where to be seen in actual respectable, materially hardened leadership roles and wealth that brings longevity and change to other women’s lives. I guess it’s fine though, let’s just be a dumb fucking libshit fem and say we do feminist acts everyday in our lives when it’s quite the contrary, we keep women down by supplying more to the system and there’s nothing that’s going to change about it. Women will always be content being disrespected second-class citizens who enjoy laying under penises like a dead fish, rocking the boat will actually mean they would have to stop larping as little girls in grown women’s bodies and piss off males and the powers that be, the last thing they would ever want to do unless they want their little patriarchal crumbs to disappear.

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