Nichole from Class of '09 is my ideal self Anonymous 301426
I can't describe how much I identify with her, how much better my life would have been if, instead of being a stuck up naive little girl until 25, I'd said what I thought and very clearly told everyone who wanted to take advantage of me to fuck off, if I'd given no importance to what others were thinking of me and I'd had the courage to do the opposite of what my parents wanted me to do.
Sorry if you think /feels/ would have been a better place to post this.
Anonymous 301439
another class of 09 nona, Jecka is my ideal self xD
Anonymous 301441
It's just a visual novel, you can either pirate it or watch a let's play online.
Anonymous 301453

Literally just Patrick Bateman for women.
Hates the opposite gender? Check.
Insanely rude? Check.
Egotistical? Check.
Attractive? Check.
Drug addicted? Check.
Hates almost everybody around them? Check.
Money obsessed? Check
Looked up to as "literally me" by many? Check.
I could go on and on, but the biggest difference is obviously gender and that one of them is far more open about what they think. But I repeat myself. Overall, almost every character in the Co09 and AP is absolutely messed up in the head and I personally do not wish to look up to every single aspect of their personality, but some parts, such as Nicole's wariness of being taken advantage of, can be useful to some extent. To be able to sacrifice a little bit of kindness for safety can go long way, but not to the point of turning everybody against you and being an asshole, such as in the prison and Ari routes, where even Jecka starts to hate her.