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Am I just bisexual or a lesbian? Anonymous 101662

>only had sex once and it was with a girl
>only ever kissed a girl
>watch only lesbian porn
>never had a crush on a nonfictional guy until college 1-2x
>heart beats rapidly when I see a girl in a bikini

Am I just a baby lesbian?

Anonymous 101665

I think having a crush on fictional guys is quite bisexual

Anonymous 101666

Sexuality is on a spectrum op, there is no right answer.

Anonymous 101668

no offense op but does it really matter? just date who you want. if someone asks just say you don't care about labels

Anonymous 101724

I agree w otehrs that it really does not matter and however you try and define it is not gonna change what you experience but what put really made me realize I was lesbo was how much I hated male attraction… I would try n convince myself I was attracted to whatever guys in my life but the second that was reciprocated I shut down lol was not fun… once I realized my experience was completely opposite w girls I knew… so op I think it rly depends on how u feel abt your crushes (thats at least how I figured it out)

Anonymous 101737

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Fictional men can look quite feminine though, like bishounen.

>>101662 OP, if you hadn't mentioned this:

>never had a crush on a nonfictional guy until college 1-2x

and that you still never had a crush on any guy, for any reason, I would have said that in your case you would sound pretty lesbian. But as with many things, it's not that simple and will take alot more context or exploration. There have been gay guys claiming to have developed crushes on their female friends, before. My lesbian ex-girlfriend claimed to watch exclusively only gay male porn. Sexuality is weird.

Anonymous 103061


Tbh I'd consider myself lesbian if I weren't obsessed with yaoi, all the fictional crushes I have that are male are homos too it's as if I can only feel attraction to the male form if I know for a fact it won't be mutual
It's a different story in real life, I have little to no attraction to males at all but since it isn't zero attraction it would feel dishonest to call myself a lesbian
I see lesbians get so much shit from trannies and moids in general, I would feel bad identifying as one since I don't share their experiences
Honestly I'm just happy I never convinced myself that I was a gay man trapped in a woman's body or some shit

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