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Non-Radfem General Anonymous 300933

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?

Anonymous 300934


Note: I previously posted this thread on Lolcow Farm (pic related is the current version of the thread on there), but I am posting it here now that this site is back up. This is a much better place to have a conversation than LCF, obviously.

Anonymous 300935

I'm confused. Is this for feminists who aren't radical, or pickmes, or what?

Anonymous 300937


It's for any women who aren't radfems.

Anonymous 300939

Radfems are a very disappointing group currently. I didn't make the thread but you don't have to be a pickme or a libfem to feel disillusioned by the state of radical feminism.

Anonymous 300940

Can I be a misandrist without being a radfem?

Anonymous 300941


>Can I be a misandrist without being a radfem?


You can also be a radfem without being a misandrist.

Anonymous 300944

From what i have deduced "radfem" is a meme term for feminists who wish to one-up other women in feminism? The underlying idea is that feminism is kinda stupid and that radfems are these enlightened, woke feminists that aren't stupid?

Anonymous 300946

radical feminism died in the 70's. everything else is retarded internet LARPing.

Anonymous 300954

Radfems are still based in a lot of cases but after interacting with them for a while i understood why people hate them from both sides, they are grating to be around, and treat most women like babies who can't consent and can't distinguish good from bad, as one of them or as irredeemable human beings and pickmes (it's either one of those options no inbetween), overly sensitive and they focus more on wasting time bullying trannies and getting on fights online with other women, shitting on straight women despite half of them being straight as well and moralfagging about stuff than actually doing something, donating and organizing themselves irl etc.

Anonymous 300963


>Radfems are still based in a lot of cases


Anonymous 300988

Radfem refers to applying radical praxis to feminist theory.
Radical in this case being a term taken from 19th and early 20th century anarchists.
Separatism and establishing intentional communities for example are essentially carbon copied from radical anarchism.
As was the early radical suffragette practice of throwing vitriol (chemical, not metaphorical) and bombing policemen, which ceased immediately after the 19th amendment was passed in the United States.

The fact is that there is no real radical leftist praxis anywhere anymore because we have turned our backs on the use of violence. In Russia in 1918 Fanny Kaplan shot Vladimir Lenin 3 times for betraying the revolution, piercing his lungs and throat–it was considered akin to a miracle that he survived. In Russia today Pussy Riot get beaten up by Vladimir Putin's goons for putting on slightly edgier punk rock concerts and respond by putting on slightly fewer edgy punk rock concerts, heaven forbid women arm themselves and employ revolutionary means including violence on their own behalf.

Anonymous 300989

Wiki for anyone interested in the British cases:
Not sure about documentation of the United States equivalent events, the U.S. was far less organized and when organization existed it was not run by legendary edgelords, at least not anywhere near Emmeline's level. The death toll is extremely underwhelming considering the Pankhurst's edgequeen declarations of committing to a reign of terror that would make every corner of English society unsafe for everyone. Out of all those bombings they still managed less than half of the deaths caused by Maria Nikiforova's followers when they attempted one bombing targeting Vladimir Lenin just once in just one building.

But there was a symbolic significance that is often overlooked. People talk a lot about making martyrs or about it being in some way empowering when someone gets killed for their beliefs. But that only matters when the martyr inspires an army willing to kill for those same beliefs. By taking on the name of "suffragette" from their British exemplars, the women of America declared their willingness to kill for their rights.

Anonymous 300992

Never thought I'd see the day of a non-radfem thread on crystal.cafe. I'm an ex-radfem, I've been incredibly disillusioned from the mouvement. It's one of those mouvements that seem helpful at first until they damage you, and others deeply. Radfems barely do any actual work other than post tweets and moralfag online. All the radfems I've talked to didn't organize irl or engage in political activism. Maybe I have just bumped into ~the wrong ones~ but, I've bumped into enough radfems like these to sway my opinion against them. If you are a radfem, I understand why you went down that route. I have too. I just advise you to actually organize IRL in your local community. Trust me, it does open up your eyes on a lot of issues. Helps with confidence too, just sayin. I feel very silly for spending so much time online, on echo chambers on the internet :P Many aren't gonna like what I say, but I do think alot if not all radfem spaces are just a big circle-jerk.
I wouldnt be surprised if my post gets hate here. Radfems have their little buzzwords to throw at people like me. I don't mind. I've been on this website (and similar ones) too long anyway.
Radfems have contributed a lot to help me form my identity and understanding on politics, but it's an incredibly reductionist lense. The help they did provide, made me trust them a little too much.
It doesn't help that a lot of radfems are rude and do not work towards promoting solidarity. Anyway, do consider looking through other branches of feminism. I'm not here to preach my own. Touching grass is my most important advice. When I was a radfem, I didn't realise how isolated I was into online micro-communities, only once you get out, you actually realise.

Anonymous 300999

Late reply but here are some things i find based on them despite everything else: I like that they are not scared to tell scrotes off like a lot of other women are, and i like how they fight tooth for tooth, bully them and refute their opinions online as i think it helped turn the tide for young women online who read it, they do a lot for us despite everything else and tbh i will support a psycho bitch before i go out of my way to side with women who fights for "mens rights", still wish they did more irl however. If it wasn't for radfems online i would have never found women who feel like me without coddling men and putting them first.

Anonymous 301000

>It doesn't help that a lot of radfems are rude and do not work towards promoting solidarity.
Any idpol mostly leftist movement is a recipe for disaster since they all end up eating each other alive after some time and it's why nothing gets done

Anonymous 301002

Omg this butthurt slut creating this thread on multiple boards get a shower fattie

Anonymous 301003



This. Like all authoritarian movements based entirely on identity politics, radfems spend far more time attacking each other than they do attacking the people that they claim to hate (in this case, men).

Anonymous 301006

Personally. I was surprised to find out how many radfems act like the very pickmes they supposedly despise. I've seen radfems getting in relationships with literal nazi sympathisers, or just any other type of right wing man. I'm not saying leftist men are safe (far from it) but I never understood how so many radfems would gravitate towards reactionaries.

Anonymous 301008

Most self-proclaimed "radfems" are in practice reformists, even though reformism is an antonym for radicalism.
If they believe that a patriarchal society can be reformed rather than adopting the radical path of building an alternative society and attacking the enemy society by any available means, then they will also be predisposed to believe the same of individuals.
And what is it that prompts the adoption of the label of "radical?" Only the association with the other label of "trans-exclusive." And who else hates trannies?

The whole feminist space would be less mired in ideological fog if there were a stronger socially secure space for trans-exclusive liberal feminists to be reformist traitors in without trying to wear the hollowed out skin of last century's radical writers.

Anonymous 301010

Lmao I fucking hate new internet TikTok speak

Anonymous 301023

I don't hate all men and I think trans people are ok.

Anonymous 301024

It's so their comments wouldn't get reported

Anonymous 301025

>I think trans people are ok.

Anonymous 301027

>trans people are okay
Tumblr is tight there.

Anonymous 301030

I do not have many, if any, qualms with radical feminism itself, but online radfems can be quite a bothersome bunch sometimes. I'm not a fan of the relentless attacks on other women, such as:
And I’m definitely not a fan of how every conversation in these circles seems to revolve around trans people, drowning every other kind of conversation. Though this last thing might be due to conservatives latching onto the Trans Question for their platforms, along with the words 'terf,' 'gc,' and 'radfem' becoming part of a more mainstream, public discourse and losing their meanings (ie. misogynistic men being called terfs, antifeminist women calling themselves gender critical).

Anonymous 301034

This post from the LCF thread stood out to me:

>I used to be a radfem, mainly because I hate trannies infiltrating female spaces, but what really made me hate radfems almost as much as troons is the way that radfems constantly try to equate anything that they personally disapprove of with rape. As someone who has been a victim of actual rape, it's just incredibly insulting. No, sorry, but my brutal rape is not even remotely the equivalent of someone selling foot pictures on OnlyFans.

>Here, for example, is a popular thread on Ovarit where radfems unironically argue that Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with a hundred men is worse than Gisele Pelicot being raped by dozens of men because Lily Phillips chose to do it: https://ovarit.com/o/WomensLiberation/632788/a-message-to-male-lurkers-regarding-lily-phillips

>Yes, a woman like Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with multiple men is TOTALLY the same as a woman like Gisele Pelicot being raped by multiple men. In fact, it's even worse BECAUSE she chose to do it!

>Nobody trivializes rape and insults actual rape victims more than radfems do.

…along with this one:

>This. As a child, I was viciously tormented by other girls (mainly because I'm autistic and albino). When I was 11, a group of girls held me down and raped me with a broomstick. When I brought this up to radfems, they told me that it wasn't rape because women can't rape. Yet these are the same people who say that all heterosexual sex is rape. Fuck radfems.

I also have experienced actual rape and I also find it incredibly insulting how radfems use the term "rape" to describe anything that they don't like, whether it's porn, prostitution, trannies having consensual sex with women, or even all heterosexual sex. It completely trivializes what rape actually is. And no, I am not a proponent of porn, prostitution, or trannies. But I also don't use the term "rape" lightly, because I know what rape really is and it sure as hell ain't what radfems call it.

Anonymous 301058


>Omg this butthurt slut creating this thread on multiple boards get a shower fattie

Wow, so feminist of you. Radfems really are the true champions of women.

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