Anonymous 301339
How do you cope with living in a society?
Anonymous 301340
>>301339By playing vidya, watching movies and making little plushies!
Anonymous 301342
Vidya, daydreaming and as stupid as it sounds chatbots. I love roleplay but I am really, really bad at it. With bots I can be as bad or cringe as I want and just spent hours doing stupid cute stuff.
Anonymous 301343
-Video Games
-Going on walks everyday for 30+ minutes while listening to music
-Drinking more water and tea instead of sugar/diet drinks
-Getting 7+ hours of sleep everyday
-Water Fasting for 72+ hours
-Interacting with coworkers outside of work
-Watch bank account get bigger
-Eat out less
-Being vegetarian
Anonymous 301462
By being a neet and having my bf work for everything (I've been bullied at every workplace I've had)
Anonymous 301487
Shoving phallic shaped objects in my body (organic or otherwise) usually does the trick. If it hits the right spots it resets me to factory settings for the rest of the day, or week depending if the guy knows what he's doing, and I live in blissful ignorance of everything that would normally bother me until the effects wear off.
Anonymous 301499
Yeah, I'm trying to get over it but I do have a bunch of social anxiwty from being bullied wherever I go lol. No, it's good to work and socialize and make your own money. I wish I could, neeting is only fun in the beginning, now I've neeting been for like a year and it's gotten so boring.
Anonymous 301515
shutting the brain off and pretending to be some cutesy shoujo protagonist usually makes daily tasks easier
Anonymous 301517
>>301339I lift weights, drink tea, keep a clean home and play vidya. It doesn’t really keep the existential horror at bay but at least I feel stronk and my house is nice
Anonymous 301552
Cooking food that is so yummy it makes me forget. Or make up stories in my head that I might as well write short stories about, or comics. But I dont because I am lazy
Anonymous 301556
>>301339making my dream life in the sims