
Anonymous 100314
Why are men so pathetic?
Like I’ve heard how men kill themselves more often than women blah blah. But literally women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men. We just aren’t big babies about it and just carry on with our life’s. Men are literally just weak minded.
Anonymous 100318
I’ve been told multiple times that my depression isn’t real because I’m a women and that women can’t actually be depressed all from moids so like honestly I don’t care. Your brother was weak and he did a shitty thing to your family without thinking about the repercussions and how it would affect anyone. Typical moid behavior.
Anonymous 100322
>>100314Men are only more likely to kill themselves because a) they have no children or b) they have access to a gun which means killing themselves is a lot easier
Anonymous 100324
>>100318Your disregard for people suffering from the same condition as you while also whining about having the same condition unacknowledged makes me think you're a narcissist with no self awareness.
Anonymous 100326
>>100320I don’t know her so it’s not my job to dance around her feelings
I’m sorry but you all complain and talk about how you hate men but when it comes down to it none of you actual do. You’re all just so desperate for male attention because you see it as validation and honestly it’s kind of pathetic. The only reason you hate men is because they don’t give you the time of day.
>>100324No I actually just hate men
Anonymous 100327
>>100322its not like all women have children, and anyone can have access to a gun.
alao many fathers kill themselves too.
Anonymous 100350
Your brother was a loser and the world is better off with his weakling genes gone from the genepool forever. Genuinely relieved he died before he got to ruin some woman's life.
Anonymous 100351

Speak for yourself. I tried to hang myself and lived only because I can't tolerate pain. I am far more pathetic than any male, and I should promptly kill myself, but I won't.
Anonymous 100354
Lashing out at people for no reason seems kinda dumb to me
Anonymous 100358
Of course not. Women deserve sympathy, men don't, simple as.
Or do you actually expect me feel bad for the people responsible for 99% of all murder, rape, slavery, theft, assault, arson, sex trafficking, and every other crime since the beginning of humanity? Oh boo hoo on less moid to ruin the world, how will women sleep at night?
You know how those sleep? Safer.
Anonymous 100360
As a woman, she deserves sympathy for her pain, the moid who caused her pain doesn't. If anything he deserves extra scorn for selfishly hurting his family like that because moids are just fundamentally incapable of not creating pain and suffering everywhere they go with every act they do.
I'm just hoping someday she can learn to understand the world is better off without her brother and stop feeling that pain.
Anonymous 100364
She just doesn't know any better yet.
Anonymous 100366
I sometimes wonder if it's just because women aren't as prone to taking drastic actions. In every way, men are more risk-friendly, this should include suicide. Women are more careful and will have more anxiety in the face of an earth-shaking decision like offing yourself.
Anonymous 100370
Maybe their willingness to leave behind a mess shows how awful they actually are. Women use pills, ovens, or they hang themselves, sometimes they slit their writs but it’s always in like a contained area. Even in death we still think of others. Men spend their whole life’s thinking about themselves. Women. Are truly Devine
Anonymous 100395
>wahhhh think of the poor rape-murder-monkies feelings
Do moids ever think about women's feelings when they're enslaving, raping and murdering us? Did that particular moid think about his families feelings before he killed himself?
Of course not, because moids are incapable of empathy, they care about nothing but themselves, so sorry if I don't cry when one of them finally does something good and rids the world of himself forever.
Anonymous 100397
And who created that system? They did. Moids cause all their own problems then try to blame us lmao.
Anonymous 100399
It's not our job to comfort moids when they're being crybabies.
Anonymous 100401
Sometimes I feel like I've hit rock bottom, that I'm a terrible human for the intrusive thoughts that sometimes invade my mind
but then I come across a thread like this, and it wakes me up like a cold shower, that I'm not that bad, that at least I'll never be this evil.
Anonymous 100402
>>100401Not woman can ever be as evil as a moid.
Anonymous 100413
>>100366 Yeah I think women are more conditioned to cope with shitty situations. Like imagine if every abused wife lashed out in the same way men do when faced with adversity. Plus like 99.9% of mass shooters, war criminals, serial killers, jihadists etc are men, yet plenty women are in the same desperate living conditions as them they just don’t lash out the same way.
Anonymous 100416
>>100401yeah, I'm not the type of comparing myself to feel better about myself but this thread makes feel like I still have hope even though I can have some unsettling thoughts.
I get disliking moids or even hating them, but when it comes to mental illness it's a different story and I will never understand people so miserable to the point they start to shit on people with mental problems.
Anonymous 100422
Go to 4chan instead then by all means. Simp for the moids, see how much sympathy they have back for you.
Anonymous 100428
Pickme posts get deleted, yes. Almost like this isn't a pickme site or something.
Anonymous 100430
>>100428it's a shame that basic empathy for people regardless of their gender means she's a pickme to you
the world isn't as black and white as you think it is, regardless of your reasons to assume it is
Anonymous 100432
>>100430I'll start having basic empathy for the murder-rape-monkies called moids when they start having basic empathy for anyone else by NOT being murder-rape-monkies.
Probably no time soon then.
Anonymous 100438
Figures, no real woman would be upset over her loser incel brother dying.
Anonymous 100463
Actually I’m pretty sure the statistic is that women attempt suicide more frequently than men, but more men actually succeed in their attempts. This is probably because men are more likely to own firearms, whereas women are more likely to attempt suicide through less lethal means (doesn’t mean their depression or desire to die isn’t genuine though). I think this topic is a slippery slope because I’ve seen moids use this statistic as an excuse to say that women are attention seekers blah blah blah.
Anonymous 100471
Mods will always be biased everywhere
Anonymous 100479
>>100314Isn't it partially to do with method i.e. when women do try to kill themselves it is reversible means if they are found like overdosing on drugs whereas men blow their brains out with a shotgun.
Anonymous 100803
>>100322I mean it makes sense - if you're a genetic dead end then why not?
Usually the sorts of men who kill themselves weren't remotely decent people. Life is so easy for men that if you somehow managed to not get a wife and child then you're probably an asshole.
Anonymous 100880
>>100463you're not entirely wrong, my country has over the last couple of decades implemented much stricter gun-control laws and the percentage of suicides by shooting has dropped from above 50% to less than 10%, but other methods, particularly hanging or strangulation has risen from less about 20% to closer to 50%, and men are still three times more likely to kill themselves.
Anonymous 100906
>>100463>less lethal methodsThat's a common misconception. Differences in methods are real but are a fairly small contributor to the disparity in mortality rates. Men kill themselves 2x as often as women do, overall,
and this is reflected within low lethality methods rather than being a difference in method selection. 7% of men who attempt suicide by drugging or poisoning die, only 3% of women who attempt with that method die. If men and women attempted suicide with identical methods across all categories the male suicide rate would still be ~2x the female suicide rate.