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It's so weird that people are fucking Anonymous 302546

I just spend my life playing games and listening to music in my free time and I chat with my friends. And somehow there are some kind of people that are, straight up fucking. And this seems so weird to me because, like, why? I understand having sex with one person, but having sex with multiple people? You are constantly touching someone's skin. Someone that you hardly know much about. So disgusting. Like holy fucking shit. And you are, you are having intercourse with them. You are letting them touch you however you want. I don't get why would you ever want to do that. Are sex havers and I even the same species? And I don't think that I am weird for not understanding sex havers, I think sex havers are just broken somehow. This might be a new disorder of sorts.

Anonymous 302549

Unfortunately we're the strange ones.

Anonymous 302556


Anonymous 302557

i dont believe sex actually exists.

Anonymous 302558

I'm a married sex-haver but I feel the same way about casual sex. The fact that people hook up and have one night stands regularly blows my mind.

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