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Anonymous 302586

What went wrong with female influencers?

Anonymous 302589

capitalism has made women depend on sexualisation and the commodification of their bodies.

Anonymous 302590

Careful with that phrasing, it can be twisted into a sick rhetoric about how it’s “curious that’s the skill or resource that women choose to overcome capitalism in comparison to men” or some shit

Anonymous 302595

>What went wrong
Attractive people should never have been on the internet in the first place.

Anonymous 302597

I mean this is already kind of what they do. Sell onlyfans to old men? Now she is just fucking them irl? Don't see the problem here

Anonymous 302598

Are the guys even mentally fit to consent to sex?

Anonymous 302599

Imagine paying taxes for sex workers
IRS is the ultimate pimp

Anonymous 302600

With moids sane or not right when those balls drop they’ll consent
Just look at high school moids high fiving each other if they got groomed by the hot teacher
It’s only trauma if it’s gay

Anonymous 302608

t. child molester a

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