The whole prison rape discussion here is not informed by reality.
The United States Department of Justice conducts routine, detailed analyses of crimes which occur inside of prison, including both rape and non-sexual assaults, and staff sexual misconduct.
Men in prison are more likely to be "victims" of staff misconduct (which includes everything between "got kissed on the cheek by a prison therapist once" to "a male guard sold Jimmy some cigarettes in exchange for a hard screw"), but as for the inmate-on-inmate rape, that is far, far, FAR more likely to occur in women's prisons.
So, there are three things to take away here:
1. The rape which actually occurs in prisons is not a deterrent, since nobody can be deterred by something they don't know is real, and nobody realizes the staggering amount of lesbian rape which occurs in women's prisons (most, upon hearing that women get raped in prison, assume it is being done by male guards);
2. The rape which does not occur–and in most prisons, cannot occur, since it is not possible to rape a convicted child molester when at-risk prisoners are separated from rapers by 2 foot concrete walls, Epstein memes aside–is possibly an effective deterrent. If it weren't, District Attorneys wouldn't spend time threatening men with prison rape if they do not confess to various crimes, since that would open them up to liability without reward. So, no-one needs actual prison rape to occur in real life to get any of the alleged, hypothetical social benefits of prison rape.
3. The person most likely to get gay raped by a burly cellmate on a weekly basis isn't the child rapist, it's the woman who turned to addictive drugs and crime after incomplete recovery from being raped as a child and who ended up sentenced to prison for a victimless crime with a disproportionately heavy penalty, such as heroin abuse. are various Bureau of Justice statistics and studies on sexual violence in American prison, and not only do they all report higher rates of lesbian rape in women's prisons than gay rape in men's prisons, the expectation of higher rates of rape in women's prisons are actually baked into their models. They expect that women will be 2 to 3 times as likely to be raped by a fellow inmate as compared with a man, this has been a known thing for a very long time. important item this brings to light is you should never, ever trust anything that depicts men in a position of sexual victimhood, even if it indicates that other men were the victimizers. Don't waste sympathy. I wasn't exaggerating earlier about men in prison having an alarm raised over "getting kissed on the cheek by a prison therapist."
>Most victims of staff sexual misconduct were males; most perpetrators were females. Among male victims of staff sexual misconduct, 69% of those in prison and 64% of those in jails reported sexual activity with female staff. An additional 16% of prison inmates and 18% of jail inmates reported sexual activity with both female and male staff.And the rape rate is actually lowballing the difference in sexual assault, if this is to be believed:>There were no statistically significant differences between males and females in rates of experiencing staff-on-inmate sexual violence. While female inmates were more likely to be sexually victimized by other inmates than by staff (21.2 vs. 7.6%), male inmates were more likely to report an incident of sexual victimization perpetrated by staff (7.6 vs. 4.3%).>On average, rates of sexual victimization were lowest for males, inmate-on-inmate victimizations, and nonconsensual sexual acts. Thus, studies focusing solely on inmate-on-inmate nonconsensual sexual acts (particularly, rape) in male prisons will provide very conservative estimates of sexual victimization overall.Now we can have a nice realistic view of prison rape and can talk about how excellent it is and how everyone wins when Gertha Dieselsnatch acts as a champion of justice when she forces a former rape survivor to orally service her in the filthy public shower floor, and is cheered on and applauded for putting on a show by any male staff who happen to be nearby.