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Hetero but i exclusively watch lesbian porn? Anonymous 100740

im curious if anyone else can relate… i consider myself straight because im only attracted to guys and only ever fantasize about having a future with a guy, and i have absolutely no romantic feelings even in fantasy about women but i DO think they’re really sexy. i only watch lesbian porn, but not even soft lesbian porn, like strap on rough stuff. i mean is that normal?? i really don’t consider myself lesbian

Anonymous 100742

I'm hetero but I only masturbate to solo porn (not sure if that counts as lesbian) - just a gal and her massive dildo

Anonymous 100743

omg i watch that too.. ig women are objectively sexy whereas with men it’s hard to find them attractive without knowing their personally

Anonymous 100745

Why do even anons here watch porn. It's coomer and moid brained.

Anonymous 100749

Some women like sex and being sexually stimulated.

Anonymous 100753

equating porn to sex(ual stimulation) is retarded male logic

Anonymous 100754

How so? Masturbating is a normal thing and some people want a visual aid.

Anonymous 100756

porn isnt a requirement for masturbation even if you want a visual aid. the anon who asked that more than likely dislikes porn for reasons other than it being used to masturbate to

Anonymous 100758

I didn't say it was required, that some people simply want it.
I know porn industry is exploitative towards women and sex workers and usually made with the male gaze in mind.

Anonymous 100774

I'm the same way tbh i think it's bc hetero porn makes me like actually nauseous unless it's super soft/sensual. Also women are just more physically pleasing to look at, tho all of my fantasies/crushes are on men

Anonymous 100782

>I don't care if women are exploited because I get off to it
you're male

Anonymous 100783

I think women can handle porn in ways men can't. I've known women who've watched porn since they were like 12 and they're still normal people with good jobs (think lawyers, accountants etc.) and functioning friend groups and relationships.

Anonymous 100784

Not all porn is made through exploitation, most of it is.
Although I think boycotting the industry isn't a good thing. It keeps it unregulated and they keep getting away with it. I think there should be more programs to protect sex workers.

Anonymous 100787

I mean technically all porn centres on masturbating to the bodies of strangers you don't know, which is necessarily objectifying. Perpetuating the objectification of women is exploitation.

Anonymous 100788

Nta, but it's possible to both avoid watching women getting abused AND advocate for/hope for programs to help women.
I'm mainly homo, horny, and avoid porn since I cannot comfortably get off to a video of a woman whose wellbeing is not guaranteed. It's easy. If you've seen enough porn your brain should be able to visualize things.

Anyway, on-topic for OP, you're bisexual. People with either preference like to avoid the term but sexual attraction to men and women is bisexuality. I'm bisexual despite preferring women, you're bisexual despite only dating men. I understand the term comes with a weird amount of baggage.

Anonymous 100789

I think it's because women know porn is not real based solely for carnal desires. Whilst men think porn is reality because all the think is sex and eagerly wait for sex to happen to them at anytime.

Anonymous 100791

I think that's probably right and is why the notion of a female 'coomer' doesn't really make sense. There are definitely women pick-mes who claim to be high libido because they need constant sex to feel validated in relationships, but note how different that is from male coomers (they aren't doing it to coom - they're doing it for approval). But those types of women probably aren't sitting at home looking at porn - they're the types who end up having a lot of casual actual sex

Anonymous 100805

Women like Nemu disprove this. Though you could argue some of her fetishes intermingled with pick-me-ism, the radiation poisoning was very much for coom only. I've seen many female artists who definitely have weird fetishes that are porn influenced (object fucking, mpreg, inflation, etc.).
It is more rare than in men, though. We're a bit less disgusting but still capable of being that way.

Anonymous 100891

porn sucks and everyone should quit watching it.

however, to answer OP, bc I used to be the same when I was a lot younger, I think it's because when you watch women doing it, you know how it feels. So the psychology is like you are able to insert yourself into the sensations more easily bc biologically you can empathize. And this probably just works better for you than other types.

Just like how a lot of fujoshi (especially the Aidens of the world) tend toward wanting to be completely divorced from the porn in order to enjoy it. I would not be surprised if many women who enjoy gay male porn have some kind of body image issues or sexual trauma.

Anonymous 100893

same except I don't watch porn, I just look at pictures

Anonymous 100897

idk who Nemu is - I googled her and got someone from Bleach, but I assume that's not her (and if that is her obviously you can't take cues about human psychology from a literal fictional character). sorry - I'm out of the loop

Anonymous 100910

Sorry, she's more well known on lc I guess. And CC lately seems to have separated its culture from there to a certain extent, for the best.

Anonymous 101010

WOW thanks for this. okay she's truly NLOG

Anonymous 101166

>>lawyers, accountants
>>normal people
moid brained

Anonymous 101167

Youre either gay or bi and disconnected from your inner feelings towards other women or consumed too much male targeted media and porn/fantasies

Anonymous 101314

if a man claimed to be straight while watching and enjoying gay porn everyone would laugh at him, but women can say shit like this because attraction between women is not deemed as real as attraction towards men.

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