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Anonymous 301531

Do you like clubbing? Why or why not?

Anonymous 301534

Hate it, only done it twice. Expensive, loud, drunk idiots everywhere, dudes smell bad and creep on you. I don’t have the personality type to enjoy it.

Anonymous 301536


No. Normies fucking disgust me and being forced to be with them in the same room and hear their music is literal hell.

Anonymous 301540

not at all no. too loud, too many strangers, too much music i dont like. i prefer staying home

Anonymous 301571

I hate it.

Anonymous 301617

I like it. It's fun stress relief to drink and dance to loud music. It's too loud for small talk. I aged out of it, though.

Anonymous 301724

I got invited once by a friend but I had an anxiety attack and went home almost immediately.

Anonymous 301737

My man dragged me to the club once. Regretable experience. It was really pathetic, just people sitting around talking, but it wasnt a great environment for talking because you couldnt hear shit. Only people dancing was this fat girl who was grinding on a dude, and some guy in a suit. Security had to break up the fat girl and dude because they literally started humping eachother. The music sucked, and I am not saying that because I hate normie music, but it was all rap, EDM, then sometimes a weird mashup of 2010s pop. Even normie songs I kinda enjoy like Party in the USA sucked because it was sped up or something stupid. Very cringe. I guess its OK for people watching but the environment is so uncomfortable its not even fun. 0/10.

Anonymous 301749

I went once with friends I had in college and it was the worst experience of my life. Too many people, loud music, people basically screaming at each other to be heard, guys who have nonidea what personal space means, etc. Nightmare fuel, after a panic attack I left and never want to go into one again.

Anonymous 301757

Why is gen z so lame

Anonymous 301767

You're a discord sowing trash. Take your intergenerational warfare and shove it up your dirty ass.

Anonymous 301768

You want my discord? What?

Anonymous 301769

read a book.PNG

Anonymous 301770

I have a bf sorry

Anonymous 301777

Is he also illiterate?

Anonymous 301778

No i met him at a library actually

Anonymous 301780

On molly yes, all other situations nooooo

Anonymous 301787

I hate it, I wish it wasn’t the only thing young British people do for fun because apparently I’m the loser for having other hobbies.

Anonymous 301788

No, was forced to allot by normie friends and was miserable everytime. Loud terrible music, stinks, surrounded by desperate moids lowkey trying to molest you every second. Only decent part was I meet my bf who also hates it.
>still a moid but hes my moid goddamnit

Anonymous 301848

That's your Nigel.

Anonymous 302007


i once been there during the day for like 6 mins when i was 6 and tried to run away from my mom, dose that count??

Anonymous 302013

I went with my friends to a club that notoriously let girls in without carding them when i was 16.
Music was awful, even if it were legal the crop of moids was low tier, a fat woman took a shit in a trash can between the 2 bathrooms, A drunk guy got arrested whie balling his eyes out claiming he needed to call someone before they could take him.
The experience kept me from ever touching alcohol to this day.

Anonymous 302036

I like going to underground events where I like the music. I went tp a few normie clubs too and it was ok, fun to just dance around but I'm not into drinking so not much to do on breaks except get stared at

Anonymous 302118

how hard were you dropped on your head?

Anonymous 302177

The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.

The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.

Anonymous 302182

Be the change you want to see in the world, maybe touch some grass.

Anonymous 302244

Real patriots wish that they could stay awake 24 hours a day spreading freedom.

Anonymous 302292

Is that why all the somgs say "let's dance all night"?

Anonymous 302295

annoying music annoying people. no

Anonymous 302306

Imagine screaming to someone everytime you wanna say something because the shitty ass club music is too loud.

Anonymous 302370

i love it

Anonymous 302587

it was fun when i was able to still drink alcohol. sober? boring and overwhelming.

Anonymous 302604

Based. Generations are a psyop.

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