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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 39074

The New Mexico whiptail (Aspidoscelis neomexicanus) is a female-only species of lizard found in the southwestern United States in New Mexico and Arizona, and in northern Mexico in Chihuahua

The hybridization of these species prevents healthy males from forming, whereas males exist in both parent species (see Sexual differentiation). Parthenogenesis allows the resulting all-female population to reproduce and thus evolve into a unique species capable of reproduction

Cece lives
Cece is queen

Anonymous 39075

I "whoa'd" IRL.

Anonymous 39078


Anonymous 39084

Based Cece.

Anonymous 39150

>rolls eyes at cece the lizbian for months
>finds out she exists irl
I am so sorry for my past heresy

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