Women’s Safety Anonymous 100312
What lengths do you go to to ensure you’re safe? I personally don’t go to house parties and prefer to be home before sunset.
Anonymous 100452
>>100312I don’t go outside at night and when I do, then not alone. I don’t go to any parties and I don’t drink. Also I always have my phone on me wherever I go
Anonymous 100455
>>100312i keep a stun gun in the outside pocket of my bag where i can easily grab it, and i have my bag with basically any time im out of the house.
im legally not allowed to have firearms but if i could, i would concealed carry.
Anonymous 100457
>>100455How'd you end up becoming a prohibited person?
Anonymous 100458
>>100457aggravated assault when i was nineteen. im still a felon technically
Anonymous 100459
I carry a pistol.
That's pretty much the only thing.
Anonymous 100469
I don't go outside alone at night, I don't drink or drug (for my health not just safety), I don't date men, someone always knows where I am, and I also dress masc most of the time. It's a gamble whether that last one works.
Given three of my demographics I should have been assaulted by now but it hasn't happened. I'm very lucky.
Anonymous 100485

I carry around hairspray since pepper spray is illegal here and you can be punished pretty severely for carrying or using it, and sued by the person you used it on pretty easily, even though rapists only get 6 months to 2 years in prison. With hairspray you can claim you had it in your bag for using on your hair and that you used it in the heat of the moment when you were attacked.
Self defense in general is really strict about how far you're allowed to go. If you subdue a home invader you're not allowed to hit them with a baseball bat or anything like that. If someone beats them up before the cops arrive you're going to have a fun year or so in court trying to prove that they continued to pose a threat the entire time, i.e. were getting back up and attacking you, and you weren't trying to stop them from running away from the scene as that's no longer self defense (but if they ran away the police would not search for them and they'd get off scot free)
wtf? pic related.
Anonymous 100564

>>100485Do you have long hair, nona? Start wearing it up so you can use a hair fork for hella plausible deniability
Anonymous 100570
i live in a pretty safe area but during night i stay out of alleyways or corners where no one else is. also back at home before 12 because then no one is around then.