
terfposting thread #8 Anonymous 82952
last thread filled up
>>80203Anonymous 82974

any funny ideas for trolling a tranny in my college discord?
Anonymous 82975
>>82974I wouldn't since you don't want to be outed as a terf
Anonymous 82982

I don't think I'll ever understand these people.
Anonymous 82983
do you think normies in general buy into the tranny delusion or are they just too scared to say anything?
Anonymous 82990
>>82983They act like they don't care, give them a chance to validate their true opinions though and they'll take it
Anonymous 82998
>>82983Normies don't really think or care about any abstract issue until it affects them directly, and for most people it won't.
Anonymous 83011
>>82986It's not worth it. You risk being discovered and if you do you will be pariahed. That entire community will make you a target and people will go out of their way to torment you as it will increase their social standing in that group. Genuinely keep your power level to yourself and blend in. The collective is a threat not some video game boss for you to beat.
Anonymous 83014
>>82982Yes, this is normal female brain behavior /s
Anonymous 83027
>>83022More like
>cis: I don’t date trans women because I don’t want to give oral to a limp dick or necrotic axe wound>troon: NO YOU HAVE TO YOU FUCKING TRANSPHOBE Anonymous 83051
>>82952i love and support terf miku
Anonymous 83140
Pirate vocaloid. It does not run well on Windows 10 tho but on lower versions of Windows it just works.
Anonymous 83146
Breadtuber complaining about a marxist TERF + a link to the original video
https://youtu.be/5v7bWFFLzUY?t=1666Anonymous 83154
>>83022Holy shit, why would anyone assume that raising someone else’s kid is the same as having your own? When you do that you’re a step parent, so it’s not even like adoption where both partners fit the same role of adoptive parent.
Anonymous 83160
>>83154And how the fuck did the troon get custody of the children over their real mother?
Anonymous 83163

>>83160It’s a theoretical scenario invented for the sake of argument. Good god though, it’s bad enough being raised by a single parent. Imagine that in addition to not having a mother, your father is a mentally ill narcissist who views the world through the lens of his deranged fetish. That child would be doomed from the start. Co-parent? Years of therapy, more likely.
Anonymous 83184
>>83163Does anyone have that one Tiktok of a troon using his kid to advertise himself to single women?
Anonymous 83195
>>82952What do you girls think about a radical feminist conlang to completely avoid being banned from anywhere on the internet? I know it would take a lot of work for it to happen, but after it's popularized, there's no stopping us.
Anonymous 83196
>>83163>a theoretical scenario invented for the sake of argumentIt's actually some deluded troon with SRS regret bashing a straw woman for reblogs. Suggesting that the writer is interested in or capable of theorycrafting or arguments is incredibly generous of you!
Anonymous 83207
>>82986Use VPNs, and proxies. Trannies are mentally ill and will dox at the slightest provocation.
Anonymous 83232

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Women know things are bad, worse than bad, they're crazy. It's like men everywhere are going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit on the internet and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller. And all we say is please, at least leave us alone on the internet. Let me have my aesthetic moodboards and my k-pop idols and my Sanrio stickers and my yaoi fanfiction and I won't say that prostitution and online dating and porn are killing love - just leave women alone! Well, I'm not going to leave you alone. I WANT YOU TO GET RAD!
I don't want you to protest, I don't want you to riot, I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the incels and the NEETs and the e-girls and the tradthots and the pickmeishas. All I know is that, first, YOU'VE GOT TO GET RAD. You've got to say I'm an adult human female, god damn it. My life has value!
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, stick your head out of the window and yell: I'M RAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!
Anonymous 83243

>>82986>>83207Hey mom friend here:
Besides vpns and proxies you’re gonna wanna use a burner email that is not attached to any other account or that uses your name. Never cross contaminate vpn servers. Ideally use ToR. Use a crazy strong password that’s different from your burner email. Use two factor
that is not associated with your real phone number if you can. If not,
only use a password. Use a safe browser like Firefox. Put tape over your webcam (just to be safe). When posting, don’t do anything else to prevent cross contamination. Only do this
from an actual computer. If you get any responses, never click on any short links ever (duh). Use Adblock, disable Java, and flash. Delete all metadata from photos and files you upload. DONT USE GOOGLE FOR YOUR BURNER EMAIL.
If you really want to be safe you can google your name and request to be taken off these public background people searches. I’ve done it. It’s not hard, just time consuming. It gets your name, address, DOB etc off the internet.
That’s just a very basic rundown.
Good luck.
Anonymous 83245
>>83243Not gonna use it to troll troons specifically but thanks for the info
Anonymous 83247
>>82974Send him pics of botched neo vags
Anonymous 83255
>>83254>saying coercive sex is rape is the "terminology of feminism"Yikes
Anonymous 83260
>>83253That isn't two men in the lower left picture?
Anonymous 83261
>>83260The right one definitely has female facial feautures, do not be racist anon
Anonymous 83264
>>83261I was asking because I was honestly uncertain. The brow ridge is very pronounced, and the way the hair is styled into a fivehead invokes a sense of male pattern baldness. Their chins are also comparable as far as being "broad" vs "pointy".
Anonymous 83267
>>83264Her head seems either intentionally shaved shaved rather than naturally bald to me. I'm not an expert but a lot of black women have faces like hers, and idk the difference feels clear when next to the obvious dude. Her facial features are much softer and her shoulders are way slimmer than the man's
Anonymous 83268
does anyone know any good radfem discord servers? I joined The Mutineers but some people in there are pickme's who allow scrotes. I heard of Pink Moon, but I'm kind of scared of picture verification.
Anonymous 83270
>>83264woman can have shaved heads too anon
Anonymous 83284
>>83270Did I say they couldn't? The way she styled her hair leaving the rest still present though is heavily emphasizes the front of her cranium which that part of the skull is usually more pronounced in men in general (as has been pointed out by memes in this thread by the "transfemale identifying female" comic). It invokes male pattern baldness.
>>83267>I'm not an expert but a lot of black women have faces like hers, and idk the difference feels clear when next to the obvious dude.That's mostly because of his facial hair, which is specifically a secondary sexual characteristic as opposed to anything else. The woman looks like a clean shaved man to me.
Anonymous 83288

Every day that crystal.cafe archetypes post become more accurate
Pic on topic but contains some #LesbianMeToo from lolcow
Anonymous 83390
>>83288can't believe that is true, i'm disguted by those …things
Anonymous 83416
>>83393Pls post the full miku stomping on trans flag
Anonymous 83424

I think we studied that book in class…Not sure if that's the case for troons
Anonymous 83440
>>83424>They hated her because she spoke the truth Anonymous 83442
>>83440Truth is too bright for them to see
They are creatures of darkness wearing in dresses
Anonymous 83446
>>83022What a dumb ass take, that disgusting axe wound they call a "vagina" is nothing like the real deal. Face it trannies, real women don't want you because you mock their existence. Real men don't want you because at least for as dumb as they can be, they have enough self respect not to fuck your bloody shitty hole. I really hope all trannies get therapy or join the 46%
Anonymous 83453
>>83446Tranny porn exists, I'm pretty sure it's exclusively pre-op though
Anonymous 83454
>>83451>Stop spending money to feed yourself when you could be giving it to me so I can afford to mutilate my genitals Anonymous 83456
>>83451A lot of those are awards that are given free to users.
Anonymous 83459
>>83458You can know about trends in porn without using it or are you saying all the women who complain about how misogynistic porn is are secretly coomers since they'd have to have seen it to know
Anonymous 83507

I'm not sure I did the gender symbols correct but I'm not going to check! I just think doing this anti-troon art is fun!
Anonymous 83508
>>83507The male symbol is flipped upside down but otherwise correct. Wouldn't be surprised if it means something in troon runes though
Anonymous 83514
>>83512Does… does the moid think that's what actual vaginas do?
Anonymous 83525
why though.jpg

>>83512I'm so confused at this, like yeah bio vaginas have discharge and blood, but not a "rainbow of fluids" and discharge isn't so heavy it destroys everything you sit on for 8 months straight. I don't understand what this person thinks vaginas are.
Anonymous 83526

>>83512>be me>bouncing baby tgirl>42 years old, but regress to 3 years old to cope with this transphobic world>have to go to work as game dev>wait>3 year olds cant drive>havetotakethebus.jpeg>bus is crowded>luckily find a seat>listen to sissy hypno asmr while waiting for stop>”excuse me”>what the fuck>take off headphones>some old lady is trying to talk to me>”excuse me young man, my legs aren’t what they used to be, would you mind letting me have your seat”>young man>YOUNG MAN>suddenly filled with rage at this hag >how DARE she>get up, pull down pampers, revealing my beautiful neovagina>prepare myself spread eagle on bus seat>other passengers visible confused, but none dare to stop me>”DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A MAN TO YOU???”>projectile squirt my lady fluids into evil witch’s eyes>other passengers let out shrieks of what I assume to be awe as my home brewed mixture of pus, blood, and seminal fluid blind the foul crone>she falls to the ground in pain>everyone on bus has been shocked into silence at my great feat>I did it>I ended transphobia Anonymous 83532
>>83207You now realize that shitty men "became" women so they could harass real women without consequences.
Anonymous 83534
>>83526Ugh. Imagine changing in the locker room and one of these gals skips out of the shower with a snail trail between the legs.
Anonymous 83593
>>83459>or are you saying all the women who complain about how misogynistic porn is are secretly coomers since they'd have to have seen it to knowNo that's not what I was saying, you don't have to watch porn to know that it's incredibly disgusting in every way.
t. never watched porn and got my brother to stop watching porn as well.
Anonymous 83596

>>83526This is the funniest thing I read all day, thank you for posting this masterpiece.
Anonymous 83597
>>83512wtf. does he think periods actually leak over bus seats…. jesus
Anonymous 83611
>>83517The mileage this is gonna get on /tttt/
Anonymous 83625
>>83457We turfs should start calling troons who act up in public Karens. They're the ones who use the Karen meme more than anyone to describe women that don't suck their girldicks, it would be funny to throw it back at them.
Anonymous 83626
>>83625They'd like it, Karen is a women's name. The male equivalent of Karen would be better
Anonymous 83627
>>83626It will just end up as a dumb, forced meme like CHUD probably. Then again just the fact that it's specifically targeted at trannies might ruffle some feathers
Anonymous 83635

>>83625>We turfs should start calling troons who act up in public Karens.I just call them sir and leave it at that. As bad as a Karen can be, they're still women at the end of the day. It's best to remind trannies that they will never be women.
Anonymous 83639
>>83625I'm starting to think some of you gyns are more TE than RF
Anonymous 83640
>>83639Most people don't read theory. Doesn't usually matter in most cases because fuck trannies but it can be annoying when someone has a dumb take that's only a thing because they don't read
Anonymous 83644
anon I'm pretty sure that greentext was a joke
Anonymous 83683

>>83526I probably shouldn't be in this thread when eating dinner.
Anonymous 83695
>>83644Yeah it happened I was the bus seat
Anonymous 83712

Fuck me forgot to actually spoiler it
Anonymous 83717
>>83712>that freaking hairlineAt least he went to the right bathroom.
Anonymous 83719
>>82982This isn't the first time I've seen a mtf call estrogen 'bimbo juice' like… ew
Anonymous 83720
>>83719Gross. Really gives you a glimpse into how these hypersexualized freaks see women.
Anonymous 83721

>>83709>>83712>bio-holesThey use moidcel terminology like this all the time and nobody bats an eye. It's mindboggling.
Anonymous 83722
>>83721Trannies are just regular moids using a loophole that allows them to be shitty to women with no consequences.
Anonymous 83724
>>83722They're obviously mentally ill, not regular moids. Of course where never going to get solid research into why exactly people troon out / develop gender-dysphoria though. Maybe research into other forms of dysphoria can be extrapolated to troons?
Anonymous 83726
>>83724I just meant they see and treat women the same way as regular moids. But yeah, they're fucked in the head. I've heard their brains are all messed up because of the chemicals and plastics in everything. Popular culture also enables it by celebrating them.
Anonymous 83731

>>83724>>83726You girls forget the actual non mentally-ill TIMs who's goal is to break down, infiltrate,steal positions away, stop organization, and feel speshul in female spaces.
Anonymous 83733
>>83731>TIMs who's goal is to break down, infiltrate,steal positions away, stop organization, and feel speshul in female spaces.That sounds pretty mentally ill to me. Sure, cis moids do the same thing but they don't put on a dress to do it.
Anonymous 83734

>>83731>>83733Just realized you were probably being ironic… sorry please ignore me I'm autistic.
Anonymous 83751
>>83731That is a literal troll. That is a creature who lives under a bridge and eats goats.
Anonymous 83781
>>83751Please don't put me off goat meat
Anonymous 83799
A miserable little pile of secrets
Anonymous 83802

>>83751can you believe it's female… imagine destroying yourself this much, girls…
Anonymous 83940
>>83939Thanks, will spam this everywhere
Anonymous 83945
>>83917>>83731>>83721>>83712What is wrong with Americans, exactly? Is it cultural or genetic? I would have said cultural but they do carry the genes of witch-hunters, slavedrivers and McCarthyists afterall
Anonymous 83950
>>83949>hari nef>twinkhongenerous tbh
Anonymous 83955
>>83952Sorry for enjoying spongebob :(
Anonymous 83956
>>83945Nothing wrong with the McCarthyists, considering that they were right to be wary of the red menace, as their bullshit is exactly what led to this troon nonsense happening to begin with, or do you somehow think that cultural marxism (hell, regular marxism as well) was going to not end with troon shit? Communism is nothing but industrialized slavery and serfdom.
Anonymous 83984
>>83945Americans can't into middle grounds and see and do everything in extremes, it permeates American culture from every day life to politics. If you keep that in mind the USA will make alot more sense.
Anonymous 83985
>>83984Idk I’m an American and the fact that moderates and not being able to reach a middle ground anymore seriously angers me.
Don’t these turds realize that a radical movement will create an even more radical opposition counter movement? Ugh.
Now no one can come to an agreement because the rift is so far apart.
Of course I’m seriously over simplifying this.
But still.
Anonymous 83992

>>83956I've always wondered how soviet era USSR commies would've reacted to 21st century western/American communists. Something tells me they wouldn't be pleased
Anonymous 83993
>>83992USSR would have gulaged any moid claiming to be a woman and put them in forced labor camps. Rightfully so.
Anonymous 83997

Kind of off topic, but what do you TERFposters think of he/him lesbians?
My initial thoughts are “cringe” but transbians seem to hate them so based?
Anonymous 83998
TERF Miku.png

Here's some fresh OC for you lassies, enjoy!
Anonymous 84002
>>83998Your miku is chef kiss it's amazing
I love based miku
Anonymous 84004
>>83997i personally don’t mind them as long as they’re aware that pronouns don’t change their biological sex.
Anonymous 84005
>>83956there’s no such thing as cultural marxism, go back to /pol/
Anonymous 84006
>>83956Marxism isn’t about trannies lmao
Anonymous 84015
>>83997>he/him lesbianswhat the fuck is that even supposed to mean
Anonymous 84019
>>84015lesbians that use he/him pronouns… hello?
Anonymous 84021
>>84019NTA but can you please explain as I do not use social media and I assume many of us dont
Anonymous 84022
>>84021https://radiantbutch.medium.com/why-you-should-respect-he-him-lesbians-85dca31a5b4fdo what you will with that. i’m not too well-versed in lesbian history but i think the historical context is explained there.
Anonymous 84027
>>83992i dont mean to rain on your parade but the ddr was really progressive so the ussr would probably follow after a while. though they might still get the gulag for being succdem kek
t. just passing by
Anonymous 84028
>>84005Agreed but there is such a thing as post-modernism was a mistake. That shit was CIA controlled and pushed over because it served American interests. Besides the post-modernists are the shittiest philosophers ever.
It's what created the nu-left that must be killed off. Progressives and trannies are not left, they are liberals. Chop their heads off.
Anonymous 84053
>>84042I’m in love with your style anon
Anonymous 84055
>>84042Love this is, your style is amazing too
Anonymous 84065
>>84042>they're holding handsI love this so much
Anonymous 84066
>>83997it's traumatized young women just trying to cope, they'll out grow the pronoun shit when they gain more confidence and stop getting shit on by social media
Anonymous 84075
>>84042Holy shit I drew>>83422 and I’m so amazed by this! Your art styles so cool!!
Anonymous 84076
>>84071do /pol/tards post here? for some reason i am getting major pol vibes from this post
Anonymous 84099
>>84076Yes anon, they do. Some are male (obviously) but there are a few literal feminazis on this board.
Anonymous 84120
>>84099real women that are nazis don't exist. debate me if you want. they literally don't. maybe in fucking batshit backwards ukranie or some shit but nowhere else. No such thing. all Nazis are scrotes no exceptions.
Anonymous 84125
>>84120This is a weird thing to have a debate about, you technically only need one example to be disproven.
But yes, all of these batshit crazy posters are male.
Anonymous 84128
>>84125I feel like it's possible that some rad fem got close to nazis via a common hate of troons and then said fuck it and became one, people are dumb enough that it wouldn't be impossible
Anonymous 84138
>>84128radical feminism isn't about hating troons. radical feminist ideology is incompatible with nazi ideology.
Anonymous 84140
>>84138Im not saying they’re compatible I’m saying people are retarded enough that there are probably a non-zero amount of female nazis on the site
Anonymous 84144

>>84140This. I think actual female nazi larpers are severely mentally ill but they definitely exist. Most of the “girl” natsocs online are troons, but real women can be racist too. As elitist as it sounds, sometimes people believe in things that are against their own interest.
Anonymous 84154
>>84120>real women that are nazis don't existNot like there were entire countries full of them or anything. Purely just a myth.
Anonymous 84162
>>84144Genuinely what's the point in transitioning when it's already set in stone that you'll never look like anything but a man
Anonymous 84165
>>84162Mental illness, that's what it comes down to.
If you absolutely can't help the feeling that you're born as the wrong gender and are willing to cause permanent harm to your body to make you look vaguely like the opposite sex, you are 100% mentally ill. Anyone who urges them to go through this is a abusing the mentally ill, but the media and government constantly try to twist this view in reverse.
Imagine if instead of treating schizophrenia, the government funded every mailman to act incredibly suspicious around them, drop secret letters, follow them around and the radio would add undertones of paranoid rambling in every channel. That is where we are at with trannies.
Anonymous 84173
>>84144>@JameGumbStanWay to tell on himself.
Anonymous 84175
>>84165tbh this is way too forgiving a take when it comes to AGPs like that dude. Dysphoria is a mental illness, sure, but it's much more rare than TRAs would have you think. Straight men who transition are not dysphoric, they are fetishists with extreme, escalating tastes who are brainwashed by porn and cheered on by the internet. I would not consider being memed into a fetish and an addiction to validation mental illness, just autism and narcissism.
Anonymous 84177
>>84175I agree when it comes to those who use it for their own shittery, same as my view with non-heterosexuals, if it's something you can't help, then you have sympathy and need help, if you're just being a sicko, you can go fuck yourself.
Anonymous 84178

I made a gijinka bio Chan against troon's shitty gijinka
Anonymous 84183
>>84178love ittt i like your style!!
Anonymous 84186
i love how u can tell this entire thread is cis incel men
Anonymous 84188
>>84165That's not even counting the burden that's placed on normal people. Everyone is expected to entertain these delusions or be ostracized.
For your example, imagine if society decreed that if a schizo proclaimed themselves as God you would have to respect their beliefs and kneel to them or find yourself cancelled? (though I guess that's not too far off from how high a pedestal troons are placed upon).
All of us innocent bystanders don't only have to watch this circus go on as these people are manipulated by the government and media for nefarious purposes, but actively have to partake in the façade as well and encourage their "bravery" to march into our bathrooms which just isn't fair!
Anonymous 84190
>>84186> tfw anon never talked to women before Anonymous 84192
You've clearly never had a professional presence where you're forced to manage these freaks with velvet gloves. I despise everything about them but if you say one thing that could even be misconstrued as insulting it's all over for you and your career.
You have to treat them like royalty and it's so damn tiring, not to mention how stressful it is to be walking on eggshells all the time.
Anonymous 84194
I know you’re here to gawk at the spooky terfs, but I just want to tell you that most of us, especially on radfem tumblr, don’t hate trans people. We’re against the idea of gender because we have either been directly hurt by it or have watched loved ones be hurt by it. In high school and college I watched teenage girls who had the same issues with body dysmorphia that I had try to fix it with extreme surgeries and hormones. In the end, it never made them happy, and over the years, they ended up with worse emotional issues.
TLDR; If you’re young and want to transition, PLEASE think it through. There are people who would encourage your transition because they would benefit financially from it. They don’t actually care about your health.
Anonymous 84197
have you ever thought… maybe this is why we ''terfs'' despise them? because ''basic human decency'' means fucking their girldicks when you're a lesbian, accepting them in bathrooms where they can ogle at and harass women, placing them in female prisons which leads to women getting raped, hearing their awful misogynistic words getting praised and getting rape and death threats if you speak against these? many of us were tras and libfems before. go read some stuff written by radfems and then come back (and no, crystal.cafe doesn't count)
Anonymous 84198
i hop3 5h3y ei3.pn…

more tranny research:
they believe they are in some sort of metaphysical hell.
God. As an atheist I hope they just kill themselves already. Their delusion relies heavily on retarded mind-body duality bs.
Anonymous 84230
>>84178I love her so much! top-notch character design, I'll try to draw her asap
Anonymous 84245
>>84230can't wait to see your art!!
Anonymous 84264

You heard it here first ladies! any male who identify as anything other than male can now identify as a lesbian
Anonymous 84274

>>84178So how’d you ladies’ Birthing People’s Day go?
Anonymous 84275
>>84274Smoked some weed with my mom, I don’t like to talk about drugs but also that’s what happened
Anonymous 84277
>>84274You made BIO Chan stunning gg!!! wwouuhh
Anonymous 84278
>>84274Made my mom cookies and gave her a mug I bought. She actually mentioned how much she hates troons, specifically biodudes in women’s sports
Anonymous 84284
>>84178>>84258>>84274holy shit, congratz on this amazing creation
im not a fan of mocking the suicide statistic but i cant get over this
Anonymous 84286
>>84284 I didn't think that deep about the suicide rate!! Maybe that was too insensitive!
Thank you so much uhuhu
Anonymous 84287
>>84286Ntayrt what about having the bionote detect if the troon who's name has been written has been up to no good like agps, misogyny, abuse, porn addiction etc or if they've been indoctrinated in transitioning bc they've got internalized homophobia or something so it helps the ones who deserve it and punishes the ones who choose to be degenerates
Anonymous 84288
>>84287>>84286Super cute design regardless btw will definitely draw later :3
Anonymous 84289
>>84286Don't worry, joking about male suicide is always funny.
Anonymous 84290
>>84289Very true but you know it's harder for people to digest indiscriminately zapping every troon to the shadow realm, vs zapping only the bad ones who deserve it and helping the ones who need it idk supervillain vs superhero vibes
Anonymous 84291
>>84290>>84287I like the original idea
If she is in a good mood-> salvation
If not byebye
Maybe she can gives 1chance before the 50%
BIO Chan gots mercy
Anonymous 84321
these people.png

>>84256Reminder to always mention how male they look/sound in public if possible. The quicker we accelerate trannies to their mentally ill final 42% conclusion the better.
Anonymous 84322

>>84144Their mothers will always be better than them, it would be so nice to remind them that they were born from a woman and that, that woman is much better and sane than they are by a long shot.
Anonymous 84329
>>84322Picrel is eyeopening. They want to become women out of their own failure/laziness, not just because of the “gender euphoria” of living out their fetish.
We have HSTS and AGP. How about LTT? (Loser to troon)
Anonymous 84339
>>84322Literally incel mentality (living as a girl is easy mode uwu).
Anonymous 84346

my friend's idea!! she told me that len is also a target
dont touch the kids
Anonymous 84359
>>84346This is so cute also accurate transwomen have a weird obsession with loli and shotas…
Anonymous 84362
Are there any radfem/terf facebook groups?
Anonymous 84371
>>84178Simply amazing, praise be unto bio-chan!
Anonymous 84373
>>84258Bio-chan just wants the ride to end already, as do I.
Anonymous 84411

>>84329>>84339That's because there is a literal incel to tranny very real pipeline called Trancel.
btw beware we might have some here lurking. If any tranny lurking reads this hurry up and off yourself sick fuck moid, you are fucked up in the head.
Anonymous 84413

Average run off the mill mentally ill Trannies talking about how they would like to use their sisters as tools for breeding.
Anonymous 84414
>>84413reading this makes me feel better about being a woman knowing i can get exactly what i want lmao
Anonymous 84415
>>84411lmfao there is a transmaxx (a.k.a incels transitioning to have a better life) instruction. it's 45 pages long and absolute peak matearial
https://archive.org/details/transmaxxing2/mode/2up Anonymous 84429

>>83956If Soviets took a glance at the modern-day US "left" their gulags would quadruple in size. I don't know why they get blamed for the retardation brought about by western capitalists and western sophistic ideologues. The US "left" is anything but pro-workers' rights except rare exceptions, and it's also anti-Slavic to a degree it would make some Nazis blush. Not that the "right" is in a better state, to make it clear.
As a foreign observer, I honestly wonder why so few Americans seem able to understand how fucked, hypocritical and inconsequential their sociopolitical reality is, the vast majority of US citizens act like the inhabitants of Pompeii who calmly went on with their daily activities as the volcano erupted and spewed lava.
Anonymous 84431
>>84429The western "left" is fucked. But it is also dying out slowly rightfully so. They are being societal defined as "progressives" now aka center of left as most, at most and I'm being generous here. Things are changing though this won't remain the case. Everyone hates those fuckers except rich liberal hedonist perverted pedophile fucks that profit from their retardedness. That Jreg meme video maker was right that the center status quo was going to crumble one day when it gets more defined in the minds of more people.
People like that pedo pro-tranny disgusting moid fatfuck Vaush, ContraHons and PhilosophyTube propagate this stupidity you are talking about. It's going to be over one day though, it's being challenged from all sides now. Alternatives that are growing fast are coming up. This liberal fake objectively anti-worker left will be crushed.
Anonymous 84433
>>84431> But it is also dying out slowly rightfully soIt seemed to me they were going up in consensus with the younger generations, if the opposite is true as you say, that's really great news and gives me hope for the future
Anonymous 84437
>>84411Very telling how OP's picrel is a male gazey coom photo. No woman is sticking her tits and ass out like that just in her day to day life
Anonymous 84448

When TERFposting turns into commie posting yet again.
Anonymous 84449
>>84448the pic wtf it has to be a troll
Anonymous 84450
>>84448It’s inevitable since rad fem discussion has to eventually explain who’s responsible for trannies politically at which point the pro-trans left comes up and people either go on schizo rants about how Marx personally invented hrt or they talk about how true communists would gulag trannies
Anonymous 84455
>>84448>bepenisedWhat does this even mean lol
Anonymous 84457
>>84448kek I want to make the vagcakes
Anonymous 84459

>>84415reading this is making me feel sick, very telling that he sees estrogen as this magical happy potion that makes you crave cum. their brains will always be male and fetishistic
Anonymous 84479
Do you think it would be possible to keep other GC subreddits operating like r/FDS? We could even use phrases such as "trans women are women" as dog whistles. That would make some TRA heads go mad.
Anonymous 84485
What's a good response to this?
Anonymous 84486
>>84485Male enbies that don't want to be treated as women are free to 40% themselves in peace
Anonymous 84487
>>84485There's something so unpleasant about this video.
Anonymous 84488
>>84487I feel like the soy boy and the trannie are distinct archetypes but here we see their fusion
Anonymous 84489
>>84485why is he so smug about being a freak?
>beautiful valid lovedas opposed to ugly, invalid, and unloved? so much for him not thinking in binary terms
Anonymous 84496
my favorite cope
Anonymous 84499
most of the moids that identify themselves with anime pics like those are actually horrible looking.
Anonymous 84501

yes I'm so jealous of the twink wannabe in the dress who fucks futa loving incels
Anonymous 84504

>>84499>>84501They are mentally ill, don't talk to trannies you all already know what to do, do that.
Anonymous 84511
>>84411when will troons learned failed males aren't women
Anonymous 84527
>>84479trans women are women is not really a dog whistle. aside from that, i don't think fds will survive on much long with how much hatred reddit has for women. imo it survived this long bc they separated themselves from radfems by not being lesbians and promoting makeup
Anonymous 84528
>>84526basedddd i love it <3 do you ever post them to terfblr i'd like to reblog
Anonymous 84540
>>84455You know how a suit is bespoke to its individual person? Yeah, like that.
Though the idiots are too stupid to realize that bespoke is an adjective in all forms, so bepenised isn't real but bespoke penises is.
Anonymous 84572
Kate 1.png

Psycho TIM allows women to be terrorized in their home by other TIM because men always stick up for other men.
Anonymous 84573

>>84572Comments where he replies that these women fearing for their safety from an unhinged man are being hysterical. The part that is cut off he mentions that he doesn't care how terrorized these women become, he has a mortgage and they'll pay his rent or else.
Anonymous 84580
>>84573typical moid, calls women's legitimate concerns "hysterical" and goes off topic with unimportant details while refusing to address the main and very concerning points
Anonymous 84581
>>84572The maoists were right, we need to kill all landlords
Anonymous 84582
>>84540Is this a troll?
Bepenised is to have a penis. Like bespectacled is to wear glasses.
Anonymous 84592

>>84582I read that as having to wear penis lamokek
Speaking of the bepenised…
Anonymous 84627
>>83260Are you retarded or a man so you cant tell?
Anonymous 84636
I think she’s cute
Anonymous 84641
>>84622I wish TIMs weren’t into the same cutesy stuff I am. I just wanna enjoy cute shit without the association of weirdos who wish they were little girls.
Anonymous 84646
>>84641never seen a tranny with an actually good outfit, they try so hard to dress like teenage girls or pull kawaii fashion but they cant. ever.
end of the day they're men and cant coordinate cute fits for shit, you'll always be the true cutesy icon while they look like cheap aliexpress poorly put piece of trash.
Anonymous 84660
>>84641same. thigh high socks, skirts, cat ears are so cute. tho now i feel more confident wearing them bc i know that they will never be women and look as cute as me in them lol. we should reclaim those stuff from them, so that they could feel self-conscious and maybe stop
Anonymous 84749
Small can refer to both how far off the face it comes and how wide it is, I would describe that nose as being small for how far it comes off the face, but very wide and large in that sense.
Anonymous 84750
>If that's a man, that's an incredibly small-shoulder-ed, hairless, baby-faced man.
These exist yes, and "she" looks like one.
Anonymous 84752
>Nitpicking random tribal woman
Anonymous 84754
I was genuinely confused about whether or not that woman was a woman. If being genuinely confused is an act of hostility then I have no way of reaching any common ground with you.
Anonymous 84756

We need to start linking some theory in the op, dunking on the troons is based but learning why we're doing it in the first place is even better
Anonymous 84757
>>84754It's pretty obvious she's a woman. I don't think you're a bad person but you are kind of dumb
Anonymous 84767
I get being confused but honestly it really shows how we get programmed to recognize women by characteristics of performative femininity, like feminine clothing, haircuts and makeup. It's literally like how they put eyelashes on cartoons so you know it's a girl. It's literally the same logic that makes troons think they can be women if they put on a wig and a dress.
Anonymous 84769
>>84592Never been prouder of being an Italian.
Anonymous 84771
Even if she was objectively ugly, what does that have to do with being a woman or not?
Anonymous 84772
>>84767This. Many women can be pretty and feminine, but you don’t need to be pretty or feminine to be a woman
Anonymous 84778
We get it troon, you think you pass because "certain women look like men and it's impossible to tell", now get out
Anonymous 84801
>>84800The lesbian domestic abuse thing isn't true that's been debunked
Anonymous 84811
>>84801Can you send me the source? I want to read up on it.
Anonymous 84835
>>83997himbians are usually afab butches, so no wonder why transbians dislike them
Anonymous 84838
>>84448Imagine if someone did the reverse to some gay male community event.
Anonymous 84853

A Welsh town elects a man who uses they/them and twitter reacts
Women are never going to think of XY chromosome men as safe, no matter what pronouns are used or how campy he acts
Anonymous 84854
>>83997Not the biggest fan over gender overall but I like lesbians demanding freedom from gender roles without being forced to dent they’re lesbians
Plus the troons seethe because lesbians can now say they’re trans inclusive without ever including a girldick
Anonymous 84859
horrid tranny char…

>>84853They make me feel the opposite of safe.
Literally mentally ill men on drugs who are trying to blend in by wearing a different face.
Anonymous 84891
>>84879To be fair, quotas are stupid
Anonymous 84894
>>84891You probably also think women’s rights are stupid, huh?
Anonymous 84900

terf miku, traditional because my pc broke
Anonymous 84917
>>84914What's so great about quotas?
Anonymous 84932
>>84931Men are literal degenerates who are incapable of being good fathers. Doesn't help that they are all pedophiles inside and inherently dangerous to any child they are near. That picture makes no sense whatsoever.
Anonymous 84933
>>84931Honestly society in general needs 5% males at the absolute most.
Anonymous 84934
>>84931as if society doesn't already hate single mothers lmfao
Anonymous 84936
>>84932The Father of the children models how men should be interacted with in general. Unless you plan to completely eliminate or at least severely reduce moids like
>>84933 us as woman are never going to be able to convey that nuance.
Anonymous 84937
The only problem with quotas is that they still allow men.
Anonymous 84940
>>84917There are men who wouldn't hire women at all if they weren't forced to remember the male hatred for females
Anonymous 84941
>>84940You'd rather be the employee of some man who hates you enough he has to legally hire you into a position rather than go somewhere else? You have weird tastes in bosses.
Anonymous 84942
>>84941>he has to legally*he is legally obligated
Anonymous 84943
>>84941You need a job to live, and choosing a boss you like is a luxury for a lot of people.
Anonymous 84945
>>84943And every woman with said job is a moid without that job and that money. Simple as.
Anonymous 84950
>>84946These really were not the best pictures to make their point lol
Anonymous 84958
Some of them almost pass if you don't look too hard but so many of them are JUST tier
Anonymous 84981
>>84894No, I am a women. I just think jobs should be given to people based on merit. You deserve a job if you’re the best candidate for it.
>>84931This is a stupid argument. I was raised by a single mother, and my life would have been measurably worse if I were raised by my father. Kids should be raised in the safest situation available.
Anonymous 84984
>>84981To be fair it says "a father" not "the father." If your mom had a stable long term partner who acted as a second parent your life might have been measurably better. I'm not convinced it has to be a moid though.
Anonymous 84989
>>84981>meritYou are assuming that not a good portion of people, especially men, purposefully drag women down or always pick the male between two equivalent candidates. Your intention is noble and you mean well, but you are either naive and completely unaware of the prejudice that plagues every career that has men, or you are turning a blind eye to it. "Meritocracy" argument only works assuming that employers and interviewers have no bias based on sex, which is not true, for 99% of the world.
Not to say that
affirmative action is a good solution to this problem.
Anonymous 84994
>>84981A perfect merit system sounds nice but it has never existed and never will. Getting a job is more about your skills in networking and self-marketing than about how good you actually are.
Anonymous 84999
>>84802i've spoken to this guy before, he is a legitimate psycho
Anonymous 85007
>>84989>Not to say that affirmative action is a good solution to this problemI'm not afraid to say that it is.
Anonymous 85008
>>85007Women outnumber men in college now, so it's all good.
Anonymous 85027

>>84994This. God people who say stuff about “meritocracy” have never met a idiotic nepotism hire b4
We need to stop going off topic or I’ll keep having to post finds from the tranny subreddits that made me peak. This is a threat
Anonymous 85028
>>84999Will he 43% himself anytime soon?
Anonymous 85051

Found this and thought it was an interesting way to think about things.
Anonymous 85052
>>85051God I am so glad I am nearly flat, I know all women get harassment and leering but I feel like my lack of visual chest was a big part of why I got less of that kind of treatment growing up.
Anonymous 85064
>>84931Unrelated, but that pic made me wonder: How true is the claim that a boy growing without a father figure will very likely develop a personality disorder? Never heard the opposite about girls.
Anonymous 85065
>>85064I don't know the personality disorder thing specifically, but I think it is true that men in single mother households grow up with more problems. In my opinion it's because kids who are primarily/only raised by their dad are rare and usually the result of the guy being widowed, but single moms usually got abandoned and are in a shittier situation to give their kids stability. Moids turn out worse because they are moids, girls who grow up in bad environments tend to just get self esteem problems.
Anonymous 85071
>>85051This summarizes a lot of my thoughts regarding the differences in dysphoria between men and women.
Women (with or without dysphoria, really) want to attain humanity in the eyes of society, which we are denied the moment we're born. Men want to experience a fetish.
Anonymous 85075
>>85071This. Only exception for males is when they're gay and want desperately to convince everyone they're not
Anonymous 85077
>>85071>Women (with or without dysphoria, really) want to attain humanity in the eyes of society, which we are denied the moment we're born.>Men want to experience a fetish.Almost there, I'm pretty sure most of the type of men to do this feel so undervalued and unseen by everyone that they cope by doing this as a form of gaining some level of attention. Women drown in attention that objectifies them, while men feel completely isolated without being cared for by anyone. It's really a grass is always greener situation.
Anonymous 85078
FtM aren't rare.
Anonymous 85081
I think anon meant compared to mtf troons
Anonymous 85084
>>85083More recent study.
>https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33644314/>The age at initiation has been dropping over the past 25 years, and we have seen a steady increase in the number of FTM such that the incidence now equals that of MTF. Possible reasons for these changes are discussed. Anonymous 85085
I am the anon who originally used the term "rare" and stand by it in both meanings. when there are only 12.9 of them in a group of 100k people that's going to feel "rare" subjectively and it's also "rare" from an outside POV.
It's incredibly hard to tell in this thread that's what you meant as the default is to assume you are talking about troons in the troon thread. It doesn't help in the last thread anons were confused there were more MtFs than FtMs as well and made the same assumptions you did.
Anonymous 85087
>>85084FTM troons have been increasing because their are so many heckin valid enbies that gateway into fully trooning out
Anonymous 85093
>>85092i've never seen a cameltoe that looks like this
Anonymous 85094
>>85092cameltoe is when a woman's trousers are too tight. why would anyone want to imitate that?
Anonymous 85095
>>85093you've never seen a cameltoe with a dick underneath
Anonymous 85096
>>85028i really hope so, but he's delusional about his appearance and he has a bunch of equally aggressive twitter tranny friends so probably not.
Anonymous 85097
>>84946All of those hons are masking the creepiest faces imaginable meanwhile all the women on the bottom are posed normally and half don't even pass.
Anonymous 85101
>>84900i love this. love how you can tell she's so done with this shit
Anonymous 85193
>>85092Holy moly I’m not even mad this is just funny
Anonymous 85338

>>85083https://twitter.com/zaneemma/status/1068616160218738688?s=21Are you guys out of touch with current stats? There are more female trans people now. Listen to this interview, the practitioner says it as well and it's good to get an idea of current state of healthcare for kids (fucked). Singal isn't critical enough but it's good.
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bonus-interview-youth-gender-clinician-dr-erica-anderson/id1504298199?i=1000512227036 Anonymous 85379

question to the mikuposters itt - are any of you actually vocaloid/utau fans? just asking because i've seen some people terf miku up just to own the troons while not knowing anything about vocaloid (which i really have nothing against lel). i've just been a huge vocalsynth sperg for about nine years now and i'd love to talk to other transphobiques that have the same interests as me
Anonymous 85392
>>85379>i've just been a huge vocalsynth sperghello there
I'm not fan of Miku or any other vocaloid persona but still like to listen to them from time to time
Anonymous 85394
>>85379Not a huge vocaloid fan, miku is just a staple for weebs at this point, I enjoy some songs and have a few figs she's cute and iconic
Anonymous 85416
>>85379I've listened to vocaloid for like 10 years now and I always seem to come back to it. A lot of the vb mascots are really dear to me so it's nice seeing all of them be transphobes. I'm not too good at using the software though
Anonymous 85422
>>85338I can honestly believe that going off of zoomer media and such. TiMs may be more obvious on TV and in daily life because of their appearance but when you go into young female-dominated spaces it seems like everyone is trans or some sort of gender special.
It was the case when I was younger in my tumblr circle too. That’s was cringe enough, but now this exploration of gender expression is now a cue to parents to put them on hormones and do irreversible changes.
Anonymous 85431
i lost my friend bc of my terf beliefs and i still check up her social media occasionally. i just saw that she tweeted smt like ''trans inclusive feminism is just feminism''. i wish there was a way to peak her without talking to her directly
Anonymous 85432
>>85431You can't awaken everyone, I admire you wanting to peak her but you shouldn't check up on people who have dropped you like that.
Anonymous 85438
>>85432thanks i'm just petty i guess kek. we have a common friend tho, so i might try to peak her and hope that my ex-friend won't brainwash her into thinking i'm an evil transphobe bigot first -_-
Anonymous 85439
>>85379I also love vocaloid/utau/utaite
I'm into this since 9years old
Anonymous 85449
>>85431I wasn't even a "terf" when I first got accused of it. All I said was I didn't like dick and she went off on me. Some people are just deranged.
Anonymous 85452
>>85449yeah. tbf my ex friend posted some terfish posts like ''cis lesbians aren't the enemy'' and read some second wave feminism books. she's also a lesbian so i feel like there is some hope for her.
Anonymous 85453
>>85452That's the demographic that's most likely to peak. Eventually she's going to encounter an entitled transbian and realize that maybe they're not so different from incels.
Anonymous 85461
>>85457I love this song
we should make a vocaloid song anti troon
Anonymous 85466

>>85461>we should make a vocaloid song anti troon Anonymous 85473
>>85461omg i would be so for that… i have utau and i mess around in it sometimes but i’m not musically talented at all. i draw stupid pictures sometimes tho so i could do the pv art LMAO… such a fun project idea
Anonymous 85477
>>85473 I used to have VOCALOID and UTAU
I also have fl studio but I'm such a mess at making musics
we can still try! I also draw
we should do a group chat to talk about this project with everyone who want to be involved
Anonymous 85478
>>85477yay! i don’t really have anything other than discord (inb4 zoomer), but i don’t use it much bc shit app. i’d definitely start using it more if we had a group chat, though..! anyone here brave enough to post their tag, or is there another platform we could use to do this on?
Anonymous 85483
>>85461Another vocafag here, I’ve been lurking this thread for a few threads now, and I’d be down to help with any audio engineer stuff like mixing or even animation under anonymity (which I’m assuming everyone else will be).
It shouldn’t be too hard to make a throwaway discord account, no?
Anonymous 85484
>>85478 I'm down for discord! I have two accounts! I can share my tag and then delete it later, I heard troons lurk sometimes
>>85483You are a big help, it would be so perfect with you
Anonymous 85504
I used to not really know what to think about trans people and was overall supportive. Lately I have been noticing that MTF trannies often act exactly like cis men – no matter how they change their appearance or hormones those mannerisms they were raised into are still there.
Anonymous 85522
>>85504I'm supportive in the sense that men and women can dress however they want and I'll respect them for it, but like hell am I gonna call a penis female.
Anonymous 85543
>>85504Try all they like, male socialization is often the most reliable clock. I wish you a pleasant peak!
Anonymous 85642
anonettes help, how do i disprove the ''trans activism is the same as gay activism'' narrative, especially the idea that trans people have always existed? i have a gay male friend who thinks like this
Anonymous 85653

I also decided to hop on the train! I drew Bio-chan
Anonymous 85658

>>85642Show him this meme and tell him that troon problems are inherently different from LGB problems. Show him screencaps of TiMs harassing lesbians, show him screencaps of that one rape shelter gofundme that got shut down because of "transphobia". Show him this twitter thread (NSFL:
https://twitter.com/heke_nig/status/1383631390701281286) that exposes the reality of self-ID men going into women's spaces. Show him examples on how women are being reffered to as "birthers, uterus-havers, bleeders, non-transwomen" when it comes to discussing female issues. (If he uses the argument of "terfs reduce women to genitals" reply that this is just what the definition of women is and that it is neutral. Troons are the ones reducing women to a feeling that is heavely ingrained in mysogynistic stereotypes) Don't mind exposing to him what happened to r/TwoXchromosomes and r/actuallesbians too.
The lolcow thread already has various examples of trans activism going to far. If he is gay you can also show him examples of TiFs calling themselves "faggots" because using slurs are ok if you "identify" as a man now. There's already so many examples, I'm sure you'll find enough things to make him change his mind. Though, the sad reality is that he might simply not care because most men do not care about women's issues. Do not waste your time on him if he repeatedly ignores the problems you are trying to show him. I hope that helps.
Anonymous 85662
>>85658Woops looks like the twitter thread got nuked. Here's an archived version but it might take some time to load everything. Have patience:
https://web.archive.org/web/20210509020013/https://twitter.com/heke_nig/status/1383631390701281286If you're impatient go for that link although the videos seem to not play:
https://archive.fo/4reaVIt's very NSFW though, do not click if you do not want your day ruined.
Anonymous 85680
>>85678This is going to become increasingly common as people realise they can do it for clout.
Anonymous 85695

Popping in with the reason why I peaked- I used to be very pro trans rights because I was a teenager who experienced a lot of self-loathing about being a woman, so of course I didn't understand it much.
Well, fast forward to when I was in my 20's and went over to a friend's for a dinner get-together. Well, she had (still has after all these years) a tranny roommate named Anjie (or some other stupid spelling of Angie) who seemed really nice. I actually got along pretty well with Anjie and felt I was glad I finally met a tran so I could understand them better. Nothing uncouth happened, though holy shit these people were living in absolute filth. Like, I had to maneuver just to find footing in the living room.
I went home and saw Anjie followed me on Twitter and sent me a "hi" message. Jesus fucking christ, his twitter was PACKED with vile, violent "girldick" porn. And then I saw his ASSHOLE. Photographed plain as day on his pinned tweet. Felt like I had been violated. Well, I had. He knew I would see he followed me, that's why he sent me a message. Fucking ruined me and sent me down a rabbit hole, and now I'm a terf. Fuck these people.
Anonymous 85697
>>85678She really can’t go a month without calling attention to herself. Hopefully this will make people realize it’s a mental illness
Anonymous 85732
>>85730As much as I love Bio-chan, this is sincerely the worst art I've seen of her yet. Why the chromatic aberation? It makes it look like a seizure. Why are the eyelasses and the XY the only things not covered in the filter? It's jarring and ugly.
Anonymous 85736
>>85730Your style is really cool! I like it!! Bio Chan in a seinen anime!
>>85731 amazing too
Anonymous 85737
>>85732 I would love to see your version of Bio Chan
Anonymous 85740
>>85737>you're only allowed to criticize me if you're an artist tooYou're brain damaged as well I take it.
Anonymous 85741
>>85732No need to be this harsh. I think it would look better without the chromatic aberration as well, but otherwise it's a great picture.
>>85694>>85731Those are awesome too kek.
Anonymous 85743
>>85740I wanted to see what kind of bio Chan you would make, I was just curious. Not implying that you can't be critical
Anonymous 85745
>>85732>>85730Anon, I understand wanting to critique other people's art but honestly I'm simply happy people are drawing Bio-Chan. She's supposed to be fun for everyone to draw, you can critique but don't be harsh for the sake of being harsh. Anyway I like the art and I think there's nothing wrong with people want to draw the character and share it here
Anonymous 85748
>>85741>but otherwise it's a great picture.Not really, I would be less angry if the base anatomy wasn't so good proving the artist has something of worth buried underneath all those coping mechanisms she's piled on top of her art. And just to be clear, the more I stare it the more I get a headache, but from what I can make out the shading on the shirt is simultaneously physically impossible and stylistic disgusting. Her spacing of wording was so poorly done instead of the way it has already been shown in the thread here
>>85379 she fucked up her character size and spacing so instead of being readable as a a dictionary definition, we get jank like this.
[ noun] adult human
Which makes me believe the artist is ESL. The giant glaring silver line in the middle adds nothing. The idiot has bleed over going
from the hair onto the shirt on the lower right because she didn't manager her layers properly.
I'm now also noticing the weird displaced strokes that I believe are supposed to be hair, but are again above the filter making it pop in the most shadmanesque of fashions.
>>85745I would be less harsh if she didn't invoke the reprehensible shadman by her use of chromatic aberation. Which upon further inspection seems to be a way of coping with her glaring flaws.
I'm glad
you're happy, I'm not happy with ugly disgusting art.
Anonymous 85753
>>85748You're being so bafflingly autistic I'd probably dismiss this as a troll if you hadn't gone through the trouble of redlining the pic yourself. Most of the "flaws" you listed will not be noticed by the average viewer, and you should expect to get shittalked in return if you decide to pick apart art done for fun by amateur artists when critique is not explicitly requested. Your repeated mentions of shadman speak much more about your own pvert familiarity with his works than it does about anon's picture, as he sure as fuck isn't anywhere in my (and probably most other people's) mental bank of associations with the technique you seem to believe he pioneered.
Anonymous 85755
>>85642Ask him where all the pre 1900s trans women were.
Anonymous 85757
>>85753based anon, let people make art for fun here. The comparision to Shadman's art was espacially moronic.
Anonymous 85758
>>85753>Most of the "flaws" you listed will not be noticed by the average viewer, Multiple people in the thread have already pointed out that the chromatic aberation looks like dogshit, so no, the amateurs in this thread are already aware this lookes like hot trash. While they may not consciously, they'll just do what most people who can't vocalize why art looks like garbage do, say "I don't like it" and never pay it more attention. Just because people can't verbalize why something looks like dogshit doesn't mean they won't notice.
>and you should expect to get shittalked in return if you decide to pick apart art done for fun by amateur artists when critique is not explicitly requested.At any point have I acted shocked I would get shittalked? Artists who can't take critique do it all the time. It's their choice whether they improve their garbage or not, as they can decide if they want to be the steaming pile of shit that can only output manure or actually improve.
>Your repeated mentions of shadman speak much more about your own pvert familiarity with his works than it does about anon's picture, as he sure as fuck isn't anywhere in my (and probably most other people's) mental bank of associations with the technique you seem to believe he pioneered.He certainly popularized the damn thing, and it's fucking disgusting. I'm glad you've been so perfectly able to avoid remembering garbage like Shadman, it must be nice either being so new to the internet you don't see him posted, or have such shit memory you don't remember getting exposed to his garbage.
>>85757Don't make art like Shadman if you don't want to be put in the same cateogry as Shadman. Simply as for anyone with two braincels to put together and doesn't hide under a disgusting filter.
Anonymous 85760
>>85758>While they may not consciously, they'll just do what most people who can't vocalize why art looks like garbage do, say "I don't like it" and never pay it more attention. Just because people can't verbalize why something looks like dogshit doesn't mean they won't notice.To add onto this, please note the number of miners coping by describing it as being "for fun" i.e. admittedly implicitly it doesn't look good, but it's okay because none of us are taking this sincerely. It's okay if it looks like dogshit, because no one had any standards. Doesn't mean it doesn't look like dogshit, it means that everyone in this thread is
okay with it looking like dogshit. The two are not the same.
Anonymous 85761
>>85758Stop shitting up the thread with your sperg. Let amateurs post their anti-troon art here because the point of this thread is to make fun of troons.
Anonymous 85762
>>85642You can't. I don't mind gays, but both things are mental illnesses that mostly emerge from trauma.
You only show that their intent is different, so it was not as damaging. Gays' demands were a lot tamer, and now they blend into society without disturbing it too much. Trannies would never be able to accomplish this because their intent is different, much more extreme, illogical, and radical. An example of this would be expecting lesbians to fuck trannies. Gays never expected straits to fuck them, and never cried about homophobia when they refused.
Anonymous 85766
>>85762How tf is being gay a mental illness?
Anonymous 85768
>>85765Absolutely adorable! I want that facts juice she's drinking…
Anonymous 85782
Bio-Chan Laughs at…

New bio-chan art fresh off the presses.
Anonymous 85783

Anyone watched Eurovision yesterday?
Everything felt Americanised, but I am not surprised (USA will have its own "Eurovision" with the same name, only about it's states). They tried showing that they are woke and tried pandering to LGB(T) community.
And of course the pandered only to trannies trannies… And 1 milsecond of rainbow flags during a performance.
- One of the hosts is a troon Nikkie Tutorials who looks bigger than other hosts (even taller and wider than the other man).
- They gave him more unnecessary screentime than anyone else, which is shocking. They forced a man who had "persona" Conchita Wrust (AND he dropped this persona many years ago, just to end up wearing women's corset and a wig for this Eurovision), they had a very short interview.
- Before voting results, they decided to add "WHY ITS OKAY AND VALID TO LOSE UWU" spoken by Nikkie, where he would talk about few random advices that your parents would tell you if you'd lose to someone in a school competition. Was completely unnecessary because it made people feel even more anxious, but they needed to pretend that they actually "care" about mental health.
- Australia (in Eurovision kek) ended up dressing up like a twitter person from 2017, and during her interview she was holding a huge trannie flag on purpose, during voting results too.
Honestly, the only positive thing that happened was that Russia sang a song with references towards domestic abuse, the fact that half of country's families don't have a fathee and the way patriarchy and the country treats women by trying to push them trad-only propoganda. (If you'd want to check the lyrics translation, I recommend checking lyrcistranslate.com, because they put explanation towards small references).
Anonymous 85792
>>85783Damn. Looking at picreal I can’t believe I never suspected Nikkie was trans. I did the “oh she’s just tall and plus size” cope for way too long lol
Anonymous 85798
>>85783>>85792He used his angles very carefully on yt, never showing his full size.
Anonymous 85799
My best friend and I used to always make fun of her because we both thought she was really ugly without makeup and thought she looked like a massive ogre. Somehow neither of us guessed she was trans, we just though she was ugly.
Anonymous 85801
>>85792>>85798>>85799>passing troons don't exist<don't realize that Nikki is a troon until it's pointed out
Do you gals even TERF?
Anonymous 85806
I don't really like bio-chan's character design, the colors are all over the place and the outfit is tacky and kind of coomer-y.
Anonymous 85808
>>85806Wrong, blue and red were made for each other
Anonymous 85813
>>85762> I don't mind gays, but both things are mental illnesses that mostly emerge from trauma. If that were the case, we'd have a massive population of lesbians.
Anonymous 85814
ntayrt, but just stop
Anonymous 85832
>>85732>>85811are you two retarded or trolls? do you expect a fucking meme about a terf vocaloid be on the level of mona lisa? go to reddit and hang out with neckbeards kek (also i think
>>85730 is pretty af but unlike you i won't force my opinions on others and be autistic abt it)
Anonymous 85833
>>85755tras jump and say we've always been here, there were people who didnt identify with their agab and lived as another one… can you even win against this logic, i've seen some people even argue that joan d'arc was a trans man kek
Anonymous 85841
its some tranny from v/t threads, they started seething about the board again yesterday
Anonymous 85842
>>85798you could see nothing but his face full of cakey makeup and fat kek. a huge catfish, but his voice always sounded too odd.
Anonymous 85847
You are free to use different clothes, even colors
I don't mind evolution of Bio Chan
She is supposed to start a drama between Troons not in here
Anyway feel free to draw her in different ways
Anonymous 85848
>>85806I don't get that one. If wearing skirt and crop top with stocking make it coomery well let's not dress her at all.
Anonymous 85850
>>85379Yes! I've been a fan since 2012
Anonymous 85855
Can we please stop derailing the thread?
Anonymous 85856
Let people draw shit if they want. We will all improve at a point. That is not the way you talk to other that will help.
Anonymous 85862
>>85635Based and terfpilled, radfem separatist island when
>>85695This is why it's so important to recognize there are no good trannies. There are trannies who hide their degeneracy better/have some level of discretion, but all of them are coomer scrotes once they think they can get away with it.
I had mtf friends in my tra days and all of them were sex pests. Trying to send nudes, asking for feet pics, trying to get me to rp to "help their dysphoria", etc. Troons are the worst of scrotes imo, their brainrot is just so pervasive.
>>85777This is really cute, anon!
>>85765Love this, if this was a sticker or something I'd buy it
uwu >>85853This isn't an art board, I don't think anyone itt is a pro artist or something. If you wanna sperg about how shitty the art is here, close the tab and go to an art board or something. You come off as a seething scrote or a literal autist (maybe both?) just replying over and over to artists itt with "this is ugly" or shitty "critique". This isn't Drawing 101, we aren't in a critique session, and people are enjoying the stuff posted, so why are you so pressed?
Anonymous 85867

>>85862>Based and terfpilled, radfem separatist island when I hope someone made a terf island in ACNH. I'd visit it.
Anonymous 85886
Anybody else here remember an article about a man who died, I think in Canada, and somebody sold his crossdressing photos at a flea market, then it wound up in a museum? I remember it because he never identified as trans in real life but they changed his name after his death to his fetish name, the photos he took of himself were also clearly sexual, not just crossdressing. Trying to find the article on that again.
Anonymous 85888
>>85886Who knows, he might have transsed out if he'd been born today.
Anonymous 85899

>>85867This one?
https://www.sfmoma.org/exhibition/april-dawn-alison/I will say it is super irritating that every article I could find on this guy acts as if he was trans and only refers to him as "April," and goes on about his crossdressing like it was some work of art/deep shit and not just another coomer fetish.
>These extraordinary pictures […] explore a wide range of feminine archetypes drawn from advertising, motion pictures, and fetish and pornographic imagery, revealing a rich inner life filled with as much humor as pathos, as much joy as lonelinessLike that's a lot of words to say this dude got his jollies off crossdressing (like many men do). He would just be another ~crossdreamer~ on fetlife CD/tranny groups if he was born a little later lmao.
Anonymous 85907
>>85801I'll be honest, I have never been able to tell. But then again I have face blindness so I can't even consistently recognize cousins so I'm probably an outlier.
Anonymous 85909
>>85899Yes anon, thank you! This is just so odd. Mainly because this person also didn't have any say in these photos being published after their death at all.
Anonymous 85910

>>85907Honestly, passing isn't even that relevant. Because even if a troon passes they are still their birth sex no matter what. If you do find a passing troon online, usually there's filters, makeup, posing and smart camera angles that help. When you see that same passing troon irl there's things they simply cannot hide. (and of course there's manerism too, etc…).
And even if there was a 100% passing toon out there, this troon will still be their birth sex no matter how much they try to tell us otherwise.
Anonymous 85920
I wondered that too, not to be that person but I wouldn’t clock Nickie, tall women exist and neither would I clock Blair in that bridesmaids photo. I only clock them because I know that they’re trans, I don’t go obsessing about how random women look
Anonymous 85921

>>85841Every time. Troons will make a career off of picreal type comics that were made 100% seriously but go on an imageboard to critique women’s shitpost images.
Anonymous 85922
>>85918>what is being pointed out to me in the lower left?It's his butt pad.
>>85920>I only clock them because I know that they’re trans, I don’t go obsessing about how random women lookOh no there's no point in going full schizo and trying to find random troons around women
Anonymous 85934
>>85910Agree. I wish more people would stop getting themselves bent out of shape for not being able to clock troons since, like you said, they'll always be men. Online troons don't matter but 99% of troons are insta clockable irl, where it actually matters. It's just the smug attitude troons have when they succeed in duping people into thinking they're natal women that bugs me to no end.
Anonymous 85940

>>85910Jesus, Blaire looks like a different species to the two women he's standing next two.
>giant head>giant hands>awkwardly angled with one leg slightly out/up to stick his hips out and give some sense of curvatureDidn't he get a shitload of surgery? Imagine going through all of that to look like a freak next to any real woman.
>>85934>It's just the smug attitude troons have when they succeed in duping people into thinking they're natal women that bugs me to no end.It's because that's literally part of the agp fetish. The thing is that most (any) of them don't pass next to a "cis" person, even if they get trooned out as kids. Skeletons don't lie. The only way they pass is either by mutilating themselves beyond recognition or manipulation of filters/angles/specific body poses to exaggerate curves. Moreover, maybe 1% of them are actually androgynous enough to "pass", but that will fade quickly as they age (see Jazz Jennings).
Anonymous 85972
>>85543>Male socialization is often the most reliable clockThis. Didn't even think somebody was trans until I saw him going on and on about watching literal child porn to "help bust who did it". Typing full out essays about his batman-esque backstory. Sure enough I go look and it's a man.
Anonymous 85986
>>85972It doesn’t even need to be anything weird to out themselves. Just their style of writing is enough. Always so self assured over dumb views, ready to pick an argument over anything, self entitled, mentions of violence, etc. Word choice too (e.g. “females”). Women’s speech is shouted over so much in society that troons don’t even consider that they are writing like men. They literally do not know what women’s speech looks like or how it works.
Anonymous 85994
>>85972>>85986AYRT, even before I peaked, I was noticing differences of socialization even in the emails I would send as opposed to a male colleague.
I don't know if it's just me, but I tend to try and come off more friendly than professional in business emails, plus erasing any sign of "laziness" (eg. "Send from XYZ device" taglines) just so people don't perceive me as "annoying girlboss," and I can do my job in peace. On the other hand, men can get away with writing one-line emails on their phones while most likely in bed.
HSTS tend not to consider that they'll get clocked in ways other than appearance, and that, surprise, there's more to being a woman than pornifying yourself. It's SO easy to clock once you know what to look for.
Anonymous 85996
>>85910troonpoints rollercoaster photo makes me kek everytime i see it
Anonymous 86000
hi anons, any recommendations for gender critical science articles/papers? like the ones who debunk brain sex, sex being a spectrum, about dysphoria etc
Anonymous 86002
>>85994Writing more than simple oneliners can come off as pandering or insecure.
Young women seem to overcompentsate a lot in my biz, I think we have a tendency to start out feeling a need to pad our messages like a Lisa Simpson speech. But it backfires as it wastes time. Stay short and sweet.
Anonymous 86004
>>86002I've actually started doing this lately and I feel a lot better about how I come off in meetings and on paper. Sorry to derail the thread a tiny bit with my mailsperg, but thank you for the reassurance too!
Anonymous 86005
>>86003omg thank youuu >.< i'll be reading those
Anonymous 86034

>>85996It makes me sad because it reminds me of what was lost.
He was such a cute boy and now he’s a freak Anonymous 86039
>>86034I mean he's a closeted gay man who has such a hard time accepting himself he's now calling himself a lesbian. He wasn't happy or well adjusted back then either, just in a different closet.
Anonymous 86047
>>86039He's an autogynephile freak, not a gay man.
Anonymous 86126
>>86034He will always be Nicholas Parrot.
Anonymous 86130
can someone explain who tf exactly is john money and why is he such a big deal when discussing the term 'gender'? i know he's apparently a pedo who made fucked up experiments but that's it. papers and books are also appreciated!
Anonymous 86352
>>86351Samefag, but I found this weirdo on r/femalefashion and of course every post had at least one positive comment. His account is u/gamingmadirocks. So fucking creepy.
Anonymous 86357
Screen Shot 2021-0…

>>86352Sometimes people are good.
Also, all his posts have really low upvote percentages, thankfully
Anonymous 86358
>>86351Why god, why did you give that creepy moid legs like that and I got flabby sacks of cellulite
Anonymous 86360
>>86351This guy was talked about a lot in lolcow's Reddit thread. Please don't make me see him again.
Anonymous 86366
>>86351i want to vomit. god men do not look good in crop tops and skirts definitely accentuate their non existent hips.
what even if is that styling choice lmao the colors clash so much omfg
Anonymous 86381
>>85504I wonder why mtfs don't really try to unlearn their male socialization. Surely they must realize it clocks them? Not to say that they would be women if they lived according to feminine gender roles or internalized the harmful parts of female socialization, they're obviously still not, but it's interesting to me that they fixate so much on physical appearance over social dynamics. I guess that's very male too.
Anonymous 86382

>>86381To be fair they probably do not even realise they're socialised male since they benefit from it.
Anonymous 86384
>>86351Holy shit, is that the goblin that masturbates into his shoes?
Anonymous 86385
>>86381because being trans is not authentic, it is a fetish, a perversion. simple as.
Anonymous 86391
>You can't jerk off in the mirror to social dynamics.
Also anon was also implying that trannies even have a social life to begin with. They dont. They are mostly internet sick freaks. They absolutely hate it when they have to live in the real world.
Anonymous 86412
>>86382>>86381they realize, it just doesn't behoove them in any way to concede that this is male-specific behavior. continuing business as usual and instead mocking women for rightfully recognizing that they're psychotically entitled freaks like all men is just how they like it. that way they get to DARVO us on like, 13 different levels.
Anonymous 86446
>>86382 and
>>86391 said, but additionally, I think a lot of them don't want to lose their male socialization. After all, it got them jobs, social dominance, unquestioning handmaidens, the "easy way out" with being able to loudly scream "TRANSPHOBIA" at anything that doesn't go their way.
It's the same thing as seeing some asshole husband make a scene at the grocery store at his wife and kids, just with a sprinkling of harmful degeneracy on top.
Anonymous 86466
>>86465That's the terf flag I think
Anonymous 86475
Can't help but laugh at how they insert themselves.
Anonymous 86481
>>86465It's the original suffragette flag, but the gender movement has taken it and made it into the "genderqueer" flag
Anonymous 86484
>>86481Oh that makes sense, I got pretty confused when i googled it and only saw genderqueer stuff
Anonymous 86518
>>86476Op e-begs for money to "transition into the ethereal living breathing monster high doll I know I am" for hrt they started when he clearly couldn't afford it.
What's with troons getting surgery dates and starting hormones when they make minimum wage and then panic when their $10,000 crowdfund doesn't reach its goal?
Anonymous 86520
>>86518*he not they, gotta get over my habit of using they and cut to the chase when it's a troon
Anonymous 86525
>>82982why is begging now so normal? it seems like if you're black or trans you can get away with begging for almost anything.
Anonymous 97601
>>82952requesting some terf youtubers/bitchutes/e-cishet women to listen to. I remember watching a girl btfo riley dennis.
Any recommendations for someone just getting started?
Anonymous 97605
what's the point of this thread man, can we even change anything? the internet will always be like this, best to keep crystal cafe a corner where we can be safe, dont focus on the trans community just focus on friends and make sure they dont troon out or something
Anonymous 97608
>>97605It might not be the worst idea to actually post tips on how to prevent friends from trooning out. It's too risky/difficult to peak most people so there might be more subtle ways to do it
Anonymous 97610
>>97608okay because real talk? an old contact of mine in his late 20's has fucking trooned out and I wish I knew what to say, how does his fucking parents let him get away with it he's mentally unstable
Anonymous 98490
I assume they mean specifically prostitution and maybe pornography are like rape.
Anonymous 127171
>i fucking ca nt
were you born after 2003?
Anonymous 127172
>>127171You're responding to a 10 month old post.
Anonymous 127178
>>127172nta but necroposting is a local culture
necroshitposting, like that anon, on the other hand…
Anonymous 127192
>>84811i would also like to read more about this. i'm curious where the original statistics come from, being as i imagine it was a fairly limited study. (unless this is something that's been studied throughout the decades in global locations/not just inter-city burgerland and canadia.)
Anonymous 127193
>>84767It's pretty interesting. I was raised with my mom calling my stuffed animals 'she' and calling random animals 'she', which was nice because I never defaulted to things without eyelashes or skirts being boys. I easily recognized women, though, even the women in my region of the PNW who frequently had short hair and wore jeans and flannels and big puffy jackets. I could still tell they were women. Meeting an actually androgynous person is pretty rare.
Anonymous 127194
>>127193SA random animals without obvious gender dimorphism, that is. Like, at the zoo the zebra or giraffe was a she unless proven otherwise.