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Anonymous 302372

What's the best way to cook spaghetti? Should the pasta be slightly chewy or soft? Should the sauce be mixed with the pasta or poured on top? Should you add olive oil in the water when boiling pasta or not?

Anonymous 302373

Salt should be added generously to the water.
Pasta should be as firm as possible, but never undercooked.
Olive oil should be added only after draining the water to prevent pasta from sticking together (makes it easier to reheat it the next day).
I think its more pleasing to the eye if sauce is poured on top.
Consider some finely grated cheese.

Anonymous 302374

Firm/al dente pasta is usually best.
No olive oil in water.
Sauce poured on top.

Anonymous 302385

and then use their meat for pasta bolognese

Anonymous 302390



Anonymous 302460

I like to cook the pasta in the sauce. I just add some water and I also like olive oil but its not needed. cooking it this way makes it especially nice I think cause the pasta gets more flavor ig and you get to do less dishes. don't forget to add the salt though if you try this.

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