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Women who are "better moids than moids" Anonymous 101723

Have any nonas felt, as I have, that women can sometimes be "better men than men"? I do not mean this in any way that flatters the masculine, but rather that women echoing masculine energies can add this touch of class to it that's just irresistible.
This thought occurred to me when watching this TikTok video (yes I know TikTok is cringe but just watch it). The woman in the video is obviously impersonating a creepy dangerous moid but, somehow she carries it off better than any moid I've ever met.
The way she carries herself, it's just menacing, without any self-conscious narcissism. Pure desire. I'm a rape victim and if you haven't had it happen to you, rapist moids' raw intention and lust is nowhere near hers,' you can like tell they secretly want you just to impress their friends.

Anonymous 101727


tfw no assertive creepy lesbian gf

Anonymous 101730

need her

Anonymous 101743

She doesn't feel threatening at all. Just a girl that wants to joke around. Maybe I'm very biased because I'm mostly only afraid of moids though and women seem disarming to me.

Anonymous 101744

Yeah, this anon is right. She's not threatening because it's too obvious that it's performative and hyperbolized for the comedic effect. Men are threatening when they make off-hand remarks such as the one in OP's pic because men are not nuanced enough to have subtext. If he 'jokingly' suggests something, he means it. Only women have the ability to layer these kinds of jokes, making them, you know, actual jokes.

Not to say that women can't be threatening, but a physically threatening woman is an emotionally unhinged one with clear mental health issues. This isn't it.

Anonymous 101747


Anonymous 101749

I've had other girls tell me that when I'm nice to them it scratches the same itch they have for male attention. I'm neutral about it because I really couldn't tell you if it was flattering (I like making people feel special) or insulting (I don't like being perceived as masculine).

Anonymous 101752


Anon why are you so defensive about this, she literally is an actor who is layering jokes.
>the video is a POV TikTok clip, a comedy setup
>passive "please don't leave" instead of the commanding "you cannot leave" like a creepy moid would say, not threatening
>gets her face lightly slapped and flinches instead of remaining poker-faced or slapping back like a creepy moid would, not threatening
>abashedly turns off TV after Blue Hustler music starts playing, a comedy trope
>mixes up the roofied drinks, a comedy trope
>"very flat and non-emotional" her face is very expressive and she changes her expression every 2 seconds, not threatening and actually very light-hearted in nature
A very popular form of humor, anon. Stop being intimidated by hot women with good acting skills, you coward.

Anonymous 101754


nta, but you just called someone else defensive and then continued to copy paste the biggest reply of the thread so far to defend the TikTok chick? kek.
I'm sorry that OP gets PTSD from 6/10 role playing though.

Anonymous 101756

you anons have terrible reading comprehension

Anonymous 101766

As a lesbian, I would go on a second date with her for sure.

Anonymous 101851

because of poe's law it is impossible to know if it is satire or not.

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