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Emigrating Anonymous 302612

I am looking to get out of this country since i dont see myself living there in the future.
Which places would you recommend and how could one move there? Do any of you have any experience with leaving your country and moving abroad?

Anonymous 302613


Anonymous 302614

Please redeem trust i want to escape : (

Anonymous 302616

snail people deserve the suffering THEY inflicted upon their own.

Anonymous 302617

also I fucking hate celtic people.

Anonymous 302618

Why do you hate France? I think most major western countries are comparable. I'd say just learn to like where you're at, or move to the countryside or something.

Anonymous 302619

Its horrendous, salaries are shit, theres barely any nature left, no jobs and salaries are crap.
>just move to the countryside
The french countryside is ugly and grim af.
I already live there

Anonymous 302620

Where to go?

Germany where I'm from isn't at afrifrance levels yet, but it's going down the drain fast

I was looking at Malaysia, it looks nice, nature is beautiful, no winters

Anonymous 302767

You’d probably like it in Australia if you hate the French countryside. 300+ days of sunlight will cure you

Anonymous 302768


Just more of the same

Anonymous 302772

While I’m white, I was born overseas, so you got me

Anonymous 302777

Op here.
I unironically would if there was a way i could go there. My work visa was denied two years ago.

Anonymous 302785

Salut frenchie, same situation as yours, hope you'll be happy in the near future

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