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Non-Radfem General Anonymous 300933

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?

Anonymous 300934


Note: I previously posted this thread on Lolcow Farm (pic related is the current version of the thread on there), but I am posting it here now that this site is back up. This is a much better place to have a conversation than LCF, obviously.

Anonymous 300935

I'm confused. Is this for feminists who aren't radical, or pickmes, or what?

Anonymous 300937


It's for any women who aren't radfems.

Anonymous 300939

Radfems are a very disappointing group currently. I didn't make the thread but you don't have to be a pickme or a libfem to feel disillusioned by the state of radical feminism.

Anonymous 300940

Can I be a misandrist without being a radfem?

Anonymous 300941


>Can I be a misandrist without being a radfem?


You can also be a radfem without being a misandrist.

Anonymous 300944

From what i have deduced "radfem" is a meme term for feminists who wish to one-up other women in feminism? The underlying idea is that feminism is kinda stupid and that radfems are these enlightened, woke feminists that aren't stupid?

Anonymous 300946

radical feminism died in the 70's. everything else is retarded internet LARPing.

Anonymous 300954

Radfems are still based in a lot of cases but after interacting with them for a while i understood why people hate them from both sides, they are grating to be around, and treat most women like babies who can't consent and can't distinguish good from bad, as one of them or as irredeemable human beings and pickmes (it's either one of those options no inbetween), overly sensitive and they focus more on wasting time bullying trannies and getting on fights online with other women, shitting on straight women despite half of them being straight as well and moralfagging about stuff than actually doing something, donating and organizing themselves irl etc.

Anonymous 300963


>Radfems are still based in a lot of cases


Anonymous 300988

Radfem refers to applying radical praxis to feminist theory.
Radical in this case being a term taken from 19th and early 20th century anarchists.
Separatism and establishing intentional communities for example are essentially carbon copied from radical anarchism.
As was the early radical suffragette practice of throwing vitriol (chemical, not metaphorical) and bombing policemen, which ceased immediately after the 19th amendment was passed in the United States.

The fact is that there is no real radical leftist praxis anywhere anymore because we have turned our backs on the use of violence. In Russia in 1918 Fanny Kaplan shot Vladimir Lenin 3 times for betraying the revolution, piercing his lungs and throat–it was considered akin to a miracle that he survived. In Russia today Pussy Riot get beaten up by Vladimir Putin's goons for putting on slightly edgier punk rock concerts and respond by putting on slightly fewer edgy punk rock concerts, heaven forbid women arm themselves and employ revolutionary means including violence on their own behalf.

Anonymous 300989

Wiki for anyone interested in the British cases:
Not sure about documentation of the United States equivalent events, the U.S. was far less organized and when organization existed it was not run by legendary edgelords, at least not anywhere near Emmeline's level. The death toll is extremely underwhelming considering the Pankhurst's edgequeen declarations of committing to a reign of terror that would make every corner of English society unsafe for everyone. Out of all those bombings they still managed less than half of the deaths caused by Maria Nikiforova's followers when they attempted one bombing targeting Vladimir Lenin just once in just one building.

But there was a symbolic significance that is often overlooked. People talk a lot about making martyrs or about it being in some way empowering when someone gets killed for their beliefs. But that only matters when the martyr inspires an army willing to kill for those same beliefs. By taking on the name of "suffragette" from their British exemplars, the women of America declared their willingness to kill for their rights.

Anonymous 300992

Never thought I'd see the day of a non-radfem thread on crystal.cafe. I'm an ex-radfem, I've been incredibly disillusioned from the mouvement. It's one of those mouvements that seem helpful at first until they damage you, and others deeply. Radfems barely do any actual work other than post tweets and moralfag online. All the radfems I've talked to didn't organize irl or engage in political activism. Maybe I have just bumped into ~the wrong ones~ but, I've bumped into enough radfems like these to sway my opinion against them. If you are a radfem, I understand why you went down that route. I have too. I just advise you to actually organize IRL in your local community. Trust me, it does open up your eyes on a lot of issues. Helps with confidence too, just sayin. I feel very silly for spending so much time online, on echo chambers on the internet :P Many aren't gonna like what I say, but I do think alot if not all radfem spaces are just a big circle-jerk.
I wouldnt be surprised if my post gets hate here. Radfems have their little buzzwords to throw at people like me. I don't mind. I've been on this website (and similar ones) too long anyway.
Radfems have contributed a lot to help me form my identity and understanding on politics, but it's an incredibly reductionist lense. The help they did provide, made me trust them a little too much.
It doesn't help that a lot of radfems are rude and do not work towards promoting solidarity. Anyway, do consider looking through other branches of feminism. I'm not here to preach my own. Touching grass is my most important advice. When I was a radfem, I didn't realise how isolated I was into online micro-communities, only once you get out, you actually realise.

Anonymous 300999

Late reply but here are some things i find based on them despite everything else: I like that they are not scared to tell scrotes off like a lot of other women are, and i like how they fight tooth for tooth, bully them and refute their opinions online as i think it helped turn the tide for young women online who read it, they do a lot for us despite everything else and tbh i will support a psycho bitch before i go out of my way to side with women who fights for "mens rights", still wish they did more irl however. If it wasn't for radfems online i would have never found women who feel like me without coddling men and putting them first.

Anonymous 301000

>It doesn't help that a lot of radfems are rude and do not work towards promoting solidarity.
Any idpol mostly leftist movement is a recipe for disaster since they all end up eating each other alive after some time and it's why nothing gets done

Anonymous 301003



This. Like all authoritarian movements based entirely on identity politics, radfems spend far more time attacking each other than they do attacking the people that they claim to hate (in this case, men).

Anonymous 301006

Personally. I was surprised to find out how many radfems act like the very pickmes they supposedly despise. I've seen radfems getting in relationships with literal nazi sympathisers, or just any other type of right wing man. I'm not saying leftist men are safe (far from it) but I never understood how so many radfems would gravitate towards reactionaries.

Anonymous 301008

Most self-proclaimed "radfems" are in practice reformists, even though reformism is an antonym for radicalism.
If they believe that a patriarchal society can be reformed rather than adopting the radical path of building an alternative society and attacking the enemy society by any available means, then they will also be predisposed to believe the same of individuals.
And what is it that prompts the adoption of the label of "radical?" Only the association with the other label of "trans-exclusive." And who else hates trannies?

The whole feminist space would be less mired in ideological fog if there were a stronger socially secure space for trans-exclusive liberal feminists to be reformist traitors in without trying to wear the hollowed out skin of last century's radical writers.

Anonymous 301010

Lmao I fucking hate new internet TikTok speak

Anonymous 301023

I don't hate all men and I think trans people are ok.

Anonymous 301024

It's so their comments wouldn't get reported

Anonymous 301025

>I think trans people are ok.

Anonymous 301027

>trans people are okay
Tumblr is tight there.

Anonymous 301030

I do not have many, if any, qualms with radical feminism itself, but online radfems can be quite a bothersome bunch sometimes. I'm not a fan of the relentless attacks on other women, such as:
And I’m definitely not a fan of how every conversation in these circles seems to revolve around trans people, drowning every other kind of conversation. Though this last thing might be due to conservatives latching onto the Trans Question for their platforms, along with the words 'terf,' 'gc,' and 'radfem' becoming part of a more mainstream, public discourse and losing their meanings (ie. misogynistic men being called terfs, antifeminist women calling themselves gender critical).

Anonymous 301034

This post from the LCF thread stood out to me:

>I used to be a radfem, mainly because I hate trannies infiltrating female spaces, but what really made me hate radfems almost as much as troons is the way that radfems constantly try to equate anything that they personally disapprove of with rape. As someone who has been a victim of actual rape, it's just incredibly insulting. No, sorry, but my brutal rape is not even remotely the equivalent of someone selling foot pictures on OnlyFans.

>Here, for example, is a popular thread on Ovarit where radfems unironically argue that Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with a hundred men is worse than Gisele Pelicot being raped by dozens of men because Lily Phillips chose to do it: https://ovarit.com/o/WomensLiberation/632788/a-message-to-male-lurkers-regarding-lily-phillips

>Yes, a woman like Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with multiple men is TOTALLY the same as a woman like Gisele Pelicot being raped by multiple men. In fact, it's even worse BECAUSE she chose to do it!

>Nobody trivializes rape and insults actual rape victims more than radfems do.

…along with this one:

>This. As a child, I was viciously tormented by other girls (mainly because I'm autistic and albino). When I was 11, a group of girls held me down and raped me with a broomstick. When I brought this up to radfems, they told me that it wasn't rape because women can't rape. Yet these are the same people who say that all heterosexual sex is rape. Fuck radfems.

I also have experienced actual rape and I also find it incredibly insulting how radfems use the term "rape" to describe anything that they don't like, whether it's porn, prostitution, trannies having consensual sex with women, or even all heterosexual sex. It completely trivializes what rape actually is. And no, I am not a proponent of porn, prostitution, or trannies. But I also don't use the term "rape" lightly, because I know what rape really is and it sure as hell ain't what radfems call it.

Anonymous 301058


>Omg this butthurt slut creating this thread on multiple boards get a shower fattie

Wow, so feminist of you. Radfems really are the true champions of women.

Anonymous 301091


ngl it pisses me off how a lot of radfems act like women can't sexually abuse and groom other women and treat it like a joke of course men are still the ones doing it at mass but it's not like it doesn't happen

Anonymous 301093

who's he looking at like that i'm dyyyiiiiing

Anonymous 301094

I went to highschool. I know where they came from and they were not Stacies.

The kind of kids I knew who grew up and became feminists were the most psychopathic bitches, one trans girl I knew literally bullied my gay friend by throwing his backpack in the trash. Her friend group, who ended up becoming the biggest sjws, played victim olympics constantly. There was this whole thing where they all pretended to be abused out of nowhere. Accusing each other of stealing eachother's abuse stories.
>you weren't REALLY abused
>yes I was!
shakes incessantly when mom picks her up
It lasted about 2 weeks before parents had to get everyyyone together and put an end to it like they were a bunch of toddlers. They did shit like that CONSTANTLY. They would do shit like pretend to be gay so they could accuse people of being homophobic, and when no one fucking liked them it was everyone else's fault.

That's literally 100% exactly what they are now and all of their ideology is built to make them feel like a martyr of the defenseless when really they just crave power bc they're the biggest losers on Earth, so when they see something going on and they can jump in and be in the moral right, even if it's just shit like "screaming at a white guy for wearing dreadlocks" they take it. And make the world worse.

Anonymous 301095

It's why so many nonexistent issues exist. Because it's fun to pretend to be a good person and scream at people over shit that doesn't matter.

Anonymous 301096

i’m a former radfem and the reason i no longer identify as one is because of how it disillusioned me and ironically burned more bridges with the women in my life (understandably so). on top of that, it was seeing how radfems can be just as misogynistic as the men they criticize.

Anonymous 301097

the site and world in general is being indoctrinated by big social media corporations.

there used to be more active pinkpill threads. i'm not a radical feminist by any means but exercising the ability to explicitly define your rights is NOT in fact indicative of being a "man hating feminist"

if you're ever like, why are imageboards dying and decentralized social media in general?

it's because our user data is being constantly distilled and monitored without our knowledge, and when i say knowledge, i mean that social media giants are not being explicit, INTENTIONALLY, about how they use and manipulate user data and activity and interact with users.

we are literally being watched and manipulated to form opinions that go against our desires. literally no one fucking wants this

Anonymous 301119


Take your schizophrenia meds please.

Anonymous 301124

>one trans girl I knew literally bullied my gay friend
I don't know what percentage of radfems are trans supportive or trans themselves but I expect it to be remarkably low compared to women's population overall.

Anonymous 301160

how about you instead take your phone and instead of mindlessly browsing tiktok or w/e you bother to check out all the websites' tracking methods, the telemetry settings forced on your devices by default, the amount of random data collected by apps, the way AI scrapes whatever public posts are there and reuses them into fake slop?
or just remain as you are
unfortunately, there's no single pill for you nona because treating ignorance is a difficult conscious process

Anonymous 301164


Nona, I legitimately don't even have a phone.

Also, this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

Anonymous 301279

I can't into radfem politics because they alienate women who don't fit their mold. Some of us want to live our life a certain way and being preached at about how the choices we actively make are secretly men controlling us is just fucking annoying. And they do this about dumb shit like the clothes you wear too.

Anonymous 301294

I don’t want to be a radfem anymore. I hate most men but I want to believe I can coexist with them. I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t unlearn the rancid bullshit that this stupid image board injected into my brain.

Anonymous 301348

>I want to believe I can coexist with them
thats were ur wrong kiddo. Coexisting with moids is at best a dangerous compromise on safety with dangerous predatory animals

Anonymous 301357


Men are half of the entire human race, and human reproduction cannot occur without both women and men. It is literally not possible to exist without men and you are a delusional idiot if you think otherwise. But, then again, radfems are delusional idiots in the absolute extreme.

Anonymous 301363

Anonymous 301383


I just hate trannies

Anonymous 301409

Anonymous 301411


Awesome retort, as expected.

Anonymous 301415

did they pick you? do the 4chan moids think you’re totes based and not like the other roasties?
i don’t expect everyone to be radical necessarily, especially heterosexual women - it’s simply too hopeless for them so i get it. but if you’re a woman and not at least some kind of feminist, then you just hate yourself, honestly. or are you one of those “feminism is misandry and women being stripped of rights and raped all over the world doesn’t matter to me” types?

Anonymous 301658

What rights are being stripped?
Let's face it, we have the same, (plus some extra because of childbirth), rights as moids.
My reason for not being a radfem is because radfems are by definition retarded hatemongers.

Anonymous 301659

Go outside retard

Anonymous 301660

I kind of am but kind of not, in that I build my own belief systems and identity, and sometimes they're closer to some existing ideas than others. Like the content, dislike many of the fans. To borrow some words from a friend of mine, it's important to recognize that division for what it is, and that just as feminism itself is not a monolith, neither are its branches.

A lot of the examples people have provided in this thread of self-proclaimed radfems' shitty behaviour are things I don't believe in or agree with, so I don't take the label myself; in its current form, I think that it's not a good banner to wave since it requires a lot of disclaimers and clarifications to make it clear you aren't going to hatefully accuse everyone in the vicinity. I rarely spot these crazies in the wild, but I also acknowledge that it's because I choose where I spend my time, and those circles tend to have more reasonable people in them rather than whatever you call >>301003 this goblin (pic). I like a lot of the core ideas of radical feminism, but it's the fans that ruin something, as always.

I don't hate men as a whole, but I do hate terrible bullshit that people do, and this includes the bad things that men in particular do, and so I get tired of dealing with them and the blindness that tends to follow them around, be it on purpose or not. This intensifies when it comes to massive societal injustices (abuse, trafficking, domestic slavery). I have interacted with enough to know how deep it goes, but also how clueless a lot of them actually are. I do not keep many in my contacts for a reason, and the ones that are there are also there for a reason.

Likewise, I don't hate radfems, and I will not stop believing something or turn away from truths simply because they're inconvenient or some people attached to the central ideas are being rude idiots about it. It's unfortunate that they end up undermining important causes by doing things like >>301034 and twisting reality, alienating those who could have otherwise been allies and causing more harm than good. I can appreciate what they think and what they seem to want to do, just not the mindless vitriol that frequently fuck it up worse along the way. Hate is usually responded to with hate; even if hatred is understandable, the type and direction are very important to ensure something gets done beyond self-immolation.

tl;dr I don't hate men or radfems, just terrible behaviour. Both have a terrible behaviour problem in a way that hurts women too often, just in different ways.

This is a good example. This person is rightly angry about shitty issues in the world and, honestly, everyone should be. It's important to be vigilant about your rights or you'll soon not have any, and caring about others is just something you should do. However, rather than trying to understand the people in front of her and open a dialogue, she instead forms a strawman in her head with preconceived biases and posts an attack based on her creation. Thus, she pushes others away and confirms to unsure observers the idea that "radfems are hatemongers". It could be that she has done the former a lot, and is simply worn out and we caught her on a bad day. It could also be that it's a troll trying to sell the idea because they hate radfems. We readers only see someone being catty and accusatory without prompting, so we have no way of telling. I don't know the whole story with this person, but that goes both ways. I'd like to ask about her ideas and how she came to these conclusions, if she is around.

Anonymous 301851

holy fuck this thread is just a bunch of pathetic cocksucking pickmes you all suck

Anonymous 301869

I never said Chad was real dumb cunt

Anonymous 301876

I'd like to insult you as well, but apparently nature has already done it enough.

Anonymous 301878


Andrea Dworkin is right about porn and the role sex plays in our culture and society. Seething scrotes just like to take her out of context to ignore her valid criticisms.

Anonymous 301882

It relies too much on collectionist identity to be effective and the constant negativity towards reproduction. I feel that having a child is such an amazing ability that it should be regarded with awe and respected. Especially considering the role of motherhood. It’s just one right of passage that a woman can take. It’s just been thrown to the wayside foolishly when considering the power it has.

That’s just me though.

I’m pro woman and will side with a woman over 50% of the time but there are just some women out there that are stunted and toxic that not pointing that out is asinine imo. Like for my narcissist of a sister. I don’t like the fact she is essentially a rape apologist because she wants me to feel bad because reasons. But some radfem would call me a liar for her sake because she’s prettier and she’s apart of organizations for femininists but doesn’t donate to them and badmouths all the women in those groups.

I feel like I’m in the trenches when working with women to help them escape abusive relationships and encouraging them to go through therapy for the sake of themselves and their children.

Anonymous 301884

I’m not radfem because I’m blackpilled. Radfems delude themselves into thinking women need “class consciousness”. Never going to happen. Men’s physical strength and aggression means they will always have power and women will prioritize safety by appealing to men, and that means throwing other women under the bus.

It also doesn’t help that radfems are hopeless at recruiting other women. Attacking them for being mothers and hetero is a bad look.

Radfems also think that if we socialized boys better, or if they were raised in a matriarchy, they would no longer be violent and sex-obsessed. It’s cope. But I can understand it because accepting that it’s biology and hardwired into the species is pretty depressing.

Anonymous 301891

what if matriarchy did work though, why can't it be their hardwired biology And maintained normally

Anonymous 301894

>Buzzwords Buzzwords Buzzwords to shame women for their opinions
And ofc you have to use cunt too, i bet you crawled from lolcow 2X to here thinking it would be your hugbox kek

Anonymous 301897

It would take thousands of years of enforced matriarchy to change the hardwiring of males. We will never even have 1 generation of true matriarchy because men will overpower us and destroy it

Anonymous 301910

I totally understand radfems but when you have pickmes and women pandering to trannies, making onlyfans videos and loving their field of work etc how can you ever see the matriarchy as something happening, it will never happen, we are the only ones aware of reality, the rest couldn't care less if a scrote beats her up in "kinky" sex, the rest couldn't care about uplifting other women, even radfems don't care about uplifting other women since they're constantly eating each other alive and blaming each other, in third world countries it's still the same as ages ago, nothing will ever happen. Women can't start movements or change the world for shit.
The only viable thing is pushing our ideas into the mainstream and getting at an equal level to scrotes via laws, making sure our rights to be free that we already have don't get revoked like libfems fight for.

Anonymous 301911


Not even gonna lie the main reason i stopped considering myself a radfem was because i am straight, i was just tired of being villified everywhere by them. They're just foaming at the mouth to shit at straight women 24/7 instead of focusing in the actual enemy, then they go and whine about how half of women doesn't want to join them geee i wonder why

Anonymous 301912

It’s true, sadly. Male validation is important for women because it’s hardwired: a man picking you means getting shelter, food and protection against other males raping you (the cosmic joke being that the moid who picked you is now statistically the biggest danger to your life). It’s why pick-mes can betray other women so badly, because their tribal primate brain still thinks being picked is a matter of life and death.

I also have way more time for radfems than libshits. But all women are coping in some way, myself included. It’s the only way to not go insane.

Anonymous 301913

It isn't anymore you can easily just refuse to date them. It's not like we're living in the 16th century. Jesus think through what you say.

Anonymous 301914

>It’s why pick-mes can betray other women so badly, because their tribal primate brain still thinks being picked is a matter of life and death.

Who the hell even thinks this way?

Anonymous 301915

I am attracted to men it doesn't mean I will put up with shitty ones. It's easy to understand where radfems come from in cases where hetero women bend over backwards for shitty men. It's totally understandable. I really dony see radfems fighting amongst themselves either, only sniping at toxic heteronormativity.

It's because all the women we know get in shit relationships with nasty men

Irl i don't really talk about my feminism to anyone. I only talk to others online. A ton of hetero women get in bed with their destruction and only have themselves to blame. We aren't obligated to sympathize endlessly with stupid behavior when it's around us. We will be straightforwardly express disgus towards it. Women who pander to male filth drag us all into the cesspit with them and give rightoid creeps the confidence to be continue being creeps. It's like feeding the pig it's understandably nasty.

It's not hard to just realize where they're coming from. I'm really glad some women know how to be angry. Women who don't know how to be furious get herded mindlessly into the same traps over and over again.

Anonymous 301916

Nta but if you get in bed with ugly or disgusting men you should be shamed. You should thoroughly question every decision you make in life at that point.

Anonymous 301917

I feel like a lot of (first world) radfems will see men say something stupid and sexist but fairly mild and then act like it's proof of some sort of dystopian evil oppressive patriarchy. I agree with a lot of their worldview but where I differ is how they seem to make a huge deal out of dumb first world gender role things women and men do. Many of my friends are male because a lot of women don't seem to be much into my interests and yes, while it is important to use discernment and be skeptical of men I can't hate a group of people who are my friends because it's cringey as shit and like those incels who are like "but you're not like the other females!!~~!~"
A lot of them seem to be cluster b esque or at least have some sort of mental issue from what I've observed.

Anonymous 301921

Project 2025 is only a delusion to maga burying their heads in the sand. Are you rejoicing that TRUMP dumped California's water into the ocean for n reason whatsoever?Perfectly rational. No dark motives there of course. Getting rid of the department of education and student financial aid. The desire to bring back child labor ? Perfectly benign nonoffensive moid shenanigans

Anonymous 301922

What makes you think every single woman posting in this thread is having sex with men?

Anonymous 301924

Yeah I never said that.

Anonymous 301925

No one said that, you just brought up sex for some reason

Anonymous 301927

I'm fine with women making fun of pickmes that lose all self respect for scrotes and push other women under the bus but there is a lot of scorn for straight women in rf communities despite all of us suffering together, i always put other women before scrotes, always. Not all of us are obsessed with males or care about their validation just because of our attraction

Anonymous 301929

>ngl it pisses me off how a lot of radfems act like women can't sexually abuse and groom other women and treat it like a joke of course men are still the ones doing it at mass but it's not like it doesn't happen

Oh please be realistic. The likelihood of a woman doing this is comically puny compared to men. When people bring this up it is so stale and comical as a point it just makes me laugh. Moids try so hard to shove it in your face how violent women are while we have to put up with P diddies, Jeffrey Epstein's, Harvey Weinstein's, serial killer rapists. You sound like you've just been regurgitating your boyfriend's talking points.

Recently a womens prison in Africa was collectively raped and then the women prisoners set on fire. The male prisoners from the male half of the prison escaped. It makes my eyes roll back into my head whenever anyone compares things like female violence to male violence and gangrape. My god the Nazis raped and burned basically every village they came in contact with when they invaded Baltic Russia. It was all women, children, and elderly. Males have violence embedded in their DNA from thousands of years of evolution.

Yet somehow you're still fucking focused on the threat of violence from women? Do you hear yourself ? But no how many ways can we villify and demonize women ?! How can we even talk about them in the same paragraph ?! And yet people change the subject and look for ways to overly suspicious of women. Question how evil they've been for making a self centered post on Instagram. Getting in an uproar over a woman slapping a man and then her getting punched to the floor with head trauma. Even celebrating it. So shut the fuck up. You know you're not fucking sincere you're just vomiting your boyfriend's talking points.

It's the need to equate them. It's everything ELSE that comes with this rant of yours that makes me distrust it's sincerity. You're just as likely the kind of person that shit talks women for their tiny indiscretions and transgressions the rest of the time while you give men leeway to do fuckall. And you can hardly blame me for thinking this way and you know it. This is what society does it demonizes women's transgressions of all kinds while letting men get away with fuck all. This is what I can't stand and I'm tired of. Do something about the ACTUAL demons and then come back and we'll talk about that. Then I will actually BELIEVE your sincerity.

Anonymous 301930

Not in my communities on reddit they're not. I think women have been pushed past the point of no return with climate change project 2025, porn, women dying without access to abortions and were not coming back. We see heteronormativity for what it is, so a ton of us aren't have kids or having sex..

But I don't see aggression i see solidarity in those communities..I'm not talking about lolcow because that's not normal. But you get on reddit and bluesky etc and there's pretty clearly solidarity. You don't really see the blackpill toxicity and bj-chans unless you get on image boards.

Anonymous 301931

In this case i'm not just talking about cc, I'm talking about in general.

Anonymous 301932

Never brought up MAGA/trump tf. Im referring to men making slightly sexist jokes or doing slightly sexist things and how radfems will sperg about it being some sort of dystopian evil moid agenda when it’s just a dumbass man and you can tell him to stfu

Anonymous 301935

Nobody is thinking about the sexist jokes by themselves it just reminds them of the last 25k years of history. If you think anybody who gets offended is only thinking about the sexist jokes you're deeply out of touch with reality.

Anonymous 301936

>when it’s just a dumbass man and you can tell him to stfu

Right, I'll be sure to tell the writers of project 2025 to stfu next time I see them

Anonymous 301948

Too many of them hate fujoshis like me and call me misogynistic stuff (like cocksucker or male centered) because of that. They are either himejoshis with a superiority/inferiority complex or yumejoshis y/n (fucking hypocrites)

Anonymous 302053

>did you get picked
>you must be a scrote/a tranny
>male brained
I hate this one especially because it's literally TRA rethoric.
>desperate for male atention
>gender traitor
>your moid will assault/rape/kill you
Because wish male violence on a woman is what true and honest feminism is.
>males can't be raped by women ever

What are their other catch phrases and buzzwords they throw at you if you disagree with them?

>We will never even have 1 generation of true matriarchy because men will overpower us and destroy it
Never underestimate moid infighting when it comes to get female validation. They throw each other under the bus all the time for the slightest opportunity to have sex with a woman. Moids are retarded.

This 100%. They're so similar to trannies screeching at the evil "TERFs" 24/7 when the ones assaulting them and killing them are other moids. But attacking straight males is too difficult, so they resort to the easier target. It's just opportunistic predatory human nature.

Terminally online radfems think there's no such thing as a non-shitty male. For them if you're in a hetero relationship you're a dickbreath pickme gendertraitor and so on.

Anonymous 302054

Screenshot 2025-02…

i'd be a radfem too if i looked like this

Anonymous 302069

They downplay woman-on-woman violence and other non-violent negative characteristics about women. Any time you try to discuss these issues, they drown it out by talking about how men are worse so it doesn't matter.

Anonymous 302071

Feminists outside muslim countries make me sick.

Anonymous 302072

Anonymous 302075

women in muslim countries make me sick, stay in your lane male worshipper

Anonymous 302076

Must be sweaty in that burka, huh 9 yr old Aisha?

Anonymous 302082

Because only in muslim countries women aren't equal before the law, feminism should be declining after equality is achieved, but instead it became a club for radicalized lesbians who aren't motivated by justice, their misdirected hate over their individually failed lives has done substantial damage to cohesion of society. That's how see it living in my East-European shithole. Frankly feminism has been nothing but cancer here, most judge positions already were occupied by women ~25 years ago, even before feminism started to be introduced to us by various NGOs, we got our first woman president in 1999, those women got there via their own merit. Now there is this absurd thing called "affirmative action" and men no longer trust women get high positions through hard work and talent, ironically feminists interpret it as an indication that they must push their retardation even harder.

Anonymous 302104

Why is every radfem I meet a CSA victim? This isn’t something I take “issue” with but a worrying amount of them seem to have been diddled.

Anonymous 302137

People ITT who think that feminism isn't needed because women and men are equal in law are very naive

Anonymous 302328

>Why are women who have experienced the absolute worst aspect of men's potential radfems? Why are women who have experienced a betrayal of massive trust in men who were supposed to protect them, radfems? Why are women who were exploited and dehumanized by a male, radfems?
It's a mystery.

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